I'm going to see this tomorrow with my girlfriend. What am I in for?
I'm going to see this tomorrow with my girlfriend. What am I in for?
does >she still have a penis?
When last I checked, no. She dresses like a boy and has a boy's haircut though.
an decent movie with very good SFX except the parts where the SFX are quite terrible. Seriously. As a whole the CGI is outstanding, but then it a few parts it's laughably bad. How they let this happen I'll never know.
You'll dump your gf because you'll fall in love with Alita instead.
I just watched it and it sucks, I was cringing so hard all the way through I dislocated my jaw and now I can only eat soup
A great time.
*ex girlfriend.
She'll get irrationally mad because subconsciously she'll realize she's got nothing on Alita's feminine charms.
Also this.
A great movie and a good time... unless you are addicted to the Marvel formula.
It's got great entertainment value, dont go in there ready to sperg about following the pacing of the manga. It's honestly one of the best directed action movies in recent years, and it looks spectacularly well produced. I went with a female colleague and she loved it, she loved the romantic arc too even if I found it a wee bit melodramatic at times.
If you're a retarded zoomer faggot you probably like it
is this real???
Thanks bros. I heard that it does the whole "female empowerment" thing pretty well so I thought she would like it.
Yes. It's a scene in the film.
It was my wife's favorite movie for the year.
post pic
Be careful coz this has a very high chance of happening.
utter cringe
she prolly is going to have a good time like the gf of the guy beside me on the theater
she was mocking the movie the whole night and had good laught at hugo falling down (which was a bad cgi to be honest) cant blame her some cgi was hilarious bad.
A movie with worst script than capeshit movies, not kidding you.
Hold her hand so this doesn't happen
Based movie review.
What kinds of soup do you like?
Seriously how can you fuck up so badly with the dialogue, the entire movie is a cringefest because of how bad 80% of the lines are. The best scenes are the ones where no one is talking.
OP, don't listen to this dickhead, unironically near perfect film. You and your girl will have fun
>it's been 300 years bro, get over it
>ido says x
>alita says x again
>Grewishka kills someone
>no one gives a fuck
>Grewishka kills a dog
>*puts dog blood in face for no reason* I DO NOT STAND BY IN THE PRESENCE OF EVIL
>flea, flea, flea, flea lmao
I can't believe I got memed into watching this dreck
An existential crisis in which you realize your meat bag gf will never be any near as perfect as Alita
>(which was a bad cgi to be honest) cant blame her some cgi was hilarious bad.
What ? Can you explicitly say what was bad and name a better movie in this range ? Just for the lulz.
Stick to Rick and Morty
Poor baby! Did you cry when the street punks were slapped around by a purpose-built special forces android? :'(
>my girlfriend
This meme literally needs to end. Fucking normies.
>*puts dog blood in face for no reason*
What did you mean by this?
>*puts dog blood in face for no reason* I DO NOT STAND BY IN THE PRESENCE OF EVIL
Does the echo in her mind before she says it not clue us in to this being a ceremonial thing from her past? It's some kind of oath or creed.
Merkt das zwölfte Stück, ob du raschlich mit ihm enden will. So nehm dein Gewehr und Schwert zusammen im Futteral, und schraub dein bionischen Arm ab und werf ihn heftig nach ihm. Nach der Werfen lauff auf ihn zu und nütz Panzerkunst oder Gewehr, je nachdem, was du am besten passt.
>end him rightly