How can we bring WASPyness into the 21st century?

How can we bring WASPyness into the 21st century?

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Create WASP art. damn the media and go off on your own.

Yea but it needs a new setting. I feel cyberpunk has good potential.

Problem is that no true WASP institutions really exist anymore.

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Honor the ones of the past, then

what about ivy league schools and country clubs?

Thats why we need to redefine it as an institution. Its better than liberal PC culture, marvel movies, and mumble rap

>how do we bring wasp into the 21st centurey
>posts a picture of a cowboy

bro, i dont think you know what a wasp is.
Is like a being a rich asshole who non ironically plays tennis and wraps a sweater around himself

Yea, thats why its dying. WASP culture needs a call back to classic American values to promote more conservatism. You telling me WASPs don't love Clint Eastwood, John Wayne, and Gary Cooper?

They are...with Captain Marvel.

You will see why the world does not like Yankees. She acts just like one.

Give it back to the Meds. Who saved Westerns? Sergio. Who sold NY to the world? Marty. Now you cucks made a film about Queen Anne and filled it with Negros, while a literal autistic Greek managed to make a more faithful adaptation. All the while Bongland produced a blacked Illiad. Sorrentino made the Young Pope, while Lindelof wanked over blacked Asians.

Literally just find Italians, Greeks and shit and let them helm stuff. They love WASPy stuff because that's what they grew up with and saw as foreign. You won't find a single person there that doesn't like Westerns. Most fucking love Knights and Kings and shit.

>ivy league schools
Loads of diversity now, and most of the male centric private organizations have been banned
>and country clubs?
Zoomers and millennials aren't really into that

W.A.S.P.s are unlikable.

They think they are pure as the driven snow, because they don't do dirty shit- Jews do their dirty work for them, and are rewarded for it.

The W.A.S.P. establishment is still very much on top of the American food chain. Don't fool yourself.

by owning the majority of the wealth in the world while paying lipservice to identity politics like
t. (((Wasp Boi)))

Nigger, I don't think you know what a wasp is. It's a white anglo saxon protestant.

Im italian-american ;)

Thats because they built the global economy and led the industrial revolution. They have a right to be snobby.

WASPs have a stranglehold on the Ivy League system, all Federal Government agencies, the Republican Party, and the financial system. That is quite a bit.

>You telling me WASPs don't love Clint Eastwood, John Wayne, and Gary Cooper?
The "WASPs" you are reffering too, the rich elites, don't. American WASPs who are still rich and influential firstly don't concern themselves with media. And second, they LARP as British Royals and shit, in their way of life. Cowboys and stuff are too "dirty" for them. They go to private clubs, operate their vineyards, ride horses, play tennis, have important jobs, that shit.

No, they didn't. They have been stroking and preening since WWII, and they have been screwing up since WWII- because they pay Jews to do their thinking for them, and they expect their Protestant Jesus to reward them for it.

Everyone knows they've been dealing (decadent) since the 60s but they ran shit from the 1600s to WW2. Henry Ford, the Wright Brothers, Thomas Edison John D Rockefeller, ect ect

WASPs lost their sense of noblesse oblige and sold out to the Jews and globalism. The Bush family is a perfect example of the fall of WASPs. HW Bush spent his entire life trying to fuck over other white people and turn America into Mexico.

WASPs used to be the highest tier of whites and made America what it was but after the '50s they became crypto-Jews. We should never have let them read Ayn Rand.

WASP-phobia is an interesting phenomenon. It makes for some bad movies (Get Out) and some good ones (pic related). Did it start geting mainstream in the 80s because of Reaganomics?

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*declining not dealing

Lol my two WASP friends love Ayn Rand.

Anyone can go bad after getting rich... and it wasn't like they were ever particularly honest.

Pre-WWII, the had a mixed reputation... shady business and legal practices, alleviated by brilliant organization, and sometimes remarkable generosity.

They don't make them that way, anymore.

rich people dont care about thier race or nation. They only care about profit.

You arent rich either, you are a stupid petit bourgeoisie who thinks you are rich

They all do dude, it's crazy. It's like a mind virus that flattered their sense of individual freedom, personal responsibility, industriousness & innovation, etc. while simultaneously perverting those traits.

It would be hard. Today people only associate WASPs with material wealth (that they're jealous of) while WASP culture has been forgotten and WASP values are under attack.

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Atlas Shrugged is a pretty Jewy book

Reaganomics in the 80s made for some kino desu

Im not a WASP and don't quite understand them but I do like their country.

In "Coming Apart" Charles Murray made the point that rich WASPs still pretty much have the same values and culture that they used to and it's poor whites who fell behind, but IDK if I completely buy that Something about these people definitely changed, and I think it was when they started to see America as a place to do business and not as a home.

I am a full blown build-the-wall MAGA Trump supporter...

... but I am rooting for Latino Alita over W.A.S.P.y Captain Marvel. Probably means something, :/

Eh, Alita is Manga and cyberpunk is a cool genre while Marvel is overdone

W.A.S.P.s are too snobby for their values to be the whole country's. (faith in democracy and equality are definitely NOT among them, by the way).

Poor whites did not "fall behind"- we passed them. We accepted the principle of equality... they never did.

The WASPs became so arrogant, they started to mistake their flaws for virtues.

It is not just "their" country, user- but they think that it really is, and they are just letting the rest of us live here.

That is the worst thing about them.

Yea but they wrote the constitution. So even if I do my own version of the American Dream, Im still being WASPy.