

Attached: 1550835828893.jpg (750x1024, 43K)

Ace Combat 7 is an objectively better game than any of its PS2 predecessors

I'm the sole sneedposter, jannyposter, marvel vs dc poster & baneposter

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I liked the Netflix Punisher series

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I would like to tickle your holy neck

I barely even watch tv and just talk about the same few shows that I’ve watched dozens of time

I secretly love movies.

I actually like BvS

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ive only watched alita twice so far. ill go again when i get more moneyyy tho

I like every movie i watch. I like some much more than others of course but the lowest level of disdain i'm able to muster is "well at least they finished, that's something"

This is propelled by the fact that i just can't immerse properly in any movie and most times if not all the time i'm mostly thinking about the process behind the scenes and can't just get myself to discard the effort put it by those that made it. I wish i was less aware and just process art by itself.

I used to think this was cool and intelectual but it's just a frustrating distraction.

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I never get dubs

First season was kino I don't care what the autists here say

I liked Alita but I don't think it's as good Yea Forums wishes it was.
Same with nuBladeRunner.

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I have only ever seen 5 Disney films in my entire life.

playing Prey and rewatching Dr. Strange invoked a rampant unshakeable lust for an actor that I cannot seem to explain, and having them star in a shitty tv series is preventing me from killing myself

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I'm a relationship with someone half-way around the world and I know I don't make them happy. I'm just too much of a fool to leave and frankly I think I might kill myself if I do.

When I was 7, my neighbor friend (also 7) looked at each others penises in his room. He wanted us to touch and told me to go first, so I just touched his with my index finger and then he just grabs my whole dick and balls. Pulled my pants up immediately and ran home. Only hung out a few times after that and it was awkward.

Just jimmied myself in my car before coming into HR Block to do my taxes. Gotta have a clear mind

She posted this right after Valentine's day, should I kms?

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i think JLaw is attractive, especially her fat arms and cottage cheese ass

We just can't fucking win can we?

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I don't like mean posters

Me neither, I just wish everyone was happy and could find someone to love. To be truthful I even think it would be nice if gays could find lifelong partners as well. Everyone deserves to be able to feel loved and more than anything I hate that our society makes purity and love impossible.

Yeah, this is really fucking gay my dude. I don't like mean posters, but I don't like faggy hugbox shit either. I only agree with your very first sentence.

i literally never watch television and very rarely watch movies
i spend entirely too much time on Yea Forums shitposting and bumping other shitpost threads. i don't know why, but it's the only kind of humor that makes me laugh anymore. Jannie thread? bumped. Jussie Smollet thread? bumped. Reply says B A S E D? It was probably me. I'm sorry to anons genuinely intrestested in television and film.

I do not watch film with jew or nigger in them

Same, but I think 2049 was slightly better.

Honestly I'm not feeling too good right now. I'm feeling a mix of anger and sadness and I just wish that we weren't all so lonely. Yeah what I'm saying sounds faggy since I'm not really thinking it out too much.


Yeah, I know what you mean. It's just so tiresome of being told to "go back to [wherever]" when I've never ventured off here really at all. Just some weird fucked up mindset that if you don't hate everything and join in on the hating, you must be a redditor or whatever the fuck buzzword. Like, no nigger, I just don't want to be pissed off all the time.

I like all of Bayformers more than most blockbusters including Bumblebee.

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I have a decently active sex life with 3 different girls but i come on here and pretend like i'm a kissless huggless handholdless virgin because ____________________________it's fun_________________________________________________.

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Also it doesn't help that we're forced to endure the mind melting stupidity and wonder of actual mentally ill "things". I refuse to even call them people. Of all the jobs the mods have, and they do nothing. Just let the mentally ill roam free and make everybody else miserable because there's no effective way to get rid of them.

Just got 1200 back boys, time to pay off that DUI

based /scumposter/

I've seen every single movie in the Marvel Cinematic Universe except for Ant Man and the Wasp

but in all seriousness, please stop posting, you two. you're embarrassing yourselves.

wrote a 12k word essay on why I love it. It's the only piece of media to ever make me weep
I wrote a 7k word essay about superhero films for a film class final. I got an A on it and the professor told me she loved reading it.
I love every movie in the MCU except Iron Man 2, 3, and Black Panther. I think I might actually burst into tears when Cap dies in Avengers Endgame
I hate everything by Pixar
I'm repulsed by sex/sexuality. I can't even look at a nude woman without feeling physical pain. I instantly skip any scene in Game of Thrones where you can see a breast.
I hate the film Whiplash because my dad sexually abused me until I was 16 and was exactly like JK Simmons, although he was obsessed with baseball rather than music

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Meant to say that Big Hero 6 is my favorite film

How do i get a decently active sex life with three girls?

be hot and have high social standing. i have absolute shit tier social skills, but i'm very masculine and handsome and i'm also /fit/. i also have a very respected and high-prestige job, so my social value is high and i'm seen as "a catch." when you have these going for you, all the weird autistic shit you do is seen as "quirks" and you get away with them.
>tfw not also born with charisma which is the most important part

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The only girl i ever liked told me she just doesn't feel the same way about me anymore and that we should stop trying to make our story work.

the fuck do i do now??

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There should be 1 /cara/ general allowed a day.
Doesn't necessarily mean there will be one, but one can be allowed for caraposting.

Forgive me father for I have sinned. I am the OP responsible creating and for starting the /ABAG/ - Alita: Battle Angel Generals. I had no idea the monster I was creating. Its out off my hands now. God forgive me for what I have done.

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I'm going to become a doctor so i have the high-prestige job in check. Also i'm an extrovert with good social skills so no problems there. I could lose weight but i don't know if i'm hot. Anyways isn't being masculine more of a personality trait than a looks thing?

I feel that with me it's mostly about the fact that i don't have the energy to meet up with girls and hang around with them enough that it leads to sex.

I'm saying this completely unironically, but antman and the wasp was actually fantastic. The word is overused here but it was very comfy and wholesome.

Based. Had it not been you it would have been me. It's a necessary evil.

>>I'm going to become a doctor so i have the high-prestige job in check.
good. remember that the type of medicine you practice makes a big difference too. a surgeon is much more fuckable than a psychiatrist, for example. also, i'm assuming by "become a doctor" you meant an actual MD. if you're going to get a doctorate or be a dentist or some shit, don't even try.
>Also i'm an extrovert with good social skills so no problems there.
>I could lose weight but i don't know if i'm hot.
i'm sorry user, but if you could lose some weight, you're not hot. excess fat hides any good bone structure you have. anything you wear will look like shit on you. work on this first.
>Anyways isn't being masculine more of a personality trait than a looks thing?
it's both. the way you look announces to the world how they should treat you and interpret you. to be masculine you need to look and act the part. one of the two is not not enough
>I feel that with me it's mostly about the fact that i don't have the energy to meet up with girls and hang around with them enough that it leads to sex.
this doesn't make sense to me and it's not a good sign. you're only going to have less time in the future. if you're struggling now then you either don't care or don't have the social skills you claim to have.

anyway genuinely wish you good luck, user. dont forget to like and subscribe for more sexlife advice.

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When I was in 9th grade I cummed in a quesadilla and got this one asshole I didn’t like to eat it. He said it tasted good and I told him 2 years later what I did. Then I told other people and they praised me and started bullying him and I don’t feel bad about any of this.

Post the essay.

Understandable, most action flicks aren't much better than bayformers.
I hate you.

I have over 2 terabytes of trans porn. I have 3.4 terabytes of bm/wf porn. I shitpost on Yea Forums constantly pretending to be /pol/ and hating niggers.

I’m gonna work on the extra fat but i genuinly don’t know if in the end i care enough. Something is taking my energy down when it comes to women but i don’t know what it is. I’ve had many people telling me i’m really social or that i’m good at talking ect, plus i’ve never struggled to get to know people. Anyways thanks for the advice, i really need to look into why i don’t have the energy.

Also, how do i look masculine? I dress well.

Are you a wizard

No the quesadilla thing led to me getting laid but it’s too long of a story

Your post is comforting, as indeed it was a necessary evil. Thank you user.

I meant that it sounded like some magic ritual shit user, should've remembered that wizard had another meaning here.

i watched the departed when i was 14. i didn't realize damon and dicaprio were two different characters. when i watched the ending it still didn't click

either I wasn't paying attention or I have the iq of a potato. i'm thinking potato desu

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I like TFA

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I like interracial porn because the B/W contrast makes the actress stand out
But I don't like gangbang, it's gay

>i really need to look into why i don’t have the energy.
yea. this. get it sorted out. it's something you should care about enough to at least try.
>Also, how do i look masculine? I dress well.
mostly dressing well. make sure your clothes fit you well. dress like a man. it's fine to slum it with a t shirt and hoodie and jeans on a casual day, but never gym shorts, sweat pants, etc. dress like a professional but not like an autist or a reddit MFA. its a fine line to walk. think J Crew model.
The other part is just genetics. my jaw line is very sharp and chad-esque which helps tremendously. just have handsome bone structure. losing weight will make you look way more handsome as well because it shows off your facial features.

I don’t have the sharpest jaw but still as you said, it always looks better with smaller fat percentage. And i feel that i have the charisma thing on my side anyways.

I once was in a LTR with a normie girl who eventually left me when she realized how little we had in common. It might have been for the best but she was the only GF I ever had. Now I spend my years lonely and wishing things were different. You might think all I need to do is focus on my career but I don't know what I want to do and nothing pays enough for me to live on my own. I used to have dreams but them and my confidence are dead. How do normies do it?

Oh and I browse this stupid board because it's almost like someone's listening to me.

I report every video on YouTube with niggers in the thumbnail with the exception of police shootings

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this is based my man

Roasties demand jobs, pay equity and gender equality in the workplace and then wonder where all the rich men are when they've diluted the market so much. This isn't about film or television, roastie hate threads are the comfiest thing I have in my life right now.

Based people made some faggot in my elementary school eat batteries on the bus he killed himself a few years later he probably would of died from aids if we didn't bully him

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I'm listening

don't worry fren some of us will always be on your side

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If you kill yourself do it on livestream so people find your corpse before it stars decaying because that will lower property value
>I would lend you my shotgun andI1 shell irl if I knew you

When I was in middle school this friend of mine killed herself from elementary school. No big loss she wasn't a looker but I was mad at her for a long time for doing that and leaving me to face life alone. Now I wish I had her courage. I'm messed up from the whole experience and the years of utter loneliness since have only aggravated the problem. I wish I was a normie that didn't think too much about the past.

theres this 16 year old that's madly in love with me but we rarely get to see each other and i'm super lonely and frustrated cause of it

I hate my life
I feel I possibly had chances to not be lonely but I always self sabotage myself and push away people and hate myself for it. I can't imagine being in a relationship with anyone, I just feel off and this is the only place I feel I can fit in.
I can't remember how happiness feels like

Kewl did you get to touch her boobs at the funeral?

you'll be fine user. the charisma thing is huge. if i wasn't handsome i would literally be a KHHV poster. charisma is the most important part and if i do fine without it, you'll do fine without the gigachad features. good luck, bro.

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How does one get charisma when they're loaded with self-loathing and sorrow?

I almost exclusively watch science fiction blockbusters, especially capeshit.

I think "Golden Age" Disney movies are crap

I would hate you for having a great life but since you post Apu, I won't.

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thats what i'm still trying to figure out, user.

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i havent watched a film in 5 years

Are you not white or autistic?

it's a meme. do small smiles more often and people will see you as approachable

im an alita shill
and i do it for free

i hate niggers and jews, father.

i also hate the rest of the nonwhites and i hate homosexuals. i also hate the janitorial staff.

how many hail marys do i need to say for you to declare a crusade?

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None, go with God, my son.

Girl at I had crush on, just found out she's fucking other co-worker. I've been over her for 6 monhs, barely even think or talk to her, but now it hurts again all of the sudden.
I don't want her, but it still fucking hurts! What the fuck and how do I stop this?


I'm addicted to porn and I hate my life

How many flicks have you watched?

lol same shit here. Saw it at 17y.o. after being up for 24 hours, and got completely lost in the plot. Who is cop, who is gangster, who is a rat? Was so confusing and they looks too much a like to me. Didn't understand shit
Re-watched it years later and it was kino

Don't. Hate people and never smile.

I pee on the floor in cinema toilets because they are always empty

I once stood in the corner away from the urinals and aimed for them

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dunno, the last TV show I watched was a marathon of all Deadliest Catch seasons

It truly is a numbers game, mate. You're going to have to expect a big number of disappointments both IRL and if you use Tinder or something. Your average joe has probably had more failure than success.

I haven't seen a movie in 8 years

Sometimes when I see a cute girl my peepee starts feeling weird and gets all stiff

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I haven't seen a movie in 29 years

What is this? Some kind of Asian instagram thot?

>Tell myself I won't masturbate today
>jerk off 3 times
>repeat next day

when I first got a gf I would pre cum when she held my hand

I was 18, It would run down my leg and mess up my pants

It ruined it, if she wanted to touch it and never got to do sex stuff because she thought I was being weird pushing her away from it

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I killed robin williams
absolutely unironically based

We're all gonna make it user

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Who /alcoholic/ here?

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Some of you won't.

I voted for Alexandria Occasio-Cortez.

You were doing God's work user.

Who doesn't?

All gangbangs are gay except lesbian gangbangs.

Big Hero 6 is kino.

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If I get candy/soda/popcorn at a movie and I have leftovers, I dump it all on the ground.
Not like setting the bucket down, but like actually pour it all out on the floor in front of my seat.
I've never been caught but I still don't know why I do this

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how long have you had this compulsion?


Since Episode 3, so like 04/05 or whenever that movie came out

I hate Vietnam but love the Vietnamese people. My wife once mocked my penis size though and that was very shameful.

Probably the same as people who piss and shit all over public toilets. The power of getting away with something other people don't want you to do and nobody knowing it's you.

You're a dead man shill
promoting anti-Yea Forums ideals like this

I'm really mad rn that they keep banning loli content on leddit

I've been false flagging as an anti-sneedposter for the past few days since Moeposter has been slacking off a bit and he is what has kept the meme alive.

My life is going very well and I don't have any issues I can think of right now. I only post here while working just because my job is a bit mundane but that's it. I try to bring on-topic discussion to threads as much as I can and generally try avoid negativity.

You did what you had to, I forgive you and so will God if you ask him.

you should at least stop doing the drinks because that shit can stain.

Bless you user.

I love your work.

I cannot respect anyone that identifies as a "gamer". As soon as I learn that someone plays videogames, I stop listening to them and just think about how stupid they are.

based boomer poster

Was it Mads?

We are on the same wavelength.

Im a 31 years old male (female) and a NEET. I wake up everyday in fear and regret. This was not what I envisioned as a kid. It all went wrong. It keeps going wrong.
The cold weather is driving me fucking nuts, and now I cant even leave the house and be miserable outside.

At least I can shitpost with you guys.

TV Confession:
I'm still awaiting the new, shitty Star Wars trailer and the massive fallout that will come from it.
Nothing is holding my interest this year and I need a good laugh.

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I have a healthy sex life and socialize regularly with lots of different friends. I only pretend to be a beta incel when I'm here to fit in.

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If someone uses the word cuck or roastie, I write them off as the insecure retard manchild that they are.

you reminded me lad
this might be autistic as fuck but i notoce this girl i know posts about the same shit i do like copies me
i swear she does and im not going insane if i post about something like music then she does it too etc

I have a bad habit of pissing in bottles and cups when I've been drinking upstairs since the bathroom is downstairs on the other side of the house. It gets so bad that on cleanup days it takes several pic related buckets to transfer it all to the toilet. One time I pissed in a 1/2 full 32oz fountain cup with coke and ice in it after filling up an empty pint, nearly spilling over. My gf found the cup a bit later and drank the whole thing before I realized. She asked me what kind of soda it was and i told her vanilla coke since i knew she hadnt tried that flavor before and it's the worst coke flavor. She still doesn't know she downed about ~16oz of piss cocktail

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man what the fuck

>She asked me what kind of soda it was and i told her vanilla coke since i knew she hadnt tried that flavor before and it's the worst coke flavor.
fuck you

If your piss tastes like soda you are literally a few big gulps away from getting diabetes.

>My gf found the cup a bit later and drank the whole thing before I realized. She asked me what kind of soda it was
>She still doesn't know she downed about ~16oz of piss cocktail
oh.. she knew..

I'm Ashkenazi but don't follow judasim
>Uncircumcised blue eyes but deep down I know I'm part kike

Mads is good in everything. I even enjoyed Polar because of him.

>tfw I will never get my eyelids back

Why even live


I desperately want to try writing a screenplay but I assume I will fail so I refuse to start.

unironically it's not real I knew some cunt in highschool she would just drink and do coke instead of taking insulin cause she didn't like needles. She would pass out sometimes but that just ment we could drink her liquor

is there a reason why this image gets a lot of replies sometimes and not others?

Are you from Vancouver or why don't you have eyelids

He really is a treasure. Though I wish there were more directors that could utilize his talents.
I have to put Polar on my watch list, I havent seen it yet.

Thank you kind warrior. what's the job?

Cause janny is on a cum binge and hasn't deleted it yet

I got 40,000 words into a novel last year in under a month.
If I can pump out that much schlock, so can you.
The trick is just to keep writing, no matter how much bullshit comes out.
Then go back and edit after youve finished.

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go away

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I never thought I'd say this, but you're the only good thing left about this board full of mental-illness-ridden pro-tranny anti-racism pedophile faggots.

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These are the faggots who need to slit their wrists. You unironically do nothing except spread your misery and ruin places on the internet until they devolve into your degenerate reddit-tier impulse-driven subhuman mutt-IQ hugbox containment zones. Every place you invade, you subvert into a sounding board for your own mental illness and I wish to God a mod would come along and ban all your faggot asses with the same ease that they do people who post about opinions that make you retards kvetch. Snyderposting spics were better posters than you desperate, pathetic, wannabe LARPing faggots and pedo cunts. Kill yourselves.


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Moot left this site years ago. Kill yourself with the rest of them, mass replier.
I bet you think sagero still works too

I was gonna smoke my friend out but his bitchass girlfriend was there and I didn't wanna waste my shit on her

/pol/tards really need to stay in their containment board

Middle guy is literally me.

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Don't forget
>Not horizontal

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I haven't seen these movies:
>The Exorcist
>The Texas Chainsaw Massacre
>Night of the Living Dead
>Evil Dead
>The Shining
>Dawn of the Dead
>The Sixth Sense
>All of the Harry Potter movies
>All of the Lord of the Rings movies
>Pulp Fiction
>Napoleon Dynamite
>The Room
>Die Hard
>All of the Godfather movies
>A Clockwork Orange
>All of the Kill Bill movies
>All of the Blade Runner movies
>A Nightmare Before Christmas
>The Big Lebowski
>The Shawshank Redemption
>Saving Private Ryan
>All of the Rocky movies
>All of the Matrix movies
>All of the James Bond movies
>All of the Indiana Jones movies
>John Wick
>Taxi Driver
>Hellboy 1&2
And I own a lot of these movies on Blu Ray. I just can't find the time to watch them all. The list was much bigger but I've tackled a few down.

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wow! i'm a real fan of your work. do you mind if i ask for an autograph?

About half of those are pretty great and you should watch them when you get the chance. Go through the ones by Kubrick, Coppola, and LOTR, Blade Runners, Taxi Driver, and, even though they're kikes, almost everything by the Coens.

You remind me of the Babe

I unironically love Sneed.

I'm here only for the cunny threads.

I won't watch anything that is older than me.

I actually like Deadpool

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I have no motive to watch good films anymore, and only watch garbage to fall a sleep to.

faggot cuck


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>tfw 6 (You)'s
thanks, loser. stay mad.

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Might just have to change your work if it consistently makes you miserable

I'm queer. I'm gay. I'm homosexual. I'm a poof, I'm a poofter, I'm a ponce. I'm a bumboy, batty-boy, backside artist, bugger. I'm bent. I am that arse bandit. I lift those shirts. I'm a faggot-ass, fudge-packing, shit-stabbing uphill gardener. I dine at the downstairs restaurant, I dance at the other end of the ballroom. I'm Moses and the parting of the red cheeks. I fuck and I am fucked. I suck and I am sucked. I rim them and wank them, and every single man's had the fucking time of his life.

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My GF is depressed which makes me depressed and want to end the relationship

Even tho I watched many long, silent, " boring" for normies movies, I couldnt get through whole 2001 Odyssey and I never finished it.

He cute