/Jazz/ General: Proud Mom Edition

>Quick Guide To Transitioning

>Latest Jazz Recap

>Offensive Billboard Removed

>Jazz is Sauronpilled

>No Eulogies For Jazz

>Metal Gear Pop!: The Phantom Penis

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Other urls found in this thread:


First for noise music in the Jazz general, I'm bumping Merzbow. Gotta meme Jazz into music.



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I dont think I can keep reading these threads, Im starting to feel sick

It all seems like a giant joke, but it isnt, isnt it?

Can I get a quick rundown on this pic?

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what's the name of jazz's thicc friend?

What’s wrong with white parents, more specifically white moms? Why do they allow this shit to happen?

Dudebro, where's your hairline??

Is TLC paying him enough to be Jazz's bf for season 6? Has this situation been discussed?

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none of them strike me as particularly skinny

>jaron bloshinsky

Oh wait, was she a great big fat person?

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not in enough detail

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i mean the girl from the last episode who said she was jazz's best friend. she sat next to the noelle fag

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>jazz named his penis caterpillar
>named his "vagina" butterfly

Wonder what gave him that idea? ;^)


smug Ari lol

Greg looks great, but then you notice Ari and that's when your sides depart for orbit

It's frightening honestly.

those fucking shoulders

>Be next obama with passable tranny wife
This is really what he thought would happen

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Taking on a new form, yes. Although Jazz is not a real trans-sexual, but he thinks he is. He tries to be. He's tried to be a lot of things, I expect.

Look for severe childhood disturbances associated with violence. Our Jazz wasn't born a degenerate. He was made one through years of (((systematic))) abuse. Jazz hates his own identity, you see, and he thinks self-harm makes him a trans-sexual. But his pathology is a thousand times more savage and more terrifying.

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I tried my hand at making some OC.

What do you guys think?

we need more alien/jazzm syhtesis memes
there's so much stuff that could be done, have you ever been mistaken for a man - no have you?, jeanette as the alien queen and greg as ripley and jazzm as newt, we got tactical smart missiles, phase plasma pulse rifles, teratomas, knives, sharp sticks etc.

Looking thick. Solid. Tight. Keep us updated on your progress bro.

subtle and redpilled


holy shit

>but it isnt, isnt it?
No, it's a union between the unbelievably grotesque and the unbelievably banal.

Now, where have I seen this stance before?

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>Manhunter/Red Dragon
Kino and based

what music did you use? its stirring!

Perfect synthesis

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post your magnitudes

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not bad but goes on for too long for what it is
could have used different bb songs for different scenes, like i was very much expecting a cut to bloodstarved beast or gascoigne or laurence themes for the kissing scenes
also for the POP moment could have just flashed a nightmare slain message or something

Attached: POP! POP!.gif (370x182, 460K)

blubborne ost

Thought I'd give it a shot. Maybe it'll inspire someone to come up with something better. Or I'll work on it more if I feel like it later.

so is it over? is there a new episode next week? when is the next new episode or season?

It's good work. Can you do a compilation of his boyfriend looking awkward and afraid with this?


Maybe smash cut to Event Horizon style gore, screaming and Jazz's contorted face?

It's from the Bloodborne vidya game. It's a dark souls game basically, but it's got a lot more horror/lovecraft themes. You start out fighting zombies/undead, and then you end up fighting eldritch horror dudes like pic related. Jazz reminds everyone of the monsters from that game.

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not a bad idea, I'll work on it a bit later when I've got more time. The amount of meme material from this shit is astounding. Everyone who can should take a crack at it.

No, it has only begun

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The most horrifying thing about Jazz is not any one of the things he has done or said on this show. None of the macabre medical procedures, preposterously incongruous dialogue, or grotesque acts of flirtation from this creature whose mind has been addled by drugs and his body butchered and twisted into a cruel parody of a female.

No, it was that it was allowed to happen, that it even came into being not to gasps and outrage, but to congratulatory festival. And that people are profiting off of this... this experiment, confounds me. Truly, I have no words to properly convey the discomfort and dread that the chronicles of Jaron's life brings me, and though my own verbal repertoire is limited I somehow doubt the English language as a whole is capable of expressing it either. This woman took an adopted child and, while he was still incapable of making any decisions beyond the intellect of a three year old, made the decision for him that he was something he was not: a female. She unnaturally stunted his growth with a cocktail of body altering drugs, culminating in a creature one would expect to find in Mordenkainan's Tome of Foes. It has no libido, and it acts according to its narrow definition of what it believes a woman is.

The horror is this: It could have happened to any one of us. This is the parents having their baby boy circumcised taken reductio ad absurdum. I cannot blame Jaron for the thing he has become. He is not a creature of his own making.

How can I? How can any of us?

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What's the latest vid?

I'm pretty sure if Jeanette was my mom I would have been turned into a cyborg monstrosity because I really wanted to be a transformer when i was little

what an absolute unit

imagine if skylar beat you up and made you suck her clit

You would have become a tranny because Jeanette's psychosis is that she wants to emasculate someone. She would have brainwashed you into it by tricking you somehow into playing with her makeup or some girls toy.


Your wishes do not matter. If Jeanette
Oh fuck it this guy beat me to it


footballplayers dont have clits, bro

Jazz is a dark lynchian horror version of The Truman Show. Truman was adopted by a studio for the sole purpose of creating a reality TV show. His entire life was a charade, his parents weren't his real parents, and everyone he met told him that the world around him was reality. Even supposed professionals told him that what he was living through was correct.

Sometimes you can spot it on Jazz's face, he is sometimes wondering whether or not this is the way things should be in the back of his mind, but he doesn't dare question it, because Doctors, friends, family, and everyone around him tells him it's right.

The difference between Jazz and Truman situation is this: There is no escape for Jazz, because even when he does finally face the reality, his balls are already gone, and he has been pumping himself with so much estrogen all of his life, that it is totally irreversible. He was fucked the moment he was adopted by that weirdo mom.

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What is her problem?

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>they're talking about dilation at lunch again

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>The face of the vagina fell off

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>This is the parents having their baby boy circumcised taken reductio ad absurdum.

And it's why circumcision has to be banned outside of the Israeli Containment State by 2025.

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get lost bitch, Yea Forums has a new crush

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does he have an instagram?

his voice was hilarious

>jazz's friend
why do I get the feeling that's not the whole story

He popped?

where is EP 8 ?

Escape is impossible.

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how dare you mock this beautiful woman in HER prime

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thanks senpaitachi

She's a kike and a narcissist, but I repeat myself.

Touched up the headband a little

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we've been doing these threads for so long and I still can't get used to how fucking goofy his face is, everyone laughs at the nose but the dumbo-ears get me every time

Imagine what Jazz's morning breath smells like

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Smells like teratoma

>Did I picture having identical twins and an identical child?
She actually forgot about her own daughter

“A 17 year old girl is just never ever in her prime. Ever. I am in my prime. Would you test your strength out on me?”

Sinister forces have corrupted my craft, user. They have twisted it from something beautiful into something dark and horrible.

I’m putting together a team, to combat this menace.

You in?

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Forgot pic!

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More like Ari is the "scapegoat" child.

Now THIS is something I can get behind

Please Architect, build us a heaven out of these horrors.

Why do all Jewish women look like Chuck Schumer.

So I'm starting to watch this. I've never watching a single Jazz episode up until now. Is it as horrifying as you lot suggest?

Jazz just venus fly-trapped some mushroom-head off the street. He looks like a petrified down-syndrome kid.

Ee transitioned?
Pöp eet

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OH! Warrior!
SJ Warrior!
Pick up your switch and follow me!
I am Mechanized tra-ha-ny

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To the town of Agrua Fria rode a stranger one fine day
Hardly spoke to folks around him, didn't have too much to say,
No one dared to ask his business, no one dared to make a slip
The stranger there among them had a big dilator on his hip,
Big dilator on his hip
It was early in the morning when he rode into the town
He came riding from the south side, slowly lookin' all around
"He's an outlaw loose and runnin'", came a whisper from each lip
"And he's here to do some dilating with a big dilator on his hip,
Big dialator on his hip"
On his body there lived a teratoma by the name of Texas Red
Many surgeons had tried to operate and many stitches popped
The ax wound was vicious and poppin'
And the stitches on the pussy numbered one and nineteen more,
One and nineteen more.
Now the stranger started talkin' made it plain to folks around
Was an Arizonia tranny, wouldn't be too long in town
He was here to dilate his pussy
And he said it didn't matter that he was a real girl,
a real girl

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Would Yea Forums still reeeee profusely if Jazz (some say Jarron) kept his underdeveloped shriveled pee-pee?

What was his keikaku when he publicly hung out with alt right figureheads and appeared to genuinely be having a good time? Like.... what did he think the left's response to that was going to be?

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why the fuck does the show producers think the audience cares about drama between the two homosexual brothers

Could the bogpill save Jazz?

Yes, but there would be less interest for sure. Jaron is still someone who has been brainwashed and abused his entire life and ended up with permanently non functional genitals that he couldn't consent to.


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I remember some anons unironically wanted to fuck Jazz when he still had the micropenis.

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The call that saved Jaron

who is this freak and why is he relevant all of a sudden?


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wait is that why he wanted to kill himself?

yes. the backlash to whatever the fuck he was trying to do with the alt right people lead him to do that, take that photo and upload it.

i refuse to believe this is real.

>"they're going to take another skin graft from my butt, then like they're going to put it over the area that doesn't have skin"
>the area that DOESN'T have skin

You sure you want to be with me
I've nothing to give
Won't lie and say this fauxgina's best
Left us in popped stitch pieces
Talk a walk, nope it hurts
No, take a rest

I see you digging a hole in your pelvis
You're crazy but you're lazy
No need to live with your negro homo
You're dialators must be seen to seen to
Tiedie like it's appendages I remember
I dialate on a daily basis
Though it seldom cools my temper
It never cools my temper

Walking through the suburbs though not exactly lovers
You're a couple, 'specially when your body's doubled
Duplicate, and then you wait for the next kuwait

Teratoma, jamaica an' roma
Teratoma, jamaica an' roma
Teratoma, jamaica an' roma

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it is. Jaron is that entitled and thoughtless
>8 years of reproductive labor that involves a lot of danger to a woman's well being
doesn't mean anything to Jaron or any tranny, since they'll ever be female or have to worry about female issues. it's hard for me to feel sorry for him.

this is acted, right? these people don't mean it, right?

I'm sure there's a lot of staged moments but I think Jaron's entitlement and lack of consideration is very real. He can larp as a woman as long as he likes and will never have to be concerned with pregnancy or female reproductive concerns. He wants to be female yet understands nothing of the gravity of what it actually entails.

Did The Handmaiden get it wrong? Will women be forced to be breeders for the patranniarchy?

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We need to update the phenotype chart

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>I dialate on a daily basis
>Though it seldom cools my temper
>Teratoma, jamaica an' roma

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Wait, Ari's ass looks like THAT?

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Not as long as they wake the fuck up, stop supporting transsexuality and realize the second amendment is one of the only things that actually makes women equal to men in physicality.
>t. have pulled a knife out to make a nigger stop approaching me at night

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>Yes, but there would be less interest for sure.
True. If this never happened there would be no Jazz OC either.
>non functional genitals
You mean incapable of erection.
He would still have intact nerve endings in his penis that his boyfriend could technically bring him to orgasm with but not anymore. Jaron will never attain sexual pleasure which will be detrimental to his mental health down the road and if he kills himself David Reimer style it's obvious his mom killed him the moment she agreed to have his son's genitals turned into *pop!*

This interaction made me realize how disgustingly self-absorbed he is

webms of Ari disgusted at jazz
i need
RIght NOw

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I'm pretty sure he just doesn't know the difference between male and female genitals and just nods when Jazz talks while thinking about how he's gonna pound a "white" "girl" later

Although TLC is not above paying for a season boyfriend, they did it on Fat Fabulous Life

Don't you fucking dare tarnish this gem

Mirin that Chad chin you could cut diamonds with. Ideal future superhero/5

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Superior Palestinian butt genes

If we play our cards right

Oh shit, I’m sorry

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Bonused and Situationpilled.

So If they find what they're looking for in Jazz's neo-urethra, does Amir get a full share?

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>also, a man with a birdcage on his head, it's super badass


What is this crazy lady plotting now?

>the boner situation

How awful must it be to be Ari though? She's a young, better than average looking girl...who's life is totally dominated by an increasingly mutilated younger sibling. She's a real girl, pushed aside and ignored in favour of a boy who's been manipulated by his mother into believing he's something he's not.

That's a real story of oppressed womanhood - and it's the reason feminism and trans-rights activists are going to clash more and more as "progressives" get more and more air-time.

When the "liberal" civil war begins, it will be over trans ideology.

That war between them is already here.

Hello /k/

Well said.

lol at dad's [audible seething] moment at 0:15

That's the expression of someone encountering something Kafkaesque.

inb4 discord tranny derailment

Fat kike ass


>Oh? A "transformer," you say? Interesting ...
>So you're saying you would like to be able to transform into something else?
>Who's that pink, girl robot? She's pretty awesome, isn't she?

Yess goy, pay attention to God's Chosen's jungle asses and not your Aryan bossoms.

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Do they still have the filter to switch races?

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who makes photos of themselves like that? fucking whores

They weren't really alt-right I don't think, wasn't it some people like Candace Owens? It got spun as alt-right of course,

Had to feel insane going so hard to the left and still being labeled a nazi.

You have my sword.

Not really sure but that seems to be the left's impression and takeaway of the whole affair. Manning thinking the left is OK with any leftist hanging out with anyone who could be called alt right for any reason... IDK what he was thinking. They dropped him like a hot potato for it. Wonder if he has since reconsidered anything afterwards.

that lasted at most a week bruh

Stale memein' on Friday

anyone have that gif of neo blocking agent smiths punches but it has
overlaid on the punches?
i knew i should have fucking saved that

Exactly this. Jazz doesn't see other people as people. They're only there to serve his needs. That's why he's so callous with everyone. It's why he has no filters. He's a self-absorbed child that has received nothing but positive reinforcement his entire life. He's the perfect monster - a fully-enabled narcissist lost inside his own delusions, only marginally aware of the eternal war within him between that self-love and his externally-introduced self-loathing. In time, the self-loathing will win and he will most likely end himself, still externalizing the sources of his depression, developmentally incapable of the requisite introspection that could save him.

It could be said that the greatest tragedy to come of the sinking of the RMS Titanic in 1912 is not, in fact, the tremendous loss of life, or even the subsequent end of Europe's Belle Époque; instead, one might argue that the true sorrow is found in modern society's failure to recall what it was that truly sank the massive vessel in the first place. For it was not any quantity of ice that doomed so many souls to the bleakest of deaths; it was man's own conceit that condemned the ship and its passengers to a watery grave. A bounty of lore and first-hand accounts tell of Captain Smith's orders to sail at full steam in order to make good time and please the American press; of a lack of lifeboats, terribly insufficient relative the the number of passengers; of pampered and powdered first-class ladies who refused to disembark the dying ship without their precious purebred lapdogs. A plethora of mistakes and presumptions which, combined, paint of a picture of man's omnipresent inadequacies in the realm of self-awareness.

In the modern era, in which we foolishly believe ourselves to have "conquered" the elements of mother nature with air travel, and the instantaneous sharing of trivial information, we refuse to acknowledge the fact that we have failed to take even a half-step away from the hubris which sank the "unsinkable." Such haughtiness is reflected in garish clarity in the TLC reality program, "I Am Jazz." In this grotesque caricature of domestic life, this monument to our vanity, we see man's hubris rise again from the North Atlantic to sink yet another vessel; an innocent boy, born Jaron Bloshinsky. He bobs as helplessly as a stricken ship on an ocean formed of the conceit of his own parents; the watertight doors of their trust failing in the most spectacular fashion as they forsake their responsibility to the passenger they bore unto the world. Not until the very last moments, when Jaron slips beneath the waves, will they ever realize the depths of their folly.

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>I waaaant myyyyyy
>I waaant myyy ooold peeeeepeeeee
>I waaaant myyyyyy
>I waaaant myyyyyy
>I waaaant myyyyyy old peepeeeeee ...

>Keyboard and guitar intro
>slow accelerando and crescendo into

>Badass guitar riff

Look at them yo-yos
That’s the way ya do it
Ya chop ya dick off on the TLC
Oh that ain’t workin
That’s the way ya do it
De-nutted scrotum for a fake vajee
Oh that ain’t workin
That’s the way ya do it
Lemme tell ya, those guys ain’t dumb
The clit fell off, we made out of yo ... little dinger
Now let us try a piece of yo thumb ...

We got to invert sexual organs
Experimental assignment surgeryyy
We got to ram them ... big dialators
Up inside your former peepeeeeeeee ...

The nigger faggot with the fear of makin contact
Yeah buddy, it’s full of hair
The nigger faggot gonna poke that terratoma
The nigger faggot goan be runnin scared

We got to invert sexual organs
Experimental assignment surgeryyyy
We got shove them ... big dialators
Into that prepubescent peepeeeeeee ...

>3-hour dialation break

He shoulda learned to flog that dolphin
He shoulda learned it’s good, good fun
Oh, look at that “mama,” she got em
Hangin in her armpits
Man, I sure don’t want none
He’s up there, what’s that? Dilation noises
It’s poppin round his bedroom with that chimpanzee
Oh, that ain’t workin
That’s the way ya do it
R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn Ph'nglui

I want my ...
I want my ...
I want my old peepee
I want my ...
I want my ...
I want my old peepee

Get your money for nothin' and your chick’s a he (Look at that, look at that)
Get your money for nothin' and your chick’s a he

Post Karl Pilkington pasta please

I've been following this from a distance.
Where can I watch all the episodes?

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Anyone have advice for setting up a match profile? I don't know what to say about myself cause the truth is I get fucked up and listen to merzbow every night while I browse these threads. I make music as a hobby but mostly I'm doing the former thing. I have no idea what to even do with a woman cause I'm pretty sure they don't wanna do that. It makes me so lonely seeing jazz find love.

If you have good anti-virus defenses: www9.project-free-tv.ag/free/i-am-jazz/

Karl Pilkington pasta

Or if you want to give them click revenue: tlc.com/tv-shows/i-am-jazz/

Just be yourself bro

congrats it's terrible

How long will it be until Jazz becomes a daemon prince for the chaos gods, and how powerful will he be as a daemon prince

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How come the HRT dick always looks tiny af but the balls look normal sized?

inb4 jazz' friend gets another PTSD episode from her 'nam flashbacks

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Less powerful than James, Daemon Prince of Nurgle.

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*It ain't me starts playing*

if this isn't already a pasta, it needs to be

Surgery is so depressing. I can't believe we are just yellow slabs of electrified meat underneath all of this t b h.


This dude legit seems like a cool bro, I hope he realizes that transmeme is not real and at the very least stop wanting to mutilate his dick.

the only reason I go to these threads

The show is rife with examples of this. Its clear Jazz gets what Jazz wants. That thing has been the center of attention for most of its life. It doesn't know what the real world is like in the slightest.

He clearly never will stop, he's going to mutilate his dick.

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>there is a greater chance of becoming a transsexual monster from toddlerhood than there is of winning the lottery

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this isnt funny its just heart breaking

Based and Aripilled


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Ari has tiny feet.

Ari's womb belongs to Jazz.
The skin of Ari's children belongs to Jazz.

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If digits, then this is true.

Anyone unironically following this circus and being active in these threads will get the rope

Wrong post, meant for

Holy shit, they're actually going to have him fuck jazz aren't they? The thought of jazz actually having sex while the show was on air never even crossed my mind until now. Oh please no...

t. seething tranny

Thanks, anons. Started watching. I didn't know you could watch TLC shows on their website.
The memes for this show are ridiculous. Yea Forums always did have the best memes. Now that cunny posting has mostly been purged I think?[/spoilers] and there's actually interesting shit to watch, I've been visiting more.

It was probably always small, breh. Surprised they didn't get castrated before SRS, though, because a lot of trannies do that.

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i love black comedy and I am Jazz just hits the spot. absolutely morbid. i AM unironically following Ari however.

its going to happen.

In the show they say he has an upcoming vaginaplasty this year.

Yeah I know, bruh, but one would assume their balls would be much smaller now after years of hormones, right?

>"Jazz opens me up" - Amir

How does she open him up?

>yfw Jazz is dilating RIGHT NOW

Attached: dilator.jpg (1366x767, 235K)

his face when the dilator is bigger than his penis
>i cant compete with that

Wait so do you hatewatch this show? Why?
I mean I’m trans, and I do everything possible to not be involved in this shit.

Jazz will be deflorated in live TV user, this is why America won WWII

its hillarious to see how they are castrating themselfs, no longer Jazz juice on the future gene pool

It's not hatewatching, it's more like horrorwatching or disgustwatching.


This is one of the only shows I watch. it's surreal. no other show is as intriguing. It's not a hate watch either, it's a comfy af watch

...I’ll be castrating myself. Kind of already have chemically. But I’m getting the surgery this year. Not in America thank fuck, don’t want a collapsed vagina.
Like watching a train crash? Can’t keep your eyes away?

its like a car crash, you don't want to look but you can't help but watch the carnage it brings

Fuck off back to your dilation station trangot. Your more pathetic than my "hair".

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>getting the surgery
all memes aside don't, even in best case scenario it will not be worth it at all and you only increase your chances of killing yourself, just stick with having a small dick and just make peace with the fact you have it

But what is dilation?

Same. It is a total train wreck that was inevitable.

it's unfortunate that I spent so much time on it, but now that I've finished it I'm going to spam this shitty oc in every thread I come to

That is so fucking disgusting, that's just mutilation

Glad you asked, fren.

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>But I’m getting the surgery this year.
t. another tranny but I am not going to undergo the Cronenbergian mutilation transformation

>talking about your effed up vagina while eating
why are jewish women so strange?

> But I’m getting the surgery this year.

You really think we're watching this because we enjoy it? Read the room, this shit is terrifying.

based clarke and dawe poster

I never watch tv-shows because fiction just isn't my thing. This show though. Its like a scripted story but real.

Where are you getting those studies? Also I honestly don’t think I could live with my dick, I want it gone more than I want a vagina. Plus anal is better anyway.
I still have my dick you idiot, also you should get on spiro to stop that male pattern baldness.
Have you actually seen a suporn vagina? They look pretty analogous to the real thing. Plus I hate my dick, the real reason I want the surgery is to get rid of that.

Just fix the audio and it'll be great (it's left speaker only, change to mono or duplicate the audio to the right channel).

I wish you the best if you go through it but please reconsider.

dont mess with your penis, you are perpetuating the heteronormative mind, that you "cant be a woman with a penis". you are what you are, nothing more and nothing less.
The penis is nice, is clean, is usefull to pee. The made up vagina is messy and no one wants to fuck that, men want kids, and you dont have a uterus. Accept your body as it is.

don´t hate your penis, be a real woman and accept your body.


Attached: 1548046207772.jpg (227x222, 7K)

the audio is suppose to represent dysphoria, you think it's supposed to be in both speakers but it's actually missing like a dick

Suppurating open wound (formerly Chuck's dick)

I don't care about my hair (lack thereof) I'm happy with my body and mind. Your a worthless sack of shit that should of killed themselves years ago. I mean what kind of weak piece of shit can't accept themselves for the way they are?

Attached: original_result (32).png (512x512, 441K)

I'll post fixed version next thread

Give me one reason why I shouldn’t? Keep in mind I’m going with Dr. Suporn and I’m prepared to deal with dilating. I know it’s a hole to nowhere and I accept that.
I’m happy with myself too! I’m glad you’re happy :)

>Have you actually seen a suporn vagina?

Attached: OpsA0eVP.gif (500x298, 816K)

I've been off the ride for a while and i'm going to need a quick rundown on how the fuck did the producers get a boyfrien character whtat the fuck

Don't mistake my words, I am happy with myself as God willed me. But I will never be happy as long as there is even one degenerate faggot out there dreaming of a crotch wound or cocktail of her ones that will "fix" them.

Soon the pendulum will swing back and these scum will be dealt with appropriately.

Attached: original_result (33).png (512x512, 493K)

now you finally know how the white man feels

>you should get on spiro

>keeps showing people his dildos, even the guy he just met
>keeps talking about his bagina every chance he gets
Do women actually do this?

I'm a woman (male) and yes I do this

I’m sorry that your happiness is dependant on other people. You should really take some personal responsibility for your own wellbeing

My endocrinologist uses a personalised cocktail of drugs including spiro as a rub on hair recovery tonic.
Also it’s a testosterone receptor antagonist, if it does get to the hair it should stop loss.

>spiro as a rub on hair recovery tonic
oh, I'm taking it orally as a diuretic, sorry for the aggro mode

Only the desperate ones

Real women don't, no. Men who want to be women do, yeah, because they can never stop being men.

anyone? i feel like i saw it in one of these threads and it's such a good gif


You been posting your retarded head all fucking day, why? what is it that you are trying to accomplish here you pale faggot? do you think you are the first idiot to attempt getting famous by posting himself? are you actually this stupid?

>shameful faggotry general
If 40% of trannies kill themselves after slicing their dicks off, who watches this shit?

For the same reason people watch Jerry Springer or Cops

Ah, so it's kind of like the Honey boo-boo effect.
Was just wondering since LGBT and trans issues? Yeah your life, your choice and everyone has the right to do whatever within legal limitations.
It's just strange why someone not part of thelgbt community would willingly watch a reality show about those issues/characters. But I guess "stare at the circus from outside the fishbowl" like you suggested, explains it.

40% attempt suicide regardless of whether they get the snip. Get your facts straight my dude

It's actually a webm

Attached: neovagina.webm (1280x532, 1.14M)

Stupid question but is it possible to reattach Jazz’s 4 incher if he wants it back after all this madness subsides?

Because being trans is a freakshow. Men willfully mutilating their bodies to larp as female stereotypes from their favorite porno or shitty 80's romcom. It's like a car crash, you can't help but look.

No, in the surgery they actually invert the pee pee to create the hole and usenerve endings already there.

user under me is guaranteed to have a tranny son and no other children

Attached: 6EC5C9B3-1345-48DE-99C1-41ADE1B7B452.jpg (1167x1125, 686K)

Trannies will NEVER be cute girls.

Attached: 1527120941208.jpg (600x600, 55K)

Ooh I want a little Jazzy uwu

Attached: 1546385511404.jpg (600x600, 309K)

holy shit dude thanks

Why did he become a tranny?

Attached: noelle.jaclyn~1430355764~974217223528919346_308255139.jpg (640x640, 90K)

No problemo fren, have this neo too

Attached: her she.jpg (1600x842, 872K)

>Let's discuss the penis situation before we proceed. Alright, now what's in my contract?

he got blacked

Anyone have the chart about timeline of activities you can engage in after (((confirmation)))

But she's flat tho

Attached: arishay~1401215912~729774429168250230_14193882.jpg (640x640, 82K)

I hope you know EVERYONE in this thread is personally responsible for the woman's death

>Trans Woman Murdered After Deportation

Attached: 1550896199041.jpg (2000x1000, 267K)


Attached: cute.jpg (1000x1192, 223K)

No way fag

Eh, the body is pretty amazing, tbqh. Learning about it makes you appreciate how dope we are.


Attached: Shock4.jpg (1280x720, 70K)

Now that Jazz's testicles are in a jar of formaldehyde, or minced to feed to Ruth Bader Ginsburg, or otherwise not attached, does he still need to have the hormone blocker in his arm to keep himself from getting hairy, deep voice, etc.?

Attached: Jess 2.png (1047x675, 464K)

WEW! Lad, tell me you have more

isnt that the woman who claimed to have been raped by the supreme court judge?

Jazz's jewish mom.

Attached: 1550370696974.webm (640x400, 1.63M)

yes. Testosterone is created in your brain not in your dick.

Attached: Buffalo Bill Jazz Jennings.png (1920x1080, 467K)

Attached: Jazz Celebration.png (357x913, 74K)

Attached: Jazz is one.png (437x893, 51K)


Attached: Crash Test Trannies.png (711x875, 122K)

Attached: Fresh Prince Jazz.png (1920x1080, 425K)

Attached: Jafar Jazz.png (359x827, 40K)

Attached: Jazz story.png (1143x771, 1.94M)

Attached: Jaron.png (430x892, 62K)

Jazz has tubular titties.

Attached: breast deformity.jpg (604x286, 32K)

Jazzes breast deformity is the one farthest to the right in pic related.

Attached: breast2.jpg (789x324, 89K)

Inb4 breast cancer.

Jazzes surgery was not like most transition surgerys. In the show, the doctor said that Jazzes penis was stunted because his mother started him on puberty blockers, estrogen and HRT at about 4 years old. This is why Jazzes penis was the size of a regular 4 year old child at 1 inch long by 1.5 inches in circumference at 16 years old. They had to surgically remove part of Jazzes colon and transform it into a front hole, leaving it connected to Jazzes colon to keep the tissue alive. The doctor explained that the benefits of this would be, unlike other SRS, Jazz would be able to get wet with fecal matter. No need for extra lubrications. The downside to this would be permanent shit odors from the front hole, and he would have to train himself how to not shit through the front hole, and not to piss through his ass hole.

Attached: Shit juice.png (1063x357, 26K)

And of course another downside to anyone dumb enough to go down on a tranny- you get worms.

Attached: Name your worms.png (1136x715, 59K)

>you think your gonna get famous here!?!
Lol fuck no, who the fuck would even entertain that thought.. well other than you of course.

Attached: selfsex1.jpg (422x430, 16K)

Attached: part 2.png (1080x387, 36K)


Attached: 1550368677522.gif (511x512, 105K)

>HRT at about 4 years old

I would bicker with you about the age again, but who cares. It shouldn't be happening at any age.

Hey tranny

Attached: 1550712580187.png (738x669, 186K)

You think they gave him a hymen?

probably not, hymen restoration is already a complex surgery, imagine trying to create a new one from scratch from a penis


No need to bicker. The proof is in the video. The Doctor explains it @4:40 in the video. It had everything to do with the puberty blockers, the doctor said Jazz isn't the first that they have affected in that snippet.

>It shouldn't be happening at any age.

Attached: The adventures of Baron Vonmuhchousan.png (603x421, 16K)

2nd for this. I missed the pasta the first time.

I forgot to mention but does the director have a foot fetish. it was very blatant in the episode

Attached: chrome_2019-02-19_22-57-16.png (374x496, 439K)

What is this supposed to prove? That’s like saying that depressed people have a 50% suicide rate.

why did they set up this "date" and then play it as if the aimless NEET had come up with it all by himself? do people actually fall for such blatant producer interference?

How do you know this?

>those shoulders
>that hairline
>that wide torso structure
>that THICC neck
>that lack of child birthing hips

PFFT HAHAHA who do you think you're fooling trannies

I watch it with my wife. We usually pop some popcorn and snuggle up on the couch under a blanket and watch it and all the TLC shows, like its a cheap circus side show. We actually like them because it reminds of going to the shady fly by night carnivals that came to our area as kids. We get to see midgets, the bearded lady, The morbidly obese people, and half man/half woman trannies. We watch them all and make so much fun of them. Hours of entertainment at the expense of crazy people (except the midgets, they are the only ones that cant help themselves for their situation, we actually feel sorry for them but they are so cute in their little miniature houses with miniature kitchens and furniture).

Attached: Jazzs tranny ogre friend.png (700x700, 432K)

At some point you've just gotta embrace the kayfabe.

but they don't, trannies have higher suicide rate then people with depression

Do you not watch the show? It was mentioned. They put everything out there. You think anything is kept secret when they talk about his penis size openly?

Attached: Jazz without her pills.png (512x512, 614K)

Huge size 10's trying to be sexy LOL HAHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAH. Nothing would be less sexy than having someone masquerading as a chick with feet bigger than mine trying to give me a foot job when I was trying to eat under the table. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

Attached: Jazz Shrek feet.webm (1394x768, 1.09M)

That is actually disturbing.

Its like Jazz has no idea what flirting is, or so he lifts his two men sized club feet up and pushes the dudes kneecaps around.

What a turn on Jaren.

Attached: 1546382962807.png (604x613, 257K)

When your parents have raised you as a pervert since before you could even speak, what do you think is going to happen? Normal kids don't talk to their parents like Jazz does. Every conversation revolved around Jazz's dick and eventual fake vagina. Jazz became obsessed with it. Now that Jazz has had the surgery and they paid the actor to come in and play the boyfriend (The Fresh Prince of Bel Air- From West Philidelphia) Wonder how long he will be around before he has to move to California to Bel Air? The finale will have to be Jazz an heroing. They have already set all this up. The parents are set to blame bullying and it will be another gun grab because Jazz was mentally ill and should not have had access to guns. Wonder when Jazz will start doing pic related?

Attached: Mentally ill 1.png (2156x1722, 2.73M)

>The parents are set to blame bullying and it will be another gun grab because Jazz was mentally ill and should not have had access to guns

I hate that you're so right about this.

Its gonna happen.

Attached: Yep3.png (735x482, 375K)

what. the. fuck.

where is that goddamn lynchian poster. jesus fucking christ this beats even the webm of jazz trying to take ari's womb.

>307 posts
>112 IPs
>over 9 hours

truly the saddest of all generals

David Foster Wallace once wrote a piece about David Lynch. In the piece, he coined a new term: "Lynchian". Wallace described a Lynchian tone as "the unbelievably grotesque existing in a kind of union with the unbelievably banal."

He described a husband beating his 1950s housewife to death because she bought the wrong brand of peanut butter. "I told you to buy the JIF," he'd say as he's clobbering her to death. This, he said, would qualify as almost perfectly Lynchian.

I think "I Am Jazz" enters into Lynchian territory. The .webm above shows a simple domestic scene. The women look like average suburban moms. They're relaxing on the couch. One imagines they might be discussing casserole recipes when we cut to them. But it slowly dawns on us that in the living room, with placid expressions on their faces, they're talking about the woman's transvestite son's genitals.

Despite the obvious subtext and the producers' hope to normalize this horror, the average person is totally disgusted. Nevertheless, the viewer is fascinated. We're drawn further into this. The sheer naked horror of what they're saying, the blasé quality with which they're saying it, it creates this brutal paradox that almost rapes the viewer's basic sense of what is decent.

Attached: Lynchian.webm (1408x788, 2.51M)

ghostemane ain't looking so good.

He unironically hates her


>but I am not going to undergo the Cronenbergian mutilation transformation

Underrated kek

Based Lynchian poster



not available for me

August Derleth once wrote a piece about H. P. Lovecraft. In the piece, he coined a new term: "Lovecraftian". Derleth described a Lovecraftian tone as "the indescribably horrific existing in a kind of refutation of the humanely rational." He described a husband beating his 1930s housewife to death because he was possessed by the Great Race of Yith in their astral wanderings. "Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn," he'd say as he's clobbering her to death. This, he said, would qualify as almost perfectly Lovecraftian.

I fear "I Am Jazz" enters into Lovecraftian territory. The .webm to the left shows a simple domestic scene. The women look like average Anglo-Saxon mothers. They're relaxing on the chesterfield. One fancies they might be discussing the superiority of foregone British custom when we cut to them. But it slowly dawns on us in mounting reels of dread that in the parlour, with spectral expressions on their haggish, twisted faces, they're talking about the woman's frail son's descent into ancestral madness.

Despite the odious implication and the producers' forlorn hope to desperately conceal this unspeakable horror, the average person is driven through gales of feverish delirium. Nevertheless, the viewer is entranced. We're drawn further into the cyclopean edifice of this ruinous domain. The ethereal arabesque abhorrence of the abominable blasphemy they're uttering, the cantillate quality with which they're coldly reciting the long dead words, it summons this starry malevolence that almost unnameably couples with the viewer's basic sense of what is euclidean.


how does the non-american version of the surgery work.

Also, just wait til gene splicing and CRISPR can work on a living individual with some nanotech

you go to thailand for that shit. by default they already know how to do it with tiny peepees too.

Attached: thaijob.jpg (913x604, 93K)