They're going to fuck up part 2, aren't they …

They're going to fuck up part 2, aren't they …

Attached: Isaac.jpg (720x1008, 462K)

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He's gonna have some change of heart and do something to help the crew take back the ship, in the end he'll become a liberal robot living as an outcast from his people on the ship.

Think of your mom trying to hook up a stereo.


I sure hope not, I thought we were getting another exit episode, and was pleasantly surprised when they went in a different direction.

It would be hard for the crew to forgive him.

1) they defeat the robots and Isaac never comes back to the show
2) Isaac was sending false info To the robot bosses the entire time in his reports so they screw up trying to defeat earth (like he says humans are allergic to oxygen or whatever)
>it's all a test where the robots set up a fake war where the humans could defeat them by genociding the entire race (they want to see if humans are evolved enough for them to join the federation)

The way I see it there are only two ways it can go:
>The black kid causes Isaac to have a change of heart and he sabotages the invasion and also somehow cripples their ability to do it again. Kaylon is apparently close to Union space so it would be unrealistic to have an all powerful Borg menace right next door. They would need to be disarmed.
>The Union does something clever and unexpected and the Kaylon decide that it is useful to keep the humans around.

Average writing:
>Isaac was unaware of his true mission (in the event he was compromised while living with the humans) and is now secretly trying to help the humans.
Good writing:
>Isaac was aware of his true mission, but is having second thoughts and is contemplating secretly helping the humans.
God-tier writing:
>Isaac was aware of his true mission and intends to see it through. Humans must enlist the help of the Calivon (the advanced zoo-keeping species with teleport technology) to defeat the Kaylon. The episode ends with Isaac in a zoo.

This season has been on a roll so far, but I haven't seen last night's ep yet.

Was that Tim Russ as the voice of Kaylon Primary?

I felt like this series so far was a little weak but it was worth it for that episode

I really hope this is the way the episode goes. Anything else feels shoehorned in.

>it's all a test
They've already killed off at least a half-dozen crew. I don't think they're just going to say, "Congratulations! You passed!"

They were stunned (can't remember if they mentioned them being dead)

They had pretty big holes in them

I saw some pretty good burn marks on uniforms.

Robo-super science

My user, they were lying limp in the corridors with gaping holes in them and lots of blood.

Isaac's going to betray the red eyed robots. It's going to turn out that he's the leader of a rebel group of moderate robots.

>go to advanced alien planet
>shortage of chairs

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It was holographic blood

Constantly bending the knees to sit down and stand back up unnecessarily strains and wears the joints and servos.

I thought Isaac mentioned being energy but has a robot body to interact with humans .

It's all a prank bro. That's why they mentioned the potato head episode. They will join the Union.

You need physical bodies to shoot or interact with silly primitive lifeforms. But they could be better designed then clunky biped.

Issac's going to have a change of heart once he realizes he has undiagnosed jungle fever. Can't get enough of that booty!

>could be better designed then clunky biped
Yes, Though since the seeing them have guns in thier heads I choose to belvie they can split thier legs into multiples for adverse terrain


Part 1 was kino at least

Isaac is faking

He’s going to sabotage the invasion and without the element of surprise the kaylon leave the federation alone, for now.

calling it now
>something hacked all of them causing them to be that way
>union and biological life forms get them unhacked
> kaylons realize some threats they can not fight and that biological life forms have their purpose, and decide to join the union.

I was worried they were going to do that but then they shot all those guys on the ship


>He's gonna have some change of heart and do something to help the crew take back the ship, in the end he'll become a liberal robot living as an outcast from his people on the ship.
Absolutely. 100%
They telegraphed that move in every single scene in part one. They practically shouted it. They wouldn't want their stupid audience to have anxiety about the crew being in serious danger.

the way it will go is:
> Isaac was feeding Klon false info because He's grown attached to the humans
> He PURPOSEFULLY dropped the kids drawing because he knew it would lead to the discovery of the genocide
> He's acting like a dick as part of his plan to save humans from the Klon
It's the old data switcheroo

How is Seth MacFarlane better than juggernaught staff of money and writers at CBS?

They should settle this with Isaac defecting and fouling the invasion after a brief battle. Kaylon surprise attack failed and they calculate a extended war with the federation would lead to unnecessary losses

They leave the federation alone for now but remain a type of Cold War threat on the horizon. Future eps deal with the federation mobilizing resources along the frontier with the kaylon and prepping for major war footings

What id like to see

Did the robos say they genocided the biological creators or did Mercer jump to that conclusion

He just wants to tell Star Trek stories

Talent>Hiring to complete quotas

Isaac said coexistence was impossible and they had to be removed

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>Orville arrives to Earth
>Victor Garber boards the ship with men armed with Super Soakers
>They shoot everything
>The Kaylons, being electronic, fry and die
>But the water has also damaged the Orville
>It plummets into the ocean and begins to sink
>Victor Garber puts his hand on Ed's face and says "I'm sorry I didn't build you a better ship, Rose"
>Ed and Kelly swimming for their lives when they spot a door
>They both fit perfectly fine on the same door
>Suddenly they hear a voice, "Heard you needed help with a jar of pickles"
>Alara has arrived to save them
>The End

I hope there is a satisfying reason why they decided to go to earth, kill everyone, rinse repeat, Instead of making a dyson sphere

Attached: dyson.jpg (1205x663, 236K)

What would Michael Burnham do?

Building Dyson spheres is hard, killing humans is easy.

....Sure, I guess.

>Isaac was aware of his true mission and intends to see it through. Humans must enlist the help of the Calivon (the advanced zoo-keeping species with teleport technology) to defeat the Kaylon. The episode ends with Isaac in a zoo.
This is what I hope happens. If the Kaylons are as big of a threat as they seem the biological and technologically superior Calivon would have little choice but to intervene.

It's not a prank those robots killed people. Isaac will probably have a change of heart which is why he's blue and all the others are red. Isaac will either be the last of kind or an hero and save everyone.

Looking back on that scene I notice Talla is getting THICCER.

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It's easier and faster to kill off people and steal their shit than to build a Dyson sphere. Those things take forever to build and the Kaylon seem eager to expand right now.

They're robots though why do they need Earth? Can't they just go to any barren planet full and colonize it given there's no extremes?

One would think so, I was surprised that they hadn't already colonized every nearby planet.

why did he want a corner cake anyway?

I understand ...

More frosting.

It had a flower made of icing.

God she is so unsexy...

I sincerely hope they don't go this route, but it's too probable. Maybe they are going to say the deactivation process changed his mind but then a subroutine installed a copy of himself 0.00000036 seconds before the process was completed so that's why he is a good guy again.

They've already stated why they're going to Earth. It's not that they need resources, it's that they're really, really paranoid. Hell, this was alluded to in the first episode when Ed stated Kaylons were extremely xenophobic.

geez she has a tranny face in that pic

Destroy Earth and the federation falls (or something along those lines)

You mean like the guy who just faked his death because he likes pussy?

Actually seeing them being quite vulnerable to those laser rifles (unlike the borg which readjust after 2-3 kills) I don't think they stand much of a chance against a union of 300 planets. Your "intellect" is not helping if someone wants to brut force the fuck out of you.

They could be intending to go the Deathstar route, destroy Earth and hope all the other worlds surrender out of sheer terror.

he's gonna end up sabotaging his kind, essentially wiping them out but keeping them within a harddrive in himself or some shit. Watch.

>kaylons had to "remove" biological life forms
>turns out that when the robots were created the humans relied to heavily on them to do everything and they got lazy and stoped trying to do anything on their own
>they had to be "removed" to another planet before they died off (all the bones were just the people who died before the robots removed them before their extinction)
>they can't join the federation for fear of the same thing happening
>their plan is to scare humans into not making Thinking Robots and thus save biological life

There was blood and cookies everywhere

>blood and cookies
What kind?

Amazingly no.

Could be stunned. Getting shot in the shoulder isn’t a one-hit kill.

Is Isaac a national socialist?

You're a fucking faggot.

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Is there a meme I'm missing? No blood anywhere, barely a burn mark

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Seth hit a roadblock in his writing and created his own Borg.

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O negative

Notice both shots are also to the top left shoulder. Obviously not kill shots.

er right shoulder*

The state of the right. Bringing up /pol/ every five minutes. Take a break, Alex.

sry bro, both redshirts -> definite kill

Except it would be fairly easy to fix those units. Replace some damaged circuits and some panels. Or just recycle them. Robots would win any battle of attrition.

stun weapons don't usually leave burn marks

a few scenes later they're walking past dead bodies in the hallway, bloodied and with holes.

Then what are they stunning, their clothes?

At engineering it didn't went that way, also one red shirt got a headshot, good for him

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Don't you think based Seth already thought about this? The exact opposite is going to happen, and you'll be like whao i didn't expect this!? BASED BASED AND ISSACPILLED

>Isaac decides to stay on the Orville
>genocides the other robots
>co-existence was no longer possible
>back to status quo

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Final episode is about making peace with the Krill, so while they defend the Earth somehow.. the war with Caylon is just getting started because they're making an alliance with their old enemy.

It's not like they shit out circuit boards.

Manufacturing limbs and circuits is not a matter of seconds. Large scale processing needs large amounts of raw material, which must be preprocessed, etc. For this you need factories. Their homeworld is far away. Even if they capture some nearby planets, they still need to establish their technology.

A war is not won because the wounded soldiers heal faster than the enemies'.

Seth is such a massive Trekkie his vocal cadence now naturally sounds like a Starfleet Captain.

Watch Seth go balls out and The Orville becomes a reverse Voyager about a lone ship trying to get across the galaxy as fast as possible. They did punctuate how Earth was “home” in part 1.

they have replicators

This scene was beautiful, whoever did it deserves a raise and a high five

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I mean the next-episode preview has footage of the Kaylon's blowing up Federation ships over the moon.

Wonder how they'll just a prank brah that

They're robots and don't need to breathe, but radiation and harsh climate are still a thing.

If lasers were real there wouldn't be any blood because they would cauterize the wound instantly

>if lasers were real

Attached: Silicon Hedgehog.jpg (532x732, 178K)

If military grade laser weapons were real*

If you delete yours I’ll delete mine.

Lasers are real user, you can buy them at any store that has them on inventory. i thought those were plasma rifles, but I don't know what they are supposed to be

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Why don't red shirts ever have any sort of body armor? I mean as thick as those uniforms are you'd think they'd provide some protection from weapon fire.

Yeah, and these replicators make mass out of ... nothing?
These creatures live in the same universe, so they have to obey the same laws of nature. Therefore they need energy to make mass. How much energy? Well, take a look at an atomic bomb. It sets free a, say *large*, amount of energy. And for that it takes about dunno 50 pound of uranium. So in order to replicate 50 pounds of uranium you need the same amount of energy,

Yes I know you'll argue they collect solar radiation. But to do that they will need LARGE scale solar panels. These are also very vulnerable, etc. and on and on ...

While I totally agree that an intellecually superior race will outsmart us, never forget that they still have to overcome the same scientific problems as we do and also keep in mind that destroying something is always easier than creating something. It's called entropy.

Sry wrong reply

In star trek the federation stopped making military soldiers, MACOs in Enterprise were the last truly military guys and they did had armor. These guys are just mall cop security, I don't know if the Union has dedicated military personnel, They do have warships but the orville is just an exploration vessel, maybe that's why they didn't gave them armor.

Also, the joke red shirts are targets, so that's just probably the reason for it

I would almost agree with you, but one of the last shots of the shot crew was a lady on her face with a HUGE burn on her back from a shot. She was wearing yellow and it was right before they stepped onto the bridge.
Anyone have that screen?

Attached: nope5.gif (480x319, 502K)

>Isaac is actually the consciousness of one of the original creators of the artificial lifeform.
>He is setting this whole thing up to get the union to destroy Kaylon as a final selfish revenge victory for the creators over the A.I

The security officers seen in TMP, SFS and TUC wore armor as well.

Mrs Bortus dies while saving his husband-fu. Bortus is now a single dad.

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why not?
they're cold unfeeling robots
killing a few dozen people to establish peace between two civilisations is a pretty good deal

It's got to be plasma


Attached: sugar.png (414x531, 369K)

not yellow, but looks pretty dead to me

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oh my

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There were no yellow vests shot, that's the only guy with a back shot on the scene

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Christ, how is a 57 year old the curviest babe aboard the Orville.

making it a test would be chickening out. The fact none of the MC have died makes it seem like it isn't a test.

also, why do they just stand in the open instead of taking cover?

It's all trannies and fembois now

Yep, totally wrong on all accounts except for the big ass burn. They defiantly weren't playing like was saying

where is the 4K version so we can x-ray this MILF

Set phasers to disappointment

it looks like they made practical heads with the lasers out too

My guess is that it's not end up like "all a test" or Issac turns, but instead the union will fight them back and it will become a feud like with the borg. They'll basically replace the Krill, who will join Ed because he that weird Klrill bitch is somewhat in love with him.

Oh boy, no more alcohol for me, but you get the message

Episode 10s description says "Ed must initiate peace talks with the Krill." Any chance thats them uniting against the common enemy of the Kaylons who become the villians for the rest of the show?

Seems logical.

Should be the plot of season 3 at least.


>To save Earth from the Kaylon, Ed must canoodle an alliance with the Krill.

Attached: canoodle.png (1920x1080, 1.4M)

As long as we get a Dan centered episode somewhere in there

He's not pushing an agenda like CBS; h just wants to LARP as a Star Trek captain.

Isaac was such a bro and one of my favorites along with Alara.
Why does Seth keep on cucking me?

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>Dann’s Day
This shit writes itself.

If it is the way the story goes will Issac be the new Dukat? Or will he fight against his kind like Odo?

It's true, I muss Alara

she's back baby

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Like the "phlox writing a letter" episode. Would watch.

Start with this. Penny - age 23.

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I don't know but this sudden turn is odd. I thought they wanted this to be episodic like old Trek, I can't imagine them suddenly doing an entire war arc.

I already referenced the original version of that episode ENTbabby

geep koing

he's going to B trek TFO in every way

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From a studio point of view its cheaper as you get to reuse the same alien sets and costumes for the villians every episode instead of making new and unique ones

Which one oh oracle of wisdom?

The Krill and Federation uniting against the Kaylon would be kino desu

I'm guessing that current Issac isn't the real one, and he backed himself up on the ship. I'm expecting a gimmick where all the Kaylons bodies get destroyed and Issac is rebuilt into an android that looks like his simulator human form.

The war will probably be peppered with stand alone stuff. They're already at war technically and you never hear about it.

There's no way he's staying a baddie. He's probably going to sabotage the whole Kaylon war effort

Id guess Data's day

They say in the episode it's a long term projection that humans will eventually be a threat.

I think we found a wife for Christian Weston Chandler.

That's a big case for the war arc continuing. It looks like they blew a huge part of this seasons budget on Kaylon shit.

Me on the left

Since Orville = Trek it can be assumed that the Federation HQ is on Earth. They're launching a surprise attack to cripple the enemy.

>Crew gets to choose either robots kill them or blow up Earth
>Crew chooses sacrifice themselves for the greater good
>It was a test
>Robots join the federation

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Backed himself up into what though? Hes so far advanced they've no idea how he works, I'd imagine him trying to back himself up onto the ships systems would be like trying to back up a 1tb SSD onto a floppy disk

Replicators do indeed make matter out of nothing. e = mc2

Talla or Bortus?

But I like Mrs Brotus. It's the Doctor that I'm getting tired of. Brotus episodes weren't bad, the Doc episodes have been more painful. Seth, why are you so focused on the ship's slut?

"c" is the speed of light, but help me, what was "e" and "m" again?

He already did it once last season in Pria. He tried to hack her future tech, got BTFO but had a backup in the ship's system.

Honestly if having half the episodes of the future seasons being well written Kaylon war to blance out the costs of having the other half being stand alone space exploration, I'd be fine with that

It's nice how she kept herself in shape despite pushing 60.

didnt he allready transfer himself onto the ship?

Best of Both Worlds did, so why can't they?

Cylons. Borg incorporate other species into their own collective. The Cylongs rose up against their masters and want them eliminates.

A little bit of column A... a little bit of column B.

energy and mass

or Men of Iron, depending on your fav story

>Orville threads comfy
>Std threads nasty
The great balance

They did that in DS9 (The Search: Part II) everyone who left the ship is in a simulation

energy and matter

The cave with the bones made me think of the book Hyperion and the Technocore

>Kaylons look down at humans because they killed billions in wars
>Kaylons killed billions in a war

They are logical beings and they don't see the hypocrisy?

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It made me think of Terminator but the Kaylon wanted to keep their planet tidy so they swept the remains underground.

I miss when the only people on the internet were people that knew this, or, at the very least, had enough self respect to not ask.

I have to admit, I'm more interested in the outcome of this show more than STD or Mouse Wars. The writing might be lifted from old Star Trek plots, but it's consistently better.

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This would mean that kaylons attack krill vessels, there's no way they would just help humans and not let them be slaughtered by another species unless they were being targeted as well

Hitler didn't get the job done, thats the difference

They didn't care about that they were just stalling until their invasion fleet was ready to go.

>so they swept the remains underground
Along with all their chairs

Kaylons want to end all biological life

Did she do a blowjob on Ed?

I doubt even kaylons could thrive in a galaxy without life. Many useful substances are byproducts of microbial processes.

Fuck off.

And I miss the times before that where people on the internet got the irony

>369 KB
Aw, Christ...

..or him dying in order to save the kids

not in sexy snek form sadly


You mean not yet

This thread isn't even close to the bump limit, you retard.

I think the biggest issue I had with the episode was so much telegraphing of the plot. I know we need to dumb it down a bit for more casual audiences, but it might have had a bigger impact for the episode, show, and all viewers if they hadn't done that.

>I was only pretending to be retarded
The height of wit. I tip my hat to you sir.

Via the same technology they give to the Orville at the end of the episode that allows them to make holographic projections beyond their holodeck which the Orville will use in a later episode as camouflage. Or knowing the creator it's going to be a giant kermit the frog to scare the fuck out of some aliens.

The writing is on the wall. Engineer uses holodeck outside the deck to hide from the crew. Now advanced technological planet is joining the Union, going to give the Union tech upgrades.

Theory: Dr. Finn's children will make Isaac have a change of heart. Either the other Kaylons will try to hurt the children and Isaac intervenes, or they will ask Isaac why he's doing this which will cause him to reconsider his actions.

And immediately after Isaac has a change of heart, they kaylon will kill him.

The engineer used the shuttle's cloaking device and decreased the area of effect.

>Engineer uses holodeck outside the deck to hide from the crew
If you're talking about Bortus's straight ex he was using the shuttles cloaking device not the holodeck

It’s a holdover from /trek/ threads

Can the Orville cloak? I know the shuttles can but has the ship ever cloaked?

Did Issac not know what they were going to do? He predicted the kids would grow up and be sucessful.

Maybe Issac thought it would be a long time before his mission was complete? He did seem surprised when he was awoken

Weird thing is that he said that after his head was messed with.

I dont think the full ship has ever been shown to cloak, and given how incredibly fucking useful it would have been numerous times I'd say there must be some techno reason why only the small shuttles can and not it

>Actual battle over Earth where Krill arrive and save the day
>Isaac sacrificing himself to stop the Kaylons

>It was all a simulation
>It was just a prank brah

Why are the Orville characters so comfy and STD so smug and obnoxious? I can't put a finger on it

What reasons were there to keep the Orville and its crew alive? That just leaves the possibility of them taking the ship back and stopping their invasion, which is what's going to happen.

The shield and weapon codes? Also, to confuse the Earth fleet if the invasion was led by the Orville

Oh man I just realized how they will probably resolve this. The Kaylon sent a signal to deactivate Isaac so clearly it's possible to do the same to them. Isaac will be turned back to the light side and manage to send a mass deactivation signal to shut them all down. It's the damn "sleep... Data" ending all over again.

Orville actors are comfy people who want be on a sci fi show. STD actors are smug and obnoxious who want to push their agendas

Actual characters with interpersonal relationships vs insular hollow shells portraying shallow ideology

No so at one point they will run into a large ship with a cloak and Seth can say
>Impossible no ship that large has a cloaking device

they're both left leaning shows, though

Maybe good old hostages to use as human shields while they advance on Earth

It's one thing to make a leftwing show its another to make a show designed to force leftwing beliefs on its audience

Trek was always left leaning, STD went full retard with it while the Orville maintains the IDIC philosophy.

Because they get to walk around on a ship set that has carpet

You can lean left without going full retard

That's all boxing the story into it doesn't matter.

I see this all as the same problem with the Borg, wanting to assimilate all life and destroy that which cannot be assimilated in search of omega perfection - God like all knowing of the Universe.

To gather all knowledge without the full understanding of what the all knowing requires to sustain itself.

Basically the Kaylons would need purpose, and machines cannot derive purpose without illogical biological lifeforms.

Robots need purpose, and without humans to give robots purpose robots cease to have purpose.

Attached: borg1.jpg (620x398, 56K)

Nail on the head

>Robots need purpose, and without humans to give robots purpose robots cease to have purpose.
That's not an AI, kaylons are AI, you are thinking of pre programmed responses from algorithms on a robot

Yes definitely, don't know why that guy is rambling about robots

what do you think isaac reported back about his experience being a cuckold?

also, like others have said in this thread, it's obvious he will turn on his fellow robots
however, the initiating spark will be the kid's picture... he looked directly at it for a few seconds before throwing it away and was probably scanning it for some sort of sentimentality file that will be unlocked at some point in the next episode, likely when he sees the original picture again

AI or not they would need purpose, and if their purpose is to reproduce, and consume they would be no more illogical than humans but simply being more proficient at it.
Without an endgame goal there is no reason to do anything.

Also, why don't they have any grenades? Or weapons that fire full auto or steady beam instead of the pissy one-shot rifles they have?

Becauce it’s a sci-fi action comedy, not a D&D session.

Just as illogical as humans, I mean to consume and reproduce.

grenades seem like a bad idea in the confined spaces on the Orville also there's too much risk of collateral damage

They have artificial consciunsness, they are not robots.
>there is no reason to do anything,
they are not a nihilistic AI, user.

They're a better idea than a light-based weapon whose ordinance doesn't stop until it hits something.

My prediction: Isaac has developed feelings, and his reincorporation into the Kaylon collective has now infected them and it's just a matter of time before they all update to catch feels.

All of this. They already know how to hack into the Orville and it should be easy enough to claim the fleet they're bringing is a Kaylon fleet of ambassadors/work machines/etc to build their relationship.

Surviving just to survive and gather information is pointless.
The Universe exists, and so they live to do what?Live? Why live? What do they wish to do by living?

We humans search the unknown because being curious is a human trait.
To simply gather all information without purpose is simply making a copy of all data of what is.

These are deep philosophical questions that I doubt The Orville will attempt to consider, but I think about it.
We only base our understanding within what we know, but we are limited by our senses.

Wait, so something interesting finally happened?

Maybe it's time to pick this up again.

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Hell yeah. Go watch last night's ep.

Too many episodes lately have felt like "We have a big exciting mission we need to go do but first we have to hang out near a boring planet and deal with relationship problems".
It's nice to see something actually sci-fi again.

Don't get too exciting. Good chance this is all some simulation, and we'll be right back to relationship drama in a starship setting the following episode.

And how do we know what we know? How much richer is the world because of all of those people in the past took the time to just gather information about every plant, animal, bird, and insect, and left us with an ever expanding compendium of creation?