Have you ever seen a more overrated YouTuber?
Have you ever seen a more overrated YouTuber?
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Is he still popular? I thought he got alot of shit for the Dark Souls 2 video and some other crap.
hbomberguy is pretty good desu
The only time I can think of where he was really retarded was on No Man's Sky
Yeah that Contra Points tranny.
she's not even that hot
I'd say all the youtubers who are tech 'reviewers' are all overrated. They practically just go over specs and repeat advertisements from companies.
Haven't seen a tech reviewer with actual knowledge of something like engineering, sciences but I can't say I look for tech reviews to watch.
The people in my life who watch him are not cool, so that makes me want to avoid his videos.
Sargon of Akkad, IDubbz, Phil DeFranco and Steven Crowder.
This is your brain on s o y
leftists love him
This. No idea why he is /ourguy/ for every board on 4channel. Cuz he said nigger? Wow bfd
>Makes video trying to call out Sargon
>Entire last half is a ad hominem saying LOOK AT HIZ STOOPID AVATAR DEEHEEHEE
Truly one of the progressive lefts most critical thinkers...
Why does he look like an autistic Domhnall Gleeson?
well, you have to be braindead to be leftist
Reminder to sit up straight when raising money for discord trannies.
he's English ,what did you suspect?
Wow what a huge faggot, no wonder he's a speedrunner.
Question is, when is he going to transition
go back
who will be part of the 41% sooner
contra or this faggot?
>you must be 18 or older to browse and post on this site
seriously unless you're 12 or brain dead this guy fucking stinks.
Its mamba
Its mamba
His latest video is genuinely fucking stupid. It's like he's bi-polar saying "what these commercials saying is good :) " because he wants to epic P0wn some Drumpf supporters but then continues to go on about how the political bullshit corporations do is just a fourm of advertising, something which even /pol/tards and Twitter drones have been saying since the start.
Also find it dumb how he cherry picks some tweets to try and saw LOOK GUYS ALL THE RIGHT WING IS RETARDED, eerily similar to something a /pol/tard would do.
>I'm too mature for meme review
he makes Yea Forums and reddit mad because he's correct
It wasn't exactly an ad hominem, it was an example of how he doesn't research any of the shit he says that was particularly ironic since it concerned the fucking avatar he uses to represent himself in every single one of his videos
What is this phenotype called?
Drumpfies eternally BTFO.
he was smart to get in on the leftist youtube grift early. before then he was just a generic video game youtuber nobody gave a shit about.
I am largely convinced that his politics are the only reason he stays relevant.
You wish.
The whole commie-chic things Le edgy YouTubers do is cringe
All I know about this guy is that he made an awful defense of Dark Souls 2 and did a charity for a tranny organisation. I don't care too much about that, but what really bothers me is his looks.
His sparse, yellow-ish hair, his small round eyes, his small mouth, the way he dresses... he comes off as a genuine psychopath, a creep from an 80's action movie only fit to be punched by the hero early on. He is just so pathethic-looking.
>I don't want to watch a ten minute video about stale memes from 2 weeks ago from a series that he stole from afantano
go listen to chapo trap house instead
Dude ds2 is unironically kino
I don't support trump or Sargon, I'm just not a retard who thinks LOL AVATAR DUMB DUMB is a valid argument
Greg from ScienceStudio has a masters in engineering and I generally enjoy his videos more than the other large ones, but I'd have to agree with you here. Linus is the perfect example of pointless videos that just involve throwing a ton of money around and barely ever do anything genuinely interesting.
what a stupid beyata läftist
How can you call this thing a she with a straight face? That's a fucking dude lmao
well his English like 80% of them act and look like harry
Funfact: the organization he shilled for actually drove a mentally ill teenager to suicide
2/4 I agree with.
i always kinda enjoyed his stuff but then i watched mauler's epic autistic ten hour special on his dark souls 2 video and i have never enjoyed a series of youtube videos more, just destroying an empty idiot utterly destroyed through actual logical analysis rather than ridiculous strawmen and idiot fluff and strawmen and insane random ideas
Lot of butthurt ITT
>all those fantasy books
and im not just talking about Ride the Tiger
I like DS2 too, but hbg's defense and way of talking was absolutely dreadful. is spot on.
Eric taxxon, sarah z, and quentin reviews.
Fuck these shits
based video desu, he completely destroyed him
>My favorite YouTube eceleb is being made fun of I better say they're butthurt to feel better about myself :'(
I don't know. No one I've ever seen rate this guy highly is anyone whose opinion I care about even a little bit. You have to be very dumb to think he's any good.
>having a hobby is bad
>SuperEyepatchWolf recommends me THIS
Glad I was never subscribed and all, but seeing his videos pop up in my home was still interesting once in a while.
Basedhammer Fantasy/The Redpilled Heresy are much better than cringe souls.
>quentin reviews
Jesus Christ that guy is such a lolcow. He attacked a fake MumkeyJones Twitter then SEETHED when all his messages got leaked
>youtube "intellectuals"
If you're opinion was worth shit a publisher would pick up a book you wrote, if you fail at this basic task I have no reason to believe anything you say has any substance. Even Ted Kaczynski could get himself published.
>does a stream of retro game with commie mommy to raise money for a trans kid fundation (fucking sick)
Your HRT seems to be making you even more paranoid than before
super eyepatch wolf and anitube in general
Ted Kaczynski thretened to blow up a airliner if he didn't get published you simpleton
>Hbomber becomes the reincarnation of the söyboy meme
>Habermann died either of aids or on xanax overdosis
>Jim hangs around teenagers trying to "troll" on the internet when he's not becoming pretty much DSP but in less cringy
thank god that the brainrot of a website named Metokur was nuked by Habermann, i don't want to know what became of the other active members
the entire wh universe is s o y m a x and you know it
Except for based snob
yes having a manchild hobby is bad
can you imagine
Is he the retard that dedicated a series to debunking the soi myth, without realising it was just a /fit/ troll that other retards took up unironically?
-Eric may be a bit spergish but his arguments are very good and well researched.
-sarah z is cute and has gotten better at making arguments and pointing out her claims.
-quentin is a lost cause in when in comes to his political arguments.
>watch comfy SEW
>he unironically says "incel message boards"
Exactly, even he could get published. If your opinion is so apathetic and simple that nothing other than a video published for ad revenue comes of it then it isn't worth my fucking time.
Paul joseph watson, no bullshit, sargon
>Eric taxxon
The musician?
Sargoy is also a leftist you dumb mutt
Yes he thinks pop music is good
I should clarify what I mean by "published video" here. I do not mean that there videos are being picked up by a curated and well regulated entity with the intention of putting them out in print or in digital media, I mean there videos are being self-published on a mostly unmoderated free-for-all platform to generate revenue.
no Eric made one video where he thought pop music was going in a unique direction in terms of vocal manipulation
no he isn't lol
I'm pretty sure all of them slowly imploded or are in the process of imploding
This retard boomer. He literally just reads Kiwifarms and ED out loud.
you know who isn't overrated?
Haberman hasn't been relevant for years.
you forgot that he still uses a shity Xbox 360 era mic too
he means MrMetokur, because Metokur uses the Duders pictures to piss him off (despite the fact that Haberman is probably dead)
>tfw he sperged out because he thought he was the leader of gamergate and they weren't following his orders anylonger
Hilarious but also sad.
He BTFO's pedes quite well actually.
/pol/'s (formerly /int/'s) most outrageous memes don't stand for a moment under the light of reason, which wouldn't matter if retards didn't unironically take them seriously.
Idubbbz, nerd city and any other mainstream commentary channel
Poster boy for soiboys
>deleted his channel because 8ch called him a fag with yellow fever
>his chink GF then left him
You mean the Internet Aristocrat
If he actually thinks that's an image of the Cromwell dodger, he's a fucking moron.
This is what mental illness does to a man.
Deffinately Super Eyepatch Wolf, and suprise suprise he shills for hbomberguy too
>his chink GF then left him
user, I...
Nitro rad
he likes hbomberguy for some odd reason
this guy
coward won't debate
They're still together? What the fuck prove it right now. I saw the fucking leaked messages.
>*tips fedora*
well he took up the Mister Metokur name because he can't stay of the internet for too long. After all he made mad bank with people from Reddit and other Normies gobbling his shit up, he's also quite possible the reason why Terry A. Davis killed himself
he's unironically got properly into Yea Forums and keeps posting about it and trying to get his followers to read actually good books. he's still a vainglorious pseud but i have to respect that he's trying to encourage people to better themselves with actual literature rather than perpetually wallow in youtube squallor
user, they got married in November.
I'll find the link for you.
>Davis explained that his use of the word "nigger" was a reaction to being subject to psychological warfare tactics by media agencies such as the BBC
Do these people know any other "tactics"?
Optibotimus, rebel taxi, phantom strider
>knowing this much about some guy you've never met
honestly pathetic.
>decided to watch mauler's video
>went on his channel
>"A Critique of Star Wars: The Force Awakens - Introduction"
Terry did not deserve any of the shit he was given, dude just wanted to do what he could while afflicted with severe schizophrenia
That's insane.
i never said i wasn't pathetic
we're all pathetic for trying to analyse his oeuvre
That's Maulers whole deal, he takes apart every single scene. Those 3 hours are spent analysing the first like 10 minutes of TFA.
his shelf is shit but you probably don't even read
Pan is popular because he's like one of the only cartoon YouTubers who puts effort and research into his videos. The cartoon community on YouTube has very slim pickings when it comes to quality discussion on the medium so Pan's the best of a bad situation.
his star wars videos are just annoying imo
the ds2 one is just right if you care about dark souls and want to see one extremely autistic guy invalidate another pretentious youtuber's arguments systematically
>He married a chink
Jesus, Jim...
Rebel Taxi makes me fucking cringe
people talk about him?
I've watched most of his videos. Honestly, I am fairly left, but even that didn't stop me from thinking he's kind of an outrageous cunt. He just tries to analyze most things to break them down mainly to push his contrarianism.
The dude who turned me on to him is also one of the most reddit-based, contrarian, "here's my new alternative lifestyle because my parents can pay for it all, but I fail at doing any of it and give up on it immediately after" guys I've ever met.
Plus he slagged on my boy MatthewMatosis, so fuck him desu.
Here you go, Fren.
>he takes apart every single scene
Then why is the introduction longer than the actual film?
This is pure soi. “Oh no someone doesn’t like Marxism they must be an anti Semite tin foil hat wearer”
>refuses to loom at the origins of Marxism and over representation of heebs in this ideology
>refuses to even acknowledge the influence of Marxist inspired socialist anthropology and socially critical theorists such as boaz and Derrida both considered massive influences upon their professions
>smirks because of the JQ
Smirks because of the JQ
> wow is this the power of Homo bomber guy?
What an intellectual!
>dude makeup and lighting lmao
all trannies must die
>some asian kid is gonna walk around with an Irish lastname
Lmao, the alt-right never fails
38 billion dollar relief to Israel, approved by trump.
he got so into lolcows that he became the lolcow
Anthony fantano, shaun, chadtronic
After what Kraut did to him I am still surprised he is around. I would be embarrassed to post anything if I were him.
>having children
God I hope not, the last thing we need more obnoxious attention-seeking faggots who pretend like they're above it all like Jim.
Not to mention he's like 40 so his sperm probably isn't even that strong anymore.
no that position is still reserved for Null and his /cow/ board for normies
nah. at worst he's a lazy potato nigger
Jim was the bride?
Why are all weeb youtubers such leftist cucks. I thought anime was except from marxist influences.