B-but I thought Euronymous was a commie liked by no one and Varg saved us from him.
B-but I thought Euronymous was a commie liked by no one and Varg saved us from him
Other urls found in this thread:
>varg played by a jew
who is this movie for?
black metal fans will hate it and i have no idea why anyone who isn't familiar with black metal would want to watch it
varg was, and still is, the real jew
Anyone who knows shit about the genre knows varg and euro were both fags in their own right and mayhem was a creativity vacuum on the scene and the best music in the genre was made before and after them by bands who don't go in for their faggy larping garbage
Why is Filosofem still considered the undisputed best black metal record of all time then?
t. 14 yo
>Muh burzum
Fucking lmao, neck yourself poser scum
Notice the term "undisputed" I put there
Undisputed by whom? The indie worshipping shoegaze kiddies who give bands like neck beard deathcamp an audience?
Everyone. My personaly favorite bm record is Rain Upon the Impure btw
>Rain Upon the Impure
post your opinion so I can laugh at it friendo
you need to be 14 to like mayhem faggot. they're interesting to read about and fucking boring to listen to. they never wrote a single good track, in black metal terms or general terms.
euronymous was an angry little manlet cunt and the original insufferable hipster.
varg was and still is severely fucked in the head.
dead had the right idea and I'd blow my fucking dome off too if I was associated with such a fucking shit band.
You mean Hvis Lyset Tar Oss. Nobody outside of Yea Forums thinks Filosofem is even the best Burzum record.
What? You don't believe that Euronymous stabbed himself in the back multiple times from falling on glass? You must be a Jew.
I'm glad I grew out of the metal scene. So much in-fighting. Watching you guys argue about the pettiest shit is demoralizing.
you probably weren't KVLT enough
Are you against black metal noncery and fascism Yea Forums?
I was mildly interested in this movie, but holy fucking cringe this trailer
If you don't like fascism in black metal you should probably be listening to punk instead.
Reminder that varg is /ourguy/
I'm a huge black metal fan and I loved it. It's incredibly funny and absurd. Varg is probably the best thing about the movie and him fucking groupies like he's Gene Simmons and yelling about throwing death metal posers "in the showers" is hysterical.
even if you're a massive supporter of raw/primitive bm, the necro sound and what it stands for it's still worth watching, they do it justice in a weird way.
could have used more music, but they got the Mayhem stuff which is what matters I guess.
Fake and gay.
>so much shit taste
I don't agree with Varg, but at least my ideology doesn't prevent me from appreciating good music. Grow up.
>they're interesting to read about
>Fake and gay.
So you've been listening to BM for like, what, a week?
Does contain music by Mayhem and others?
Im just waiting for the download to finish
I think Sigur Rós made the soundtrack or something. Apparently their music is in Aquaman too.
just Mayhem. There's other stuff like Bathory, Sarcofago and Sodom, but none of the norweigian bands that I noticed.
they listen to Burzum a bunch in the movie but it was nothing I recognized and Varg has said that he denied them use of his shit.
Varg is talking about it again. I can't wait until he actually watches the movie and sees how he's portrayed. I really fucking hate this idiot, but even i'm a bit startled by the way they portray him in it. Someone send Varg a link to a pirating site, maybe he'll watch it. The reaction will be priceless. So far he's just talking down on Euronymous
Deathcrush is one of the all time greatest black metal releases.
too bad it is the only good Mayhem release
[loud angry noises]
he'll have watched it he's a sociopath, that shit is like a moth to flame.
He will watch it, he's too much of a narcissist not to.
God I hope he does because if he gets that pissy over girlfriends and cut hair the way he himself is portrayed in the movie is going to make him use those weapons he's been stockpiling to kill the director and cast.
From the thumbnail, the font of the movie title looks very Kingdom Hearts.
Wolfs Lair Abyss is better than Deathcrush. Deathcrush's A side is excellent but the B side is just okay.
Wolf's Lair Abyss has shit tier vocals
every black metal release I've heard has honestly had shit tier vocals in comparison to Deathcrush
>Euronymous was gay
why is Varg so based?
I couldn't give a fuck about him killing some other retard, but I can never take Varg seriously because he burned some historical architecture
Deathcrush has the same vocalist and the vocals are boring. Wolfs Lair Abyss' vocals are shitty as fuck though, I agree, but instrumentally it's pretty stellar.
Black Metal is complete trash. Literal LARPers. Go listen to some decent music. Literally anything is better than black metal. Anyone on this thread that defends this trash is under the age of 16.
>the vocals are boring
the vocals on Deathcrush are the wildest I've heard in the genre. He screams his head off in a way not heard outside of obscure Japanese bands.
>black metal
>good music
My sides
Literally better than black metal
What is your favorite genre/band? I wanna grow up like you
Within the metal world it seems to be 50/50
It's like Transylvanian Hunger and ABitNS, everyone has their favorite but it's generally agreed they're both great albums
Are there even any Norwegians associated with this film in any way? Fucking Swedes I swear.
Literally everything except black metal. I’ll listen to house, techno, rap, death metal, trash metal, indie rock, pop, literally anything except black metal since they’re just a bunch of LARPing faggots.
As a person who loves Blaze I fukin hate Transylvanian.
Best Darkthrone is FOAD tough.
Answer the question instead of getting evasive
lmao, everything you named is kids music
Are you down with the clown?
A Blaze... and Under a Funeral Moon are the ones that are usually fought over, not Transilvanian Hunger and A Blaze... Most agree Hvis Lyset Tar Oss is the best Burzum album. Filosefem usually comes in a distant second. I personally think it's the worst whole album of Varg's early ouptut because the second half is ridiculously fucking boring and the Ambient portion pales in comparison to the perfection that is Tomhet.
Imagine having the sort of reaction that should be reserved for fucking Deafheaven instead for an album which no shoegazer kiddie has ever heard of anyway.
I already told you faggot literally everything. I listen to everything except black metal. Learn to read
And black metal is toddler’s music
Maniac's vocals aren't anything particularly special. He just wails a lot instead of actually screaming. Varg does something similar up until Filosofem and he does it much better. Famine from Peste Noire also does some fantastic, wild vocals.
I didn't ask what genres you listen to. Answer the question instead of getting evasive
Band like with instruments and shit? High On Fire easily.
Genre? House music.
Even music literally made for faggots, like house, is somehow less faggety than Black Metal kek
he fell for it
>he blames all his problems on the jews, mere players in a system that has existed for thousands of years that consolidates all means of power and profit in the hands of a microminority of the population
Yeah, you're a pleb. I bet most of what you listen to has been recommended to you by Youtube. Get out of here faggot.
keep sucking jew cock faggot
Imagine listening to black metal
>yurrr yurrr a pleb!
>I listen to hardcore blck metal \m/ kvlt
Cope harder faggot.
Imagine self-describing your favorite genre of music as "literally made for faggots"
It's crazy how insecure you sound when you type. Nice meme images btw
>not De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas
Thanks to this thread, it is time for a comfy listen to pic-related. Love the guitar tone on this one.
He doesn't feel any special "angry" about jews or the mainstream media trying to slander him. It is like a "badge of honor" for people who are pro-National Socialist.
All I listen to these days is atmoblack and stoner/doom/psy shit
r8 me
Imagine still listening to black metal
I have 0 insecurities in my life sir. Black metal fans on the other hand are biggest group of insecure LARPing faggots on earth and take the words of a Viking LARPer like Varg seriously.
Why then are you so triggered after getting called out for your pleb shit? It's really cute how it took you about 8 posts to work up the courage to post your favorite genre and bandm, by the way
what did he mean by this?
Fucking poser!
It’s really cute how you listen to black metal :^) I’m not triggered whatsoever buddy.
Why are so many faggots so adamant on making you stop listening to a genre you like?
And then they call you an elitist for listening to *insert* metal.
>2 post
>it took 8 post!!!!1!!
Cope harder. Go paint your face like a corpse and practice paganism faggot
>I’m not triggered whatsoever
>cuts his hair
>wears normie clothes including sweatpants
They really went all in on this poser thing, huh?
you're an idiot, euronymous invented the most common type of norwegian black metal riff that everyone copied and burzum is responsible for inspiring hundreds if not thousands of atmoshit projects. and fucking obviously everyone in this scene had massive personality flaws. it's not like healthy well-adjusted people end up making art like theirs unironically.
The only people triggered, for eternity, are black metal fans who cannot cope with the fact that they are LARPers of the highest caliber and the entire outside world, even other metal fans, look at then and laugh at them like the losers they are.
Still listening to mgla
almost everything he says is a lie
>implying this isn't a cope butthurt post
Yeah, no point trying to hide.
Dude, look at the pictures of Euronymous with a cropped tank top, the fact that people found shit-stained dildos in his room and what not. There is definitely a lot of evidence for that guy being at least some kind of homossexual...
Oh Nonononono...
>aghhh meme pics
>replies with meme pic and reddit spacing
cope harder faggot. As I said before, go put some face paint on and wear some BDSM-tier clothing while having the audacity to call yourself straight and hardcore. Everyone knows black metal and it’s fans are a laughing stock
No one denied that but you sound like a narcissistic little shit with no friends.
but are you down with the clown?
Imagine wearing this unironically.
i hope some day a french journalist writes about some crazy shit varg and his tribe just did and use that picture in the article
Imagine liking black metal. Yikes.
>cropped tank top
>tighter leather BDSM-tier outfits
Straight and hardcore!!!!!!1!!1!1!1!
They’re all fucking gay.
You were the one using meme pictures before. I don't know how less self-awareness you can have. You're pretty much just repeating the insults aimed at you thinking you made them up as if we wouldn't notice.
Post your favorite band and genre.
Imagine having a genre you don't like living rent free in your head and making an ass out of yourself.
Leave the 14 year olds alone. They'll grow up and cringe at this stage of their life eventually.
Why would anyone watch this trash when pic related exists?
just finished the movie and it's pretty fucking bad, but thinking about varg's reaction when he sees this is pretty fucking great
Digits confirm. Black metal is for babies.
This is the thinking man's attire desu
Most people have time for both, not like there's a lot of black metal movies going around.
It seems to me that you see music as some sort of status symbol instead of what it is.
death metal > black metal
Black metal losers stay manchildren forever.
The comments on Varg videos are disturbing. Like a bunch of sheep part of a cult.
Black metal fans are literal 14 year olds and man children who never grew up. What do you expect?
>leather jackets is gay
People in that scene made "homophobic" songs and you call them "gay"... Whatever...
t. buttblasted leftoid.
Every day we stray further from Gods light.
Some say the cucumber taste better pickled, your point?
Why are you negroes so offended about black metal. It just a bunch of bored Norwegian middle class teenagers doing edgy shit for shock value. Varg and fenriz don't take it so seriously, they distance themselves from that scene and don't want to be part of it.
Based Varg BTFOs the hypsters responsible for this film
There's already a thread about this movie, but I'll say it again
European white trash.
Hvis Lyset is my favourite from Burzum, but most people I know prefer Filosofem. Go out, talk to people instead of assuming stuff about them.
If any of you is into black metal I recommend you Peste Noire, they have some NS shit but their music is pretty good.
I like Deafheaven
I like black metal
I also like shoegaze
Why couldn't they speak norwegian?
Just watched this, good lord what a cringefest.
Jesus fucking christ Varg talks about stabbing him in the head in this video. How the fuck is he not still in jail?
free country an tha' innit
Nordics are pussies when it comes to their penitentiary systems.
Reminder Varg says anyone who isn't blonde isn't a real European.
A Blaze In The Northern Sky was here, your recordfu a shit.
Thats not Bathory- under the sign of the black mark
I'll always have a soft spot for Rundgang because it introduced me to dungeon synth. The first two on Filosofem are absolute classics, moreso than anything on Hvis. Both Gebrechlichkeits are nice creepy segues.
The three black metal songs on Hvis feel like he's repeating the same idea for too long.
because of tourists
You spelled Sunbather wrong, sweetie
>black metal
That isn't black metal faggot
Never got into any sort of metal, let alone black metal, where shoulf i start?