Nobody will ever encourage you to be masculine around women if you're white

>nobody will ever encourage you to be masculine around women if you're white
>you would have been beaten up and expelled for trying this
>you will never experience teenage love
enjoy life as a third-class citizen bro

Attached: rolemodel.png (1920x1277, 881K)

Why would you animate a character to look like this?
Even when in a cartoon niggers are just ugly.

Attached: OHNONONONO.jpg (678x682, 233K)

>nobody will ever encourage you to be masculine around women if you're white
Who are you quoting

>Your nose will never be as wide as your mouth
Why even live

>who are you qhoting

Attached: image.png (200x330, 91K)

You can't just be passive agressive because you can't talk to girls OP

>nobody will ever encourage you to be masculine around women if you're white
don't have to

Attached: black submissive.png (1133x797, 226K)

Is this a new meme?

It's relatively old

Oh look it's that movie Yea Forums pretends they hate because of one possible interracial romance

It's at least 4-5 years old

My dad told me to quote poetry to girls.

>never even hadda chance

lmao did this happen in the movie

One of my aunts always told me when I was younger that nice guys are all that women want. If I'm polite and respectful I'll always get the girl. 2 decades later now she's a heroin addict and has been kicked out of every rehab place for fucking the males that work there lmao

yes. he tells him to go put his hand on the girl's shoulder and say "hey" with that facial expression
meanwhile we get "not cool" by Gilette

is the movie good? you seem like a white supremacist so im not sure if you've seen it or just memeing?

only if you're whimpy like miles and never had a gf in high school

I didn't, perfect

What kind of faggot would watch youtube videos like this?

>be 12
>uncle plays this game with me on our way to a family beach trip
>"you have to go up to three random girls and talk to them"
>felt nervous at first and didnt like it, but he told me to do this sort of thing every time we would go somewhere
>at some point one of the challenges was to go up to a large group of girls, another time to get a picture with one, since I was younger they thought it was cute and humored me

Thanks to him, I dont feel insecure about shit like being 5'8 at 19. I hope to do the same to my nieces in time, even if the world will be maxcuqued by then

Are you seriously admitting that your father (or other male role model) never gave you advice on women?
OP, this isn't a problem for anyone but you and your gay dad.

Only watched the first 20 minutes so far and it's okay I guess
Also, nice race bait attempt

I think he's rather referring to the fact that media will never depict white father giving masculine advices to his white son

>*Puts hand on your shoulder*
>*Takes a deep breath*
>*Looks at you right in the eyes*


why is that nigger touching the white girl and why is his nigger nose so fucking wide and ugly? this shit seems to be ANOTHER piece of cuck nigger loving propaganda, I hope hollywood gets killed soon because I'm tired of their shit


The entirety of That's 70s Show is Red telling Eric not to be a pussy. One example off the top of my head.
Also why would it matter even if that were true (it isn't)? You should be getting real life advice from your father/uncle/older brother/etc anyways

where are you from where physical contact between blacks and whites is unheard of?

I had a semi-absentee father in that he didn't divorce my mother but still didn't spend a lot of time with the family. He literally never gave me advice about girls (except general advice on women "avoid them they'll ruin your life") but he is handy as fuck and taught me not only a wide range of practical skills but also helped with the mindset of "don't let anybody tell you what you can and can't do", which helped me gain a ton of other practical skills, so now I'm far more useful and skilled than the average person but still don't know how to talk to women.

That's not really an excuse. Are you saying you are incapable of learning now? I don't buy the whole "my dad never showed me how to mac so I'm permanently emotionally damaged" shtick. The only real way to learn is by trying and failing, having a father to throw you in the pool and tell you to start kicking just helps you learn sooner.

physical contact between niggers and white women is not normal and it's degenerate, and apparently Hollyjew is still trying to normalize interracial relationships between blacks and white girls
Interesting part is that they always do it in kids movies

>from your father/uncle/older brother/etc
gee must be nice to have any of those...

get a grip /pol/cuck

Boomer I think you forgot your meds - It’s not the 30’s anymore. While you spend your friday night on Yea Forums, tyrone and jamal from hhe football team probably smashes one of your nieces at some high school party. Not to mention all those white groupies idolizing rappers

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No he's objectively correct

I'm not the one trying to misdirect my emotional insecurities onto society. It's your own fault if you refuse to mature, it's not the result of a jewish conspiracy to feminize white men. Just pass the buck, that's all you fuckers do, can't own your problems.


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An insecure one with mental problems.

it was hella f*kk*n epic

But the media is constantly depicting strong father figures giving "masculine" advice. Usually a surrogate father figure because the characters aren't children anymore, but that's a highly retarded sentiment that sounds like it came from the mind of a manchild.

are you a new fag?

this is the kind of fag that unironically watches jordan peterson

That show ended 15 years ago dumbass

what movie