/ABAG/ - Alita: Battle Angel General - #24 - muh face. muh FACE! MUH FACE!!! Edition

This is thread for general discussion of Alita: Battle Angel.
Post and discuss your thoughts on the movie, pics/gifs/webms related and relevant info/rumors/news.


Rotten Tomatoes - Critics 59% Audience 94%
IMDB - 7.6/10

Production Cost and Box Office Sales Numbers

Conversation Starters:
>Have you seen it?
>What did you think?
>Who is planning to see it?
>What do you expect?
>Who won't be seeing it?
>Why not?

Previous Thread:

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Alita is gay as fuck and so are the NEETs who shill it FOR FREE

A girl worth fighting for

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>seething bait poster is seething
lmao at your liife

>$700 mi in China and Japan alone

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I do not stand by in the presence of Alita thread

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Said the man constantly hitting the update button for more (you)s.

>$11m second weekend projected
>60%+ drop

Was that title drop REALLY neccesary?

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unbased and disneypilled

>Conversation Starters
Now this is epic.

"Muh Marvel! Muh Marvel!"

I feel no pity for them, anymore.







ROASTIES OUT (literally: very very loosely)








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good thing this bombed, it means anime is safe again for a while.

Lower projections are meant to be beaten.

I think we're also underestimating some of the other foreign markets. For example, based on Ready Player One's numbers, which are a good estimate to go by, France can give us another 15 million dollars by the end of it's run. Australia another 6 million, South Korea another 8 million. So, not just China and Japan, we should see a very good foreign increase this weekend, more than likely a jump of about 100 million plus worldwide.

I saw estimates higher to 14 to 16 million second weekend in the states.

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>that disappearing burrito
>those bites of chocolate taken with no bites removed from the candy bar
>panzer kunst moon battle flashback is impossible combat because the moon doesn't have enough gravity to support that type of movement


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Honestly, after all the estimating I've done and comparing the film to every other similar tentpole I can find and Cameron's other movies, this film should finish around 450 million. It will make some money.

>makes more in china than america
always the sign of quality lmao


They weigh like 2 tons with that Martian cyborg body.

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Has the time of Hollywood making movies for the world instead of America finally arrived?

Because capeshit is high art... right, user?

Another sign Americans are fucking idiots.
And keep in mind, this is all on top of the foreign gross already obtained.

Low end number crunch:
Foreign WW without China and Japan: 200m
China + Japan: 200m
State side: 100m
Total estmate: low end 500, mid 550, high 600

not sure if autistic, troll or both.

the berserker body can produce thrust in any direction


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My gf wanted to go see Instant Family, I made her buy two tickets to this and for once the Yea Forums memes were true, it's fucking great
Sequel soon I hope lads

Yes. The burger market is simply too narrow-minded for anything new. Hollywood will keep slopping the hogs with capeshit and slasher movies, while creating quality for overseas.

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>State side: 100m
>Foreign WW without China and Japan: 200m
Where the fuck is another 150 gonna come from compared to now you delusional idiot?

Can someone post the full scene? I had to go to the bathroom at this point cause I drank too much Bang's root beer

that's an odd claim considering this ground away anything notable about the manga and replaced it with bland hollywood bullshit. Hell, the hugo arc is just about a direct copy of the jack arc from titanic.

This is more than likely to happen, however, I think Japan will only give it around 20 to 30 million, so bump down the Asia number to 170 million. And foreign worldwide I would say only about 160 million. Add 95 million to states, you get around 450 million.

It really depends if China fucking loves it as much as Ready Player One, 'cause China gave RPO 218 fucking million, so if that happens, add that 25 million potential from Japan and you have around 240 million from Asian countries. Then add the other numbers, then you have a high end of 495 million.

you're doing gods work, user

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Your comic book is shit designed to pander to children. Get over it, user.

Last week’s number without China and Japan is already 103m my man. Assuming all foreign market having 2x legs, that means we can have another 100m
The DOM will make that 50m in the coming weeks.

>it will make some money
and when it does we need to throw a fucking party!

It felt a little weird that she just let zapam stab her boyfriend after knowing he was trying to kill him just because he was too dumb to explain quickly that the murder was a setup, felt like the characters acting dumb just to move the plot, was it any similar in the manga?

This is Yoko. Say something nice about her.

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The problem is, I wonder if Cameron will consider 450 million enough to warrant a sequel. Fox has said break even is 350 million, so maybe. It sucks we won't know for like another month.

He can't break our hearts after he gave us the waifu. Believe in the based boat man.


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I don't think she was acting dumb. She was just caught between reality, love and the law with logic with logical thought processes. She was dammed if she did, dammed if she didn't. She was reeling from it all.

It depends much more on fan loyalty at this point. The fans will by all thr mercs he needs to justify the sequel. Transformer and fast&furious are examples he can use to pitch for the sequel.

I would say, being realistic, and using low projection numbers, I say the highest this film will ever go is just touching 500 million, nothing higher than that. It all comes down to China, if they give it 200 million, we're home free.

stop giving him power he's already powerful enough


If she stopped him, she would be "getting between a hunter and his bounty" which was against the law. Since he had the sentinels backing him up and witnessing it, she didn't think fast enough and it happened.

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It's probably going to be around 53-55% since Deadline sometimes overestimates the Sun drop. But anyway that's very much expected and people thinking this could make as much as its first weekend are delusional. In all the markets that Alita opened prior it didn't have a strong hold in its second weekend. In South Korea it dropped 55%, I think the UK was even worse.

At least you get to live on as a tumor.

Can anybody explain pic related?

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janny approved shilling

One is ugly as sin and have no ass

One is cute, the other is a refrigerator.

Only a few countries had bad drop offs, some of them are out doing RPO numbers by a little. I don't think it's current foreign total will double (excluding China and Japan). I see all other countries adding another 60 million, considering places like Spain and France.

One looks like a tranny

Captain America is the Great Yankee Mamma the world is supposed to worship. The other is likable.

She's fucking cute and she knows it.

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Captain Marvel looks like she's gonna talk to my manager any second

>Cameron pulled all the tricks in the book like Navi-like huge eyes and a tragic Titanic romance, Fox even put it in the most favorable slot possible
>But the future refused to change
It is not fair, bros.

typically the more box office bucks, the shittier the movie is. i could give rat's ass about your numbers kiddo, just got back from a 3d eye max showing and it was a damn good movie better than 95% of capeshit.

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The problem is, people want a sequel, and one is only going to happen if this makes 400 million to 500 million. At this point, the US is only going to get 95 to 105 million, but China could pull a huge 200 million if it holds like it is.

First weekend was at 28m but the true first weekend number should have been 37m due to Thursday opening. Now, due to the snow storm, a drop from the real first weekend number can be big, maybe at 55%-60%. That leaves the weekend numbers at around 14.8-16.6m

>China could pull a huge 200 million

Even if it bumps 100% on Friday and 100% on Saturday and drops only 20% on Sunday that would give it 48% drop and that's just very very unlikely. So yeah over 50% is a given.

Well it's Cameron's project. He doesn't need Fox's or Disney's permission to make it. A higher profit simply means it's an easier burden, but I think he's going to make them anyways. Just needs to find another Distributor if Disney goes sour by the time a sequel comes out.

Have you been following any of the predictions and trackings going on in this thread and in the news? A 20 million Friday opening in China is a very bid indicator of a 60 million opening weekend, which Ready Player One had, which went on to make 200 million. Both have the same Maoyan scores, demographics, etc.

Nigger numbers are relevant if you want more. Did you feel the movie's plot is over?

>He doesn't need Fox's or Disney's permission to make it.
But he needs their money. From the interviews he didn't come off invested so much to fund it out of his own pocket against the tide.


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The audience is too used to having it's dick sucked the same way each time. Anything that deviates from the formula angers them- because the director didn't care to service them the same way.

Same people that made McDonald's huge.

Did Fox front the money for production? I assumed since they were distributing, they fronted all the marketing and related expenses. I thought Cameron handled the whole production side of things.

Asians and Arabs have money too, user. : )

Alright let me dial up the nearest oil baron.

You don't have to. Cameron already has his number. : )

Its called Barq's retard.

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I just got back from seeing this at the kinoplex. What did I think?

That you need to see it again.

you fell in love with Alita and need to watch the inevitable sequel right now

You thought Alita was CUTE and that you need to protect her smile.


dogshit for plebs

>You're taking us to see Alita: Battle Angel to night, right user?
>I you say so.
>Four tickets to Alita: Battle Angel please.

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>one is a cute and fit teenager
>the other is a 30-something hit by the wall deformity with a jawline that would put the Marlboro Man to shame

hmmm I wonder why overweight journos, whales and the söyboi followers would call the former "sexualized"

Doug Walker loved it

Fucking A.

Also where's the hack fraud review

>This frightens the NYT reviewer.


Seems like no one's factoring in word of mouth. Day one in china alone was 20 mil.

Word of mouth isn't helping a lot in any other country.

china is a hive mind though so word of mouth spreads telepathically very fast

Looks like Alita is heading past 200,000,000 right now. The fire rises lads.

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Not enough for a sequel, sadly


Wow. Somebody actually posted an article, instead of just making up numbers! :o

Sure thing mouse. Whatever you say.

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What kind of slob eats at bed?

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Fuck off

Forbes seems to be optimistic about the whole thing.

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You misunderstand, I want a sequel, I just don't think 200mil is enough for them to commit.

How much did it cost to make?


were not getting a squeakle are we?

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Ugh, hate to have to keep explaining the box office numbers, it should be put in the OP. Cost 170 million to make, China is giving it 60 million this weekend, other markets have already given it 103 million with at least another 60 to 80 million expected to the end of it's run, and domestic side, will run just a tad above Blade Runner 2049, which is about 95 million. Final gross will be above 400 million at minimum. If it gets 450 million with boost from China, a sequel will happen.

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Since it's officially the age of anime kino, who are some other filmmakers who could handle a project like Alita?

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Something to drag in plebs like Akira. It already name recognition.


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What the fuck does that mean?

not in this clown world we live in, no

>there's also the advertising budget
hopefully cameron will push for another anyway and get it

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no please, the movie already has enough spectacle to make live action adaptations superfluous

as for a retarded longshot suggestion, what about jojo part 3 by tarantino?

Cameron is free after Avatar 5 in 2025, right?

Or would Avatars 2-5 bringing in 1B+ each make Cameron locked up for Avatars 6-10?

Jesus Christ, a 450 million take would cover advertising. If you took out the advertising, the film would really only need to make 300 million or so to make a profit.

You're forgetting theater splits, especially the larger China take.

Hey guys, there's a Battle Angel game in Japan.


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Seeing it again this weekend. Can't fucking wait.

I know that, I'm saying if you take out the advertising cost, the film's break even point would be lower than it is right now. Right now, break even is like 400 million. Anything above that is getting in to profit territory.

Who could play Caerula in live action, I think prime Luci lu would be perfect, but she's old now.

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>>that disappearing burrito
this is a level of autism never before witnessed

The thing I'm staying optimistic about, is since the film has come out, every single prediction about either the critical or financial side of the film, the movie has managed to top, even if just a little sometimes. Wondering if people are just underestimating word of mouth.

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Just watched it with some mates. Didn't expect much but damn we got schooled. Gonna rewatch next week.

Fug, I'm feeling giddy again. Gonna go see her again in 2 hours right after I get off. Gonna see it in 3D. No IMAX, sadly, but thisi will have to be the closest second.

You should probably kill yourself my man

after seeing it twice in 3d and once normally, the lack of 3d isn't really that much of a downside. Go support our girl.

Bvt then I won't be able to see her smile.

A lot of people want it to fail. That does not mean that it will.

It means the writter is shilling for as many movies as possible. The article is riddled with so many references to other movies its hardly possible to pick up on the Alita info. The writer also writes in a snide manner about Alita almost as if to downplay it as not worth a watch even though he, "likes it." Check out how he included "wonder-woman-steven-spielberg" in the article link below for more attention. Just like wonder woman in the article title will get people thinking about capeshit, ie Disney's Captain Marvel since its coming to theatres soon. So will the references in the link including Spielberg which will hook searches for Disney's Star Whores. The dude is a typical Jew York times scumbag. Pic related. That is his actual avatar in the article.

Below is the link to the Jew York Times for reference. Don't click it as it will give your computer AIDS. Here is the archive link instead if you want to read this trash: archive.is/hQzkI


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Have you thanked China today?

I'll give them my thanks when we're out of red.
...Ironic, that it's China that is to take us out of red.


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We're going all the way to #100, baby.

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>that disappearing burrito
>those bites of chocolate taken with no bites removed from the candy bar

Why the fuck your having problems with this? You fucking retard.

Right now, give them all your energy. If they make it to over 60 million this weekend, yes we thank him, heavily. It's interesting, looking through my local theater seatings right now, almost all the screenings right now are over half full, in reserved seating currently, an hour before showtime. Not bad at all. I think the states will give the movie about 15 million these next three days.

disney is paying them reylobucks for this

That's like 60 bucks.

moot really fucked up when he didn't ban all generals back in the day

Worth it.

Anyone else turned off by (her)?

>Cameron is free after Avatar 5 in 2025, right
Cameron is spending a billion dollars of Fox's cash building a virtual world he can upload his brain to. He will no longer be of this earth in 2025

do not compare us to reylos

this movie is actually good, TLJ was so awful the only positive thing those fags could cling onto was the shipping of two made up shitty characters.

Cameron isn't even the one directing Alita, Rodriguez would do it again.

Shills are in overdrive, but that won't save this movie.

Should've been Fincher.

One good thing about Last Order, they added a bit of biopunk to all the cyberpunk.

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Korea's run is almost over. It will add maybe a million more.

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Which site is that?

I can tell that you are retarded based on this post which leads me to believe the film is bad

>Alita looks upwards ready to face challenges larger than herself.

>Captain manface just bitchily stares directly at the camera.

I thought she staring down at the audience at first but turns out s/he can't even do that much.

Stop acting retarded. This has already been covered. Disney is not shilling Alita.
>Disney does not yet own Fox.
>Disney will not make a dime from Alia.
>Disney's MCU is in direct competion with Alia.
>Disney wants Alita to fail not succeed.
Get your shit straight before opening your dumbass mouth again.

Korea are the plebs of asian world its okay


>The sixth finger

Would also add
>Disney will never profit from Alita even when it buys Fox.
>Fox is only distributing Alita.
>Alita is owned by Cameron.

Guess where im at right now..would alita approve(currently watching through mib trailers)

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Ah, if it ends at 16 or 17 million, that's almost the same as Ready Player One's run. So, not bad.

Yeah, but RPO opened to 6.3 million and finished with 18.6 while Alita had 10.8 million 6 day holiday opening and will finish under RPO.
Which is why I think the same will happen in China.
Could be wrong of course, but still something to have in mind.

Here's your pitty (you), give it a bit more thought next time

Yeah, we'll see what happens in the next week. This movie is so unpredictable right now.

I used to hate the third world and China for what it it done two movies 5 years ago, but now, between this and Ready Player One, could it be the chinks, spics, and euros that save big-budget cinema?

> Merkt das zwölfte Stück, ob du raschlich mit ihm enden will. So nehm dein Gewehr und Schwert zusammen im Futteral, und schraub dein bionischen Arm ab und werf ihn heftig nach ihm. Nach der Werfen lauff auf ihn zu und nütz Panzerkunst oder Gewehr, je nachdem, was du am besten passt.

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You should visit /vg/, they still have generals for Katawa Shoujo (some visual novel released in 2012)

That game was made by user, so it’s no wonder.

How long until thots make "Alita ASMR"?

>that disappearing burrito
>those bites of chocolate taken

Good news/ bad news. Bad news is that you're autistic for complaining about this. Good news is that you're not autistic enough to notice that the missing chunks from both actually DID reflect the bites she took.

Even though Alita only tallied 1.6 million from the US box office today Thursday, while HTTYD3 did 3 million, it only dropped -7% from yesterday. Pretty damn small drop compared to other movies. Will be interesting to see what the weekend holds.

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The kid actually comments about how heavy she is when he's trying to help her up, in her civilian body. No idea what the combat body, which is probably a lot more dense to do damage with and avoid getting batted around, weighs.

No they didn't. Watch the movie again.

>watch the movie again.

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I caught the disappearing burrito too, I don't know why it jumped out at me that she lost it, so for the next few shots I was trying to find it.

She sets it down on the ground next to the dog, you see it briefly when the camera pans up. She never picks it back up.

Optimistically around $13.5 million assuming it bumps 100% on Friday and doesn't drop too much on Sunday, so 52% drop. HTTYD3 is currently dominating and will likely open above $50 million.

So where do you think the story will go from here?

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Welcome to your first day on 4ching.

>watch the movie again
don't mind if i do, catch ya later fgt.

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>Watch the movie again.
Yes sir!

Nowhere. They put Nova in Zalem and there are no brain chips. They will piss off second movie on Motorball Saga.

>Watch the movie again.

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Okay, I like the movie, I watched the OVA, and now I'm reading through the manga

But...why are her eyes huge? Her eyes don't seem unnaturally large in the manga or anime relative to the other characters?

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For maybe the first 1/3rd of the film, to give Jashugan time to shine and give Alita reason to go to Zalem. Most of the movie will likely deal with Zalem itself I think, and finally finding out who Nova is and what his madman intentions are. Maybe even see some karmatronic dynamica

Estimates place it at a 14 million opening weekend, but due to Alita's performance so far, it could go slightly above that with 15 million.

Did you type that after looking at your own image?


Same reason the Navi eyes were big in Avatar - Cameron wanted to add an element of innocence and cuteness to her character, to offset her warrior nature. It's the same principle why Disney cartoons and by extension anime characters have big eyes. It really comes full circle.

Alita's eyes are large to allow a bigger peripheral vision in combat as well as to allow more light to see better in low light conditions. The magna art isn't very accurate actually.

Cameron got a boner during Avatar

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Updated domestic box office:

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>using yikes unironically


Time for you to go back to twitter

Variety and Deadline both have it at 11-12 million, but they usually underestimate the Saturday bump. It's not impossible, but 15 seems unlikely right now.

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Cultured asians > inbred hilbillies

>they haven't seen Alita at least three times already

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>Time for you to go back to twitter
>says the alitashill

It's just extremely distracting, not really cute. I think it was a misstep.

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On my third viewing I specifically watched for stuff like that. You are incorrect.

No one cares what you think though. Its already been decided. Alita a cute. Get over it.

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Fuck you, buy more tickets to Alita.
Variety also predicted it would open almost 10 million lower than it did.

I can see what you're saying. Personally I hated the eyes and thought they were hot garbage at first, but after watching the movie a couple times I love them. Cant imagine her design without them.

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Nope. I have seen Alita three times now. There is a discrepancy between the bites she takes and the marks in the chocolate bar without a doubt. You are gonna have to watch the movie again. Pay attention this time.

...or is the problem you are watching shitty low rez cam rips instead of in the theatre? That is the only way you could make the mistake.

IMAX 3D, you blind motherfucker.

One of these days I'm going to make a place that offers autism free media centers and restaurants with your own private rooms.

With trapdoors that lead to a high temperature incinerators, and a grinder to take care of the bones that don't burn up.

>Fils-Aimé will be replaced by the company's current head of sales, Doug Bowser.[22][23]
>Doug Bowser
What the fuck?

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You know, fuck this movie. I finally understand what ABATAP was thinking all those years ago. Fuck you Cameron giving us your waifu and then taking her away

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Did you mistake this place for Yea Forums?

Abatap, vindicated in death. We will watch avatar one extra time for you .

What's the difference?

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I just watched it, is it setup for a sequel or are we supposed to watch the anime afterwards?

You're the one who is blind. Maybe try pulling your head out of your ass next time you watch it.

Not just cute, Alita is SUPER CUTE!

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Tomorrow, I'll finally get to see Alita. Only expected to see it in 2D at the same shitty theater I used to go to, but there was apparently one closer to me with IMAX 3D.

They are probably planning a sequel.

You can read the manga if you want to know what happens after, but yes, they're setting up for a sequel to the movie.

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can someone explain the clown pepe to me? I dont get this new meme

They definitely set it up for a sequel, but I'm really worried it won't happen.

The other berserkers in the flashbacks had the same large eyes. They are electronic, and give better visibility in combat.

After your fourth viewing I expect an apology.

This weekend will determine the sequel's fate. If China pulls 60+ million and other markets add a lot, I say the sequel will happen.

the anime doesn't go beyond the movie

It all comes down to China huh?

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What cam is this from? It looks great

In this movie's case, it most certainly does. Luckily it looks to be doing very good there right now, so it just has to keep it up.

why the cgi look bad here?

Did anyone else think of this super articulated doll when they saw Alita's first body?

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Was there ever any doubt?

It's not bad, you're just noticing it because they're all inhuman objects. The whole shot is CGI, so the effect might be more obvious.




Was the doctor chick in the Mangas or is she a newer creation? I don't recall her but it's been 16 years so what do I know.

She was not in the manga.


the plot got kinda clunky with the rollerball scene but over all good flick.
the progression of her character was great, i was not expecting her to kill the black guy is she dare i say it /ourandroid/

she is definetely based on desty nova assistant she is even wearing the same galterbelt under her skirt.

On my third now. 20 minutes boi

interesting placement of the title screen, i was waiting for it somewhere in the first 15 or 20 after she saved the doctor or got her body. i really like the title style and it worked awesome at the end and got me hyped for a sequel, with all the post-credit scenes in capeshit i was hoping for a nova scene afterwards.

great fucking movie btw

A black guy at my second showing walked out wanting his money back! ; )

I think some people resented the fact there was not a big, Blade-style fight between him and Alita... because he dressed like Blade.

People HATE having their expectations subverted nowadays, don't they?

>You have one less puppet now
Good scene
At least my memory isn't completely borked then, thanks. Gonna be at my dads in two weeks and reread them.

>well, that looks fatal

Erika is worst girl and her eyepatch stinks

I don't think it's available right now. The male body is though.

An HD edited-down version of that scene is on youtube.

why is it bombing bros?

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Count on it, you illiterate fuck.

Because there was only 2 big action scenes, people don't like to watch people talk, they're used to capeshit

How do you live now knowing you will never meet someone like Alita?

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what I liked about that was, yes we were all expecting him to pull out a blade and be the final boss. But in reality, he was weak, like the king on the chess board. and it made sense here he is begging for his life when he would offer no such deal to anyone who crossed him. He was offered no redemption arc either, he was bad to the core and it felt good when he breathed his last

Gonna see it for the second time tomorrow, this time in IMAX

because it's too long and has an unsatisfying ending

also it's hard to sell weebshit to mainstream audiences

I hold onto hope that sufficient enough VR or at the very least AR will be here soon.

It was never going to do good domestically. Some people got tricked because it exceeded the already abysmal expectations on its opening weekend. $85 million domestic finish most likely.

Who is Gally? I'm so confused: the manga isn't helping me here.

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Nanomachines, son.

most people in my theater were blacks, a few families and couples and another solo guy like me. they seemed to like it and was talking to the solo guy afterward and he liked it a lot too and an asian couple walked by and agreed. hugo's sidekick getting halved was based and mahershala's character and death were great.

Alitas jap name

>too long

It's 2 hours. In fact, the movie wasn't long enough. It should be 2.5-3 hours.

Is her name Yoko, Gally, or Alita?

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But I have. Popping the question on tuesday next week

It think it was only that one guy, really.

Her real name is Yoko, here new name after her execution and recovery was Gally (Jap version), Alita (Eng version).

Does she ever go to the city up there and beat up Nova?

All of the above and a few more. She goes by Alita/Gally for the duration oof the story depicted in the Mangas in english/japanese respectively but her original name was Yoko.

Ok, that clears everything up. Thanks.

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Trick question, Nova lives on the surface in the source material - exiled

Taken from Japanese twitter... I feel the message is universal

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Yes and no, she kills Nova, but he gets reincarnated, over and over.

Congratulations, and good luck! : )


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Google Translate mispronounced the L, too! xD

I feel like they'll skip that and just have Nova in Zalem and then the next big bad guy (or super Nova) come down the orbital elevator from above Zalem.


That tank of parts creeped me the fuck out. Good job on whatever people were involved in making it.
That eye movement and finger twitching

… Disney owns fox now.. Fox made Alita.. I don't understand these "Disney is trying to ruin Alita" memes..

>L sound
>in Japanese


It's really not doing that bad, if you look at the percentages and not the actual number. One of the things analysts noted was the early release on Wednesday, so some of the audience who would've come the others days already say it with that extra Wednesday. The thing that will determine it's domestic fate is this weekend.
It's actually already almost doubled it's opening weekend take and by next Monday, it should be sitting at around 66 to 68 US.

thanks user.

Wouldn't mind that at all. I hope they make Nova a red herring on terms of danger and power.

Former Fox employees are now a part of the rebellion.

Another good indication that Gunnm is a literally who manga in Japan is that "Caerula Sanguis" has 9,760 results and a bizarrely lengthy English wikipedia page, with only a few hundred results for "カエルラ・サングウィス"

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Do you think Ito can manage a full cyborg body for her? I doubt Alita sent her up the tube to Zalem,,,

Disney just sucks in general, we want to prop up the underdog. The fact a 170 million James Cameron film is almost an underdog is kind of sad though.

Cameron bought the film rights himself over 10 years ago. Fox is only a distributor, they do not own the IP.

Replace the L with R and you get the english name it is supposed to represent. In the original it wasn't Idos daughter she got named after but his male cat.

There is no "L" in the japanese ranguage

I mean I get that, and I'm not a fan of Disney too but Im just trying to understand where this thing of "Disney is paying reviews to shit on the movie" etc. That's all.

Well it's not Naruto but it's still on going even after almost 30 years, so I would say it's far from literally who

Just watched this.
The acting is bad except for bad black man and Christoph waltz. The floating heads superimposed over cgi backgrounds is super jarring for everyone except Alita who benefits from her face being mostly cgi too. The pacing is odd and The writing is cringe as fuck.
>”I was born here”
>”ur gon’ die here”
Characters appear out of nowhere whenever the fuck they want, The love interest is like some faggot extra they pulled out of twilight’s werewolf posse. But hey the action is good when they allow it to happen. Overall I think it deserves a solid 5/10. The underwater scene was prettiest.

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They don't directly pay reviewers, journalists do it to maintain access, Disney is the giant studio right now and they want some publicity from them. They want to prop up the potential blockbuster for Disney, they have no obligation to defend Alita, in fact, they purposefully are neutral/negative to prop up their thing.

How green was my Gally

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the lack of chiren posting here is disappoint. somehow she's still a qt 3.14, her character definitely needed some more screen time and development imo.

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Possibly but I think the character has run its course. Maybe some subarc involving Nova wiping and rebuilding her as an assistant.
Actually that sounds dumb as shit, I'll leave the writing to actual writers.

You are either misinformed or retarded. This gets covered in almost every /abag/. Here it is above in this thread:
There. Now you are informed.

I am waiting on the high rez webms of Chiren in lingerie to show up for um, cinema research purposes.

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God, you guys, I'm so tired. I've been in these threads almost non stop the last week, watching the box office, going all over the internet to see how the movie's doing, and I haven't been getting much sleep. I need some encouraging words otherwise I don't know how I'll be.

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I'm just glad Yea Forums zoomers are reading the manga and will stop regarding shit like Goblin Slayer as the pinnacle of manga art

Did Jimbo strike the waifu goldmine with Alita?

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>tfw she says no

Hmmm, I'm cautiously optimistic for this weekend. Decent turnout for this general showing starting in a half hour. Bear in mind, I live around many neighborhoods, this is a well known theater.

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Even Alita's actress is cuter than Brie.
>Le Goblina
Watch her in Man Seeking woman and prove me wrong and compare her to even Scott Pilgrim era Brie.

When will the China/Japan numbers get released?

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Constance Wu

If you've been following the thread, China made us 20 million on Friday. Based on projections, it should make 60 million over the 3 day weekend. Really, really good numbers.

>Man Seeking woman

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Yeah, Japan we won't really know until Sunday or so. It takes longer to get numbers from them, but it should do decent there.


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$2.7 million weekend in Japan probably.



> Alita fails = Fox stock drops = Disney buys Fox for peanuts
> Alita succeeds = Fox stocks skyrocket = Disney pays big time = previous Fox stockholeders (now Disney stockholders) get greater say in Disney affairs

gee, I wonder...

One is attractive due to her confidence and strength, the other is a Disney movie.

buy another ticket to Alita it'll cheer you up
make sure it's IMAX 3D as well

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Even if they do get the rights to Alita with the Fox purchase, they are just going to stuff them in the Disney warehouse in between Tron 3 and Tomorrowland 2 .

americans are only interested in 2 things: disney remakes and capeshit.

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>Alita Netflix series
>continuation of the movie
>directed by Rodriguez
>GoT budget

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>Taken mid sentence

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Just came back from the theater, WAS BLOW AWAY!

Fox doesn't have the rights. Cameron does. Fox is just a distributor,