Why didn't they just give the ring to the rhosgobel rabbits?

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Too much pain.

Attached: watership down death of hazel.webm (680x382, 2.98M)

they werent in the book

Jesus Christ the Hobbit movies were so bad

I feel like this might have been a little too deep for children to understand

>mfw this bullshit turns millions of kids off reading Tolkien

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I hope it'll be good.

Attached: Tolkien 2019.jpg (2048x1080, 409K)

>movie about a guy writing a book

Sounds 100% certified kino.

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I never understood the appeal of biopics.

Why would they give the ring to anyone?

>I like the story so far but why is the bad wizard called Sauron's man like come on


>so...huh.. why didn't the eagles just take the ring to Mordor?

Tôi agr the fucking film

I did.

It won't be.

I mostly hate you eaglefaggots, but that was funny t.b.h.

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>having to explain this shit to women

What a hassle it must be even for the author.

I agree. Women are far stupider than men.

On one hand you've got Lily Collins who is box office poison, and on the other you have the Tolkien name and Nicolas Hoult who is kind of well liked.

Attached: Lily Collins.webm (640x720, 1.61M)

Ed Wood is about a guy making a movie, Topsy-Turvy about guys writing a light opera, The Agony and the Ecstasy about a guy painting a painting.

I want her to sit on my face how do I get this to happen.

Contact her father, Sir Phil Collins, and ask him.