Did you know Gooseman has a lazy eye? Is that why people find him so sexy?
Did you know Gooseman has a lazy eye? Is that why people find him so sexy?
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I did not know that
Yeah. He's attractive, but not the type of attractive that's intimidating, the kind that he still looks attainable for any woman watching, and for the guy to be able to self insert with ease.
You know I never would have noticed has you not pointed that out.
Yeah it becomes umpossible to unsee
I have a lazy eye people find me ugly beta and creepy now what
he has high cheek bones and his nose bridge goes deeper than his forehead
women only care about that
Ryan gosling is secretly a transgender
>nose bridge goes deeper than his forehead
This is shocking, it all makes sense now. He doesnt even have to speak, the eye carries his acting
At least you don't have a stutter. I can't even hold a conversation
Yeah it can't be for his otherwise chiseled features
explain that nose part
this. women love rat-faced kikes
pic related is me
me on the right
dad on the left
I have it too. You can do a surgery to fix it and you should be fine for a decade or two. Surgery itself only takes 30 minutes and then you'll need couple of days to recover at home. Not sure why he hasn't went through it yet. I developed crippling anxiety and can't look people in the eyes because of my lazy eye. Everyone always made fun of it when I was a kid which made me extremely self-consciouss.
He was apparently bullied as a kid, possibly for his eye. The point is, he got over it and so should you.
I am curious why he never had it fixed though, but then apparently Canadian healthcare can take a while.
This should have a name cause its the key of male beauty, if you have this hole you are set for life
So true. Pic is me and I just can't get the women to leave me alone!
I have both of those things, is my beauty intimidating to women? Is that why they never approach?
Women don't approach men, even attractive men, for the most part. I'm sorry you had to learn this so late in life.
>welcome to McIbrahim's would you like your order halal?
I wasn't really bullied, it was more like just kids being kids but I guess it got to me on a deeper level. I've got my lazy eye fixed with surgery but it didn't help me with my anxiety. To be fair, I can look people in the eyes but it's very uncomfortable and I have to make a conscious effort to do it, otherwise I always reflexively look away.
he is /comfy/tractive
Oh nice Im the left
>Did you know Gooseman has a lazy eye? Is that why people find him so sexy?
Is that why mudsharks love black peoples' whole bodies?
what about the chin/jaw though
No one even told me I had a lazy eye until I got to college. Some random slut I took home mentioned it and said something like "I can't stop looking at your eyes, the lazy one is so cute" or something and I stopped fucking and had her explain what in the fuck she just said and which eye was lazy and what lazy meant. I assumed if you had a "lazy eye" it was something like pic related.
Not even eye doctors told me I had a lazy eye. They just said "nearsighted, wear these".
I have a lazy eye and no one finds me sexy
I'm so horny and lonely
Unless you have an extreme lazy eye (and goose is actually approaching that) most people don't think of it much and won't mention it, it doesn't really affect health and it is common enough that even eye doctors won't bother bringing it up.
Mine is similar to his, except my lid is all fucked up.
I'm just lonely
Decent jaw nothing special
Hint: this is what women wished he looked like
Yes, Project Monarch
My ex gf thought I had a lazy eye one time I looked at her. In reality I have big eyelids and they get kind of stuck sometimes, so it gives the effect of having a Forest Whitaker eye on occasion.
I think it's the entire eye socket that is off-center, not necessarily lazy eye. I have asymmetrical eyes that are similar to his.
too uncanny
he can pull off the oval face because he still has jawline
this lazy eyed sob is fucking HOT CHICKS and basically, YOU’RE PATHETIC
sheeeeeit me too man
That seems like legit bullying, especially if it affected you that much, and it seems your anxiety is an issue outside of your eye.
Well if it makes you feel any better Gosling also has uneven eyes/eyelids aside from the lazy eye.
I hate that I checked my head after seeing this you fucking faggot.
In my defense, not every chick I have fucked has been "hot". Every dude I have fucked has been, though, har har.
He has both, see Left is better
Same except no gf ever and I got stung by a hornet on my left eyelid, and now it's permanently a little swollen
he got over it because movie executives promised him roles for letting them bugger and creampie his ass when he was in the mickey mouse club.
next time i see a hornet i'll fucking kill it. just for you bro
what happened in life of this guy that fucked him up so bad? or is it genetic?
gosling has an absurd range, from looking absolutely JUST to looking like a pure sex god incarnate
I still think he looks pretty good here. He just has a neckbeard that he should have shaved off, that's all. Also this was clearly around the time he was filming Lars and the Real Girl where he was supposed to play a loser autist.
Thnx sxe ;* mwah
I never find him handsome except in Blade Runner
I know I'm pathetic stop repeating it
welcome to ryan gosling's actin range
Not even in shit like Drive or back when he was a twink? Guess you like your men rugged.
Ryan Gosling and David Beckham.
Can someone please explain how The Goose lost his acting chops? Do you think he could do The Notebook again?
I didn't watch those
pic related is me
cya later virgins
is it the kind that you want to snuggle up with owo
no really user couldn't have said it better myself, that is the word
what are other comfytractive actors?
what is it that makes them comfytractive? is it scruffiness? warm, earthy tones, both in their physical appearance and their clothing?
Goose and the Alt-Goose
This bit was stolen from a MadTV sketch (I believe, or SNL) that was about Keanu Reeves, and the Keanu one was way better.
He got complacent and it's easy to play autists. I don't know why you bring up The Notebook since he wasn't good in that movie (in his defense, it was a shitty movie). His best role was actually The Believer.
Straighten it out already FUCK
All that matters is facial bone structure and your skeleton. My friend is like a 8/10 who just plays video games all day and has a lazy eye bur still slays puss left and right and he’s not even good at socializing either.
Then what are you comparing it to?
He's not attractive, in fact he was explicitly cast in The Notebook because they wanted someone ugly. He's successful and that's what makes him seem attractive.
t. look like him but people actively tell me I'm ugly to my face
noa's diary, thats it, I may have been talking out of my ass a little, sorry
Broken and damaged goose is cute goose.
I want to hold him and tell him he doesnt have to be horny and lonely anymore.
He is objectively attractive. Obviously you don't look like him as much as you think. Other men are far more successful than he is and nobody thinks they are attractive, so do yourself a favor and give up this cope.
post your face. goose is solid 7.5 or 8/10
Nah I get it, he also used weird contact lenses in that movie so he looked strange.
>G...goose has asymmetrical features, so that must mean I’m attractive too, r-right guys?
Sadly, all this proves is that women love talented men. Talent=power. So women love power. As long as you’re not a goblin, and have immense control over some sort of craft or skill, you’re gonna soak many panties. Too bad most of you are both goblins AND lousy at anything you try.
He's the perfect example of good looksmaxing.
I don't understand that at all. He's tall and has a great body. I still think his face is above average too.
I never even thought I looked like him until two different friends pointed out to me, I also posted my face online a few times and people always told me I look like him.
Did he get a hair transplant? His hairline is noticeably more receded in the older pic.
jawline and the nose forehead hole
that's majestic
I dont have neither
that's true, but he does have good features and a good jaw. he is an attractive man, just not 10/10
How do I looksmax?
His features are unique and strange enough that people can "look like him" but not quite get the combination that clearly makes him attractive (ignoring that he's also tall and fit). Post face.
Even when he uglied himself up for roles, including getting fat, he still looked pretty good compared to most people.
>v shape head
>receding hairline
this is literally me
getting clothes that fit and which create a good silhouette is important, dont for example wear wide shoes if youre a manlet. get a haircut that actually fits your headshape and covers up your imperfections. work out to get a nice body and increase testosterone. lose body fat to improve your jawline, if you're still growing, you should check out mewing but its worthless if youre already 20. try to grow a beard if you still have a weak jawline. basic hygiene like washing your face everyday and brushing teeth is also necessary.
>tfw have a lazy eye too
baj detected
It's a permanent twitch from reading all of Anna Kendricks rape mail
>Anna Kendricks rape mail
Reminder that literally EVERYONE has an asymmetrical face.
You'll notice it more easily in pictures.
Mfw I have Chad facial genetics and a lazy eye also
I'm pretty sure she regularly sends him mail with sexually aggressive content and implications
>Look myself in the mirror
>Think I look reasonably attractive
>See photo of myself
>Think I look like shit because I hate un-mirrored me.
E-everyone feels this way right?
In general, yes. If you reverse your photos, you like them more because it's what you're used to. Other people prefer the non-mirrored version, though, because that's what they're used to.
Top advice
Try photos that are taken at a distance. Camera angles on selfies can be a bitch on some faces.
It's like that for me because I see my frontal view in the mirror and it's ok but from the side my somewhat large nose and sloped forehead look ugly as fuck to me
Just look at pictures of yourself more often to get used to it, you can use this method to get over not liking your actual voice as well
It must be nice being this much of a Chad
>look at myself in the mirror, body is normal
>look at myself in pictures, I'm slumped over with serious posture issues
Which one is correct?
I'm fucked, aren't I?
Fuck, I just realized. My friend looks a lot like the goose although he's Irish but it just occurred to me that Ryan is Canadian and my friend's mother is a leaf to.
A lot of it is due to camera distortion. A short lens like on a phone will pull more of the center of your face out, making your forehead and chin look small and your nose big and thin. That's why professional portraits are taken at a distance of at least 10 feet with a telephoto lens. The longer the lens, the more "masculine" looking, so men should be shot around 100mm for that "Chad" look. A front facing camera on a phone is probably like 15mm so you look terrible
There was an interview a while back where she was sitting next to him, and he looked so fucking uncomfortable and like he wanted to hide behind Refn.
I'd be uncomfortable around that coke slut too.
>I assumed if you had a "lazy eye" it was something like pic related.
audible kek
Post face
Most white people have this from centuries of inbreeding.
Post face
you're ugly and he's attractive, woah
i have the left but also a big indian nose kek
i meant italian
Nigga, is you wearing mascara?
>a classic case of evil vs good
Nah I just have naturally huge lashes
Yeah but, who's the evil one?
Gnilsling > Goog
The one on the right.
Post face you fucking degenerate
while i wouldn't call him ugly, i wouldn't fuck him based on his looks either. that's spot's reserved for basedMads. and my dreams.
Why not just mirror your photos?
jfc why is that video so hilarious?
It seems it isn't just your eye that's lazy, but the whole of you. Post a pic.
Lads can someone please make a webm of Goose's adorable smile at 0:18?
What a cutie. Also that thing he's in looks fun.
this works if it's a tummy and crotch
guy on the right is tim tebow
>t. look like him but people actively tell me I'm ugly to my face
Why do they tell you this? They just walk up and say you're ugly?
Take one a day, call me in a week.
Fucked up.
That isn't a lazy eye so much as asymmetrical eyelids/eyes.
He's just like me guys!
>"post face"
>posts 1/6th of face
Lol faggot, nobody here knows who you are. Post the uncropped picture you little pussy. How do we even know it's you if you don't timestamp?
i knew his eyes were weird, but in my head it's like they're just a bit asymmetrical
(you) some other user, weirdo.
that isn't a lazy eye, bro.
>One ticket to the Ryan Gosling movie please!
I get a rush of adrenaline when I see a photo of myself and have to take a minute to regain my composure, I feel like I'm gonna vomit
T-thats normal right
>I-i look like him but peple call me ugly haha i totaly look like Ryan Gosling winner of the most handsome man award in GQ haha i look like him guys belive me
Not the person who asked but thank you friend
Are you a bosmer?
>ryan gosling has insane range
No, the faggot makes the same closed mouth face in every movie since Drive. The fucker has NO range.
Well strangers don't walk up to me, but whenever there's a discussion about looks among my colleagues/friends/family the consensus is that I'm ugly beyond salvation, a few girls I hit on told me that, the two gfs I had, female friends, mom, the online comments I mentioned earlier etc
>like my front profile
>turn and look at my side profile
>fucking ugly
anyone else?
thanks doc
No one thinks Ryan is attractive, they like his charisma, personality, talent etc but he is objectively not attractive
Watch his earlier movies, he has range. He just decided to play it easy and play autists.
Maybe you're just surrounded by assholes? It happens. But even assuming you are (and I'm not saying you are), I'm sorry but you simply can't resemble Ryan Gosling. Post a pic, you have nothing to lose.
It's an optical illusion made by camera lenses. The focus isn't natural so your nose is larger than what it should be. Model photographs use a special lense that makes your features even.
He is objectively above average in attractiveness.
Normal enough, some people have good profiles, others don't.
Put your camera in Portrait mode.
>no one thinks ryan is attractive
What would I be coping with?
Your ugly ass face user, you look nothing like Ryan movie star Gosling if people say you are ugly.
>there are people ITT unironically suggesting that the grand mufti of Jerusalem would be considered handsome by women everywhere if he only put on some fuckboy clothes
So if i like how I look in pictures that means I'm actually a grade a uggo in real life?
reminder to take photos at 80-100mm focal lengths for that chad look
He would be, and please do not insult goose's style. He's /fa/ as fuck.
/fa/ is 100% fuckboys though
No, you probably look normal in real life but the aperture of the camera, the focus, pronounces your features.
Thanks so much!
>look at myself in the mirror
Who's the Chad staring at me?
>look at myself in a photo
Who's this ugly incel?
I seriously can't tell if I am 4/10 or 7/10.
Have you tried asking people? It should be said photos tend to have a lot of variables so I'd say trusting your irl image is probably the safer bet.
Scarlett is half-jew, right?
He can definitely still act, The Nice Guys shows him as a polar opposite of the stoic brooding tough guys he usually plays.
I have thick, dark, long eyelashes too. Does everyone with lazy eye have them? I got made fun of them throughout all my school years. Girls would ask me if I'm wearing mascara in the most mocking tone possible. It's probably what made me shy with women.
They were trying to flirt with you. Not even joking.
I don't have a lazy eye though. I think it's just a coincidence. Are you Mediterranean too?
Get some sleep. You look tired.
What are you gonna do?
dios mio...
I am.
I'm something worse. Welsh.
Not with that eye color you aren't, shitskin
No, I'm white.
>he doesn't know about the Welsh
what the fuck is that?
It means to improve your appearance but incels need to come up with stupid phrases for everything.
>There was an interview
where can i see that?
>the Welsh are a proud Celtic people and Celtic people are the true inheritors of the Aryan pure white race of the Germanic
Yeah, I get that, but you might want to dial it back a bit. The Irish are called potato niggers for a reason and my people freely fucked Mediterranean invaders in return for fake money. Just how it goes, my main man.
>my people freely fucked Mediterranean invaders in return for fake money
i´m feeling paranoid, i don´t know how i look anymore
How am I bros?
>australian btw
I was going to post this
Why are your eyes so sunken? Are you a heroin addict?
>no AHHHHHHHHHHHH posts yet
fuck this website
here I fixed him
too heavy on the ellenpage.
By creating Aaron Paul?
lol y u guys virgins just say hi, smile and they start laffin
phone cameras aren't to be trusted unless you're well away from the lens
garbage focal length makes everyone look like a goblin
Roast me lads, I need to know the truth.
These pics are all subtly photoshopped right? He doesn't actually have a lazy eye does he?
nope sure aren't
average now, but you will develop some serious buscemi eyes later
You're fairly handsome HOWEVER
Your haircut sucks dick you look poor, also your eyebrows aren't bold enough go talk to a woman about what needs to be done
You'd have to be a fucking imbecile to have JUST noticed he has a lazy eye. Why would that even be a problem for you?
I can live with that.
Idk if he has a lazy eye but he has asymmetrical eyelids/eye area, not really a big deal but his is very noticeable
Just google his pictures or watch his movies to see his lazy eye.
I get this a lot. your brain literally just is not used to seeing your face arranged that way, so it looks stranger than it actually is.
based and lmaopilled
A few do, but not many. They aren't women worth keeping around, they're almost always ugly or crazy. They like to make their presence know if they're into a guy, staring at him, twirling their hair, sometimes they even change their posture, like sticking their butt or hips out. But in general women hate approaching men. It just doesn't make sense biologically. They don't want a guy too chickenshit to talk to them first, if you can't even do that then they can already tell you're too weak to mate with.
goose days
Did you take this with a monocular?
>Yo Xbox! Fuck my shit up bitch!
Is this whole thread ironic?? His eyes move like a fucking chameleons, that's literally like the first thing you notice about him
>Xbox... still waiting on those jobs... bitch..
The inability to recognize sarcasm is a symptom of autism.