Cast it

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Fuck Napoleon for expanding the giant ass French State to the rest of Europe

Fuck you for liking Napoleon just because of the whole "le epic underdog xd" shit

Napoleon was the good guy. The Brits were the faggots that ruined Europe again, one of many times.

nobody gives a shit all redblooded males like the napoleonic wars setting

Will this scene be in the movie?
>"By God, sir, I've lost my leg!"
>"By God, sir, so you have!

Attached: weelington uxbridge.jpg (1031x1000, 95K)

Reminder that the anglos have bailed mainland Europe out of the French/Germanic/Dutch threat 6 (six) times.

You're welcome.

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>Direct descendant
Napoleon doesn't have a direct descendant, that guy is Napoleon's brother's direct descendant.
As always can't trust any major media.

>t. Hans Krautwurst

>The Brits were based & saved Europe again, one of many times.

This. His only legitimate son died childless when he was around 20. He had several illegitimate children, so he probably has living descendants today tho.

He did some good. Look up the unearthing of the sphinx and discovering the rosetta stone that helped to re-discover a lost civilization.

Maybe the greasy frog should fuck off back to his shithole country

Napoleon ended feudalism, introduced the civil code and ignited nationalism among Germans, Italians and Slavs

>brit delusion is bigger than even the russian delusion

Here you go.

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Oh he will, once Brexit rolls into town. Unfortunately for you, they will also take the whole City with them lmao.

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>dude napoleon was fricken epic nu-roman empire!!!!!
>brought european soldiers through africa to recruit niggers and muslims, letting europeans die of diseases because nigs are were so based

This would actually be kino

What's the magical date on which Brexit causes the apocalypse back to now? I can't keep up with all the revisions.

Napoleon’s wars were almost all defensive you anglotard.

Okay Von Hans.

>Not recognising absolute greatness
Kys you're self

The third not the first

>tfw ouiaboo and anglo-boo
These grand nations make worthy rivals. Still fuck Parliament for breaking the peace of Amiens.

Attached: Peace of Amiens.png (800x1115, 2.05M)

>Goodbye my options! goodbye my profits! goodbye my traders!

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Aren't you a little young to be buying all that 19th century British propaganda?

Idris Elba
Chadwick Boseman

yeah thanks for saving us from hitler and making our continent brown and muslim. based ziotards!

end of march

IRL kino

Imagine being a wehraboo

Imagine being so cucked that you want to be conqured by the fucking Germans of all people

Elba and Boyega.

Rod Steiger's and Christopher Plummer's grandsons.

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this. directed by rian jhonson

What a twist
>The Marquess of Douro, 37, a descendant of Queen Victoria, told the Financial Times: 'Jean-Christophe and I are friends, he's a great guy.

>Napoleon ended feudalism
Feudalism had been dead since the 1500’s
>introduced the civil code and ignited nationalism among Germans, Italians and Slavs
None of those are good things

their descendants are what they hated the most. this is proof that life is pointless even if you have a nice wife and kids

Fuck off Pierre, Napoleon ruined Europe with liberalism

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Cry moar, shitholers.

By the way, we're saving you again by sabotaging the EU.

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More proof that Anglos are the most chad

They were for the shit on peasents and emerging middle class.