Why didn't they just bomb the beach?
Why didn't they just bomb the beach?
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Why didnt the eagles just bomb Hitler?
too expensive
They did?
But the men will never learn that way
Why didn't the nazis just suck the water out of the oceans?
population control, we need to send a bunch of n*ggers to a modern Omaha beach. The rwce war needs to happen real soon
aa guns
why didn't they just build a wall?
Did they not teach you anything in school besides hitler = bad.
Recon wasn't as good back then as well as intel.
They weren't supposed to encounter heavy resistance like they did.
In fact, as mentioned in the movie, only a couple of the landings had any real trouble like this.
Because then the allies could just walk duh
Why didn't they just make recon better?
>beleiving anything school tells you
Why did they have to use guns? They could use non-lethal means to take down them such as conflict de-escalation language and less-than-lethal alternatives. It works in the UK for their criminals. Americans are so violent.
Why didn’t Thanos snap into existence eagles to fly over the beach to gather better intel???
Op is clearly referring to the Luftwaffe
Because then there would've been a shit ton of crashed planes on the shore. It would've been extremely painful.
Oh yeah, and there were balloon tanks that made Hitler think the invasion would come from elsewhere.
Wake up, fucktard.
Why didn't they use bulletproof shields?
Because only the Russians were able to win by blowing up their own guys along with the enemy.
why didn't the eagles just fly them to berlin
Just so the nazis can flood the oceans when they're walking?
why pay for it? theyre just goyim
They did. It’s called the Atlantikwal
Why didn't they just build two ovens?
Why didn't they just build a roller coaster that led them into the oven?
Why didn't they just throw the Jews into a volcano.
Why didn't they just kill all the Jews so no one could dob them in?
They did. Furiously. Unfortunately at Omaha the effect was diminished, and rocket equipped ships fired their payload too soon and the rockets fell short. Additionally ranger elements that were supposed to flank and bypass beach defenses ran into numerous fuck ups, like losing scaling ladders and their ropes being too wet to fire up to the cliff tops. Coupled with omahas cliffs the Americans had a tough direct fight on their hands, but in spite of that several smaller elements made it inland within the first thirty minutes and at all the other beaches the landings were almost anti climatic, with whole units disembarking and overrunning defences within the first hour and moving inland. The Germans lost the fight within the first thirty minutes and ohama was completely outflanked. All the GIs at Omaha who died after the first half hour died for nothing. In fact, given our current society, I'd say every GI who died in ww2 died for nothing. I doubt many of them would have kept up the fighting if they saw what they kids and grand kids and great grand kids were going to turn their countries into.
Do... Do you not believe the liberation happened?
Spielberg is such an overrated director , that movie was as realistic as Fury as far as the battle scenes went, as if the Krauts would have been shooting directly onto the beach and not be firing along it's length in crossfires, like they did. Just one of may examples of his stupidity.
The towering bunkers represented the evil overwhelming nazi force they were about to face, moron. It was symbolism.
Fact: the only people in Antarctica are Nazis. After Berlin was taken the sleeper bases activated and secured the frozen wastes with advanced Agarthian tech, no one has penetrated past Mary Byrd Land since..
>Comparing Spielberg to Ayer
nigga u dumb
because spies
Not wrong really.
>It would've been extremely painful.
they were big guys
why didnt the french just revolt and easily kill the 200,000 or so germans?
Because the whole thing never really happened. WW2 was buildings being demolished, troops and populations getting moved around, not an actual "war" with millions of soldiers actually trying to kill each other. Holohoax is the red pill, but War Hoax is the black pill.
How terrible of a person do you have to be to create this
what if i told you that none of it happened, that everything before the instance of your birth was a lie, that the world in which you live in is and always has been contrived entirely by the jew
>>Spells believing wrong whilst mocking the worthiness of schools.
>>What is irony?
>ww2 movie
>starts with omaha beach
kek, americans fighted the easiest battles
Both the public and the police are allowed to be armed in the UK faggot.
They did, they are called bunkers.
You must be an absolute beast to have your fucking father bare witness to a bunch of niglets that look nothing like him, and will never even slightly resemble him or his daughter for that fact. The fact of the matter is, this picture proves that this woman HATES her father. It's a victory card for her, a memento of his utter and total defeat which he cannot defend from.
Based auschwitz tycoon pro.
>Flags of our Fathers
>Iwo Jima
>One of the bloodiest battles of WW2
Fuck off euroshit
they missed the beach cos it was cloudy and they were paranoid about hitting shipping in the channel.
a horrible self righteous leftist feminist whore
Didn't have a lot of time cus Soviets were advancing
Have you heard of a little thing called every single battle on the entire Eastern front?
The Soviet one?
Atlantikwal was all propaganda
why else would you possibly want Italy as an ally?
Because the Luftwaffe had been completely BTFO by then, and what's left of them were hiding in their reinforced concrete hangars.
Why didn't they just take the Chunnel?
I don't get it.
>calling spoons and forks firearms
British people really do speak a different form of English
The caption is only putting in words what the look on his face was trying to.
What did we do to you cuh? Why you so angry ?
Who's your favorite German general?
I’m a Guderian fan myself
>most important decision you TAKE today
And they try to pretend they are any more educated or smarter than americans.
Clausewitz and von Moltke
you are almost right, but the world actually didnt exist until I was born. none of you actually matter and dont really exist, I am the hero of the universe and the rest of you are drones programmed to respond to me
Hitler should have won the war but unironically.
they did
I mean sorta
Two nogs? It's pretty bad,
The Navy was worried they would bomb the ships. They asked the Army Air Force to count to 30, or better yet, count to 90 when they were over target. As a result, they missed their targets by 1/2 mile to 1 1/2 miles.
Also, they were supposed to have armor support. They dropped swimming tanks to far off shore, and many moved obliquely to their beaches in high waves. Most of those tanks went to the bottom.
it's funny because the great day was inconsequentially shooting landing troops
I'll mostly agree with you against germany, but Guadalcanal was a tough one senpai
I'm not programmed to respond to you
Oh, in that case it's because the Luftwaffe sucked and every plane that got close got shot down by Allied air superiority.
Here in Norway our coast is still full of Nazi bunkers. Played in countless of them every summer as a kid.
Good thing you're telling me it was all a lie.
>Luftwaffe sucked
To be fair, they couldn't hope to match the ridiculous industrial output of either the US or the USSR, not to mention both of them, and they were completely out of experienced pilots
It would have secured a future for white children, nigger boy.
cause the germans werent so bad unless you were a kike
What makes you think the Nazis were fighting for whites? NatSoc was very specifically a German ethnic supremacist movement
This is unironically the real answer.
German whites = greatest whites
It certainly wasn't liberation.
Yeah it's not like Hitler admired the UK or tried to establish ties with the German American Bund
The Germans were subjugating fellow whites in countries like Poland and Russia. Hardly a world I'd wanna live in
Anglos aren't white
>Yeah it's not like Hitler admired the UK
Yet he still violated treaties with them constantly and lied to them endlessly.
They were already subjugated by jews; what's your point?
The Nazis was purely a German movement first and foremost, but Hitler's goal was to unite Europe under a German hegemony and wanted to work with other countries (conquered or not) to achieve that goal, specifically England. It was only if you fell under their list of undesirables that you had problems.
>They were already subjugated by jews
How so?
You might be interesting in looking into the primary ethnicity of the Bolsheviks.
To prevent the horrors that followed WW2 obviously.
Hitler did have an idea of a New World Order for Europe but it always involved subjugation or at the very least annexation of neighboring white lands. This continues to beg the question why people on this board keep thinking NatSoc was pro-white
OK. They were primarily slavic. Very few Jews, especially after centuries of purges.
You might be interested to know it was largely the Germans who were responsible for the rise of Lenin and Bolshevism. Also the Germans had fairly strong relations with the Soviet Union up until they went to war
It's very cute to just spout Hitler's rhetoric around for epic internet (you)s but I'd like you to explain to me in detail how Germany was subjugated by the Bolsheviks beforehand
Non-German Whites would unironically be better off as the majority in German client-states rather than becoming minorities in their own """sovereign""" (Jew-controlled) countries.
Quite easily Erwin Rommel. It's a shame that the coups fucked him over.
Ah, pulling that ancient Jewish trick. Could work.
What makes you think another set of horrors possibly ten times worse wouldn't have unfolded with the Nazis in power? NatSoc was a militaristic ideology I highly doubt there would've been a long peace after they won
So you want to live in a nigger world?
Stop larping as a white
>Non-German Whites would unironically be better off as the majority in German client-states
Tell that to the Poles and Russians bud
What is going on in this pic?
Not him and his syntax was shit, but he's clearly talking about "fellow whites in Poland and Russia".
Ask the French how life was under German occupation.
No I'm a Slav and my country spent thousands of lives fighting the Nazis. I'm not cucked enough to wish that the regime my ancestors died fighting against won the war.
All the other beaches were hammered by Navy artillery for close to forty five minutes before the first landing craft arrived.
270 American bombers dropped 4400 110lb bombs along the coast thirty minutes prior.
The intended landing site for Omaha beach was pounded too, but the landing craft hit the beach more than a mile away from their intended target, so what they landed on did not get blasted like the rest of the beachheads did.
They were angry with the French for the bullshit they pulled post ww1
By most accounts I've read it didn't seem to be too great. Rationing for the war forced a country-wide reduction in living standards and total caloric intake for instance.
there's an actual guy that tried to say this was true, he legitimately tried to sell his holocoaster fiction as reality
why didn't they show that the majority of the machine gun emplacements were actually sighted to shoot with overlapping fields of fire along the length of the beach?
Reminder that monarchy is the only legitimate form of government. Derived from God himself.
Constitutional monarchy is the best. Absolute monarchies are for bootlicking cucks
>German queen given divine rule over Anglos
Is this the pottery I keep hearing so much about?
The federal government forcing Whites to attend the same schools as Blacks at the literal point of a bayonet.
Nothing beats trannies and niggers and spics overrunning your hometown
>Tell that to the Poles and Russians bud
Poles would have been fine, just pressured to convert to German culture. Goebbels himself said that Poles were the same as Germans just with slavic culture. Russians would have been either """slaves""" west of the Urals or free east of the Urals, but I'm sure it would have been not too different than their slavery under communism.
Worse for Omaha, is that the support forces with tanks and heavy guns and supplies and reinfircements DID hit the right beach, so they didn't have the backup they needed.
Seem cucked enough for the bbc
To be fair, ask anyone how anything was under anyone's occupation. It was only after WW2 that humans started treating other humans like humans and took up on the whole postmodern neomarxist consept of human rights.
>Rationing for the war
Exactly. And once the war was over it would have been great. Same situation in Denmark and the Netherlands.
>the barbaric Hun occupation was so terrible
What was so terrible about it?
>w-well we couldn't get as much sugar as we liked and we were hungry
You mean like in Britain, or like in Prussia?
>Nothing beats trannies and niggers and spics overrunning your hometown
Then you don't know what true war is. The death and suffering that comes with it is unparalleled
>Poles would have been fine, just pressured to convert to German culture.
Just "pressured"? Come on dude Germans were actively colonizing Polish lands, killing their intelligentsia, and in some case Germanizing Polish children as young as toddlers. I think you're downplaying the scope of the German subjugation
>Russians would have been either """slaves""" west of the Urals or free east of the Urals, but I'm sure it would have been not too different than their slavery under communism.
You're delusional, the Soviet Union wasn't some nightmarish hell hole for the length of its existence. After Stalin the living standards improved drastically. Try telling Russians they would've been better off under Nazis
For the same reason they didn't show that MG42 barrels were prone to overheating and needed to be changed regularly. It would be literal autism.
That's not true at all. Allied occupation of conquered nations was far better than Axis occupation.
We don't have black people in my country dumb mutt
>Non-German Whites would unironically be better off as the majority in German client-states rather than becoming minorities in their own """sovereign""" (Jew-controlled) countries.
What do we got here? Ameritard that never heard word "lebensraum" before? Hitlers plan was to kill off almost all the slavs and populate the area with germans. How fucking stupid are you?
Fuck, this edgy faggot is larping hard.
I mean they were an occupied country during wartime. Of course they were going to get used for provisions and such. When the allies came storming in, they often blew away historical sites and were often claimed to be worse than the Germans. Hitler didn't even want to conquer France in the first place but was forced to since France and UK declared war on him. The Germans only held areas of military importance and let the Vichy government handle the rest. Whenever Hitler sent out peace proposals, they often included the provision of liberating France as he did not plan on holding onto it long term anyway.
fuck at this point I'm content if everyone is depicted as a human bean and not comic book tier villains and heroes
>Exactly. And once the war was over it would have been great
And you base this off what?
>w-well we couldn't get as much sugar as we liked and we were hungry
Why are you downplaying a mass reduction in living standards and in some cases near starvation level rations? Life in Occupied France was not a pleasant one. It seems you're whole argument revolves around the assumption it would've been great after the war.
>The federal government forcing Whites to attend the same schools as Blacks at the literal point of a bayonet.
And rightfully so, fasho.
>Nothing beats trannies and niggers and spics overrunning your hometown.
Yeah, because niggers and trannies are known for their many organized genocides throughout the history of Man.
>Poles would have been fine, just pressured to convert to German culture.
Now that's just delusional propaganda you're vomiting up there.
Why didn't they put lions on the beach?
>I mean they were an occupied country during wartime. Of course they were going to get used for provisions and such.
I never argued this, I just disagree with the suggestion that German occupied France was a nice country to live in
>When the allies came storming in, they often blew away historical sites and were often claimed to be worse than the Germans.
>Hitler didn't even want to conquer France in the first place
What do you base this on?
>and let the Vichy government handle the rest.
Vichy was often overruled by the Germans. Their sovereignty was little more than a veil
Absolutely true, that's why I said after WW2 things got a whole lot better; I should extend that to during WW2. The allies gave bein the good guys a real shot there, and as a German I am quite fond of how things turned out for the future generations.
lol, literally nazi propaganda
>muh endless war
If Germans won WWII you think they'd continue bombing London just for laughs? This is such a dumb point I'm not even going to address it.
>in some case Germanizing Polish children as young as toddlers
Oy vey muh Germanization!!! Sound like a prairienigger with your whining.
>kill off almost all the slavs and populate the area with germans
By "kill off almost all the slavs" you mean drive east Slavs east of the Urals and Germanize West slavs. HOWEVER, even if Hitler wanted to crucify every man woman and child east of Berlin I would STILL prefer that Hitler won because I would gladly trade the genocide of the entire Russian people for the White race as a whole being free from Jewish control.
Allied occupation was only so (((great))) because they needed to build up western nations as a bulwark against the Soviets in case the cold war went hot.
Not respecting the UK's govt under Chamberlain =/= hating the Anglo people themselves.
Almost all of the leadership was Jewish Lenin and Trotsky or more accurately ((Bronnstein)) among others were Jewish.
There was Operation Mincemeat which successfully diverted axis reinforcements away from Sicily prior to invasion using fake Intel planted on a dead brit soldier.
oh look, a discord tranny
>If Germans won WWII you think they'd continue bombing London just for laughs?
I never said that. But if you think the Germans would've just called it quits after WW2 you don't understand NatSoc ideology
>Oy vey muh Germanization!!! Sound like a prairienigger with your whining.
Would you like a source for it? Or are you going to continue spouting ad hominem in lieu of an argument?
server disabled shields
You can't expect to ally with a nation when you're disrespecting their government in such a manner.
Pure revisionism. A pragmatic war treaty
National socialism in Germany grew as a direct reaction to communist agitation in the Weimar Republic. Why do you think the SS even formed?
One needs only look at the leadership's policy aims to see it is directly opposed to all forms of Bolshevism, in particular it held a strong disgust for the Soviets.
I have no fucking idea. At some point, someone must have thought of this, right?
>bruh just like have the only door open directly in the front the that the entirety of the craft is exposed to machine gun fire
But then the Allied forces were dumb enough to use live fire in the beach landing training exercise because "it would be more realistic" and then failed to tell the defending team that they had live ammunition, not blanks.
LOL the Poles gleefully participated in the Final Solution you dolt. More Polish Jews were executed than any other nationality.
Not true, the treatment by the allies was the same in the South/Central Pacific. Soviet bulwark was never a consideration.
Look into the Ukrainian Freicorps.
>Pure revisionism.
>National socialism in Germany grew as a direct reaction to communist agitation in the Weimar Republic.
And once again, it was the German High Command in WW1 who funded Lenin and sent him to Russia in a sealed box car. The Germans reaped what they sow.
>I never said that. But if you think the Germans would've just called it quits after WW2 you don't understand NatSoc ideology
What's so bad, for Europeans, if Germany continued to conquer the rest of the world after WWII?
>Would you like a source for it? Or are you going to continue spouting ad hominem in lieu of an argument?
My argument is that Germanization is not this terrible evil (And that's a good thing).
Triggered and butthurt. Cry moar.
You mean what wartime propoganda told you?
>And rightfully so, fasho.
Well yes, and no. Poles collaborated with the Germans but only to save their own skins. The Final Solution called for a major extermination of the Poles after they were done with the Jews, and then used a permanent slave race.
>What's so bad, for Europeans, if Germany continued to conquer the rest of the world after WWII?
"Then you don't know what true war is. The death and suffering that comes with it is unparalleled"
>My argument is that Germanization is not this terrible evil
Kidnapping of foreign children by Nazi Germany (Polish: Rabunek dzieci), part of the Generalplan Ost (GPO), involved taking children regarded as "Aryan-looking" from the rest of Europe and moving them to Nazi Germany for the purpose of Germanization, or indoctrination into becoming culturally German.
At more than 200,000 victims, occupied Poland had the largest proportion of children taken.[2][5] An estimated 400,000 children were abducted throughout Europe.[1]
The aim of the project was to acquire and "Germanize" children with purportedly Aryan-Nordic traits, who were considered by Nazi officials to be descendants of German settlers that had emigrated to Poland. Those labeled "racially valuable" were forcibly Germanized in centers and then sent to German families and SS Home Schools.[6] In the case of older children used as forced labor in Germany, those determined to be racially "un-German" were sent to extermination camps and concentration camps, where they were either murdered or forced to serve as living test subjects in German medical experiments - and thus often tortured or killed in the process.[7]
There's a reason they cheered Allied liberation, user.
>The Final Solution called for a major extermination of the Poles after they were done with the Jews, and then used a permanent slave race.
You're literally just spewing public school level bullshit propaganda. Even the other user on your side ITT admits that the worst the Poles faced was >Germans were actively colonizing Polish lands, killing their intelligentsia, and in some case Germanizing Polish children as young as toddlers. I think you're downplaying the scope of the German subjugation
Granted that's not very """nice""" behavior, but it's certainly not some jewish caricature of total extermination.
>Even the other user on your side ITT admits that the worst the Poles faced was
I never said that was the worse they faced.
Go back to discord, you will never be a real woman.
if only the genarals had you there user
I like the German high command as an institution. It was a reflection of the Prussian mindset, of rationality, meritocracy and professionalism.
>death and suffering
FOR WHO?! FOR NON-WHITES NOT FOR EUROPEANS (And that's a good thing!)
>muh Germanization again
Would you rather the children were Germanized or placed on hormones and made into tranny faggots?
>even if Hitler wanted to crucify every man woman and child east of Berlin I would STILL prefer that Hitler won because I would gladly trade the genocide of the entire Russian people for the White race as a whole being free from Jewish control.
Slav countries are still 95%+ white while western Europe is infested by niggers and muslims btw. Those western Europeans sure can teach us how to make white race free.
>FOR WHO?! FOR NON-WHITES NOT FOR EUROPEANS (And that's a good thing!)
What are you even trying to say?
>Would you rather the children were Germanized or placed on hormones and made into tranny faggots?
I'd rather neither. Why do you treat this like such a black and white issue? You can disagree with Nazis and still hate SJW tranny freaks you know
>Slav countries are still 95%+ white while western Europe is infested by niggers and muslims btw
And why do you think that is? Could it have something to do with someone removing the jews from those countries while the jews in the west remained in power?
You are one dense motherfucker. Polish would have really thrived under their generous German masters!
Exiling a criminal from your nation to hostile foreign nation is hardly unheard of and not nearly as insidiously organized like some CIA coup and you'd like to portray it. And to use Lenin's exile as a means of trying to connect NAZI germany to the USSR is absolute pilpul. Again, pure revisionism.
>Navy awaited far from german firing range
>Air force completely missed the target and ww2 bombs were anything but accurate but they still would say for posterity they dropped the load exactly where ordered
>Infantry did the only thing they are good for: to die
>The only known movie in human history that doesnt take war as an elegant adventure
>It was not realistic
It was not a trenches fight faggot it was a fucking beach
The problem with these shitposters here is that you can't have a discussion about anything but their crazy delusions.
And you will never be a real man.
>public school propaganda
No, the Nazis planned to exterminate 85% of ethnic Poles, and use the remaining 15% for slave labor. Generalplan Ost. Straight from the nazi horse's mouth.
Wasn't there also a machine that tickled people to death? Or jerked them off. I forget.
Yeap, nazis only killed jews in slav countries while german and french jews were treated like royalty.
Don't be delusional.
There is literally nothing wrong with trannies. I always wonder if the haters and religious preachers have some gender identity issue of their own.
Why do I get the feeling that they include orphaned, evacuated, and otherwise lost children as "kidnapped"
400,000 "kidnapped" children? I mean come the fuck on; who believes this shit?
>Exiling a criminal from your nation to hostile foreign nation is hardly unheard of and not nearly as insidiously organized like some CIA coup and you'd like to portray it.
Lenin wasn't in Germany he was in Switzerland. The Germans absolutely knew what they were doing in sending Lenin it was a calculated move.
> And to use Lenin's exile as a means of trying to connect NAZI germany to the USSR is absolute pilpul
I never once tried that. All I did was point out the irony that the Germans were defeated by the Soviets they help put to power. Never once did I say the Nazis were responsible for it.
ww2 never happened.
And you call people revisionist, incredible.
The liberal of yesterday is the conservative of today. Your "rational model" fails horribly when analyzing history over the past 300 years.
>400,000 "kidnapped" children? I mean come the fuck on; who believes this shit?
I'm really enjoying this cognitive dissonance.
>What are you even trying to say?
You keep saying that the "downside" to Germans winning would be endless war and suffering. However, the European people would not be suffering, because they would be allied with the victor and have plenty of resources. How would Hitler subjugating Asia/South America/Africa have negative effects on European people? Granted there might be rationing and even conscription, but it wouldn't be this unbearable nightmare of endless devastation in Europe. It would be more akin to Vietnam-era America.
>he doesn't know that all the camps in the West were concentration camps and all the camps in Poland were """death""" camps
>he doesn't know that Anne Frank died in a hospital of Typhus
However, even if the French, Dutch, etc Jews were BTFO, the Jews in Britain and America were at their zenith.
>Hitler dindu nuthin wrong
Von Lettow-Vorbeck
Why didn't America just nuke Germany
>Why do you treat this like such a black and white issue?
I think it's because one of those things is already happening. If you don't oppose it then you might as well be embracing it, I think is his point.
Where's this Saving Private Ryan shit coming from? The film clearly shows the Germans using enfilading fire. It's more forward firing when the troops are still standing in the surf, six hundred yards from the seawall, like in OP's pick, but still.
>logic explanation of the events as they happened for the retards in this thread
Yes the definition of things like conservative, centrists, and liberal shift depending on the time period and country this has always been true
honestly just fucking look at him. He hates those kids.
dude didnt they had planes and shit?
The cowards surrendered too fast.
>However, the European people would not be suffering, because they would be allied with the victor and have plenty of resources
Resources that would've been rationed in continued warfare. Life in wartime is always miserable no matter how you spin it
>How would Hitler subjugating Asia/South America/Africa have negative effects on European people?
Subjugation on such a scale does not happen for free you know. European lives and resources would be extinguished in this effort.
Progressivism and conservatism is in many ways as much attitude as concrete ethics.
>If you don't oppose it then you might as well be embracing it
But you can oppose it without going full blown NatSoc. Doesn't even make sense there are a ton other more appropriate right wing movements why chose a German supremacist one from the 20s?
Germans literally just "let him pass". Hardly a friendly relationship
>wanting Jews to win
Don't tell me you still fall for that meme were Germans aren't kike servants
How's that an argument?
Everything stated is correct
>Germans literally just "let him pass".
They funded him with millions of dollars dude
The entire premise is disgusting; noneuropean lifes mean nothing to these sickos. Their "utilitarian" "rationalization" of mass murder is just a thin veil for indiscriminate blood lust. This is what happens when psychopaths get a public platform.
What Jew was controlling the Allies? Specifically I mean. Any names?
user, the idea that hundreds of thousands of children were stolen away in the night is ludicrous.
the battle of Normandy was not like the movies. The guns were positioned much much further away from the beaches. They were not getting shot immediately when the boats landed.
wasnt eisenhower a jew?
You don't see anything odd with a claim that hundred of thousands of children were "kidnapped"?
You don't think that this isn't just literal wartime propaganda that conflates evacuation and forcibly moving populations from fronts with malicious child stealing?
I don't think it's so sinister. I think these people are just zoomers who have been fed a sugar coated bullshit version of NatSoc based on unsourced infographics and a fundamental misunderstanding of the ideology. They don't understand what they're defending but they're too deep into it so they feel like they must defend it.
Germans contribute nothing but destroying European civilizations, which also conveniently benefits (((them))). Its almost like whenever (((they))) need more power, Germans suddenly start sperging out and onga bonga Europe again
>Resources that would've been rationed in continued warfare. Life in wartime is always miserable no matter how you spin it
Rather have meatless Tuesdays and sweetless Sundays than beaners making up 60% of the population of my hometown.
>Subjugation on such a scale does not happen for free you know. European lives and resources would be extinguished in this effort.
Yeah maybe one European soldier for every 1,000 non-White. Tragic, to be sure, but undoubtedly better than the alternative of Jew-tranny-nigger hell-world.
>there are a ton other more appropriate right wing movements why chose a German supremacist one from the 20s?
Who's choosing the NSDAP? I'm merely making the argument that Germany winning WWII would be better than the Allies winning WWII. For the problems we face today obviously I would follow NSDAP policy blindly. However the question of how to address current politics is a topic for /pol/. ITT we're discussing who should have won WWII.
He was probably one of those space jews.
>this has always been true
Actually no
This was only true in the post French Revolution era.
This was over the course of 4-5 years what's ludicrous about it?
>I'm smarter than military planners who'd been fighting a war for 4-5 years already with multiple amphibious assaults prior
they had plenty of ideas, they just failed due to bad luck. Bombers were supposed to wreck fortifications, but overshot their targets. Special forces failed to clear obstacles for the landing craft. The heavy fog prevented rocket batteries supporting the landing from hitting any of their targets. Specially outfitted amphibious tanks all sank before reaching the beach. Supporting naval assets couldn't get close enough to lend fire support because it was low tide
Regarding the landing craft being dumb, what would you do about it? Making some retarded mechanically complex craft would end in disaster, these things were thrown together quickly. Also opening to the sides would make it really hard to wade to the beach and most casualties didn't occur when people were stuck in the craft, you've watched Saving Private Ryan too many times. Artillery is more dangerous than machine gun nests
Nah the first guy was right. Good is good if it's good for me (and by extension my people).
t. Patrice O'Neal
Why didn't they jut fly the V-2 to Mount Doom?
No but he was a German so pretty close
Yeah, Lenin starting the revolution was the fucking point. And it worked. Smart move. They should have tried harder at getting a status quo peace in the west. Entente demands might have prevented this from materializing, but morale in the French army was disastrous and a public appeal to peace might have made the Germans seem to be the reasonable ones at that point.
he was killing his own people, a traitor like judas, half jewish at least
>Rather have meatless Tuesdays and sweetless Sundays than beaners making up 60% of the population of my hometown.
There's not much I can really say to you here. You've made up your mind on the matter. I disagree with you I think war is much worse but to each their own
>Yeah maybe one European soldier for every 1,000 non-White.
You base this off what?
unironically Montgomery
Nah, its not about zoomers, this shit has been around with different flavour since forever.
Friendly reminder that Brits and Canadians took their beaches with only a fraction of the casualties. Americans fucked up.
Read some history you shits.
Hitler made an oopsie when he fell for the fake siege north by the Netherlands. Normandy wasn't prepared for 150'000 men storming them and sure as hell not for the night time airborne assault inland to prevent any reinforcement.
>Yeah, Lenin starting the revolution was the fucking point. And it worked. Smart move.
So what the fuck are you even arguing? That was my entire point
Now this is getting ridiculous. What's next on the menu? Shitting on the Irish? Slavs = Slaves? Reptiles interbreeding with Jews to share control of international finance?
The exact nature of any alleged payments isn't quite clear.
Lenin denies it, and funding wasn't channeled directly through to any Bolshevik leadership. And very few references really exist that show how if any money was utilized/received
>oh noo dont rape us, pleaseee donttt rape us.
Fake twitter account
>Jews sharing
toppest of keks
I'm not the dude you had the argument with.
>You base this off what?
American KDR in Vietnam but with the advantage of not being forced to defend vast swathes of civilian territory (defensive jungle patrols where most of the boobytraps/ambushes/casualties occurred) and not being cucked by hippies on the home front (hamstrung by RoE). The evil Nazis might even make use of chemical weapons or atomic bombs thereby lowering European suffering even further.
funny enough the US also offered huge amounts of emergency relief to Eastern countries, but Stalin told them no and stated he would do it (he didn't really do it he just didn't want US influence in the East)
I know Lenin denies it (as he would) but source on the rest?
>chin level decreases
my bad b
Vietnam is one country as you said
>subjugating Asia/South America/Africa
Would kill a lot more people
The premise is asinine
400,000 children "kidnapped to fuel an Aryan war machine?" Come on, this is war time propaganda
>400,000 children "kidnapped to fuel an Aryan war machine?
Nobody said that read that article I posted
>involved taking children regarded as "Aryan-looking" from the rest of Europe and moving them to Nazi Germany for the purpose of Germanization, or indoctrination into becoming culturally German.
>to be fair, they didn't have planes or pilots
yeah so basically they sucked dick
The Luftwaffe did not have air superiority. They had been reduced to a dump force at this point.
The allies bombed the lines of communication behind the beaches in the interior to stop heavy armour from being moved to the front.
The Royal Navy bombarded the heavy gun emplacements on the beaches before the invasion.
Yes, but unless you're implying all the non-Whites would zerg rush Europe at once in some kind of 1 trillion lions vs the Sun scenario it would be merely an extermination rather than a real war. What military could have put up resistance to the Germans after the Allies are defeated? Japan would be the only one and they were Honorary Aryans.
Oy vey are you questioning the Germans bayoneting Belgian babies?! Bet you think the Iraqis didn't toss babies out of incubators in the Gulf War either? Racist.
>it would be merely an extermination rather than a real war.
You're talking about invading and colonizing entire continents. You're bound to face casualties in the millions over such prolonged war and occupation through never ending guerilla wars alone
I've looked for primary sources and found nothing. Secondary sources just make a claim a claim that Germans sent him money based on a correspondence that said they might try to do it. This doesn't seem to be a well documented case in history.
why didnt they just drop bombs where hitler lived and be done with it?
That's wrong, most beaches were like that but others were like in the movie. It just depended where you landed.
Sounds like evacuating minors to safe, stable communities
One quick google search I found this:
>See, Hitler dindu nuthin wrong
Forgot link
Gelfand's cunning plan eventually bore fruit. On November 7, 1917, a coup d'état went down in history as the October Revolution. The interim government was toppled, the Soviets seized power, and Russia later terminated the Triple Entente military alliance with France and Britain. For Russia, it was effectively the end of the war. Kaiser Wilhelm II had spent around half a billion euros ($582 million) in today's money to weaken his wartime enemy.
Parvus was directly involved as the middleman for the German kaiser. The man who helped Lenin's revolution succeed was described posthumously by the German Marxist Clara Zetkin as a "whoremonger of imperialism." Gelfand died of a stroke in Berlin in 1924, at the age of just 57. Both the Soviets and the German Empire drew a veil of silence over the historic role he had played.
Lenin was briefly discredited among Russian communists as the recipient of capitalist support, but after the murders of the czar and his family on July 17, 1918, he went on the offensive. At a party conference, he said that he was often accused of having achieved revolution only with the help of German money. This, he countered, was something he had never denied. Instead, he insisted, "I would, however, like to add that we will stage a similar revolution in Germany with Russian money."
ITT: LARPERs Blown The Fuck Out Repeatedly
I'm actually a bit surprised. Thought that Yea Forums was a themed extension of /pol/ for a long time now.
The Murcans thought their amphibious tanks would work better as submarines.
>literally BTFO'd the best German general of the war
The little mutts have his blood, and that blood will last forever. Good luck finding a white maga male to copulate, faggot.
Seems that's parroted a lot but that's a secondary source with little detail or credibility. There's little corroboration on the story outside of a vagur German record found post ww2 at the height of soviet scare
>The federal government forcing Whites to attend the same schools as Blacks at the literal point of a bayonet.
There is no way this is real?
They FORCED these people to go to school with blacks at gunpoint?
Is this a fucking joke?
It's not rape if they want it. And every woman wants to fuck soldiers
>The evil Nazis might even make use of chemical weapons
agent orange destroyed half the fucking plants in vietnam. what the fuck could they have done worse?
>with little detail or credibility
How so?
>There's little corroboration on the story outside of a vagur German record
I found dozens of sources when I looked I can post them if you like.
Remember goy: It's only fascism if the state uses violence against minorities!
how else would they get liberals to integrate?
>/threading your own post
Um I don't think so sweety
Imagine the kinographic technology, fashion and society if we had German ideals. The bad guys won that war.
Umm honey, it's spelled "sweaty".
Conservacuckold cope.
If you can find how the notion of it as a fact was derived from a simple myth I'd be happy to take a look
Why didn’t they nuke Berlin and Munich?
But that's wrong you fucking retard
Based on everything I've read there's strong evidence to support the Germans funded Lenin and sent him to Russia. If you have any evidence on the contrary to support your speculation then you'd have my attention.
>best general
>start's losing the same day the Americans realised their diplomatic code, which they used to sent detailed reports about British troops to Washington was compromised
man was just playing with the fow off
Yikes, who hurt you? Let's unpack this aggression.
Why didn't they just bomb Hitler????
is that Steve Buscemi getting fucked in the ass?
Speaking from my experience of being a and living in Germany, Germans aren't exactly artistic people. Rational, efficient, critical (compared to other cultures), yes. Not artistic. I prefer it that way.
There's a certain level of art in their 'unartfulness'. Like their ridiculously pragmatic sense.
Sauce plz?
Why didn't they just wait until high tide so the bunkers would be flooded and they could sail right into paris?
In what conceivable universe would a director think, "Yeah, Steve Buscemi is totally hot enough to make someone rape him?"
Your genes would never have made in through the eugenics programme, faggot.
You do realize 82% of furry porn comes from Deutschland, right?
Too heavy to carry. Remember, they couldn't beach the landing craft or else it would have clogged up the beach, so men needed to be able to swim a foot or two. Some drowned even with the little equipment they had.
>best general
>goes to africa with barely any supplies and decides to stretch his supply chain even further rather than fight a protracted defensive war
And we all know furry porn is the greatest form of art. Interesting fact, though, if it is true. I have met a lot of faggots during my pseudo-otaku days.
>The only known movie in human history that doesnt take war as an elegant adventure
Based Underage
You can't fight a protracted defensive war in an environment that has barely any geographic features. There are no dense forests to hide in, no geat rivers to cross or mountain ranges to be fortified.
oh they were, but they had far more control over the Krauts since their very inception, after all its no coincidence Hitler had Jewish blood in him
The last time FurAffinity was "hacked" it was revealed that 82% of its users registered using an IP address from Deutschland. It doesn't make sense considering the vast majority of content is in English but it is what it is. Even the administrators of e621 are German.
>implying he got to decide any of this
His given objective was to capture the Suez canal and threaten the Iraqi oilfields FFS.
>Starting at about 0540, the 741st Tank Battalion put 29 [amphibious tanks] into the sea, but 27 of these sank, the remaining two made the long swim to the beach.
Can you imagine?
>enlist to fight and become part of the Greatest Generation, fight the last Good Fight, the War to End All Wars 2.0, and save Europe from tyranny
>get assigned tank crewman, sweet--heard about these beasts from pa in his days
>they're even faster, cooler
>wait, assigned task "amphibious tank"
>spend next six months training, dreading mission day, knowing that you'll be dumped in the water and enclosed in a several ton tomb
>buddies try encouraging you, but you know better
>mission starts
>tank dropped into sea
>sure enough, you fucking drown a terrible and slow death
This, plus the open flank to the south, which Rommel consistently used to his advantage.
t (((them)))
nice try but I know the truth about your kraut lapdogs, the day that they are exterminated is the day your kind will forever be BTFO'd
>Beat the enemy back
>Withdraw back to Europe
>Use forces to beat Soviet Union
>Win WW2
>let's take el alamein!
So were the tanks actually manned when they dropped them? And if so couldn't the crew just get out and swim?
>evacuating minors to areas that are likely to get bombed or have a spec op raids
>Some of the crews of the sinking tanks managed to radio back and warn following units not to launch so far out.
Oh yeah they were manned.
why didnt they just create a tidal wave and flood the beach and bunkers
why didn't they just went around the world invading the pacific islands, then russia and then germany? big yikes
Clearly you were idiot
You're pretty stupid, aren't you?
Hitler should have stopped after reclaiming the territory lost in the treaty of Versailles
Don't speak to me like that
reminder that hitler was bad