>watching sitcom
>husband lets his wife have male friends
Watching sitcom
Other urls found in this thread:
>Watching a tv serie
>Male Character has a daughter
>watching mary kondo show on netflix
>its always the wife that is pathologic
My wife has male friends and I literally do not care.
How insecure, Merry! But forbidding your wife to mingle with men you basically admit that you are cuckable in the first place!
Don't come crying to us when your next child comes out half-black, cuck.
Have your testosterone checked
How come Merry never commented on the fact that Sam has a daughter?
Enough, Merry! I will not stand you accusing me of cuckoldry, not in the presence of my beautiful daughter, the light of my life! Has the smoke clouded your judgement, you poor hobbit? You're applying this whole "cuck" paradigm to every facet of our existence, as if men only live to be or not to be cucked, how sad! Surely good fathers do not raise their daughters be "enjoyed by other men", and they certainly don't, unless Dark Lord's magicks take hold of their senses, raise their offspring to please them sexually. Wake up, Merry, I raise my daughter to be a decent woman, worthy of respect and good life, and so should you! Stop visiting this 4Channel tavern
same, if she cheats i'll dump her ass, like I give a shit.
Have you thought about it logically?
>watching tv show
>father greets his daughter's boyfrend and welcomes him into his home
>Rosie lived in the shire
>the shire was sacked by orcs
It's not cuckoldry, it's called continuing the fucking human race. Guess what: your wife was someone else's daughter. What you have done for your wife, you should be glad someone else does for your daughter. The best thing you can hope for is that she marries someone with great genes and lots of providing power so they have beautiful grandchildren. Looking at everything through the lens of being cucking/being cucked will do you nothing but leave you with a warped sense of the world.
t. literal beta males who have to worry constantly about whether or not their woman is taking Chad's dick
I know mine isn't. I am the Chad.
Fuck off cuck and pay your taxes
Now now dear hobbits, we can argue all we like about how having daughters is cuckoldry, but we are missing the larger problem. Taxation. Taxation is not just theft, but cuckoldry. The state is the highest institution of cuckoldry. Aragon's tax policy matters not, all that matters is whether he has one or not. You are paying to raise other men's daughters, other men's son's at the expense of your own. Think about it logically.
>I'm what you would call 'Chad'
fucking SHIT dude
>I know mine isn't. I am the Chad.
Contradiction. If you're the Chad, she's taking Chad's dick. Clearly you're an insecure dicklet who self-inserts as the Chads your woman is fucking.
What a cuck thing to do lmao
This PIPE meme is the worse because ignore fucking logic.See that no one Will reply to you with a comeback
>I am the Chad
>as if men only live to be or not to be cucked
but thats the point you fat loser.
cuck detected
Get BTFO soo hard that his brain starts fucking up
Top kek
I've never seen so much cuckoldry in a single post.
cuck coping lmao
>she marries someone with great genes and lots of providing power
Why musts thou speaketh like a faggot, goodsir
I miss SJW journalism and taxposting.
user, there is nothing more in life. You are aither a cuck, or not. That is the most important thing. The only option outside that is inceldom, and that is even below cuckoldry.
This is getting out of hand guys
>t-thank you for using my beloved daughter as a cum dumpster mister, you have so nice genes!
you make me sick user, this is some seriously fucked up stuff
One might be inclined to ponder about such mortal matters, but if you were truly enlightened you would see that serving the Valar is the preeminent cucking. Think about it logically.
I Saw everyday by Just looking at your father kek
Yeah there's no point in a relationship if you can't have complete trust, I'm not a babysitter. You just have to be clear that the relationship ends instantly if there's any cheating. No sticking around.
SJW journalism was cringe. one of /pol/'s most decadent memes.
>T-thanks for fucking my daughter genetically superior male!
Think about it logically.
my ex-gf had some male friends and I eventually had to care. the next gf is getting the prison guard treatment.
>I know mine isn't. I am the Chad
oh nononono
Pretty much this. Every relationship I'm in is pretty much just a dare to the girl to give me a reason to go fuck new pussy. I welcome their bullshit.
>have a son
>he gets cucked or becomes an incel, my line ends
>have a daughter
>my line guaranteed to continue
think about it logically
I often think of my father cumming in my mother and my sister's boyfriend cumming in her and it makes me fucking sick.
i guess you are more tolerant than me. i really dont get this open relation stuff but hey, do your thing
>it's called continuing the fucking human race
>letting men fuck your daughter under any circumstance
Literally jewish talmud logic
>not one legitimate argument
>not one legitimate argument
Jokes on you, I don't have a woman
>worry constantly about whether or not their woman is taking Chad's dick
>I know mine isn't.
>I am the Chad.
so what you're saying is that you know for a fact she's cheating?
thank you rabbi for the insight
>letting your daughter die alone
>not marrying her off to someone more powerful than you to expand the power of your clan
Sam, please think about it.
>not having children is cucked and söy
>having a daughter is cucked and söy
How do you escape this Catch-22?
Based white family poster BTFOing seething incels
>I know mine isn't. I am the Chad
i can almost smell the insecurity and desperation
Use your head, idiot
>Cursing marking your own family members
The ultimate and final chad.
Have sons. A daughter means you didn't try hard enough.
By aborting girls like they do in China.
Take the China pill.
>please fuck my daughter superior males!
why not offer up your wife aswell, you know, to expand the power of your clan lmao
Adopt a boy
Do what Genghis Khan did and
cuckable=dating a girl thats too hot
have a son. or a lesbian daughter and convince her to impregnate her lesbian gf with your sperm, but thats a more complicated issue
having sons is the ultimate cuck, imagine putting all those resources into your sons just to have them be an incel or to be cucked themselves.
the ultimate redpill is to father as many daughters as possible, but to not raise those daughters. That's the recipe for genetic success, since women are more likely to reproduce than men and you won't be investing resources in them. Be sure to inseminate up and coming regions like Africa or Southeast Asia.
>will probably never have the marriage my parents, grandparents and elderly neighbors had
There's literally nothing wrong with women staying at home and dedicating themselves solely to their family. It's the way it should be.
Think about it rationally. You are wasting time and resources for years to raise a woman that will be a cum slut to some guy. All those sleepless nights, all those grey hairs just so another dude can cum inside your precious little daughter.
Now this...is kino
Seething cuck from reddit.
um no sweetie. Men and women are equal.
Wow you sound insecure as fuck.
>The only option outside that is inceldom, and that is even below cuckoldry.
but thats wrong inceldom is above cuck and chad because they transcended those mortal desires.
I'd do it for them if they'd let me. Women want nobody at home to care for children and seek to destroy the family unit.
>that investment in my daughter gives me guaranteed descendants
>my son could end up an incel on Yea Forums or a betacuck
hmm I wonder which is better?????
Then who should have the right to fuck your daughter?
Literal unironic beta cuck.
>having only one son
not gonna make it
Jesus fucking christ
how much of a cuck can you be?
>reddit memes become literal unironic Yea Forums memes
what timeline is this?
>fucks your daughter
What now Sam you lil cuck
The pasta is from Yea Forums, it made Reddit have a fucking meltdown when it got posted there though. No one could refute it though.
only yourself or she should remain a virgin for life
By going back to the pre-suffrage day’s where women basically were housekeepers, and girls weren’t treated like princesses. Just like he says, don’t worry about taking her to sports practice or her education. The only thing she should receive is instruction on how to be a quiet, respectful lady that doesn’t give it away too easily. Then when you marry her off, you won’t have been cucked by putting too much effort into her. This is why girls in Muslim countries are basically 2nd class citizens (ideal). Think about it logically.
Islam is based and redpilled
>all those Yea Forums memes
>it's not even a Yea Forums subleddit
If I could quit this shithole I would right now. We are no longer legit.
I don't know why any dude would allow it. Even with yourself, you should realize the temptation when other women start flirting with you and probably you with them. You might regret cheating on your gf after the fact, but the moment got to you when she was squeezing your junk. Best for you two to just avoid the opposite sex in your free time.
You know the “in” part means involuntary, right? That’s like saying the steer transcended mortal desire when the farmer took his testicles.
Think about it logically.
>Wife has one (1) male friend
>Sceptical as shit, demand to meet him
>Literal autist retard with cognitive dysfunction and no other friends besides Downies
>Realize she uses him for virtue signalling and accept it
Inb4 she gets the autism dick on the sly, this guy was non-functional. It's all a façade.
This. My girlfriend is hot af and constantly gets messages from dudes. I usually take her phone and send them dick picks or pictures of my dick+cum on her face
>protagonist allows his gf to use a phone
>pictures of my dick+cum on her face
It is disappointing that any real notion of appropriateness has almost totally disappeared. Schmoozing with the opposite sex at social functions is fine but anything more than that is the road to ruin.
How many of them did she fuck?
Everyone is guilty until proven innocent
Are we talking "hi woowee" levels of tism because I'd seriously question why she even wants to be their friend
just the last one. the moment I saw his face I knew it was the end.
I have my fingerprint added and have the password to her phone. I receive the messages that she does and respond accordingly.
Can't post my dick on a sfw board
Damn... glad I'm not into women haha wew
My gf once shared a bed with one of her male friends, she admitted they cuddled and I believe her as they both have partners. From what I remember the male friend was forced to stay over due to the snow outside, I'm not a cuck and I think it's a term used primarily by uncle virgins who have only seen 2d tits and their mothers.
haha love these pretend threads kek based yikes
Humanity is already dead, people just don't realize it yet.
Most obvious bait I've ever seen, apply yourself.
Which is worse, getting cucked by a sex doll or fucking a sex doll while some guy watches you?
A bit above woowie tier, thankfully. He's able to take the bus by himself and keep a general conversation going for some time, if that pinpoints it further.
Holy cuckaroni
I know this is bait, but this literally happened to me.
Spoiler alert, they didn't just cuddle.
>husband allows wife to speak before spoken to
>husband allows wife to show her ankles to other men
walked out of the theatre right there and then
To this day it has not been refuted
a chad would at least get dubs when making a point.
How are you sure your daughter is yours and you weren't cucked?
>I'm literally the wife's male friend
>Have female friend
>she's been in a relationship with guy for 8 years
>he's in another country for new years
>for new years she's asks me come with her to her sisters new years party
>at the party, she makes comment about her boyfriend while I stand next to her
>awkward silence
>"is he your boyfriend?"
>"Oh no, he's my backup boyfriend, my plan B"
>All the girls laugh
>I end up sleeping over and we share a bed together
>Feels weird man
Im ashamed to admit that im a homewrecker. Girls have cheated on their bfs with me. We made out years ago but I decided against pursing a relationship with her. We're still good friends to this day and I don't want to lose her as a friend
How do you feel about the guy you might be cucking in the near future?
Just get out, I've been in a similar situation. It just stops you from getting what you actually need, half assing it doesn't work even if she has a genuine fondness for you.
It's retarded to start a serious relationship with a woman that cheated on another man she chose to be with. You basically know her truest self already. Just fuck them and move on unless you want to get cucked. I don't care how nice she seems, she's capable of doing it again if she's done it once.
um, why do you think of this often?
your wife is getting pounded by Tyrone and Chad as we speak, faggot.
DNA testing. Either way your argument applies just as much to sons so it's not relevant
If she has a male friends, they absolutely do talk shit about you behind your back. They do talk about sex. And eventually they WILL cheat.
Feels bad desu. As I mentioned, a few girls have cheated on their bfs with me and I'm paranoid that karma is going to comeback and bite me in the ass.
What makes our friendship work is that we don't live on the same town. She's always lived very far away. When she visits home is when we hang out, and she only visits a few times a year. We made out years before she started dating her current bf and she was single at the time. She's never cheated. I feel bad because to this day, our friends still say she has a thing for me, as well as my parents. When she comes home I'm the one she talks and hangs out with the most. Shes the only girl I wouldn't cheat with
>they didn't just cuddle
and that's a good thing
>Husband allows his wife to birth non-male children
its a joke
now say that without crying
holy shit how FUCKING KEKED are White """Men"""???
I mean Jesus FUCKING Christ, you're so fucking KEKED it's ridiculous.
>I just get along with guys better teehee
I used to think this was cute in a girl. I'm glad I didn't fall for it. She was actually rather attractive too.
The two girls I dated were bro'ish or really down to earth but they all had girl friends that I got along with too.
Anons my friends, this has been a thread to remember.
>I know mine isn't. I am the Chad.
Doesn't really matter, male/female friendships beyond superficial acquaintance are possible but only temporarily, one side will give in and want more eventually. If you really want her you can try pulling her in, but it's a pretty shit way to go about it, better to just go somewhere else.
You guys act like people having sex its the ultimate evil
if you don't raise them they will get blacked and make the end goal futile
Depends on the circumstances
>muh daughter muh cuckold
>he's not mgtow
what's the end goal
is there an option for men other than being an incel or cuck
Dumb cunt gf has a male friend that's "like a brother to her," but also is romantically interested in her. I think nothing of it due to collegiate jewish brainwashing. She goes to see a concert in his city with a mutual female friend and ends up sleeping "in the same bed" as him. Mutual female friend decides not to tell me that they had actually "slept together" until after we had broken up. Don't talk to either of them anymore.
Most women, and an increasing amount of men, have no honor. Do not trust anyone, male or female, who does not have honor.
not listening to Yea Forums so you are not paranoid about everything your whole life.
>not being MGTOW
You are literally this guy. What advice would you give this guy?
having kids.
the cuck's opinion that "having kids is what cucks do" is one of projection. Cucks are cucks because their line doesn't continue, but the cuckoo kicks their bloodline out of the nest, forcing them to raise another animal's young rather than their own.
The man who raises a daughter then sees her wedded is not watching his bloodline end for the sake of another. He is therefore not cucked in any way. Even if he raised her children for her, those are still his bloodline. The cuckoo failed in cucking him.
The man who has no children, however, everything he has ever done or will do, will leave an empty nest for another man's bloodline to fill. His bloodline ends and the cuckoo wins -- he cucked himself.
Based well-adjusted normalfagposter
Ultimate cuckoldry is giving a fuck about your daughters feelings, she is nothing more than a tool to continue your family name. We all die but the family name lives on.
You can't, if you have inferior homosexual genes you will have daughters, that's just the way it is.
It's worth being skeptical but not worth being too controlling. If she thinks you're trying to control her social life, she'll fuck one of her friends just to prove she still can.
fucking kek, how'd it get this bad lads?
Henry VIII pill: executing the thot that shames and cuckholds you eternally by giving you a girl
Imagine being this insecure. Fucking hell.
What's it like having zero self-esteem?
Any woman that won’t give up hanging out with other guys should be dumped immediately, anyways. That shit ain’t wife material.
So is Yea Forums more /pol/ or more /r9k/? What's the consensus?
Is having daughters the ultimate Externality?
I cannot think or comprehend of anything more externalized than having a daughter. Honestly, think about it rationally. You are feeding, clothing, raising and rearing a girl for at least 18 years solely so she can go and engage in trade agreements with other people. All the hard work you put into your beautiful little girl - reading her stories at bedtime, making her go to sports practice, making sure she had a healthy diet, educating her, playing with her. All of it has one simple result: Her trades result in mutual benefit for her and her trading partners.
Raised the perfect girl? Great. Who benefits? If you're lucky, everyone who has access to markets. They get to experience the benefits of trade. They get the benefits of her personal capital that came from the way you raised her. As a man who has a daughter, you are LITERALLY dedicating at least 20 years of your life simply to raise a girl that the markets will benefit from. Think about it logically.
Spoiler: her personal capital is her vagina
Hope for a son and kill your daughters the traditional European way
I cannot think or comprehend of anything more fulfilling than having a daughter. Honestly, think about it rationally. You are feeding, clothing, raising and rearing a girl for at least 18 years so that the world might experience a radiant bundle of happiness and love. All the hard work you put into your beautiful little girl - reading her stories at bedtime, making her go to sports practice, making sure she has a healthy diet, educating her, playing with her. All of it amplifies the joy everyone she meets shall experience when she greets them and takes precious time from her day to make theirs a little better. Raised the perfect girl? Great. Who benefits? Everyone. Strangers on the street get a friendly bystander that will wish them well, the homeless will get a wealthy and intelligent girl that runs shelters to feed them and find them honest work to get them off the streets. The lucky man or woman who marries her will get the perfect partner, and you'll benefit from gaining a second child in her spouse, one who will be a dear friend that thanks their lucky stars that you raised such an astounding woman. As a man who has a daughter, you are LITERALLY dedicating at least 20 years of your life simply to grant your wonderful, miraculous daughter and all the people around her a better life. It is the ULTIMATE and FINAL blessing. Think about it logically.
>the last three girls I've been with had boyfriends, two of them got married shortly after
How can anyone seriously trust women? I've completely given up on the idea of a serious relationship at this point, it just seems so futile
feels fucking batman
anyone else sick of this merry meme?
>I am the Chad.
Based, redpilled, and high IQ (>150)
t. cuck