Cancel plans on my friends tonight

>cancel plans on my friends tonight
>grabbed a ticket to see Alita alone

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I wish I had the money to go see a movie. I have $0.25 in my bank account right and don't get paid until next Friday. My fridge is empty and my parents can't help because they are overseas.

Movies for this feel?

absolute madman

you are genuinely disabled unless this is bait

>No money for food
>Money for internet, computer, and electricity

So where's the friends? Did you waste your first 18 years of your life being alone?

If I could drive I would go to the theater every weekend

>having friends

How? My friends wanted to go to out to eat then hit a night club, that shit boring and I don't like going to the movies with people unless they're interested in the film itself.

A lot of blacks are unironic weebs so you might get some 'he cutes' while you're there

Go sell your ass on the street

because Alita is half decent at best id rather go out with friends than go the kinoplex by myself

also its looked down apon to go there by yourself by others :(

Attached: honk.gif (680x813, 388K)

>half decent
I'll be the judge of that. And your talking as if I only see them around once a year.

get a credit card retarded idiot

Wise words from tuxedo pepe
>who cares?

I know that feel. There isn't much in it for me, especially since I'm too fucked up at the moment to hit on girls.

He cute

>having friends
Its a yikes

I have seen Alita three times by myself. I don't have friends to cancel plans with. mfw

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>having friends
wait, people actually fucking do this shit? LOL

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Alita is a guilty pleasure for me. I initially wanted to invite people to watch it with me but I can't do it now, it's just cheesy and the waifufag pandering is too strong

tfw no non racist honkey to go watch kino with



Sell some of your stuff online
Ask friends
Ask a jew

You aight

>just seen alita with gf
>told her it was shit
>i loved it

I wonder what the advertisers would say if one of us said the word... Yes, that's right, that word... Just a few clicks away...

Attached: frog pinned.jpg (911x911, 102K)

You mean... Boogerpenis?

How to hit on girls?, i'm almost 30 and can't recognize when a girl is interested or even giving me the "look"

>cancel plans on my friends tonight because I'm depressed
>regrets it shortly after
>become even more depressed

Attached: a clown.jpg (225x225, 11K)

>my parents can't help because they are overseas
are you an anime?

abloo bloo

I wish I had friends. I moved to the city and the culture is completely different.

>not sure if a frog post is bait
>paying attention to frogposters
user I don’t know how to tell you this but you’re brain dead.