Someone posted a blonde actress earlier today saying “what do we think of” and I think the last name was Garner. It was a blonde woman in a loose fitting white outfit that was very nipply.

I must know who this actress is!!
Thanks in advance

Attached: 1E8A2EBD-DF90-4123-A42F-101B68125C00.jpg (4032x3024, 1007K)

who cares about your garner nigger
This is your new waifu

Attached: IMG_2595.jpg (1080x1349, 171K)

UwU my lovely

Learn to archive, scrub.

It’s not in the archive it must’ve got deleted

Google woman in greek dress

That ain’t it chief

I am sorry for your loss OP

Julia Garner?

Julia Garner

Attached: kimberly.png (900x506, 195K)

>tfw literally just fucking looked up garner white dress
>she is the first thing to come up, and the thread from 5 hours ago comes up
OP you are an honest to god fucking brainlet. You are so stupid. You should just fucking shit yourself and eat it

Let this be a lesson to you to save everything that you might need to see later
also this

She didn’t have curly hair but her nose did point up a little bit

Deleted posts still show up on 4plebs you brainlet.

You can even filter for them specifically.

Attached: FetmcFRh.jpg (1024x764, 74K)

It’s literally not there

Kimberley Garner?

Attached: Kimberley-Garner-Sexy-9.jpg (853x1280, 102K)

James Garner?

Attached: hqdefault.jpg (480x360, 21K)

YESSSSSSS thank you.

dumb cunt

I’ll take it in stride. Man everyone is so fucking salty on this board lmao

Hang yourself from the nearest tree Yea Forums scum.

Go back to twitter you fucking spic
You have shit taste in waifus as well