Why is marvel trying so hard to turn this cat into a meme?

Why is marvel trying so hard to turn this cat into a meme?

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desperation for publicity. they know the movie itself isn't enticing the numales and normies so now theyre banking on this cat to get them attention.

Cats are cute dumb animals that have no idea whats going on, don't bully

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cat representation matters

The cat has more charisma than Brie

DCucks begone

The cat can act better too.

The Baby Groot of our generation

Orange cat shills probably paid them off
They're the pit bulls of cats

how much did the cat make?

Women and normies in general find animals to be hilarious.

Everyone hates Brie Larson, but almost everyone loves cats

>talking shit about tabbies

fuck off nigger

they want that sweet viral marketing

MCUcks begone

Orange cats are absolute niggers, there's some vagrant orange cat in my neighborhood and he was constantly trying to harass my mom's cat and others to claim lawns as his territory until he got his face scratched.

Cats have been memes forever you fucking child

There's this thing that just doesn't sit right with me.

One of the leaks said the directors (or whoever decides what the fuck the next Marvel movie will look like) intentionally wanted Brie to act like Goose in Drive and BR2049. And the actual directots has worked with Goose on the best movie in his career. And now her cat which is being heavily promoted is named Goose for no apparent reason.

I think they unironically trying to go for the Gosling audience

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hi shill

How do they pay the animal actors?

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Sounds like the toxoplasmosis talking.

>movie literally created for smelly bluhaired catladys
>Why there is this cat user?
Makes you think.

the next Porg

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Is this a thing for you now

because kids like cats and kids like memes
look our chart says so


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shut up bitch

Explain. I've got an orange cat that I unironically named Orange Cat. He's the smartest cat I've ever owned.

Are Orange cats more Chad and alpha than other cats? Why is this?

Falling for this trendy meme disease

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Gunn made a raccoon and an ent into merchandising icons.

Cats are giant cunts

Idk, maybe the people don't give a fuck about the Rottentomatoes bullshit that they made, and now they are trying to get that side of the autistic spectrum

Friends, friends please stop. This DCuck/MCUck BS is "The Globe" trying to divide and conquer us

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marvel knows that if they have captain marvel beat thanos like they planned there will be a huge nerd shitstorm. so they're going to make the cat the savior. everybody loves cats.

Just wait for Shazam and my boy Tawny

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They are giving her a funny pet like a generic Disney princess movie

Goddamn cat jews infecting muh brain. If you ever feel like you have that todoplasma thing, try shooting ur brain with a .45 to kill it for good

I love how bad porgs failed to become the next minions. They were jar jar tier shit.

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Even the Captain Marvel cat is gonna get dabbed on

For a moment iw as feeling seething rage at flat earth nonsense being brought up
Then i saw pic and kekd

they want the Chinese Catsniffer audience

>HANGZHOU - Zhou Shuaibo loves sniffing his orange tabby cat and spends hours playing with it every day.

Burying his face in the fluffy body of his cat and inhaling deeply while stroking its tummy, Zhou is one of China's many "cat sniffers," a term coined for those who obsessively smell and cuddle their cats, often multiple times a day, Xinhua reported.

"As a veteran cat sniffer, if I don't get my fix I feel absolutely terrible. I have a serious cat addiction," says another cat-lover on Zhihu, China's version of Quora.

From clothes to mobile phone covers designed with cat pictures, Zhou's life is all about cats.

"My wife and I are not ready to have a child, so we give all our love to our cat," says Zhou, 30, who works for a film company in east China's Zhejiang province. He added that he will buy anything related to cats.

"My cat has supreme status at home," Zhou says.

In addition to raising a real cat at home, Zhou also pores over photographs and videos of cats shared by other cat owners online.

According to Xinhua, the online phenomenon is known as "cloud cats", where avid cat fans constantly check their social media throughout the day.

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>people like cat videos right
>strong women have cats right

Actually, everyone loves cats
kek trying to make cats a women only thing. lmaooooo

Porgs all over again

We have a orange cat and he's a fucking asshole. He beats up the other cats,knocks shit over on purpose,humps his brother and really is just a general asshole. still he's our asshole and I wouldn't trade him

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>Wow! She's a single strong woman with a cat. She's just like me!

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The internet loves cats faggot
If you didn't know that maybe you should leave, zoomer tourist

>le epic cat!
>can't upboat this enough!
>me and my hip internet friends love them, you probably wouldn't get it
>better throw in the word faggot to show everyone i'm cool and edgy and postironic

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Seething cat soiboi

Its not cats, just the fact they resort to using a cute cuddly animal to prop up this shitheap of a movie.

Dogs are superior to cats in every way, and there's nothing you can do about it.

Dogs are for literal shit eaters. You might as well just admit you have the "soul" of a groid if you like an animal that shits and pisses all over your (its) territory.

fucking based.
literally only soibois disagree
imagine being so cucked that you want to scoop literal shit out of a sandbox everyday and still have your house wreak of ammonia

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Better smile too.

because the feminism thing isnt really working

Boomers trying to think what millennials will find quirky and funny.

>i n-never liked cats! h-haha!

Have you eaten a lot of lead paint?

it's gen x fags doing this shit retard

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Mine was fat and would eat cookies with sugar on them

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>marvelfags are also catfags

Not big surprise

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>the internet never loved cats!
the cope

Yeah mine's kinda fat too. Demands food all the time.


ya know back in my day me and my cool internet friends used to post pictures of epic cats and call it caturday.
yes siree. longcat is long
now THAT was a meme
you zoomers just wouldn't understand

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>i'm only pretending to be retarded

you're using that meme wrong, friendo.

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>that pathetic attempt to deflect
Jesus you really had nothing beyond "hurr cat fags" and hoping people would jump in to reinforce your point?
What a sad surprise.

>not even applicable/10
keep tryin user

It's impossible for you to make it more obvious that you were at wit's end.

>this user unironically S E E T H I N G
fucking lol. bro its fine. i'm not the other user, but a couple of the posts were mine. it was just some friendly banter. i didn't mean to get you riled up like this. it's cool that you like cats, they're great animals. just close your laptop and take a 5min breather to cooldown. you can come back and shitpost after that.

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Cat ownership is high amongst the undateable feminist cunt audience the movie hopes to attract.

NOt for me doggo or duck before cat

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>Brie Larson is such a shitty person, they have to use a fucking cat to market the movie.

This movie is in trouble isint it lads.

>trying to justify yourself
You're projecting now man.

>user tells him he's too worked up
>says to take a breather and shitpost later
>he actually does it
>20mins later
the absolute madlad

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They have to sell the movie.... and they know Brie is a lost cause.

>seething, in so many words

Fat oranges are LITERALLY the best cat. Mine follows me everywhere, lays on my lap all the time, hates everyone except me, and eats like a bear. It’s great.

They made jar jar look like obiwan

is there any difference between picking up shit? you know you can just throw a litter box in your garage and clean it daily?
cats clean themselves and don't reek like dogs do, every dog owners house i've been to has smelt the same exact way. like musk and sweat.

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Memes are the things that make the MCU shit relevant to the people. Almost nobody can tell you the plot of most of the MCU movies, not even the names of the characters, but they remember the little bits like the shawarma thing, or that Drax moment in IW, and so on and associate it to the movie.

>i never liked cats
>dogs are actually secretly better
Wow I've never heard that before

I don't know but it's cringe. This stuff should be done immediately after the film opens, IF they've already made the cat interesting in the film. All this smacks of concern that they've made the cat boring.

Because Brie Larson has fucked up so hard Disney are trying to spin an actual performance worth watching

“See it for the cat””zomg the car is ssooo funny”


>cats clean themselves

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Because of Caturdays

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>we want the cat lady audience

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Is this your first day on planet Earth?

you guys do know the cat has a talking role right?

Cats can't talk, dummy

>the first cat ever

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>thinking you can train a cat to talk
the average Yea Forums poster, everyone

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>The directors changed the name of the cat from 'Chewie' to 'Goose' to avoid a Star Wars reference
also, they sound like retards

Better feet too

>they sound like retards because you don't like a trivial cat renaming
What a BRAVE opinion

no, they just sound like drooling idiots

Because the can use the cat likeness to sell a bunch of shit without having to pay royalties ,if he dies they can replace him many times and nobody would give a shit

did you know that half of humanity has toxoplasmosis and that if you've ever interacted with a cat or had sex with someone who has interacted with a cat or if your parents have it then you have it

what if you had sex with a cat-girl?

The main consumers and fans of the MCU are 30 something females.
You put that together.

So they have something to cameo in every single one of their movies now that crusty old kike is dead.

He brings the Early Edition every morning

Damn, I wish I saw the thread when this weird fucking stream originally started. Must've been hilarious.

Better ass too

The parasite makes you more entrepreneurial and outgoing.

Everyone on Yea Forums should get that parasite.

t. cat

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That's the only cure, user. Godspeed.

Better voice too