What was the canon explanation of Joker not showing up in this movie?

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The actor died.

And if you think about it we are all... just.... ACTORS


Never addressed, but we see a SWAT team find him at the end of TDK. I presume he was taken into custardy and is locked up deep in the bowels of the Earth.

Prisons actually work

Keksiumus maximus

probably at Arkham, the one place in Gotham that isnt mentioned once in TDKR

From the novelisation, which is the highest tier of canon, giving us Bill Wilson's name and letting us into his vital internal monologue, letting us know that he is in charge here

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pseud filter

In the novelization it's said that no one's seen him in 10 years and it's speculated he could be the sole inmate of the now ostensibly shutdown Arkham Asylum.

There's also an idea put forth by Jonathan Nolan that The Joker isn't an entirely literal, corporeal character, and that prior to the first shot we see of him on that street corner in TDK, he maybe didn't even exist. So there's a certain pleasing logic in the idea that once his work is done, he just vanishes into nothingness.

>the joker never existed
This has to be the worst possible retcon to the story. Gtfo with that shit.

you do understand that batman isn't real either, right?


>prison is kept open just for one inmate

why yes, i too can write absolutely stupid shit

what a bunch of retarded shit

>There's also an idea put forth by Jonathan Nolan that The Joker isn't an entirely literal, corporeal character, and that prior to the first shot we see of him on that street corner in TDK, he maybe didn't even exist
Oh fuck off

>the mob "laundering" money by depositing cash straight into the bank's safe

They transferred him to Metropolis maximum security

why do faggots think that everything deserves an explanation?

>yeah, he was like, MAGIC and stuff
bravo Nolan, you fucking hack

He's in prison and since this is Nolan's muh realism universe they actually locked the door to his cell this time.

The Joker didn't exist bro,he was like dead or whatever and Bruce Wayne is a freaking COMA patient in an asylum that once was jerking off when he saw a HUGE Bat flying through his window and he was like YO I AM GONNA BE A BAT-BATMAN. Then the joker was like the guy that raped batman dudeeeeeee,a former clown and like in his imagination he sees him fighting a LITERAL joker right? And the name "black gate prison" is just a play of words of " two nights in chyna" which was a porno that SENT Bruce Wayne into a coma guys,that's what happened

This isn't as dumb as it sounds. It has been memed to death on Yea Forums, but in the scene of him talking with the mob bosses, it's like he literally just materializes out of thin air. All you see is that really unnerving shot of him walking up to the table from behind. I'm not sure you even hear the door open.

>" two nights in chyna" which was a porno that SENT Bruce Wayne into a coma guys,that's what happened

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>All the world's a stage,
And all the men and women merely players

Didn't they say in TDKR that the Harvey Dent law/act or whatever got a death sentence to many criminals ?

He's not suggesting that Joker doesn't exist, just that he's an ambiguous entity like Chigurh. Like a spiritual embodiment of chaos. Gothamites can interact with him etc. but ultimately he's a phantom.

You have to admit there's a lot in the film hinting towards it. It's like Deckard as a replicant; not the most intuitive explanation, but there's enough evidence to believe it if you want.

though Deckard is canonically a replicant fuck you

Well then chaos did a poor job since the people on the boats refused to kill each other, and then Batman took the heat for Dent's murders and it took Bane's actions later to reveal them

God yes, of course your average normal person won't understand it but US the enlightened nolanites understand exactly that not only was Bruce Wayne a homosexual in a coma but that the joker,aka the man who raped Bruce Wayne was a literal Danny panthom, a cartoon character that was also a freaking ghost. Why? Because he wanted to give the message that the police should be fucked and that society should also be blown da fuck out nihilism rules,why does god hurt good people?

When the joker is hanging by that dildo grappling gun(same dildo joker used to rape batman) you know it's a metaphor how we all live our lives "upside now" as in nothing it's real and shit,really fucking deep shit bro unlike all the other theories

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Oh stop it

Deckard is a human my friend.

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Deckard is not a replicant. The only one to have said that is Ridley, and he's retarded.

But we are?

He tarnished Batman's reputation for years, turned Gotham's paragon of virtue into a psychopathic killer, and forced the authorities to lie about everything. Then, when their lie was exposed, all the criminals were released by Bane and the city sunk to depths not even the Joker envisioned. Ultimately he loses because Batman saves the city, but if we just go by TDK he fucking steamrolled them.

>b-but muh civies saved each other!

And? They were a sideshow. Joker won every other battle.

>You really think I'd risk losing the battle for Gotham's soul in a fist fight with you?

So yeah, it only took Bane's actions to make the Joker's goal succeed. Is Bane also a phantom agent of chaos?

You're missing the point. Joker's goal was to corrupt specific individuals with a (supposedly) unbreakable moral code. He undeniably succeeds with Dent, and though he doesn't get Batman to kill anyone in anger, the results of his actions force Batman to tackle Dent off the roof, thus essentially killing him. He also forces the 'good' guys to tell a massive lie that, even if you don't see TDKR, you can infer will eventually come back to bite them in the ass. And again, he's indirectly responsible for ruining Batman's reputation.


Load of BS. Joker wanted Gotham to become a city of complete anarchy and chaos, rather than organised crime. He failed because Batman and Gary Oldman prevented the public from finding out about Dent's actions.
Until Bane came along.

Again you're missing the point. Joker is a philosophical villain. Yes, he would've preferred if Gotham had descended into anarchy permanently, with the citizens losing any hope in any organised or moral leadership, but by corrupting Dent he proved that Gotham's 'white knight' (representing Gotham's moral values) was fallible, and thus their system was fallible. Joker is an active nihilist; if something can be destroyed, it should be destroyed. It's enough to know that Dent was full of shit, and the story Batman/Gordon peddle to keep Gotham running is a lie. That's enough for the Joker; the knowledge that he was right about their values being BS.

none because the entire batman trilogy was Bruce's dream ala inception