I'm depressed

>I'm depressed
Name 1 thing more disgusting and pathetic than mental illness

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Being a leftist

whining about it and not taking positive steps to make a difference in your life

Why did this guy become a meme? He’s not even doing the soi grin.

Cool Original Doritos

this thread


I didn't think this til faggots like OP's picture starting banging on about it and how it bruises their vaginas.

>/television and film/


bringing up politics out of nowhere

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>sóy glasses
>sóy beard
>sóy clothing
>sóy facial expression
>taking selfies is inherently sóy

how could anyone even be depressed lmao just be happy

>start improving myself 2 weeks ago
>fuck up yesterday
>feel like killing myself but know it will pass given time but still feel like shite

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This. The problem with people is they think life is precious and permanent. It isn't. Life is more or less entirely meaningless and just not life, but existence itself. It all ends and it can end very fucking abruptly. If there is a God then he/she/it designed it this way and it's all a crock of shit. You have NOTHING to lose. The depression is an illusion. It's meaningless suffering that you are voluntarily subjecting yourself to because you're afraid to make moves. On some level, despite your depression, you still think your life is precious. Stop giving a shit and take some risks. The worst thing that happens is you fail, the absolute worst thing is that you die, but again, life is meaningless, the universe is meaningless, so play the fucking game and see what happens. Once you're off the ride, none of it matters anyway. Kill your ego and expectations and treat this "reality" we're all apart of as the big joke that it is.

you forgot about the overly groomed eyebrows

literally everyone on this website has some kind of mental illness

Subhumans shaming the vulnerable for cheap self-gratification

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yeah but not me though

Problem is that you really do fall back into routine. Being healthy and happy is really confusing after years of depression. I always seem to revert back into this hermit state and retreat into my room and it's been like this for years.

It's not that I'm used to it, it's that it's what I know best, I know how to be sad, I don't know how to be happy.

>slowly coming out of depression of 10 years
>finally have a good group of friends
>about to graduate college
>enjoying life for the first time
>just found out I might have testicular cancer

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>know it will pass given time
this is the key
i saw someone put it really succinctly once, on Yea Forums of all places. said something about being able to observe emotions from a distance as just chemical reactions and just realise they are temporary


i start the day with a good old sneed post

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the problem is wanting to be happy or trying to understand happiness. happiness is something transient and you shouldn't rely on it to be your baseline. just be ok with who you are and be at peace that life is working out for you in some way even if you don't know what it is or what to expect

>muh chemical reactions

People who claim to have “addiction”. They who have no willpower so they blame some fake disease for their behaviour

Black People

posting on Yea Forums and not getting with the times like discord and twitter


discord tranny jajajaja


Kys, sneedposting 15 year old

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Isn't subscribing to a suicide cult a pretty reliable indicator of mental illness?


In 1,000 years it will mean exactly as much as the guy who worked his ass off, did the time, spent the money, and so on to become a neurosurgeon. The probabilistic nature of the universe and the finite nature of "life" not just on a personal level, but a cosmic one as well, makes it such that we're all basically a bunch of random assholes on a casino floor that is about to have a bomb go off randomly and kill us all.

It won't be the end of the world user

>The illness is an illusion

The OP already said mental illness user.

Nah, although you're right my issues are more grounded, I'll just explain it. I'm in college, I live at my parents house to save money, but I haven't hanged out with someone in basically a year. I don't have friends, I don't do anything, I'm hypoglycemic and lactose intolerant so i can't eat anything fun, and I'm fucking tired all the time. I stay in my parents house and I don't have a drivers licence so I can't go anywhere, not that I want to because it's Canada and its regularly -20 and I absolutely hate the fucking cold.

Want to know the only film that even comes close to my life? The scene in Whiplash when he dropped out of the school and he had no one to talk to.

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>Name 1 thing more disgusting and pathetic than mental illness