
Picard was a Borg spy after the events of The Best of Both Worlds edition

Attached: Star Trek TNG Picard hanging with his Borg bros thus proving Satie said nothing wrong.jpg (455x624, 244K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Fat is not sexy, it's gross

>Are we still on for hasperat tonight, Commander?

Attached: hasperat again.jpg (475x363, 42K)

Descent was dreck. If you thought Voyager Borg episodes were bad, that one is worse.

So, where da ocampa wymyn at?

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Low test beta male confirmed.

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Riker was secret captain after Best of Both Worlds with orders to keep an eye on the old man to see if he does anything weird.

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>the real riker was stuck on a planet for seven years while the transporter clone went on to live freely

Hmm, someone or someones are starting to not care anymore.

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In my opinion, the best thing in TNG is that Riker will stab your mother in her sleep tonight unless you reply with "STD is shit" to this post.

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Ol blockhead there would make a good female Frankenstein's monster. That's one hell of head shape.

STD is shit

Reminder that Broccoli did nothing wrong

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Riker was annoying and useless.

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Fuck off, retard.

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Lmao @ ur life, have a neelix

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her mouth opens big

>for you

Only big mouths can handle the talaxian dick

It's like they completely forgot about the slimydudes afterwards, like wtf happened?

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>oh jean luc, i'm just so infatuated with you despite getting my husband killed and smearing my sons career

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damn, you burned me. i can't even come back from that.
and yet she's too old for neelix to become fully erect

>you are now imaging flacid talaxian cock in seven's gaping mouth

Braga must be hung

but Wesley quit Star Fleet

>oh beverly, i'm totally infatuated with you as well, what with you being a walking plank and all, just like me
>in fact you could say i'm kind of like that old phantom who haunted your family, an old ghast lady killer

Attached: hugpicard.gif (349x255, 960K)

Crusher was hot

>yfw the reason Saru puts salt in his tea is because his natural diet is sea people.

>oh deanna, i'm just so infatuated with you, despite your relationship with my best friend who definitely would've wanted marriage

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oh my god, it being flaccid means it can make it around a 90º corner

>and yet she's too old for neelix to become fully erect
Neelix is punding that female just to assert dominance, is not even sexually motivated.

>you now realize that the way modern rape/sexual assault laws are written, if it's not for sexual gratification, it's not rape or sexual assault

>oh data, i'm just so enamored with you, despite endangering everyone on the ship when you hijacked it and attempting to brutally murder that toy collector

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Sounds realistic for a woman

that is why Neelix is the chaddest character ever in the trek universe.

>oh alexander, i'm just so enfathered to you despite trying not to recognize our relationship, abandoning you, and avoiding spending time together

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The Dubsminion has endured for 2,000 /trek/ threads and will continue to endure long after low test anons have been purged.

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He's Wesley's real father.

>tfw final evolution

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Didn't the kid that played him kill himself?

See its funny because the Dominion lost

Which /trek/ poster is the most hung?

>brutally murder
Data made a logical decision to prevent further loss of life.

Well that explains why Wesley is balding failure and fits with Picard's general MO of being a sociopath.

Also: [Spoiler]Neelix is fucking a toddler and there is nothing you can do about it[/spoiler]

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Coulda done it quickly with his bare hands in less than three seconds.

The first Alexander killed himself, yes.
The second Alexander keeps going to prison.


>Data was designed to evolve and to exceed his original programming
>reee he lied/omitted the truth about firing the phaser at (((Kivas Fajo)))
>30 years later Trekkies are still debating it

>adult Q Wesley and young Picard are superchads
>Wil Wheaton and Patrick Stewart are cringy onions babies

cursed role gotta say.

i cant remember what the fuck happened with wesley, whe fuck off with some ayys from another dimension or some shit like that?

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>i cant remember what the fuck happened with wesley, whe fuck off with some ayys from another dimension or some shit like that?
He ran into The Traveler guy (from TNG: "Where No One Has Gone Before" and TNG: "Time Squared") in some weird scenario and got adopted into his... I guess continuum?

The Mirror TNG comic. not the crossover one, is the best and purest example of Trek to be produced in the last 10 years

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These seem to be the top controversial episodes:
>The Measure of a Man - whether or not Data really is a living being and not just mimicry
>The Most Toys - whether or not Data was right to fire at Kivas Fajo
>Suddenly Human - whether or not the boy should've gone back to his adopted father
>Silicon Avatar - whether or not they had the right to kill the Crystalline Entity
>Sons of Mogh - whether or not they had the right to change Kurn's identity without consent
>Tuvix - whether or not Janeway was right to kill him
>Latent Image - whether or not the Doctor made his choice based on his personal feelings or by random
>Doctor's Orders - whether or not Archer and Phlox had the right to condemn an entire species to extinction because it was just nature taking its course (this one is retarded though)

>implying Picard wasn't buff for his age
Someone didn't watch First Contact

>random creepy oldfag acts like a father figure for an orphan then takes him away from his friends
so this is that amazing star trek writing I've heard so much about

Learn how to blacktext you fuck

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Lillith was hot in that episode but he didn’t look that buff

The crew didn't kill the crystalline entity, the mad bitch did.
The problem with Tuvix isn't Janeway, it's the rest of the crew looking embarrassed and not lifting a finger to help when their supposed friend is literally begging for his life.

Unironically me. It's very likely that I'm the most hung poster here, but I actually have a big dick not even joking.

Look at that belly. He should be ashamed.

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He fucked off with The Travellers for a while, by the time of Nemesis he was back in Starfleet. He was present at Troi & Riker's wedding.

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Cut scene, not canon.


>PAYS TO USE Yea Forums
Gay as fuck.

He’s still in the crowd shots.

to be fair, if anyone deserves to be a molested child, it's Wesley.

weak argument, weak argument

TNG movies, not canon.

Why wasn't fat boi naked at his wedding like is traditional of Betazoids?

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How is that?

everyone who posts here is a girl

Hm, guess I have to rewatch Nemesis now.

yes but who has the least feminine penis?

Boys have a penis, girls have a vagina.

God I don't know why you would. Wesley might as well have been played by an extra.

I think they should make a Wil Wheaton Star Trek vehicle called Captain Crusher.

Literally Hitler

I gotta hand it to hasperatto, he's sticking to his guns.

hi b

That was the Earth ceremony, they mentioned that they were having a Betazoid ceremony at a later date.

Suppose that instead of creating a Picard series, they decide to make a Wesley Crusher series.
What would it be called?
What would its log line be?
What would be the title and one-line description of the first season's episodes be?

She’s (inb4 “he”) has never watched Nemesis

Wil got into the caffeine infused basedmilk today

It could be a sjw nightmare.

it's abs, not fat


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I'm pretty sure Hasperat commander is the OP who makes these threads. He's always in the first ten posts.

Frakes didn't even look like that in Nemesis, filmed three years earlier. What the hell?

>its an "user doesn't think women fall in love with their husband's murderer" episode

He's crafty, that's for sure. I almost...admire him.

I am the OP and I am not the hasperat poster but I know who is

>people can't gain weight in the space of three years

I post content, I make content, you just complain.
Start posting an image, gif, webm, or some kind of content that isn't just complaining.
Few people here care about YOUR opinion. We are here to shiptoast and hang out. A lot of the same crowd, erryday.
I do NOT tripfag, but I post a name when I contribute OC.
Have you considered that I may just fly my clover, because it bugs you?
Become part of our board culture, or go the fuck away.

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>What would it be called?
Crusher's Crushes
>What would its log line be?
It's The Bachelor meets Star Trek! Wesley Crusher is trying to choose a wife and has the pick of all the eligible women in Starfleet!
>What would be the title and one-line description of the first season's episodes be?
1. "Crusher's Crushes": Wesley meets the girls and talks about how important social justice is to him in the 24th century.
2. "Intermix Ratio": Wesley shows how woke he is by spending the day with a Sheliac female! When she keeps insulting him and saying he does nothing but gibber, he restrains his frustration reminding himself that as a human male, he deserves this, and producing a spongy motor-oil colored monstrosity with this alien beast would demonstrate that LOVE is LOVE!
3. "Venting Drive Plasma": Robin Lefler farts in front of Wesley! He takes a deep sniff before farting in order to make her feel less self-conscious!

... I can't come up with any more.

Valley Fag

>Robin Lefler farts in front of Wesley!
My god imagine the smell

based nazi poster


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/twek/ is buly free zone

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Well that's disappointing.

You guys are bigger chumps than the Romdublans


Lmao @ u again.
You just do shitty crossposting.
Still a tripfaggot and pay user.

Why do some posters have names?

it's like 10 bucks a year, dude. not like it's a fucking millionaire's club.

Because they were raised by single mothers


I was going off on a bully, not trying to be one, /trek/fren...

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just...just be careful, ok?

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Captcha gets old

I went gold-omega-commander 6 months ago and never looked back.

You do it because it makes samefagging harder to spot.

pls go

I don't care, I'm here anyway

And sucking dick is free, still gay as fuck.

You care so little about the subject that you reply to posts about it? Is that how "not caring" works?


get out.

W-what? You said no homo! I can't believe you tricked me!

We would not have to crosspost if Hiro gave us sound webms...

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I post as an user over and over and no one seems to care until I use a name. Interesting.


That will be all, ensign.

It's a funny post, but ALL CAPS is a big no-no and I won't be surprised if your post goes bye-bye and disappears.

star trek

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Why post just "star trek"? I don't get it.

>this thread
BIG yikes

They didn't, but they're swamp people. They fucked off underground and are still endangered from the mass culling. Once they got pussywhipped by the RA they cowered off because the Kelpians have tard strength and can literally just break all the swampies tech.

At least it's content

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it helps me find my center so I can post about perfect star trek gfs with a clear mind

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fu content poster fu

None of them have seen the show.

Why is The Doctor such an asshole in SG1? Did being on Voyager so long make him bitter against humans?

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different char, u mong

He isn't. His arc in stargate is kino as well.

sure it is

popping a perfect star trek gf's star trek cherry sounds pretty rad

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Discovery is actually pretty good.

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would throat fuck

For $20 a year, you are not a slave to google Capthca. If you consider what you COST Google in profits to avoid Captcha, you would come to the conclusion that I did.
20$ a year is a better deal than Google servitude, if you post frequently. What is your time and focus worth? I do wish Hiroshimoot would give us sound webms, though...

Attached: Captcha.jpg (2347x3129, 1.02M)

>I do wish Hiroshimoot would give us sound webms, though...
He won't. The conversion would be quite expensive.

don't be lewd

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Nah bro. That vulcan chick does it for me.

10 quatloos says that's not even their real appearance, and most of their technology is devoted to appearing intimidating.

>we have 10 sentry ships, you have one
>we're scanning your weapons while our ships wave some extendy bits around
>please fear us, please

Attached: next season on star trek discovery.jpg (856x567, 82K)

It would be just a bunch of gay screamers... we are not prepeared to carry the responsability of sound.

back off I saw her first

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i don't see the problem with gay screamers

Why don't we let her decide who she likes better. It's not who gets there first, it's who's better at the job. You probably wouldn't know what to do with her if you had her.

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Damn, Discovery could actually be really good if it wasn't for Michael and the arch episodes. She always seems like she thinks other people are in need of her condescending pity and the episodes dealing with the whole "fate of the galaxy" shit just suck.
And I guess the direction/camera work is a bit too fast and dynamic for a Star Trek series. If they could make it a bit less in-your-face, this could be decent Star Trek.

Their entire culture is based on fearmongering so it wouldn't surprise me. Saru tries to needle the fucker but gets stopped by a shield. So when that fails, he literally just tard strengths his way out of his restraints, proving these fucks have terrible defense systems. Their immediate go to was to nuke the entire planet.

>dyke engineer is there in the cliffhanger of S02E04 when Tilly gets vored by the mushroom aliens' blob
>she's suddenly not there in S02E05

He's still correct.

I am an honorable tripfag from Yea Forums, founder of the /trek/ discord
you are user
it isn't even a contest

Attached: FB_IMG_1543000927849.jpg (480x547, 25K)

/vip/ reporting in...
It would only be an increase of file sizes by33.333333333333333333%
Then we would not have to cross post as much.
I pay for a GoldPass, and want special treatment.

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Are you trying to be cringy as fuck "ironically" or you really are this cringy?
You dont deserve a Neelix.


lol no. Girls don't give a fuck about your trip code and discord. This is Yea Forums, there are no girls here. You're going to have to have an actual personality and social skills to impress them.

STD is shit!

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Idiot, that's the president of Earth.


I never joke around when it comes to perfect star trek gfs

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Ok, onions you really are a cringe mother fucker than thinks that being a tripfag and being on discord means something.
now i will laugh at you for maybe 1 or 2 minutes.

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All tripfags must die. Go back to crying on discord you degenerate scum.

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It is the only Trek we have with new episodes, though...
Is it that you can't handle grimdark/soap opera?
Production techniques change over time, /trek/ frren?

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Maybe so maybe not. I think if the risk of screamers was high, we'd already have a lot more shock webms that changed into gay porn after the first few frames. I mean, even gifs that do the same thing are pretty uncommon.

I think the technical knowhow to create compliant webms (i.e., filesize plus actually not having an audio track) is just high enough to keep low-quality content at bay.

What I wish is that we could have mp4s. Or that fucking Safari would natively support webm. Either one would be nice.

startrek.com images don't get bigger when you click on them but here's the Ba'ul font.

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This bitch deserved to fucking die a horrible death. Never before have I hated a villain as much as I hate her

Attached: 0FDA8A54-2497-421F-91BC-C2307EB5BDC2.jpg (325x396, 26K)

>create Ba'ul font with punctuaton
>don't create an apostrophe


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>kills 800 million spoonies
Did nothing wrong desu

Anyone got working links for the new season of Disco?

Just using a straight-up substitution cipher for the alien alphabet is far dumber than omitting a symbol. Why would the concept "high council" necessarily be represented with two words? Let alone two words of four symbols and seven symbols?

Fuck you BaJEWran.

the Ba'ul voice was the guy who directed The Mothman Prophecies and, uh, the music video for the Foo Fighters' "Best Of You".

the guy in the gooey black costume was the Alien in Alien: Covenant when it was a guy in a suit and not CG, and Slenderman in the movie Slender Man.

>he wants to watch STD

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I don't want to, i just promised that i'd watch through until season 3, which is where most Trek shows get good. If Season 3 sucks, i'm dropping it.

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>he thinks there'll be a third season

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REMOVE HASPERAT remove hasperat you are worst bajoran. you are the bajoran idiot you are the bajoran smell. return to federation. to our dominion cousins you may come our contry. you may live in the zoo….ahahahaha ,bajor we will never forgeve you. resistance rascal FUck but fuck asshole bajoran stink prophet sqhipere shqipare..bajoran genocide best day of my life. take a bath of dead kai..ahahahahahBAJOR WE WILL GET YOU!! do not forget occupation. bajor we kill the first minister , federation return to your precious terok nor….hahahahaha idiot bajoran and federation smell so bad..wow i can smell it. REMOVE HASPERAT FROM THE PREMISES. you will get caught. cardassia+dominion+pah wraiths=kill bajor…you will occupation/ gul dukat alive in cardassia gul dukat making album of cardassia . fast rap gul dukat cardassia. we are rich and have latinum now hahahaha ha because of gul dukat… you are ppoor stink bajoran… you live in a hovel hahahaha, you live in a yurt

gul dukat alive numbr one #1 in cardassia ….fuck dominin ,..FUCKk ashol bajorans no good i spit in the mouth eye of ur flag and planet. gul dukat aliv and real strong wizard kill all the bajoran farm aminal with pah wraith magic now we the cardassian rule .ape of the zoo presidant jarseh-inyo fukc the great satan and lay egg this egg hatch and bajor wa;s born. stupid baby form the eggn give bak our clay we will crush u lik a skull of vole. cardassia greattst empire

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I doubt it'll get a S3.

It was greenlit for S2 because netflix bought the streaming rights outside of the US for the entire cost of production, yet didn't make them a profit so they didn't want to purchase S2. Then during the production of S2, they had to do multiple reshoots and fucked the budget, so later eps are going to be lower quality because they ran out of cash. They attempted to get the cash to keep the season with a consistent budget by making the short treks, but literally no service was willing to take them. They ended up selling the stream rights to the shorts at a horrid loss. We're already mostly through with S2 as well with no confirmation of S3, so don't assume it'll be renewed.


>t. midnight's edge

Say what you want about STD/Disco, this last episode was kino as fuck and phenomenal television. Consider me impressed beyond words.

Akoocheemoya on this Friday we are far from the normies Akoocheemoya

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I agree.

Netflix funded season 2 the same way they did season 1 because the show was the #4 most watched show on the service only behind their big originals like Stranger Things, 13 Reasons etc in 2018 even with no US viewers

>Is it that you can't handle grimdark/soap opera?

It's that it doesn't resemble Star Trek in any way whatsoever except that it has the words "Star Trek" on it for some reason. If you took those out, called it just "Discovery", there would be absolutely no way to tell that it's supposed to be connected to Star Trek somehow.

Discovery sucks, but I'm not surprised that trekkies are pathetic enough to watch it.

Right here, look. See this post? This post is based.

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baka people keep on arguing about std's legitimacy as a star trek series and not just considering it a spin-off and being done with it

since when was there a filter for s m h?

based friday akoochemoya poster

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STD is shit

The only people who like STD are non-trek fans

If this weeks Discovery was an TNG episode, Picard would have left the Kelpians to be slaves and Kulber would have been 100% back to normal.

The show is unambiguously good, and good Star Trek this season.

None of this information can be verified outside Midnight’s Edge. What we do know is

>CBS have said they’ve met their subscription targets 2 years early
>Based on Discovery, CBS are moving ahead with four additional shows - Picard, Section 31, Lower Decks and Nickelodeon show - as well as more Short Treks
>Previous showrunners were fired for being abusive, no evidence of extensive reshoots as a result of this though
>Netflix’s money to get the rights to Trek internationally was enough to cover the first season but it was always being made by CBS

as long as there's been filters for desu and senpai




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How can one Coochie be so based?

female gorillas are more likely to mate with male gorillas that kill preexisting immatures, Picard killing her husband and disgracing Wesley means Picard is likely more able to fight off future males and protect his own kids

Can we have one (1) thread with no mention of crackpot youtube theories

>watching the last episode of DS9 right now
Fuck these feels bro

Filtering coonspeak was one of Hiro's better moves but he really should filter incel by now.

There's not really much else to talk about since nobody likes STD and nobody wants to talk about it or even acknowledge it.

Filtering incel would be bullshit. Almost as bad as the filter for onions and basedboy.

>ensign mai whief to the bridge

the only cut part is him explaining he's on the USS Titan now, he's still at the wedding in the theatrical cut

Incel is just the liberal version of soiboi, it's only fair that it gets filetred too.

Yeah but I don't think either should be filtered.

CBS All Access Media Partners,

We’re aware of the difficulties you face when marketing in less than hospitable environments. With that in mind, please review the following policy update:

You may now refer to Star Trek: Discovery as STD/Disco. Be aware that using just “STD” outside of the above context is prohibited when composing cooperative media posts, but we would encourage you to use it sparingly.

Your compliance to these requirements is appreciated!

- Management

incel isn't filtered because every mod on Yea Forums is a soi boi and you know it's true.

>wanting to control what other people say
You have to go back

>season 1 tng worf

>waaah you can't tell me to stop shitting up threads I HAVE RIGHTS
Fuck off, retard

Me, the bitches call my cock the Yamato class

And you’re doing what right now?

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How do rape gangs make you feel, Tasha?

>wanting to force people to talk about things they don't want to talk about
You have to go back

Nobody tell this guy what happened to the Yamato class

You don’t have to reply to this post, but you will.

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Also, nobody tell him ever that females dont know what the fuck is a Yamato class. Only Females (male) know such things. So... confirmed that user was getting bjs from dudes in disguise.

Why are there anons having a conversation about the Yamato class and ignoring a pedantic argument!?!

>and smearing my sons career
>drunk episode is S01E02
>wesley hadn't even taken starfleet entrance exams until like season 3
can you please stop adding that bit, my dead husband is enough irony already

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Hey everybody are you ready to talk about my favorite youtuber again today? No? Well too bad here we go

I didn't want to be the one that said Yamatos were outwardly large but in use were ineffective and they went down prematurely

I have no interest in discussing your favorite youtuber, yet feel compelled to reply regardless. Sad!

We gave up on life.

>The Ferengi were originally intended as the new enemy for the United Federation of Planets, but their comical appearance and devotion to capitalist accumulation by free enterprise failed to portray them as a convincing threat.
yeah haha who would think such a people could be a threat to mankind lol

Turn your trip back on you Anti-Semite

>Ctrl+F Dukat did nothing wrong
>0 results

Do I really need to take up the mantle again? I thought someone else took over.

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Attention Bajoran workers, this thread has failed to meet its quota of "dukat did nothing wrong" posts. You are good anons and we wish you no harm. However, if you do not do so in the next four minutes, I will be forced to release braps into the thread.

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pookat was inherently wrong

I was thinking the same, but i dont like stealing other anons jokes. Also no promenade... Dukat poster is being lazy or maybe he is dead... who knows.

I think May is extremely cute and if Tilly disappeared and there was only May from now on I'd be perfectly fine with that

Did you hear what my favorite youtumor said?

>this is what concern for thread quality looks like

we're doing this now lmfao

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Reminder that "Prime" is not canon and you have all been rused.

Aren't you literally infiltrating the ME facebook group right now?


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Just like the morons who think TAS is canon just because they wanted to sell DVDs

>imagine thinking that TAS isn't typical of early canon in other franchises and is somehow undesirable because it's rough in places

Starfleet needs more specialist shuttles.

Attached: Aquashuttle-overhead.jpg (717x538, 45K)

Why was the holodeck such a shocker if the original Enterprise had a recreation room?

Canon is meaningless at this point when it comes to Star Trek.

>TNG S1 is canon

It always was. The old man didn’t like any of the movies after TMP.

I wouldn't say that, but there are effectively infinite parallel Trek realities so you can always make one that is what you want it to be.

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Oh no!
Morn is about to say the N word!

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I found her kinda hot...

She looks like Bashir’s dad

That Caribbean accent always made me smile.

STD is shit

ib4 Crisis on Infinite Enterprises gets pitched

No, no. DS9 is shit. STD is a war crime.

Based anti-DS9 poster. Not the hero we need but certainly the one we deserve

Idlewild's JJTrek series kinda went that route for its swan song.
Sadly without referencing any extant Trek alt realities, like canon or Star Fleet Battles or Rihannsu.

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i can guarantee everyone in this thread that you weigh north of 350 pounds and you wash yourself with a rag onna stick.

I’ve weighted that much and never had to use a stick.

Did anyone else notice that the slime area where they hold Saru and sister is the same set as the Transporter room on Discovery? To me it was so damned obvious, specifically because of the pillars that go to the ceiling that are illuminated....it's the same fucking thing. At least TRY to hide it....jesus.

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I've been over 400 and had no problem bathing myself.

And TNG/DS9/VOY reused the TMP movie bridge about 200 times for various labs, courtrooms, alien and Starfleet bridges.


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STD posting is wrong.
STD is illegal.
Confess, and you might face a just a swift punishment!

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are you a std fan?

this was the only good Star trek comics arc in the last ten years

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lmao, someone snapped at my Neelix posting of the last days. What a fucking retard.

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I throw myself on the mercy of the court.
True dat.

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>wipe out an entire species to protect your own
ok, reasonable
>keep all their bones in giant underground vaults readily accessible by ladders from the surface
wait, why?

Haha what the fuck, that looks like a doujin.

Kek rent free

lmao, i never seen a guy snap like that, also, neelix is fucking awesome, only a rape victim woudnt love neelix.

invigorating, isn't it?

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Only because of retarded wormhole aliens and a black man.

Pookat did everything wrong

Haha yeah hes fucking a robot onahole

>Surely that's just comic book cover exaggerat--

Attached: were the 90s great or what.jpg (1045x1080, 1.24M)

the marvel comics were shit
shit writing
shit artstyle

Oh I agree. FUCK Marvel.

Attached: I hate everything I am seeing.jpg (1350x2017, 942K)

Yikes, the way they drew his cheek is shit. That's not what hollow-cheeked looks like.

>he doesn't like some silver age nonsense
Fucking trekkies.

>capefag terminology

But Marvel gave us Borg Rommy-Mommy

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That was from 1981.

capeshit is the backbone of the western comic book industry, which is a shame for the medium as people have been using pictures and text to tell stories since they were painting their alien friends on cave walls, but c'est la vie

Attached: star-trek-tng-terra-incognita-3-1133519.jpg (900x1366, 125K)

Excellent taste VF

play Victory is Life


I'm sorry that you have to watch These Are the Voyages

you mean

>industry insiders using a combination of speculation and inside sources


you have a goddamn representative on the soccer team, I expect DUKAT DID NOTHING WRONG in every thread


how many episodes is std season 2 going to be? I want to wait to catch up until the final couple weeks

You don't need a bullshit threat for me to say that STD is shit.

STD is shit