Watch Futurala

>watch Futurala
>fantasize about what my life could have been if I was infected with Chad parasites

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>watch sneedsons
>fantasize about what my life could have been if I was infected with razzing farmers

You would not be you though. Wasn't that the moral of the story? Ship of theseus and all that?

Though I couldn't help but feel slightly frustrated Fry didn't stay a chad.

It kind of parodied it's own "Fry acts like a retard until he needs to be based and competent at the end" structure

>You would not be you though
but I already hate myself

Formerly city slickers

wrong show faggot

Came here to say this.

Futarama is part of the Sneed Extended Universe

Juss bee urself bro :)

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kys reddit

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formerly Chucks Complete Multiverse

And take 40 mg of aderall a day

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Yours would probably the same.
Fry seemed like he was fairly good-looking and at least had some prowess in physical activites like sports, dancing and fighting. He was just dumb and unambitious.
The worms merely made him smart, articulate and increased his physical strength.

Lift, roid, and read more books. There you go, there's your parasites.

Man, I probably saw this episode 15 years ago, and growing into an adult who went from drinking heavily, pitying myself, and having no drive to lifting, taking care of myself, and teaching myself new hobbies makes me realize how stupid the moral lesson is. Self-improvement is the only way to know yourself.


This is actually a question I've struggled with a lot: is it actually better to be yourself if that person is objectively a functionally worse person than if you were trying to be someone better than what you naturally are/want to be? Is individuality and self-expression more important than responsibility and self-improvement?

"u mad" is what little kids use as a comeback, is that the best you can do?



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But he was
He still had his thought and feelings, his body was just being repaired and improved through outside means. If the same thing happened but it took 5 years of physical exercise and academic study, is that significantly different? Doesn't the essence of Fry's character stay the same either way?

He was still himself, just an improved version of himself. He still liked Leela for example. He didn't turn into a dickhead or shirk his responsibilities to his friends, he even continued to play the same instrument he was trying to learn if I remember right. They basically just increased his physical fitness and intellect.

The backlash to this mindset is what's causing trannyism.

Your new barneyfag, ladies and gentlemen

>says this on Yea Forums (presently 4channel)
uh, i don't think so sneedie

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