Like it would not make billions
Live action movie fucking when?
It was pure kino. Only plebs dislike Treasure Planet.
fucking never since disney shat on it and caused it to flop
I'll never forgive the mouse for killing this and the tron legacy sequel
We already have a live action version of treasure island that is superior in every way.
Unironically my favorite movie.
give me Atlantis first
Underrated film.
You know if they do this there is no way Jim is a male. 100 percent either way Jim or black beard, or both, would be chicks.
they sent it out to die
Tim Curry channeled his absolute peak actor for long John silver, it along with all the staff and resources Henson had spent his life putting together really made the movie.
how do these compare?
Between these and Black Sails, has Treasure Island ever had a bad adaptation?
Both are unequivocally S-tier Disney kino. Sure it's a shame about the Robin Williams character in Treasure Planet but beyond that they're great.
I don't recall the Sky adaptation getting much praise heaped on it, which is disappointing since I thought an Eddie Izzard Silver would be pretty top.
>tfw no Black Sails adaptation of Treasure Island itself ever
one of the top 5 best animated Disney movies, and I'm not a furry but dat Captain Amelia, damn
Of course it'll be profitable.
How can a person misunderstand a movie so badly?
Titan A.E. was better.
i looked for it on piratebay, i would watch for eddie izzard, he's no tim curry but i'm sure he'd still be worth the watch
Would I be able to watch this today without having seen it before and enjoy it? All the screencaps I've seen of it and the premise really intrigues me but I can't help but think it'll be a lame animated movie that's only good if you saw it when you were little
It's still kino
unironically makes me tear up, maybe because I grew up without a dad too
>I'm not a furry but
Nothing following that phrase can redeem you m8.
>Nothing following that phrase can redeem you m8.
No, the one "allowance" is Lola Bunny.
>Live action Treasure Planet
this is the third time in 2 weeks i've seen someone mention this. I'm now convinced the Mouse is shilling this idea to get people into the mood for it when they finally announce it later this year. Fuck off remake niggers, do something new
Why reply?
>Would I be able to watch this today without having seen it before and enjoy it? All the screencaps I've seen of it and the premise really intrigues me but I can't help but think it'll be a lame animated movie that's only good if you saw it when you were little
I think I was about 30 when I watched it for the first time. It was pretty good.
Unironically one of the best animated movies ever made
>cyberpunk pirate film
The only thing that would hurt this film is its pg rating desu