It's gonna be a flop, right?
It's gonna be a flop, right?
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Most likely.
There's a chance it'll flop hard... but it won't stop Kong vs Godzilla from happening because the first two Monsterverse movies did well enough. The franhice has already done over 1 billion dollars. Godzilla 2014 did around 500 million and so did Skull Island. This needs to do the same amount and it's not too hard to reach that goal. I believe it'll reach that.
As long as they don't do the same shit they did in Godzilla where his screentime only shows small portions of his body until the very end, then it has a chance.
It will be far better than the first one especially visually.
I personally love the color motifs for each monster, makes them stand out a bit more
They've fixed everything that was wrong in the first movie but it'll still make "only" around 500 million like the other two movies.
same guys predicted Venom's flop and then Alita's flop...
I watched 90% of this about a year ago last November when principle finished filming. It's so much better than Godzilla (2014) and I didn't even hate that movie.
The "titan" leaks from last summer are 100% correct by the way. Just about every point that user made is covered accurately in the movie.
Hopefully not
Nah, Chinks are going to love it. They saved Kong that way too.
Both are flops.
Venom was a sleeper hit and Alita has a chance of become one.
lmao dude
so ghidorah really drops godzilla from the sky?
You dont need a leak to know that would happen.
Just like you dont need a leak to know Ghidorahs gonna get a head blown off.
t. zillafag
Nah, it'll do decent but unspectacular money like Godzilla 2014 and Skull Island. Godzilla vs Kong will already be filming when it's out, so it's getting a sequel regardless.
>Budget: $200 Million ($100 Million production + $100 Million marketing)
>Worldwide Gross: $855 million
Don't get me wrong, Venom was shit, but it wasn't a flop.
I'm still betting on Godzilla vs. Kong ending with the two of them teaming up against Mecha Ghidorah.
I'm not sure i can watch another Legendary flick after witnessing Shin Godzilla kino, guys.
Twice in the "fight" they have initially.
They're different enough that I think you could. There's room for both. Personally, I'm just happy that we're in a new golden age of Kaijukino (excluding whatever the fuck that Godzilla anime trilogy was supposed to be).
Alita did flop you fucking weeb
>excluding whatever the fuck that Godzilla anime trilogy was supposed to be
Lovecraftian kino
I'm literally only seeing this because I don't want to disappoint that one user who does the countdowns.
Anons in here seem to underestimate the number of people that like huger monsters fighting and walking around cities and Godzilla is a household name. Even Pacific Rim 2 managed to just barely pass the not-a-flop-limit.
Maybe this won't be HUGE but it won't flop.
Any thoughts on Godzilla’s awkward running animation? Is that fixed?
I'm not an authority on the works of Lovecraft, but I don't remember any of his stories featuring sobbing teenagers screaming at each other while all of the monster stuff gets ignored.
No, of course not. You'll see, don't you worry, there are
>only 99 days until Godzilla: King of the Monsters
Any Summer blockbuster that doesn't pull $1 Billion these days is considered a "disappointment." Just shows how ridiculous the market has become. I suggest a return to rubber suit monster wrestling matches, to keep the budgets lower.
pls describe this, im autistic when it comes to this franchise. im talking does godzilla freak out, start spamming his atomic breath, how does he survive
>how does he survive
They named the movie after him.
The hype around this movie is tremendous and it has little competition at its release date. It wont do soi infused marvel numbers but I think it will break 600 million worldwide.
Venom made almost a billion at the box office. You're braindead if you think it was a flop
The real question is if they'll do it like Final War where Godzilla uses Ghidorah's own head to cut off his other heads.
Wow I sure know Lovecraft for his forced teen drama and stories with absolutely no payoff at all. Lovecraft is also renowned for his horrible sex scenes and atrocious dialogue, yep, that's what I know him for.
I'm not into Godzilla but this new movie looks pretty good
King of monsters will be kino of the highest order as long as stranger cunt doesn't dominate proceedings and the monsters get the screentime needed
i’m only watching for mothra
>too much of a brainlet to pay attention to anything that happened in the third movie.
Alrighty then.
The first drop is a surprise attack so-to-speak, and he gets up and begins to charge his atomic breath but is grabbed again before he can get it off and dropped from an even higher height into the ocean. Titan-team (eleven, coach from friday night lights, etc) assume him to be dead and move on to Mothra as their savior for the time being.
Not really, I'm not gonna lie I don't remember explicit scenes of him running (except running out of the water early in the movie) but it basically looked the same.
>Pacific Rim 2
>Not a flop
Are you high
Ghidorah doesn't die in this movie but he is completely BTFO'd by a kaiju team attack that destroys his middle head.
I never saw this scene in particular but I heard rumors that post-credit scene will be the anti-titan task force beginning the work on Mecha-Ghidorrah. That part I can't totally confirm but it tracks with how the movie plays out.
The trailer has good cinematography, so I'll see it. It looks like they put real effort to make it.
If they don't have this theme in the film, we riot.
no because Yea Forums is always wrong about everything
Godzilla 2014 and Kong skull island both did well and plenty of people seem to think it looks better than either of those so I think it'll do alright.
>bear mccreary doing soundtrack
This movie keeps getting better and better to me. And I'm not even a godzilla fan