ITT: Characters who are literally you

ITT: Characters who are literally you

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Me in the back.

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You know spies...buncha bitchy, little girls

She's just an instathot but on a business level.
Beta male sucks throw money at these talentless husks because they get their cocks hard.

Weird stuff.

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As soon as I became a home owner, it all fell into place, down to the wardrobe.

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Why do Americans drink out of brown paper bags

Same reason they wear shoes indoors?

You cant drink in public. The paper bag is the cliche booze disguise.

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Yeah but if a cop sees the bag surely he knows it's alcohol anyway right

me on the right

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Same, but for Art
do you have a hot young wife?

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kill me

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Joe from “You”

Me on the right.

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Detective Frost of-course.

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They won't bother you if its in a bag as long as you aren't being stupid

It's like a silent hobo-police compact thing

Tim. Tim. Timothy.

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Thanks for reminding me of this show, time to rewatch for the 10th time.
