Discord tranny comes to derail perfectly good thread

>discord tranny comes to derail perfectly good thread
Fuck off already will ya, disgusting freaks

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What do you have against trans* people?

We had a great big thread the other day exposing all the shills and discord trannys on Yea Forums and then got deleted for some reason. It’s a conspiracy.

They're nasty

they are mentally ill

They’re gross

the mods want them here as it keeps the board pleb friendly which means more users can flood in

It’s not healthy to mutilate your body

They're leftists

Link to the archived thread? Or could you post pics?

t. discord tranny

they are so insane that they have to show off their fetish in public


try again

t. actual discord tranny falseflagging

>When your gaming buddy becomes a tranny

Not prepared for this modern world

more like trans people*

On my tranny discord we plot to shit up Yea Forums with Jazz and Captain Marvel threads. It works because you morons keep replying to them.

Fuck liberals fuck trannies fuck jannies and fuck niggers

Tell me somethin', girl
Are you happy in this modern world?

trannys hate Jazz threads now.

No one here hates trans people. Anyone you see here claiming to hate them is false flagging to make this place seem worse. The people here understand that it's a mental illness and know that allowing them to be taken over by it is the worst thing for them. You'll find more empathy from the people against trans people than from any of the enablers.

Get him to a mental health hospital, or he might kill himself soon, or worse, dilate

>No one here hates trans people
I do
>Anyone you see here claiming to hate them is false flagging to make this place seem worse

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why do discord trannies call /pol/ posts discord tranny posts? Is “no u” all the left has?

jazz threads are the best because we trannyhate post and make fun of freaks though. are you saying discord trannies also hate trannies?
I hate trannies

>false flagging tranny

It got deleted. Not sure if it still gets archived somewhere but it was gone as it was getting deep. One thing I remember is someone got busted posting the same fucking post multiple times a day about mags kids. These shills/trannys are insane for real. They have nothing better to do except be here all day trying to indoctrinate people.


fuck trannies

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No no no you're both just being autistic. He obviously doesn't hate 5 year olds that were brain washed by trannie parents but the trannie parents aren't just "oh poor them mentally ill" no they mentally tortured a child and should be shot for that. Trannies that were brain washed as kids have room for pitty but trannies that made the choice at 16+ are beyond giving a shit about. There's only one cure and fortunately for us most trannies know what that cure is.

Yes we make Jazz threads to ruin your board. We know you seethe over them and eventually, Yea Forums‘s autistic contrarianism will cause most users here to turn into trans* supporters. Most “tranny hate” threads and posts are false flags by us to further this goal.

>fuck trannies
nah bro, that's pretty disgusting

good to know you are spreading trans hate with us then. i can't wait until the 41% grows larger.

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You will never be a woman

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