It's going to be a shitshow, isn't it?

It's going to be a shitshow, isn't it?

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Of course. Somebody needs to go and get some footage for us to laugh at though.

Do they have one every year?

my fucking sides that autisic af nigger right in the middle yeah thats a legit star wars fan alright

oh I cant wait itll be great with pissed off fans shitting on them or with bootlicking coping faggots defending them

>mfw someone goes there dressed as an EU character just to grief everyone

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It doesnt get normier that this

Is it still possible to get tickets? Flight? and Hotel?

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LOL can't wait for the death tolls.

Imagine the smell of this event.

Also, why they holding this event in fucking chiraq of all places a city known for it's high violent crime.

Yes, but they didn't have one last year.

literally Rent-A-Crowd right there.

Sold out about 24 hours after the tickets went on sale. I think there are still some one day tickets for the Monday.

>not going to get with all the hired models by pretending you're a model to
ez game boys, just lean over to any QT and ask her how much she's getting to be there, if shes getting paid say your gettin less and act all hurt, if shes not getting paid say you just assumed because shes hot but your getting like 50$ an hour like i said ez game

Assuming for a second they don't already, I'm willing to be that they'll
a) screen everyone that's supposedly picked out of the crowd at random
b) pre record the supposed live events
c) have "random" attention grabbing shit in the sidelines in case they need to distract the cameras to get someone removed
They're going to be terrified of pic related happening to them

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good now all disney shill will get killed in chicongo

I highly doubt it. The only people who'd go are the people who actually want to go, i.e. people who like Star Wars so much they'll pay money to go a Star Wars event, and therefore are like 99% guaranteed to like anything with the words "Star Wars" attached to it on principle.

There isn't going to be some film equivalent of the Blizzard guy asking about an April fool's joke. It's a carefully curated Disney celebration show

God I hope so

a gang of eu fans should dress as exar kun, revan, bane and darth krayt and shoot the whole place

this shop is perfectly executed. i'm still amazed to see the clip and have him not in a tux.

>People still caring enough about Star Wars to go to cons

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I miss the days when these conventions were for the fans and not such heavy franchise promotion.

Disney got busted hiring actors to attend Solo and buying Black Panther tickets, user.
While there's probably enough retards to fill a decent sized room, the sold out in 24 hours narrative is almost certainly engineered.

Just imagine still be being a Star Wars fan after what Disney did to it

My father, brother and I all liked Star Wars, but only my brother bothers going to see the new films in theaters now, if this is all an artificial hype to make people belive Star Wars is still going strong how much longer can they keep it going? There's plenty of people who enjoy capeshit but Star Wars has been on life support for years now.

Nothing attracts a crowd like a crowd. They're trying to make popularity through popularity.

Chances are they'll pull the plug on it when the main trilogy is finished. After that, they'll wait a few years, publicly bulldoze the current crop of Kennedy and her sycophants, then announce a reboot "with the fans in mind".
Hopefully Mark Hamil tells them to go fuck themselves when they try recruiting him as the face

>After that, they'll wait a few years, publicly bulldoze the current crop of Kennedy and her sycophants, then announce a reboot "with the fans in mind".
Oh god. It's the whole
>We've kicked out Lucas!
publicity all over again. Only it's beneficial

>Hopefully Mark Hamil tells them to go fuck themselves when they try recruiting him as the face

The thing is, with Carrie Fisher gone there's just no hope of rebooting or ignoring any of the films, both Hamill and Ford are old so trying to sweep things under the rug by waiting another couple decades isn't going to work.

I do wish to see Mark Hamill releasing a public estatement about how betrayed he felt with VIII though. No hints in tweets or small mentions during interviews, him openly disowning the Disney films.

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If it were LA again I might still go, the last one here had some good panels and I got to meet some of the dorks I've only talked to online. But I'm not flying anywhere for it.

>I do wish to see Mark Hamill releasing a public estatement about how betrayed he felt with VIII though. No hints in tweets or small mentions during interviews, him openly disowning the Disney films.
NDAs usually last around 2-3 years after the product remains profitable, but Disney being Disney they'll likely have some bullshit extension clauses involved.
Give it around 5 years after ep 9 releases, and we'll see his real opinions. Unless, of course, he simply stops giving a fuck and unloads on them anyway, with the knowledge that a lawsuit would be horrible publicity on top of negative fan feeling.

>that redhead whale femcel

this user is right, all attending are disney cocksuckers, they will be there to kneel before their overlords

Rundown of what happened in pic related?

Leftists live in an alternate perception ruled over by Satan, inverting all reality and truth.

>mass killing of faggots and s0ibois while promoting the true EU.

if there aren't livethreads I will never forgive this place

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Do normies even care about Star Wars anymore?
I feel like its just a small minority talking about it now

Plenty of people go as EU characters every year

>Blizzard hints at new Diablo game
>neckbeard hype
>Blizzcon comes and the game is announced
>it's an unironic free to play mobile game with micro-transactions
>pic related asks if it's a belated April fool's joke
twas instant classic, really

I hope a bunch of them get btfo'd in some gang shootings.

I hope so


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Like a jawa's butthole.

The probability is high these faggots shit gets gripped by niggers the moment they step out the airport.

Edgy would be praying for a false flag shooting.

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I'm sad I will be on a trip during it. shitposting to the live stream last time was amazing

I’m looking forward to it because it will be the definitive moment I can see if Star Wars is truly dead or not

>I do wish to see Mark Hamill releasing a public estatement about how betrayed he felt with VIII though. No hints in tweets or small mentions during interviews, him openly disowning the Disney films.
As long as Disney exists and as long as Hamill has a family, something like that simply will not happen.