I love how Cameron knows when to inject a bit of humour to his films
I love how Cameron knows when to inject a bit of humour to his films
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the way he looked and moved his body first in this scene was fucking epic, fuck i love cameron
anyone got the truck scene? where they really climbed on board
All of Cameron's non-Terminator movies are dogshit
Aliens is dogshit? I dont think so mate this trailer proves it:
True lies is dogshit? Avatar is dogshit? Fuck out of here faget
abyss was kino, loved titanic too but im an ocean person
never seen that trailer before thanks
What the hell is with that music over it?
pretty epic, has a military vibe and sense of camaraderie and epicness
Ironic that the kind of person who would complain about the Disneyfication of film franchises is probably also a huge fan of Terminator 2, which is nothing less than a Disney version of The Terminator.
Try to imagine the "Bad to the Bone" scene from Terminator 2 in the context of the first movie and you'll realize just how shlocky and pandering T2 really is.
I don't think it fits at all.
no, its pretty fucking gay and generic. lazy too considering the original soundtrack was so good
no, it's pretty epic in terms of updating it, the original was a play of the first film this has more of a contemporary feel to it, but you sound like a marvel cultist anyway so probably explains your poor taste in music
it didn't need updating, and it doesn't fit at all. aliens is not a space epic
I was being hyperbolic but Aliens is a decent albeit unremarkable sci-fi action flick that isn't even top 25 best 80s action flicks. The amount of praise it gets is absurd
When Arnie and the T-1000 are fighting in the foundry at the end, there's a few millisecond shots of them grappling in which it's just Robert Patrick covered in foil and silver paint. It's crude but you don't really notice it until repeated viewings.
Now that kind of genius movie magic is dead, everything is lowest-bidder CGI.
The original doesn't need to be updated. There was nothing wrong with it. That shitty new one sounds more like Marvel shit or made by some faggot who plays MMORPGs all day.
also True Lies is ruined by Jaime Lee Curtis, besides just being an Americanized James Bond ripoff. Avatar is just Ferngully but soulless
what's with the gay out of place fantasy epic music?
it really is, there's three arcs to that music if you listen closely, but i can tell already you know nothing about music. there's the intorduction arc, then the storytelling part and then finally the crescendo, it's how any good trailer works these days, check out the hobbit and lord of the rings, they have a typical arc
Because aliens is literally that
what the fuck do arcs have to do with anything? do you think epics are the only kind of story with arcs? dumb faggot
can see you dont know how the world works come back when youre over 18 mate
Are you high? Aliens is a horror-action film. It's about a small group of people stuck on a remote planet.
Did you make that shitty video or something? You've drove me to the point of literally signing up to YouTube just so I can dislike it.
yes literally epic
good one OP
autism much
Welcome to Yea Forums
have a (you) for the effort
imagine being so creatively butthurt and jealous that you had to sign up to a jewish video channel just to click a button, its amazing how much negativity there is in this world when good honest people who are creative are just trying to get by and make things nice for other people out of generosity, but no, theres always one, miserable dude that has to ruin it for everyone
I'm James Cameron and I'd appreciate it if you left this thread, faggot.
dubs of peace, respect
>also True Lies is ruined by Jaime Lee Curtis
Imagine being such an npc that you retroactively hate on True Lies because of IMAGINE.
>besides just being an Americanized James Bond ripoff
funny you say that, the faggot made a warcraft trailer too, but it's actually quite good because i know the music from the last half is from the game and it matches uite well, give him props for that at least
I severely doubt it because it's my dream to work with you, literally. I even wrote to you on imdb but not sure if you read it but i hope to work with one day if it is you, you are a great film maker and have inspired me man, and I cant even get my words together right now but please let me work with you one day.
that was pretty epic, he should start a fan trailer channel i'd definitely watch it, he has a lot of potential
Heavenly Trips, well played
kill yourself
Even Cameron called the first one "quaint", but that doesn't tske awayfrom thr effects they did. The only "bad" shot I can think of is the naked Terminator limping in the hallway and maaaaaybr the robo-Arnie head, but compare that to the rest of the movie. It still stands up.
Windows wasn't even a thing when this movie was made , and forget about 3GHZ and more chips , how was it so good?
True Lies is fucking shit tho, how can you fuck up a movie with Swshcarzinmneger is beyond me
I've hated her since long before that stupid meme. She's ugly, not that talented and the part clearly called for someone really hot. Seeing Bill Paxton trying to get into that tranny's pants was a headscratcher. Also her scenes with Arnold are terrible, no chemistry at all. The end with them dancing was cringe
>Windows wasn't even a thing when this movie was made
Reminder that the dude flying a chopper under a bride was the best, most fucking dangerous part of the movie and the T-1000 had three arms during this and almost everybody missed it.
Post a screenshot
Didn't most of the crew refuse to take part in the helicopter scene because it was so dangerous? So it was just like a skeleton crew filming it. Based.
too bad alita its devoid of it reason why the BO didnt take off
>Avatar is dogshit
>fucking 34 000 upvotes
what the fuck
No movie has helped me get laid more than Avatar. Bring a date back home and throw it on for some feel good, mindless background ambiance. Guaranteed good time.
That's an awful trailer. The only way Alien franchise movie trailers should be made are like that one trailer for the original Alien.
Avatar is dogshit yes.
Shut the fuck up, it's good because I saw it when I was a kid
Don't know. Rambo "le strong women " Ripley ruins it for me. It's worse than the sjw shit we have today
She was a more believable character and survivor in 1