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I had honestly never heard of him before this happened and only know Empire existed because I saw a infomercial for it years ago
I guess his plan worked, everyone knows who he is now

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He really did fuck up big time though

>before his publicity stunt
Whites and conservatives were apathetic towards him most not knowing who he was, Liberals liked him if they even knew who he was and conservatives probably couldn't give less of a shit, the black community praised him and he was accepted by the LGBT as well as made a healthy 65,000 a year
>after publicity stunt
hated by whites and blacks for stirring up racial tensions especially blacks for "ruining black history month", LGBT community has turned their back on him, conservatives hate him for attempting to frame them and Liberals hate him for deceiving them and giving conservatives more ammunition and now he's facing jail time

what was his plan here?

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>65, 000 a year
He's been making 100,000 per episode.

Imagine unironically giving a fuck what your co-workers do in their off-time. In the real world, people are always fucking up and coming to work after they strangled their wife or whatever crime they did that week.

If something as hilarious as this happened at my workplace, we'd all just laugh at him for a while like normal people, but there's not going to be sobbing temper tantrums and strange speeches about dishonour. Then he'd either go to jail after his trial and get fired if he stopped showing up, or he'd turn out to be innocent and nothing would change until next time.

He's getting very bad advice from his lawyers.

>have no problem getting 2 innocent men arrested over his falseflag until he got found out
>"we'd all just laugh at him for a while like normal people"

sure thing tranny

really? guess I read the wrong report
but shit that's even more reason to not pull some stupid shit, his life was great? why risk it over something this stupid

he's an idiot
plain and simple

No that's what he wanted, he was making 65,000 an episode but wasn't happy with that because Terrance was making more.

Maybe this will make these niggers rethink their victimhood culture


>MFW They've brought peace, freedom, justice and security to the new Empire

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>hit show

You could have it all
>my Empire of dirt

has anyone actually seen empire? is it good?


Get off the internet and go outside you mongoloid.

No, it's what he got, after the salaries for all the actors got renegotiated around 2/3 season. Terrence got bumped up to 200 k, Jussie and other second-stringers on the cast to 100k.

Empire is a hit show.

Only a liberal deals in absolutes

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Tim Pool fucking bodyslammed this groid through his investigative journalism. Pretty bad when a bald manlet HAPA takes you to the bank and back.

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You forgot the S


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had no idea he was on alien covenant till i rewatched it a few weeks ago

Damn they're naming names.

>hit show

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What's this guy's name again?

Terrence bamboozled them with his math skills.

juicy smolkek

We really need to hear his side of the story before we pass judgement.

bussy smolett

you wh*te bois will never understand niggerkino of the highest order.

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JUSSie Smalltime


apu would never say the n word delete this

His side of the story was the false police report he filed, and the interviews where he cried on television

he will off himself before the year ends

someone gimme a quick rundown on this nigger; I am not from burgerland

and blame it on trump

guy on the left looks like a member of a civilization that relies on the ancient and scattered ruins of a half a dozen textile factories for its clothing

to niggers and shit who think empire is "we wuz baethoven and rich moguls and kangz" and "uh uh cookie, din let him play you like that gurrl". fuck niggers.

>spoonfeed me I’m foreign

We've heard his story.
>A couple of white guys beat me up, put a rope around my neck and yelled this is MAGA country.
>Posts a letter with white powder to himself.
That's his story.
If he was truly innocent he'd be on all the networks right fucking now stating it.
He's guilty as sin user.

Damn, Spike Lee's making a Blade Runner film? Dope.

New Blade Runner looks great

It's over for the little Kang.

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ending slavery was a mistake

whos the fat nigressa?

>the judicial process still hasn’t actually finished and we haven’t actually seen the police’s case to the grand jury
>media is pumping out many many statements about case

Didn’t this used to be illegal so that the jury would remain impartial?

>*record scratch*
>*freeze frame*
>Yep, that's me, you're probably wondering how I ended up in this situation

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La'Kweensha Fo'Sho

< Left . Right >


he's already been offically charged though, he's just waiting for his sentence
it's taking so long because he laywered up so hard

robert nigger lee
nearly started a civil war but trump stopped him

>Well it all started when I bought a delicious Subway® sandwich...

I’ve been giggling like a school girl reading articles on Jussie written on “the root”. Their comment section goes beyond anything Yea Forums could ever drum up

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lmao even in prison this nigga gonna get more white puss than you incels combined

>It doesn't matter that Jussie yelled "Fire!" when there was no fire, because a fire COULD have happened
simply outstanding

I just don't understand people like this. Someone who would call a privileged actor brave for faking a hate crime.

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Obese black tranny?

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this is the actual correct answer although I read 60 rather than 65 but tiny detail. When the show started it was 20

Why are people defending this guy

Gabourey Sidibe from Precious

>anime designs irl

He's brave sweety.

because yeah he lied and yeah its not good but this is a still a real issue and he lied for a good reason

lmao nah.

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Disgustingly fat and a nigger. Worst combination.

Justa Smellit

Because he's a poor oppressed minority and can't be held responsible for his actions.

H-He started an important conversation you racist!

People are too proud to admit they got worked into a shoot

I'm thoroughly surprised that he didn't get away with it.

a hit is a hit is a hit

>we was a hit show in sheeit then jussie ruined it

Imagine your career was writing shit like this for websites like this. Is there a more worthless existence?

He isnt even doing prison time, so is this even a win


>Hurr why aren't i getting as much as this much more well known actor
>N sheeiiit

i really like smollett's outfit here.

I know you'd think it would be easy to fake a hate crime & post fake anthrax bombs in the post and get away with it in Chicago of all places, maybe he'd have had better luck in New York.

holy moley

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Remember their vote is just as valuable as yours.


Someone on /gif/ yesterday said "he lied but his point is valid".

Literally double think. He lied but he told the truth.


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Being charged does not mean being sentenced. That’s what I’m talking about. I thought it used to be illegal for the media to talk about a case if the person has not been sentenced yet. The only exception being publicizing the court proceedings.

suicide when??

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Why do you think tens of thousands of "journalists" have recently lost their jobs. People are sick of shit like this being presented as facts.

I want off this ride.

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same. that coat is /fa/

Patience my friend, patience.

>hit show

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> I just don't understand people like this.
Be thankful you at least made the attempt.

The actual reason is "political brain rot" and being a useful idiot; someone who is used by a smarter person for a purpose that goes against the interests of the abused (or everyone, if the person doing the abusing is also a useful idiot for someone else)

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Because it is valid. If you saw the world through Jussie’s eyes you too would probably hear the gunshots of the black on black crime ridden shithole of the south side as racist Magapedes storming through your beautiful city.

>When you accidentally red pill yourself.

God, I miss this.

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You know you've fucked up when even liberals aren't comparing you to Siruis Black and saying that Harry Potter should come save you. They'll defend anyone. It's like I always say, never piss off more than 50% of a country at a time.


This is basically the same as conservatives calling all Muslims capable of terrorism.

what did he do?
i'm late

I watched most of it I think, don't remember where I left off. It suffers from the same shit as any other soap-opera (think CW shows) : it's just. fucking. endless. drama. Nobody is ever happy more than 3 seconds, everybody betrays everybody else fucking constantly, new characters pop up and disappear as soon as their relevance to main plotlines is finished. Aside from that it's decently acted for a modern all-black show (not that I watch many of those but I've seen some Blackish) and I liked some of the songs although most aren't my cup of tea. One cool thing about the songs is that it showcases a lot of different music genres rather than going for all rap/hip-hop like you could expect from a show about a hip-hop record company.

He had a cunning plan to keep his comfy acting job but unfortunately hired the most useless goons you could imagine

Faked a hate crime against himself (twice) so he can get more pay, and because fuck drumpf. The shenanigans went on for the last month, with the police heavily investigating a "hoax" over the last 1.5 weeks. Yea Forums, /pol/ and anyone with any semblance of critical thinking skills called him out from the start. He currently is out on bail for the state level felony crimes, while the FBI investigation continues.

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>Claimed two rednecks beat him up at 3am shouting literal /pol/ memes at him
>Story was so obviously fake he was getting called out from the get-go
>Got found out, charged with filing a false police report
>(((Media))) was hoping it would all go away, it didn't, have no idea what to do now
>We are winning more every day

dis be maga cuntry, cracka!

almost nobody is defending him anymore, that's like asking why flat-earthers exist, you can't always rationally explain the existence of a small group of insane people.

>Imagine unironically
hola reddito

It’s just gay niggas rapping and killing each other, as you can see

Nigger wearing astronaut boots, damn guess they are the future

>implying a TV- or movie-set is anything like a real workplace
You do realize what kind of people work in entertainment, right?

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Deluding himself into thinking federal agents and 24 Chicago detectives were too stupid to see through his hoax. Instead he should have realized that they probably have more collective brainpower in that small group of people than the sum of the entire entertainment industry.

They're Maison Margielas, you pleb.
That guy's outfit sucks, but the sneakers are slick.
Smollett's outfit is kino, however.

>all Muslims capable of terrorism.
*cough* They are. It's a requirement of their religion. Anyone who isn't trying to convert non-muslims to islam isn't really doing their job.

Saudi arabia funds terrorism, it's a known fact because of 9/11.
Tourists who spend money in a country are putting money into that nation's economy.
Islam requires that all believers make a pilgrimage to mecca, which is in saudi arabia.
Saudis have basically hooked up a tourism funding machine for their death cult.

> So why don't the muslims who don't want to participate in it just leave and say they worship the same god in a different way
Because the punishment for apostates is death and islam has been at war with itself since the death of its founder aka the shia/sunni divide.

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>Lead actor is a wife beater, liar and conman
>Female lead actor is a race baiter who had a son with an absentee father
>One of the main actors is a racist who tried to leverage the media with a hoax

For a show with just 5 main cast members and a series of supporting actors, they're kiiiinda living up to the black stereotypes.

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can anyone give me a quick rundown on this guy and whats happening?
i tend to ignore shit with celebrities but im starting to see this guys name pop up on my social media stuff so now its got me slightly curious.

WTF? MAGA bros look like that??? I thought only weak mutts support drumf

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>You know you've fucked up when even liberals aren't comparing you to Siruis Black and saying that Harry Potter should come save you.
That would mean everybody fucks up all the time since this never happens

liberal politicians eating up the bait

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>the entire entertainment industry.
there may have also been the presumption that the entertainment industry would shield him in the event his lies were made known.

we all know how that's worked out.

You know, I bet he was thinking it wouldn't get that far. He was banking on there being such a huge media outrage that any investigation would probably be swept aside, he'd make bank off of talkshows and appearences, HBO would be forced to give him a life time contract at a million per episode...

He got fucked when the police ACTUALLY DID THEIR JOBS. Although it amazes me they assigned 24 detectives to this shit/

shut the hell up, /fa/g

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Bitch is a few steps away from redpilling the Holy hell out of herself

They look like shit and you're a fucking Nancy boy for knowing them by name and wanting a pair, they are fucking trash buy real clothes not bullshit niggers on the TV sell you. Fucking hell to actually think people find these shoes desirable is bewildering

>there are actual clothing made for that kind of monstrosity
Please be handmade

they should do a whole episode letting him act it out

would be fun desu

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If you the type of person to accept making €65,000 an episode you would end up making €65,000 a year. Crazy people make the big money. Many crazy people fail in the attempt.

Yeah....only if she could figure out how proportions work....

idc who makes them. they look stupid

>Smollet accidentally fucks up so badly that he momentarily heals the racial and political divide in America by rallying everyone against him
kek, good job

Shrek's nigger cousin

Literal who why does this person matter

why do black people love harry potter so much?

Gay people are statistically much more likely to kill themselves. But he also clearly has a very large ego. Hmm, dunno

He did the fake letter first and staged the attack because it didn't get enough attention. This is what he wanted. I guess he just assumed everyone, like him, was a braindead twat.

Dollars. In backwards America they still use the dollar

They're contract workers whose employment hinges on the public perception, which is influenced by the public perception of those they associate with. Which includes coworkers. Dummy.

Honestly I'm disappointed, I was hoping he'd have a final episode where his character commits fraud, everyone hates him and he goes to jail.

I hate humans.

he started a conversation drumpies, what have you done lately?


what a hero

>>Lead actor is a wife beater, liar and conman
he's also the 1x1=2 guy

>It doesn't matter if the event happened or not
>what matters is that it could have happened
So the Holocaust?

That would have required some pretty quick and (most likely) heavy rewrites, not to mention he would have never gone for it

who came up with this stupid catchphrase
hur dur we starting a conversation n sheeit

you don't know what a joke is? Yeesh

>He did the fake letter first and staged the attack because it didn't get enough attention.

Like what exactly was he thinking? That he would become a modern day Rosa Parks or something? I could see this plan working if it was maybe Denzel or Morgan Freeman, someone with some actual name value...

But he was a literal who on a show no one fucking watched, and he had the most brain dead fucking plan I've ever seen. A fucking 5 year old could have come up with a more plausible story.

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not commit several crimes

Also I don’t understand how even if the attack was real he’s earn more money. At most he would get the awareness he wanted but how that merit a raise is beyond retarded.

You think he'd really turn down one final $100K considering his career is over?

that's the problem. all you idiots want is jst "have an open dialogue about race" and start a conversation. Because that's all you lazy shitheads do IS TALK! how about getting up off your ass and doing something about it . quit living on social media and go out in the world and fail

What kind of cool trinkets do you think the guy on the right is keeping in all of those zipper pockets?

>hit show

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>Female lead actor is a race baiter who had a son with an absentee father

inb4 he does nike commercials

>literally everyone is blaming Jussie and calling him out on his bullshit
>somehow /pol/ are still being victims

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his career was going no where plus he dropped his mixtape but it wasnt fire so he needed the boost

Personal appearance fees for telling his "brave" story

Also he was hoping he'd shame HBO into a lifetime contract at a million an episode

Niggers always defend niggers.

Liberals are overly socialized, this is why they keep saying shit like
>started a conversation
>started a dialog
>we need to talk about ____
>we need to discuss
>we need to have an open conversation
Everything is discussions and talking, because they lack the willpower to actually do change Not that they can have actual conversations, all they do is pout, then smile smugly as they say "ugh I literally cant believe you think this way. you're so stupid, get educated please," and pout while you're talking.

they can't hide it

>somebody makes a small comparison
>go full tard
dude come on I want to be on your side but this is why people say /pol/ is ruining Yea Forums
fucking hell i even agree with you

LMAO. The worst part of this is that she probably has 200k followers on social media, and they all believe this and are repeating it.

Was getting caught part of his plan?

>Gay people are statistically much more likely to kill themselves
so are people with a large ego

thx for the laugh
bitch will vote for Trump next election

when will this city slicker go they way of the chuck?

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spare pieces of rope and old Subway wrappers


Because your a cynical duck face trump voting factor piece of shit.

He's a millionaire. If he doesn't screw up royally he'll stay a millionaire. Admittedly that might be a high requirement from what we've seen of his behaviour.

>Tranny smokes weed at their McCareer
>"lol I don't get why they're so mad at him people at my job break the law all the time"

It's fucked up that he has to go through all this after being physically assaulted and racially dominated by MAGA hat wearing racists that looked like Dolph Lundgren, with shredded and suple physiques and piercing blue eyes. Could you even imagine?

Just another day in AmeriKKKa


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People like the wife killer are still twisting it to be Trumps fault. The anti Trumpers need to look at themselves and see how their hatred is making them crazy.

I don't think she is even smart enough to fully self-own here. Many such cases!

but it can't be a hit all characters are black

But the show is called "Empire" user, not "Empires"

When her kid was arrested for smoking weed while driving through an active pedestrian crossing, she claimed he was racially profiled.

I think she apologised after seeing dashcam footage from the cop.

You don't cross Terryology

Literally the only guy in media I trust.

He bashed his fucking head in like the Hapa warrior he is.

The plan was to make Lynching extra illegal so that his personal friend Kamala Harris could become more famous (along with him).

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hard to believe lynching is still legal in the US
I hope the bill will come asap

>aka the shia/sunni divide
They had multiple other older denominations before shia/sunni. Like 5 or something. They all murdered each other and absorbed into one big mess.

I remember seeing this tweet years ago. Here's what she looks like today

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chink don't stink.

lol, dat shadow tho

>open dialogue about race
As long as you steer clear of IQ scores and crime stats of course

Can you believe that hanging people is STILL legal in Amerikkka?:

>80 thousand people liked this
America is so fucked lol

> I just don't understand people like this.
Woke activist Black people are insane.

>next episode

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What even is this show? Literally never heard of it till now.

Hitler has been dead for decades and he’s still starting more conversations than any black person ever. What have you done that’s ever contributed to anything Hilldogs?

The viewership for the next episode of Empire will blow up and then the show will see an instant death.


thats a tree, right?
I thought its Jussies big hairy cock

They call it a hit show so more people watch it. Nobody wants to be the person in their group that isn’t in on something everyone likes and talks about. They do the same thing with polls. If more people view or vote for something then the zombies will do it too just so they can be a part of the cool group.

>It doesn't matter that we jailed this muslim for 25 years for a terrorist attack that was in fact just his kid playing with firecrackers
>Because it doesn't necessarily matter that this event didn't happen
>It matters that it could happen. That's the real issue

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so why don't they call all shows hit shows.

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>rewrite the script so the character tries to organize a fake hate crime but instead gets killed
How Kino would it be?

Smollett Jussie
You wull
da bzaCk

I guess i'm one of the minority here but i watch empire i'm glad hes leaving he was one of the worst parts of the show

>police don't give the case much weight
Oh my GOD look at these fucking fascist pigs, not doing their jobs huh?
>police give the case a lot of weight
Oh my GOD look at these fucking fascist pigs, only doing their jobs to make a black man look bad huh?

Honestly though it didn't take much to discredit them, he put almost no effort into this whole thing and trusted a huge amount of his scheme to two blacks guys even stupider than he is. How easy would it have been to hire those two dudes in masks (and gloves, totally plausible given the weather by the way) who then pretended to beat the shit out of him on camera? That's literally all he needed, but he put all these retarded things into that like the fucking hats and rope and bleach. There were so many ways to go about this and make it believable and he didn't bother with any of it.

That's because we're sick of this race baiting bullshit not even a week after the covington situation. It's beyond ridiculous at this point and we're fully aware what's going on.

I'd also add that white people used to get lynched too so this whole narrative that it's only black people who got lynched is more fake news/race baiting and you people eat it up. Pathetic.

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He's obviously in the wrong, but it's still kinda crazy that the big news here is that a crime DIDN'T occur. Like that's what it has come to in today's climate, with people being surprised that a hate crime of this nature didn't occur in the first place. That's the real takeaway from all this.

we need Jussie's Law.

mandatory jail time for anybody caught faking a "hate crime", and mandatory fines equal to the costs of the investigation.

sick of these faggots pulling this crap with no meaningful repercussions.

quick rundown:
>black attack white
>white attack black
crime + hate crime (lynching bill)

> just love." - Taraji P. Henson
Feels good seeing these uppity black Hollywood fucks have to tuck their tails in and eat shit.

there are literally more hate crime hoaxes than hate crimes

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I think the worst thing is that this absolute coward didn't even have the guts to get beaten up for his own story. Like, if you want to fake a hate crime, at least be prepared to show up the next day with your face missing, not a tiny scratch on your cheek and teary eyes

People expect it because they've been fear-mongering (mostly online and in the media) for years now about there being a horrific nazi white supremacist uprising when nothing actually happened. The "alt-right" is so far responsible for what, one fat (white) whale bitch getting a heart attack due to being bumped by a car from a panicked faggot surrounded by a mob? People told themselves there were MAGA nazis around every corner waiting to lynch minorities or homos or minority homos and when it finally appeared to happen they jumped for joy to tell everyone "SEE? SEE???"

Jussie is a friend, yeah
I know he's been a good friend of mine
But lately something's changed that ain't hard to define
Jussie's got himself a girl and I want to make her mine
And she's watching him with those eyes
And she's loving him with that body, I just know it
Yeah 'n' he's holding her in his arms late, late at night
You know
I wish that I had Jussie's girl
I wish that I had Jussie's girl
Where can I find a woman like that

Ya. White people are roaming the streets beating up minorities and gays. Happens all the time.

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Oh, I wish I was in MAGA country
Nigerian men and actor flunkies
Lynch away, Lynch away, Lynch away Jussieland

In Jussieland, where I was born in,
Tyin' nooses one frosty mornin',
Bleach away, Bleach away, Bleach away Jussieland

I'm sure glad I'm not Jussie
Hooray! Hooray!

I wonder what got into,
His Brain! His Brain!

With Subway in hand, I'll take my stand
to make shit up like Jussie
Away, away, away down south in Jussie
Away, away, away down south in Jussie

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The vast majority of people didn't believe this happened when it was first reported

>try to stage a hate crime framing trump supporters
>blows up in their face
>"huh what are you guys so mad about anyways lol"

one or two things done different and he would have gotten away with it

>2am in Chicago is maga country
I didn't buy this story from day one

B-but look at this literally who schizo I cherrypicked saying Jussie is a hero for lying!

how can you be so controversial and yet so brave?

watching root comments fight each other over the Soulja boy Chinese scam consoles was kino

weren't those actually good? They infringed on Nintendo and shit but I didn't think they were crap

she was 20 feet from the car, she died cause it was hot out and she freaked with a cigarette in her trap

please link that comment

>what was his plan here?
That people would believe him, he'd get sympathy parts and his political opponents look like they're in bed with thugs. Getting caught wasn't part of his plan.

Cosby Show was a mega hit.

Does any white person actually say that?

"MAGA country" sounds like something a black person would think a white person says

I hope you have real statistics to back up your claim.

>the black community praised him
Uhhh... no.
The black community is more anti-gay than the white community. Except the church. The black church embraces gays and the white church abhors gays.

>"MAGA country" sounds like something a black person would think a white person says
Your point? It WAS something that the Nigerian "assailants" said

>He's obviously in the wrong, but it's still kinda crazy that the big news here is that a crime DIDN'T occur. Like that's what it has come to in today's climate, with people being surprised that a hate crime of this nature didn't occur in the first place. That's the real takeaway from all this.
You made this post and want real statistics?

Attached: the state of it.gif (270x270, 2.82M)

The fact he implied two white men out at night with bleach and a thin piece of rope identified him by a show that mostly black women watch was a huge red flag.

Not only that but there have only been 6000 lynchings in America's history and more than half of them were white. The entire narrative is fake news and fake history.

No that ain't me. I merely saw a post making a rather bold assertion concerning real and fake hate crimes and would like to see evidence of said assertion.

Why can't we start a civil war over a good tv show for fucks sake? This is like if whitey went to war during the civil rights era over Ellie Mae from The Beverly Hillbillies getting raped or Jethro getting beat up by Black Panthers. Why can't we pick our battles a little better?

>65,000 a year

surely he was making more than that with his contract, he was the 3rd lead

there have absolutely been more than 6000 hate crime hoaxes and also white people got lynched too

COPE tranny

>Not trusting a /pol/ collage of inflammatory headlines
Why are you so suspicious user?

Why didn't we start a civil war over Fran Drescher getting raped? She's cute.


>People still in his corner

For what reason..It's incredible how much evidence they have of the guy. He was fucking dumb enough to write a check.

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reminder MAGAkid is going to be worth 9 figures after his lawsuits and there is nothing you can do about it but autistically screech

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How about you name me a crime committed against the left and I'll name you three that happened against the right in the past two years.

Let's play that game. I'll start...

Bike lock professor
Marines getting jumped up by antifa
Antifa trying to burn down Berkley
Antifa showing up at Tuckers house

These are just off the top of my head

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>Hate crimes
Are mostly bullshit in the US, we haven't had any real ethnic tensions since like the 90's. At most we have some bullshit started by the BLM crowds after another totally innocent black kid who was doing nothing wrong got shot, that's it. We've been less ethnocentric now than most of our entire history desu, so whenever there is a hate crime being pushed in the media for weeks, it's usually bullshit.

The only ethnic tensions we have are in prisons but no one cares about criminals

Excuse me, but I requested statistics to back up the outlandish claim made hereIf you can't provide them, that's fine. I can't stop you from blatantly lying on the internet, but I'd like to give you a chance first to prove you are not a bald-faced liar.

>Giga niggas
Subtle. I like it.

>The Nanny
>Not Latino

A historian triggered Carlson so fucking bad he couldn't even spin the segment kek


some people are still on team nigger

Theyve uncovered the footage of his nigger buddies buying the shit for the hoax . He’s done.

They don't hate liars who sow discord to divide the populace, they hate the ones who get caught.

I don't have statistics on hand faggot. Why don't you pay attention to what's happening instead of asking people to red pill you. It's pretty clear there's a double standard at this point.

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Okay so you're a liar. That's fine. All I needed.

The thing is, white Americans are technically still using statistics wrong even if this Twitter bitch is bad at logic, because the truth is the black population’s environment is not a like-for-like if the white population’s environment, and until you factor in that difference, these conclusions are bunk.

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This is you

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The numbers I saw said white people were closer to 25% of lynchings, but whatever. What jussie claimed happened to him is literally what it's like being a white guy in a neighborhood with more than a 30% black population, and just about every white city slicker I know (including myself) has been jumped by a gaggle of niggers who just wanted to beat the shit out of a white guy that night, but apparently that's not a hate crime.

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Blacks create their own environment.

Hahaha everybody get a load of this nigger, he watches empire!
Dubs were wasted on this fag

Here it is. It doesn't matter the statistics because the left will just blame it on socioeconomic factors.

Attached: YOUDISGUSTMEFAGGOT.gif (240x228, 858K)

there's a higher correlation with economic status and crime than race and crime but shhhh, it's a secret

65k a year? it was 65k per episode.

I didn’t say the statistics didn’t matter. I said use them correctly you brainlet. A biological difference could be discerned once you’ve equalized the environments in your samples.

This. I grew up in the suburbs and have lived in the city (housing) for the last ten years.

It's not white people shooting up my neighborhood. It's not white people selling crack in my building. It's not white people beating the shit out of people on the street.

We all share this neighborhood. We're all poor. But not all of us are committing these violent crimes. Wake the fuck up.

Are you fucking retarted? You’ve never stepped inside of a Black Church much less probably talked to a black person that didn’t own a body pillow

>t. ACTUAL black person

Pick one. Niggers like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton loved him before the farce was unveiled. The common groundpounding gorilla's opinion has nothing to do with "the black community," which in reality is some powerhungry niggers who care little for anyone but themselves.


They do. Just like every book is a NYT best seller.

Oh user.... we're way passed the time when truth matters. It matters what side you are on and the narrative will be crafted.


The statistics are out there you fucking cuck is how you choose to interpret them.

Black on white violence is astronomically higher than white on black but it doesn't matter because you'll say it's deserved. Eat shit.

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Actually false. Correcting for family income, blacks still commit far more crime. My info is from open source FBI and CDC documents btw, you can look it up yourself... you probably won't though because you already know that you're wrong

Justlemme Smellit


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They should learn to code.

He's retarded and thought the police wouldn't follow it up.
He wanted clout and recognition. He would have been the black gay actor that went hard on 45 and fought the fuck back against a lynchmob in MAGA Country. Probably thought he'd become some sort of political hero that would sway the next election and oust Trump.

The comment you originally replied to is about the misuse of statistics. Reassess yourself and your kneejerk reactions to comments.

I'm so glad """"journalism"""" is slowly dying out.

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isn't that already a thing though?

I think they're conflating the terms "journalist" with "blogger" again. Common mistake.

I haven't seen something bring this many black and white people together since Chappelle was at the height of his popularity.

Not on a federal level, it was up to states before this bill.

You're saying to equalize the environments. I'm saying it doesn't matter. Smollett has more privilege than a lot of poor white people who would never pull the shit he did.

you actually believe this?

are you religious? do you believe in santa?

>do you believe in santa?
You don't believe in Santa?

>provides no counter evidence
>"just trust me bro"
Read Handbook of Crime Correlates by John Wright, Kevin Beaver, and Lee Ellis.
If you're not a hypocrite, you'll actually read it. But you won't because you are a hypocrite who only reads things that support how you already feel

I don't believe in Santa, but for the record Santa definitely wasn't white

And let me guess you were an out and out racist before you read that book?
No. You read that book because it confirmed your feelings :^)


>gets BTFO
>strawmans and attempts to move the goalposts
It's all so tiring...

Reality has a well known liberal bias. Cry more tho.

>ethnic tensions in prisons

Ex-prison cop here. To be accurate their aren’t racial tensions in prisons. Ethnic gangs trade drugs, commissary, and supplies with each other and only get violent when their is serious disrespect shown to each other. I’d go as far as to say that racial tension is lower in the prisons than they are outside because there isn’t enforced diversity and tolerance. The men just hang out with other men of similar genetic and cultural backgrounds and take care of their own. They interact with other racial groups only out of mutual benefit but don’t mix it up beyond that. Funny how that works, eh?

actuall just look at the fbi stats nigga.

the wealthiest blacks still commit more crime and violent acts than the poorest whites. Whether it's in America or africa.

>believing every like is from an american
twitter should show the breakdown of nationalities who liked a tweet.

West Virginia is like, the 48th or so poorest state in the union. It also has one of the lowest rates of crime.

Jesus fucking Christ I’m sorry, I must have dyslexia. I used their instead of there a bunch of times.

Must be nice to point to statistics in a book instead of having to duck for cover because bullets are whizzing by your head while you're trying to walk your dog at the park.

Please tell me more from your ivory tower.

It has one of the lowest economies. Doesn't mean the median house income is low as well.

>"but what about this one example that doesn't correlate with statistics?"
This is akin to the people asking how can global warming be real if they just had an unusually cold winter where they live.

More facts, less hyperbole please.

We're talking about individuals.

>fuck your facts and listen to my vague hyperbole life experiences

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Per capita its about $24k a year
Niggers make that much on food stamps alone

Statistics don't matter because "I seens it".

>it doesn’t matter
Brainlet confirmed. Also dunno why you’re bringing Smollet up since this has nothing to do with what we’re talking about. But since you’re a brainlet I’m not surprised you can’t stay on topic or even say things that make sense objectively.

It literally is

But that doesn’t disprove what he said. That shows us a biological difference potentially yes, but one thing you would immediately notice is that the magnitude of the ratio for crime in an equalized environment is much smaller than the magnitude of the ratio in an unequal i Ed environment, implying exactly what he said: crime correlates (and is therefore predicted more) with status rather than race.

>implying wanting to Make America Great Again comes at the cost of horrendeous penmanship.
The left truly is deranged.

Finally found the fucking picture
Its not FBI but it was peer reviewed. Sorry for the quality, it was the best I could find for this memory holed statistic.

Attached: imrs.php.jpg (320x247, 21K)

Leftists call people Nazi's and block anyone on social media that disagrees with them on a 0.8% change to the corporate tax rate. They don't know how the other half thinks or sounds. That's why all of these hoax crimes sound like they were done by a caricature.

Does the warden pick out an interracial attack every week and blast it in everyone's face until the next week?

Don't think so.

This is what happens on the outside atleast in Western media and it drives up racial tensions. It picked up significantly after Obama was elected which is why you see racial relations drop off a cliff and not during 2 Bushes and Clinton.

People are already living in relatively 'segregated' neighborhoods by choice or because of income. People come together when they have to work or want to take part in events - this has already been the case for 40+ years. It's the media and political hacks gas lighting everyone into thinking race war is necessary or healthy. The truth of the matter is that the US, Canada and even Mexico will be set for the next 50+ years as long as China gets knocked down a peg. Energy independence and a sizable population that will consume (and make it attractive to export to) is powerful.

>no hate crimes

There definitely are, but also a significant number of fakes and or some left wing group categorizing something as 'hate' or right wing.

You lefties are absolute cancer. "Let's ignore reality because my gender fluid professor wrote a book about white privilege."

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This post is the exact same post another user made a few posts above you and is again, not disrpoving what he stated. Here’s why

>reading is bad
The absolute state of the right.

Yes status plays a role in crime rates, a poor person is more likely overall to commit one, but the rate disproportio between the races is blatant and obvious.

And you can further access this by comparing crime variance and sigma between in-group status differences (aka between same races). The difference of crime prevalence within the same race based on status differences is much higher than differences you would notice between two races on equal status.

Environment matters.

Fact: Niggers are criminals.

And what creates environment? Money? Or perhaps it is culture.

What’s more blatant and obvious is status itself is the real predictor. The differences between races are actually quite small, and statistically less likely to give you an accurate prediction of their future.

You are born into a preexisting environment. Culture is the social adaptation to this preexisting environment.

Why is the rate of wealthy black crime higher than that per capita of poor white crime

Blacks lived in ghettos. They weren't allowed to move to white neighborhoods, and some who did were forced to leave.

Define pre-existing environment. And what is preventing them from creating a community that fixes social and economic problems?

Fucking BASED.

Blacks more likely to be "randomly" searched for marijuana.