Even if he did fake his attack, the fact that people were so quick to accuse him of lying and tearing apart his story just proves racism and bigotry is alive and well in this country. His fair trial was a white media tearing him apart in the court of public opinion. Disgusting.
Even if he did fake his attack...
Other urls found in this thread:
Also this
Also, Kavanaugh.
you don't need to be a racist, the story was just too absurd, only retards believed it
Just look at /pol/ if you think a racist, homophobic hate crime is some sort of "absurd" scenario.
No it doesn’t.
There are more fabricated “hate crime” incidents than real ones at this point.
Liberals are mentally ill and you don’t entertain delusional people. I’d hate was so prevolent then why do you need to make shit up. Why are you unable to have a genuine encounter?
this story was an absurd scenario though and that's why people quickly dismissed it
your opinion is shitty and low iq
Really, we should applaud his bravery and thank him for starting a much-needed conversation about racism and hate in America
This is a reverse psychology psy-op masquerading as trolling
/pol/ isn't racist..they believe the real racist are commuting hate crimes covertly and create laws to be able to do so without being questioned
He told may lies that makes childrens falsehoods look intelligent.
Fuck outta here with your shitty bait.
bait. also sage
why does upload fail if you put sage in name/options?
this. two white guys carrying around a rope and bleach at 2am during a polar vortex screaming maga country in chicago. only a retard would believe that.
>/pol/ isn't racist
Will juci get paid and a writer's credit for the SVU episode that will come out about this?
I mean it's all his OC right?
what I really meant to say is there's nothing wrong with being racist, it's natural..lions don't tolerate thieving hyenas in their territory
Why do you go there if it offends you so? Are you retarded or masochistic?
>democrats are the real racists
>hahah just kidding im racist but theres nothing wrong with racism because wild african animals of different species kill each other
who are you quoting?
everyone racist AF dumbass you think niggers aren't racist because they all black? shit boy africans been killin each other because they grew up in a different village since the dawn of man
The demand for racism is greater than supply.
This is how you get Trump elected in 2020. Thank you crying libs
/pol/ is racist
everyone's racist..democrats just are the ones who use it to get rich and powerful by creating division and hate..like in my case, I'm racist, but I don't hate other races..I just think the should subvert or be parasitic on other races
he almost got away with it AND THAT'S SCARY
*they shouldn't
>they believe the real racist
I see no evidence of /pol/fags ever instigating attacks on anyone. On the contrary, in the case of white attackers, they are quick to condemn them for, at the very least, giving the left more ammunition.
I'm a misanthrope. where do I fit in?
Or, it's proven that, beyond all expectations, people are still capable of looking at a situation and judging whether something is true or not.
Honestly, this whole situation has reinstated some of the lost hope I had in other people.
Obviously the race-baiters/politicians/media are too far gone, but the general masses seem to have seen through the bullshit pretty quickly.
Thank you, Mr. Smollett. Ironically, your tom-fuckery has reminded me that not all people are bad, and that good sense still has--though, perhaps not much of--a place in the general public.
The average user is an angry brown lad who's not very well educated, but can see the hypocrisy of those in charge. Despite all their bravado, they're simply better people than the psychopaths from equivalent leftist boards who spend years learning why whites are evil and blacks are good.
The modern left represent the oppressors now.
shiiiieeeeeeeettt we have been caught /pol/bros
Blacks are inherently less intelligent and prone to violence and racism.
Facts. Not racism.
It’s because we’re now used to Leftist hate hoaxes and know the patterns, and he’s as dumb as you so the holes in his story were obvious even to a child. Stop being racist, if you’re so triggered by white people just fuck off out of Western Civilisation? Asia and Africa are big enough to accommodate you.
When was the last time someone was lynched with impunity? The 60s?
i'll talk about it. id say its far far in the past and theres nothing we can do about it other than what we have done, which is move forward as a species so such things dont happen anymore. but then you have that asshole stirring shit up and instigating racial hatred. instead of defending him because hes black, you should punish him for being black but still trying his hardest to break the carefully crafted peace we have been building up for decades
or we could talk about the ridiculous percentage of black on white murder, rape, and robbery. but you dont want to talk about that
this shitty bait will hit 300 replies
>/pol/ isn’t racist
Even my Bernie loving friends were skeptical of this when the story first broke. You'd have to be a complete idiot to believe his story at face value. I'm surprised an actor couldn't come up with a better story.
Supposedly this guy isnt even getting prisontime, lmao get owned whitey
It's called a BS detector and it's what keeps you from getting scammed, kidnapped etc.
I'm a Democrat and I smelled something wrong immediately. The fact that you didn't is not something you should be celebrating.
Why do you and your party support white genocide?
>Just look at fiction on the Internet if you think X doesn't happen in the real world
Honestly on-topic because the reason the psychotic Left is where they are right now is because they've watched too much fiction (tv and film) and think it's real life.
Fuck niggers and fuck tv and film
The red pill is this: Black women, gays and leftist whites, all known for their bleeding hearts and sensationalism, bought into this wholesale.
black men were skeptical, rightwing whites were dismissive.
work on your english, pal
I like how democrats are coming out after the shitstorm happened like they didnt have a shitload democrat senators and the house speaker coming to this guys defense lmao
It proves critical thinking coming back into vogue.
He has such a high opinion of himself he made the mistake of assuming that everyone knows who he is and details of his personal life. Racist white MAGAs aren't watching Empire. The oddly specific details and his strange behavior didn't add up right from the start.
Imagine being this buttblasted and even other blacks were quick to call him out on his gay bullshit
Who speaks like that lmfao
It's almost Skinner/Chalmers-esque, isnt it
No, it just means that faking attacks is more common than actual attacks.
>white guys wearing MAGA hats, carrying around a noose, in chicago.
None of it made any sense from the get-go. As a white guy from Kentucky I can personally tell you that no one gives a shit what color you are, or what you do with your genitals. Sure, people talk shit about fags for being less masculine, but I've seen leftist feminists do it just as much.
People in Kentucky have computers?
>When was the last time someone was lynched with impunity? The 60s?
The last person lynched in America was the white town bully of Skidmore, Missouri, USA named Ken McElroy.
He was shot in broad daylight by 2 different guns by a crowd of 40 people who had surrounded him after he was released on bond following him shooting the 70 year old town minister and town grocer.
I helped to write a story about him when in college. It's a fascinating story.
No. They're here in Tennessee posting.
kinda wish the evidence wasn't so strong so we could have OJ trial kino for months
This is bs I was just in Georgia and they still have fucking segregated clubs.
Blacks do not go to white clubs
Whites DO NOT go to black clubs
They are literally on opposite sides of the street too racism is alive and well in the south
maybe don't fucking do it IN FUCKING CHICAGO
>Even if he did fake his attack, the fact that people were so quick to accuse him of lying and tearing apart his story just proves racism and bigotry is alive and well in this country.
No. You won't read this or consider it, but it's what a forensics expert would consider and here's why. The fact he would have been the first victim of such an attack with him being specifically targeted cause he is a celebrity is suspicious. Had incidents of the same nature happened, as in, these attackers got to people with bleach and a noose before, suddenly its a reoccurring theme. The type of attack perpetrated wasn't just random, it was made out to be look like a hate crime. Why did it happen to a celebrity then? Was he really so unlucky, or the media was so unlucky he happened to be black and they choose the wrong one? On top of this, they go after him cause he's sooooo famously gay. Which is a very unlikely scenario to take place. That his fame is so accessible to these attackers, with no incident of stalking or harassment prior. That they really just got so lucky to find him the night that they did. It didn't add up. Motive is huge in these types of cases and the motive was not random, it was targeted, so yes, it's highly suspicous.
Though....not many people who were denying it thought like this. They were just being racists themselves denying it cause they want to keep being racist.
>ywn bully the town
>Hey, it's the coldest night ever reported in Chicago, colder than the fucking North Pole! Want to grab a noose and some bleach, roam the streets and hope we run into a C-list actor who's black and gay?
Thank you, Jussie, for proving to us all who the actual haters are.
>Even if he did fake his attack, the fact that people were so quick to accuse him of lying and tearing apart his story just proves racism and bigotry is alive and well in this country.
And also correct.
How long do you think calling people racist is going to continue meaning anything?
Atlanta is run by black people. It’s America’s most black major city
>the fact that people were so quick to accuse him of lying and tearing apart his story just proves racism and bigotry is alive and well in this country.
No its basic common sense for any criminal investigator to question everything in a case. The way he presented the scenario is beyond ridiculous.
You are, of course, ignoring the FACT that race motivated crimes against blacks by whites are extremely rare, and anyone of average intelligence already knows this, or can easily research it if they don't already know. That, combined with the cartoonish nature of his story, made him appear to be practically begging to be exposed as the filthy liar he is.
The gay community was the first to criticize that bullshit story.
Probably because black people wanted their own club. It's illegal for white people to not serve black people. There was also a no whites day at some university a few years ago. Black democrats are the only ones pushing for segregation. Sure black people get called niggers when they're acting like it, but it's not like black people don't throw cracker around like it's a greeting.
>People quick to call out coons for lying because coons frequently lie
>Turn out he was lying
>No one is shocked
Fuck off OP
You could still rustle cattle in the 20th century?
It's because shit like this doesn't happen anymore. No matter how bad libs want it, white people aren't out attacking people for the color of their skin or who they fuck. Can't really say the same thing about blacks, though. Even black celebrities are open about their disgust with homosexuality.
>You could still rustle cattle in the 20th century?
It's harder to do because cattle brands are generally registered with national organizations.
>be white
>get accused of rape and sexual assault
>become justice at highest court in the land
>get accused of rape
NO proof
NOT convicted
I accuse you of raping and eating babies. I guess you're fucked now aren't you buddy.