Megatron must be stopped. No matter the cost

>Megatron must be stopped. No matter the cost.

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I want to get anally raped by a transformer


I want to rape Arcee, fucking delicious hot cunt

>You got the touch
>You got the poweeeeeeer




the first transformers cartoon was absolute dogshit, nothing ever happened.
The early 00s CGI series was based

10/10 bait


I used to play that song in the weeks leading up to graduation from grad school to celebrate finishing what I thought would be the most challenging thing I've ever done. That was in December of 2017. It's now February of 2019 and I remain jobless. I play this song sometimes to keep the dark thoughts away, but the power is fading into the night.

They look like they're on wheels in this scene? Is this supposed to be a hockey scene?

Allspark is a funny website

Don't play Death of Optiumus Prime, bro

Who's your favorite?

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Disgusting, I would wax her ass till it's shiny and they proceed to have consensual sex with it.

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One shall stand, one shall fall.

Get a job at a fast food chain or supermarket for now. They hire quick. Then find internships online for the job you want

You don't post the scene? IT'S FUCKING KINO!

I got turned down for Mickey D's, bro. I had an internship in grad school, but the company started to do poorly so an offer wasn't made. You don't get internships if you have already graduated.

I dunno how old you are, but they don't hire people who look too old if they come in and their resume is all weird. Like, for example, I would have to say on a grocery store resume that I had no education or was going to school. I show up and look old and talk a "bit too good" and they don't hire you. Why would they hire a guy with a degree to stock shelves when they can get someone else to do it who would be less of a potential pain in the ass?

I had to move back in with mom and dad and one of their stipulations was that I get a part time job until I find something. I ain't even getting that. They didn't believe me until I showed them my applications to McDonald's, Jack in the Box, Burger King, the two grocery store chains near me, etc.

If I had a worthless degree, it would be easier. I could get on a management track at some retail or food whatever. But I don't, so I'm shoehorned into my field. Can't get out.

Its fucking absurd how a cheap animated movie from the 80s solely designed to sell new toys is better than every multi million dollar Michael Bay film.

>If I had a worthless degree, it would be easier.
As someone without a degree but 5 years office work experience this pisses me off. Like how does your History of Art degree make you a better candidate?

>Kills Optimus just so they can sell a new toy

Beats me. I like sitting in interviews across from a guy who bitches about people with graduate degrees and says he thinks they're worthless and I have to smile and be polite the whole time and can't just slap him a few times for being rude.

Then they'll hire someone else and the job is posted again in three months. I have interviewed for so many jobs only to be passed over for some reason or another and I'll see the same job posted again in a few months. Sometimes less.

You must be unlucky where you live then I guess.

Would think I'd have value anywhere. I apply to jobs all over. I interviewed for a job in Alaska, but they said they just didn't want to take a southern boy all the way to Alaska because it's cold as hell. I really liked them, too. They were probably the nicest strangers I've ever spoken to.

shockwave is the best and most underrated transformer next to hound. hound never got any respect
Was it kino?

Prime folowed by Kup then Jazz.

Non G1, I like rhinox and silverbolt.

Obviously I don't mention these things out loud. I'm not an autist.

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You dont have to disclose your education or full work history. Scale your resume to fit the job.

If you have a hole inyour work history say you were worming under the tavke as a tutor or something by refferal.

>Optimus, we need all of hasbro's IP for this enemy
>Bring in the ponies!

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i've been unemployed longer than i care to admit. live in a job desert where people take care of their own and i'm an outsider so just destitute. i have 4 walls and a roof but that's it. no friends, family won't speak to me. lost everything i care about because i can't find work. i've actually had people say "it's a good thing you dont have kids because they would've starved to death" to my face. spend my days trying not to go completely insane from isolation. probably have applied to thousands of jobs, the same ones over and over again. it's hopeless. this world doesn't want me



That bit at 0:37 when he launches into the air is fucking awesome.

This 1000x this

Notice he's one-shotting the decepticons while flipping through the air?

Ok, so get a job bagging groceries or stocking shelves and when I show up and have grey in my temples (I am going prematurely grey) and they ask me what I've been up to for ten years (I started my "real job" in 2009, company went under in 2015 and I went to grad school, worked various jobs in my field here and there and had an internship in that time) I will say I have been a tutor working on referral. With no advanced degree. I'm sure that will work and isn't suspicious at all.

My favorite is when people say "what you're doing isn't working, do something else" and then when you ask them to tell you what you should do they tell you things you already do and then get frustrated when you say you have been trying that. You spend 20 hours a day sending out resumes (with shitposting breaks here and there to break the monotony), sometimes, you have time to think outside the box.

I went to sleep this morning at 6:30am my time. I woke up at 11:00. I have applied for 24 jobs. Yesterday I applied for 78, so today is a slow day because I'm kinda sleepy.

Of course nigga hehe.

He shoots Soundwave, but Soundwave looks unscathed when he picks up Megatron at the end of the clip lel.

Fuck I loved this movie as a kid

I forgot to add, that the sound of Optimus' gun is so sick. Sounds really powerful and not just a "pew pew" laser.

I've been unemployed longer than I've been alive

I know. I also wonder what has happened to all of those animation cels and other artwork from the series.

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It's Scourge you brainlet.

Orson Welles was half dead and never gave a fuck but still sounded amazing

It was fucking amazing watching that as a kid. The animation is still pretty sick in that scene too.

The music in the scene too. Shiiiiit I may need to rewatch it soon, I'm just worried I'll want to buy some Transformer master pieces toys lel.... I bought Hot Rod two years ago or something.

You are an excuse making loser who does not want to take responaibility for his situation or take action to fix it.

You aren't getting hired because you have a shit attitude and an unwarranted sense of importance.

You can eitger work on it or fucking starve.

Now go apply for foodstamps with the rest of the useless parasites that a more pragmatic society would cull.

Man this movie blew my mind as a young kid. Seeing all those deaths, followed by THE DEATH OF OPTIMUS PRIME, in the first 15 minutes really shook me up

And only Orson Welles be half-dead and not give a fuck, and STILL be awesome.

>it's in the blood!
>It's in the will!
>It's in the mighty hands of steel!

Re-watch Beast Wars and realize how badly it aged. Somehow the G1 stuff has held up better.

I like how people suggest things you've already tried and then get mad when you tell them it doesn't work and here is what the hiring managers told you when they told you to piss off. They always revert back to "you didn't try it" because they cannot fathom their brilliant ideas not working nor the possibility that you already thought of them. Tip top.


Always hated Beast Wars. Didn't like the look of transforming into animals that were too "animalistic" just looked wrong to me, so G1 stuff definitely held up better, especially in the designs.

For me though, it has to be, Hot Rod.

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Hot Rod was my favourite as a kid too. The Masterpiece version looks cool, even though his legs are a little bit skinny hehe.

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Loved him as a kid and played with that car lots.

I had lots of Transformers toys as a kid, but never had Hot Rod hehe. So I bought it now and have it on one of my guitar amps.

(I sound like an asshole saying that lol "I had a ton, but not my favourite".... what a little shit. But I didn't complain though. I had Grimlock too which I loved too)

My parents were too good to me. I'm weak as an adult.

Hound be all like, "Naw, man, ya got this. I'll be over here living to the end of this fucking movie."

What field is your Master's in?

... YEAH!
*power chord*

what subject is your degree in?

Business related, but it's an MS not an MBA. Which might be the problem.

The flying cartwheel rampage is one of the most kino moments ever committed to the silver screen.

>ywn be a Gen Xer and see this movie in the theaters in 1986


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Ironhide. His death hit hard.

>Kills Optimus just so they can sell a new toy which is just a repainted Optimus with extra bits

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That's not a G1.5 Hot Rod. I wish G1.5 Hot Rod looked like your pic

So, what kind of work were you trained to do?

I want this Megatron so bad hehe. That face is amazing, but it's ridiculously expensive.

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The original Megatron toy was freaking awesome, even if it made absolutely no sense how he could transform into something 20 feet tall from a handgun.

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>beast wars aged badly

You shut your whore mouth
Good scripts and voice acting age like fine wine

That's why they killed off most of the 1984/1985 group. Hasbro took over designs instead of re-using Takara Microman and Diaclone stuff as well as stuff procured from other sources, and all of the death was their way of putting the stuff the Japanese created to rest with only Ultra Magnus, the autobot tapes, Ratbat, and a couple of others being Takara designs new to 1986.

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The MP TFs got too expensive while losing the diecast MP01 Optimus had. Fuck that. Buy the nearly-identical knockoffs for half the money.

>no die-cast metal
>no triggerdick
You want this why?

Omega Supreme. He was on his own team. Fucking awesome.

It was the best non-anime on during the late 90's, and that's about it. It still aged like shit.

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>The original Megatron toy was freaking awesome, even if it made absolutely no sense how he could transform into something 20 feet tall from a handgun.

That's the least of the suspension of belief.

>triple changer
>tank & jet
Tanks are built to be heavy and sturdy.
Jets are built to be light and fast.
Blitzwing would have to be able to change his density to successfully triple-change.

Plus no chrome. Megatron needs to shine!

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>I am the guardian of the gates.
>I am the junction to your destruction.
>I am the laser lighting the way to your doom.
>I am the number you cannot compute, Megatron.

That's the illest shit ever said by a Transformer

>you are now aware that every time Starscream pulled the trigger of Megatron's gun mode, he was diddling Megatron.

A sobering thought

The storyline still works and the characters are still fun to watch. The cgi might be dated but the actual character animation is great. Characters emote better than a lot of modern cgi cartoons(which is damning with faint praise, but still)

It looks cool

I only recently learned about the MP series and didn't know about the diecast stuff from the early models....
I still want Megatron, Soundwave, Optimus and stuff like that.

I saw this new Optimus. It's the one that looks the most like the movie version, but it's fucking $450. Insane.

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Saw this one in person the last time I was in Tokyo, but it was sadly just a display version while they were taking preorders.
I looks a bit clunky in the photos, but it's massive in person and looks pretty sick. Whish they made an Optimus this size with the look from the cartoon, but I want this one either way.

I would have bought it if it wasn't a display only model :(

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Get a job at post office
It's in every city and they always hire people. It's 18 bucks an hour to start . I made 95k last year

Why are transformers fans normally autistic?

they're checking his social media and seeing Yea Forums memes and redpill magapede conspiracy theories on in

Applying to prove a point. Next time I see one of these threads, I'll try to remember you and post a screenshot of what they say.

>Get a job at post office

Impossible if you aren't black

There are no job openings within 70 miles of me. The nearest opening is a rural carrier about 85 miles from me.

There’s this ultimetal, but it’s a grand.

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Damn that's cool, but fuck that price :(

I have way too much shit to use money on before I could even consider something like that :( fuck my life

I saw it back then. I was 8 years old (yeah I'm old). I still occasionally watch it.


If I ever win big on the lottery I will have a custom car built and it will look exactly like Hot Rod.

I was 10 years old when this released, I had it on VHS, I watched it on my VHS player that played VHS tapes

transformers armada starscream

>I had it on VHS, I watched it on my VHS player that played VHS tapes
>VHS player that played VHS tapes

What did he mean by this?

I think the fluff explained the "shrinking" as three dimensional folding. But even that wouldn't explain how a human could pick up Megatron (or Soundwave, Blaster, Shockwave) since they'd still be dozens of tons heavy.

I always imagined the triple changers just had enough power to overcome the weight problem.