2008 is as far away as 2030

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I wanna go back

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that frog is too calm for such information wtf

Don't we all?

>Half-Life 2 came out 15 years ago

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2010 was the greatest year of my life. Freshman year of high school, playing Black Ops zombies with my bros. Life will never be that good.

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2008 was the worst year of my life, if I could go back knowing that I know now I would make some different choices, that's for sure


Why? So you could be 20 and playing video games and watching anime instead of being 30 and playing video games and watching anime? None of you anons deserve more time, you piss away every moment of your life then fret about death like your obliteration will have any meaning or consequence besides some surviving family members taking 3 hours on a Saturday to chuck you in a hole and forget about you.


I would like to go back to high school with the current state of self-awareness I have. That way I would not waste all those years trying the best to blend in with everyone and just fading into complete obscurity with no identity because of it.

I'm 20 now you boomer fuck

I tried to kill myself in 2008

in 2010 i was fresh out of school, socially and sexually active, doing sports and enjoying my spare time before starting to study. don't fucking remind me of 2010.

>time flies by faster as you get older

And to think I didn't believe them.

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Well you can’t you fucking retard. You can’t go back in time with different types of awareness, so why do you keep fantasizing about it and wasting your present life? You will NEVER, EVER get to enjoy a passionate kiss with your crush under the stars because you went back in time and started working out at 14 and approaching girls.

I implore you to leave this site and never come back. I wish I could do the same.

>projection, the post

Why are boomers always this mad

Based. Fuck boomers. I graduate high school next year

now that i remember, i also started doing amphetamines in 2010. and smoking pot more regularly. huh. who'd thought that the bad stories about drugs could be true.

The golden years must feel like golden minutes.

Why do you think my goal is to get dumb ass high school girls? I would just stop giving a fuck about holding this faux normalfag facade at all times and focus on my hobby/passion from the start instead

holy manure

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I was browsing this shit board in middle school

Don't waste your youth on Yea Forums user.

Also brush your teeth and sit up straight, you wouldn't believe how hard your body starts falling apart after 30.

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Are there any legitimate boomers with kids here?
What if your son started browsing Yea Forums aswell? Would try to stop him or double down on the shitposting with him?

>Also brush your teeth and sit up straight, you wouldn't believe how hard your body starts falling apart after 30.
lmao this fucking boomer doesn't even hit the weights

Do you really think any of the genetic vermin on here have kids?

a little Yea Forums can be very good if it would save you from the normie plauge, but if you overdo it it's bad.

I'm about 99% sure that my dad is a regular on Yea Forums because we irl banepost all the time and also can carry on full conversations with just movie quotes, particularly movies that get spammed here all the time which makes me suspicious. I dont think either of us will ever have the nerve to ask the other outright if they come here though.

>to chuck you in a hole and forget about you.

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tehe incels BTFO


Ask him about the cunny

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You have permission to try again in 2030. Until then, have a go at living well.

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That and the blacked spam is exactly why I'm too nervous to ask. I suspect it's the same for him too.

It’s actually formerly chuck

It’s now pronounced “to sneed you in a hole”

And this place is going to be full of the same people from 2008 and today


we wouldn't have fucking insane SJW femnazis, the fucking discord trannie nightmare, the normies being cool and edgy nerd-wannabes, the race-baiting kikes propogating hate and race-mixing on the other side making everyone fucking insane. the fucking reboot/make madness.

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>tfw always regretted that I wasted my adolescence
>tfw I'm having recurring dreams where I go back and have a chance to do things right
>tfw finishing college and I have had nothing even resembling an enjoyable youth, just a sea of boredom and loneliness

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You’re here because you have no social circle of friends. Maybe you have one or two friends but you’re not “best friends since childhood” close with them. You lack hobbies, because you can’t commit to anything longer than a few weeks before resorting back to your old habits. It takes 90 days of doing something everyday for it to become a new life style. Can you faggots do it? 90 days of no Yea Forums, no movies, working out everyday, and taking up a new hobby to consume your time and mind? From there you’re on the right road to making friends as well. You know, if you want that sort of thing.

easy with the truth bombs

Now it’s 90 days? I remember when that cringe ass bullshit meme was 21 days. Just give up, you unironically can’t change. Think of everyone you’ve known, have ANY of them changed their personalities? You will always be a loner depressed loser.

Well just remember you’re not alone and you’re not special. Lots of people wasted their youth playing video games and doing nothing. It’s our parents fault. You raise a young child with video games and enable them to play whenever they want and now you’ve given them a nasty addiction that only gets harder to get rid of as the child ages into his high school years.

m-movies for this feel?

>I graduated high school 12 years ago
>I turn 30 next week

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all the shitposts responding to this proves the truthfulness

I can't stop the feeling of missing out when I leave this place. The last time I had an extended leave I missed the origin of "he cute" posting.

Your dad sounds based as fuck

if there's one thing recent years has thought us, its that the you chose your own reality

You've made it way too obvious that you're a larping zoomer

How have the last few years taught us that?

>2008 was the worst year of my life
Same, I was only 11 years old but I fucked up so hard that I never recovered from it.
Someone put me in a time machine and send me back please.

2008. 1 year before I gained it all. 2 years before I lost everything. 0 regrets, y'all

It's a bad feel
but the worst feel of all is missing out on teen love

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>15BBY is near as flintstones to now

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There's maybe 2 days of the week where I don't dream of that

one of the most based posts of all time

I want to go back to 2008 because I enjoyed source better than go and halo 3 better than whatever consolefags are playing these days. I also enjoyed Geass Sundays on Yea Forums, the >wongs were more relevant then, and Yea Forums had less moderation. But otherwise, now is better because I live in my own house and am finished with university, so there's no expectation for me to be social. I still play video games and watch anime, and I'll be doing it ten years from now, and there's nothing you can do about it you janny-loving faggot.

Sup faggot, let me guess:
>middle class flyover
>parents don't really care about you
>always quiet
>"smart but lazy"
>social conservative only out of reaction to being rejected and shat on by everyone
>still supports Trump because lol triggur
>he seriously thinks any of those things are actual issues beyond the internet
Oh I am laffin. I pray you're under 18. If you aren't, then you're a pathetic excuse for a "man," something you want handed on your plate instead of working for.

who only here cause theyre behind on /coursework/?
Abstract sort of feel listening to zoomers blast Blue Monday a few floors below but w/e, it's only one Friday.

>muh middle class
>muh trump
>muh conservative
still seething from 2016? jesus

Jesus, it feels like I've blinked in 2008 and suddenly it's 2019.

Lmao cunt I voted for Trump too, doesn't mean I can't shit on whoever still supports him and given his posts, he most certainly does

mention Sneed around him, and see how he reacts.

I didn't need to know this

Me too!

I've got a job/apprenticeship starting in a couple of months, so hopefully I won't be here at 30. Not too often, anyway

kys redditor

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>Yea Forums - Television & Film

>that one decision that would've changed the course of your life
what is it, Yea Forums?

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jokes on you i'm not even american and a true liberal that says and thinks what he wants not like those fake lefties from today.


somebody get this city slicker out of here

>muh classical liberalism
hey dumbass, you're actually a right-winger. you know how i can tell? because you think the key difference between liberalism and leftism is identity politics. you're not an intellectual, no matter how many anti-sjw youtubers you watch.

I'm glad I can say I moved on with my life. Ever since I graduated college I was stuck in a hole of self pitying, anger, and despair.
Now that I'm 25 things are finally moving because I am less cynical about my own prospects.

Can't really imagine what life would be like letting that shit continue until I'm 30. I think I would have legitimately killed myself.

>2018 was 5 years ago

does this method really work? I tried doing it but I just can't.

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not obsessing over my highschool gf solely because she had a phat ass

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imagine being above the age of 22 in the year 2019, go to bed boomers

Going straight to tech school to get my degree instead of wasting a year and a bunch of money at shitty college before dropping out first.
Also: obsessing over my high school gf. Like way too fucking much. She dumped me and I should have just fucking moved on.

actually buckling down and getting my work done at the end of 10th grade. though i’m not really sure if things would have ultimately worked out better for me had i taken that course of action, though


L-leave us alone you whipper-snappers!!

"Teen love" is a meme