Reminder that this film is shown in high school science classes

>reminder that this film is shown in high school science classes

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>dude, like, it's totally coming true LMAO

hahaha you mutts have the worst schools.

Maybe in burgerland

Saw this on an airplane. Got massive turbulance during the scene where planes were getting knocked out of the sky by global warming. Immersive as fuck.

we do

>"so this is the day after tomorrow (2004)"
That part really surprised me

Holy fuck, I thought I was the only one.
One of my elective middle school science teachers showed us this and fucking Avatar.

I was happy for it, but what the fuck did either of those have to do with science, I don't know

>I was happy for it

It's also on every single day on AMC

The only out of place movies I watched in school were Finding Nemo in high school Spanish (it was, at least, in Spanish) and A New Hope in Religion class

It was middle school, this wasn't high school, so it was cool to do no work.

Where did you go to school?
Also the world is genuinely fucked by climate change, movies sensationalist but the truth is pretty grim

>middle school

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>the world will never be able to cope with going back to how warm it was 1500 years ago

we watched gattaca

>can I have my hand back?
absolutely not

Makes you feel old huh?

>Also the world is genuinely fucked by climate change
Because climate determines which way the Earth spins, and therefore determines the direction of the currents, right?

not really, the only issue in 150 years that could affect your daily life is an extremely slow rise in sea levels

Just a little reminder, this movie was based on a fiction book called "The Coming Global Super-Storm" written by Art Bell (Coast to Coast AM host) and Whitley Strieber (alien abductee, wrote "Communion", later turned into a movie starring Christopher Walken). Remember the first episode of South Park, "Cartman Gets an Anal Probe"? Well, that whole anal probe thing came from Strieber's claims. He even went to the doctor after it first happened and the doctor told him that he got rapped cause his ass was torn to shit. Needless to say, Striber didn't like South Park so much. Interesting because the South Park guys wanted to do movie making fun of The Day After Tomorrow but did Team America instead, but it would have been done in the same puppet/Thunderbirds style.

I do fucking love that film though.
I love any film that's about really fucky weather (this, Twister etc.).

Same, I think they still do too. Great film

The cave-in scene was always scary to me.

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