What does Yea Forums think of Power Rangers?
Favorite series?
And one very important question!
Why was Kimberly so damn hot?

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>that scene in the new power rangers movie when the red ranger is rallying the other rangers and asks “who’s with him” and then they all do that one finger salute instead of just raising their hands
>pretty sure one of them also did a black power fist
What did (((Saban))) mean by this?

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It was so cringey when jason david frank getting kicked out of his own premier, literally recording and streaming online, what an idiot.

Patrician taste. Watching it as a kid, I really believed that she loved Tommy. She looked at him with such longing and seemed genuinely hurt/concerned when he was evil. I always wanted a woman like this; who would stand by my side no matter what and would do anything in her power to help me in my time of need, no matter the cost.

...still do, actually. ;_;

Imagine being your age now but back in 1997. I’d be a college educated 27 year old white man. Basically the world would be my oyster and I’d be able to get a prime QT 90s girl waifu

We all been there brother...you will not be alone.


People who think Kimberly are hot are nostalgiafgas.

Zoomers confirmed for retard

I can make a Dino Charger to do almost anything, except make you not retarded.

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>Dino Charge
A man of culture I see

Heckyl>>>>Lord Zedd

Sledge >>>> Heckyl

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Why did she want to fuck her brother so bad?

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I'm Dai Shi


Hottest Power Rangers girl coming through.

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Haha, that's cute.

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>Why was Kimberly so damn hot?
It's not a shock that woman who are into physical hobbies maintain good looks at later years. Look at Trish Stratus her face is a little wrinkly but everything is hot AF because she is a physical trainer. I will only get married to a physical trainer or yoga instructor otherwise die alone because your other choices are woman that will be fat and hate you.

>not Fury
Pleb detected

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I like my villains to be Big Bois, not angry little twinks.

This woman has ugly European looks

>that time Tommy picked her up and kissed her
i've never felt so cucked

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Why was he so badass Yea Forums?

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Amazing design, fantastic voice, genuinely interesting character arc. I use to use him exclusively in Legacy Wars until they nerfed him into uselessness.

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superior genes
I was old enough to think this show looked incredibly retarded but Amy Jo Johnson is quite beautiful.

Dai Shi>>>>>>>>>>>every PR villain ever

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Kim best girl

In Space best season/theme song

The new yellow ranger is going to get BLACKED

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Oh yeah...this was a thing...remember the TMNT crossover?

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Time Force has a better opening than In Space, though neither is as good as Ninja Storm.

>petite meme
Should I fell for it? Will I get blessed with a petite qt wife to love me and have a family Yea Forums? Will I get my Kimberly?

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For me, it’s Kira

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but in space is the best. the countdown, then you go go go fly...in space

She is a coal burner fuck her.

It's not bad, but you're still wrong.

Oh nononononononono

She didn't age so well


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jesus christ this sounds like a shitty simple plan

she looks like jennifer carpenter

What does Yea Forums think of Hasbro owning Power Rangers?

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Reminder that the actress who played the pink ranger also starred in a movie about eating disorders where she plays a gymnast






I'm optimistic. Choosing Go-Busters as a first season was a good call, the Lightning Series figures look great and have a good variety, and I've enjoyed everything they've done with MLP.

So I'm thinking it's going to be pretty great.

>not having Kat Manx as waifu and SPD as best series

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>tfw I liked Mystic Force
Don't judge me

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>I am forgotten

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This,I'm also happy Hasbro will reboot the PR movie. It will be like MMPR as we saw Bumblebee movie on full Hasbro power.

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Mystic Force is just a very strange show. It barely feels like a Power Rangers show at all and there isn't enough character progression in the show. But despite that it's not bad.

Power rangers introduced me to how attractive Philippines woman are.

It's more like Doctor Strange of Power Rangers.

Evil Turbo movie Kim, or Rita cosplay Kim?

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Toys look ok but what's the point of doing go busters if they just fill it with niggers. PR is already a dead franchise no one gives a fuck about and now they are all but guaranteeing kids still won't give a fuck.

There is only one true waifu, and he will shoot anyone who says otherwise.

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The gold and grey rangers are apparently white males

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Are the Jews t

The question is who will the yellow one fuck?

>tfw you loved the new PR movie but nobody else did.

It was well received by critics and fans alike, it was just too expensive and took too long to make.

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he had the best minipla

post your toys

Anyone but the white males. Also no asians in this season? What the eff hollywood. Where's muh diversity, how dare they appropriate Japanese culture like this.

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I hope they adapt the ToQGer suits as a season 2 upgrade

The asian ranger is the only one with his skin rippling like he's sky diving. I wonder if the other actors didn't want to look goofy and instead acted goofy without intense wind.

Who cares? Power Rangers was diverse and had interracial relationships since thebeginning,why is that a problem now? Lgbt is worse.

And it deserved to bomb,they mad Trini gay.

>well received by critics and fans
Said no one ever,why are you lying on the internet? Both audiences and critics savaged it for being too boring and the cgi was garbage,even tv show cgi is better.

They aren't going to do that, they learned their lesson with Super Megaforce. Also ToQGer is stupid and no one wants it adapted.


Well Yea Forums,which one do you choose to protect you? Only one. The other will try to kill you.

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the villains got their own toys from BoJ


Lionsgate movies don't really bomb, they are a front for money laundering.

>Power Rangers was diverse and had interracial relationships
Fuck off you piece of shit with that fairy tale shit. No one wants to see what woman and coons together.

>main villain is a fucking snake

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Grumm, because he got shit done

Sorry, I have a different defender.

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This guy

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uwu what's this?

what happened to Enter? why didn't they cast a regular human?


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It's not confirmed, though it is pretty likely.

Back then it wasn't constantly pushed in every fucking tv and film. There is a reason people are annoyed by it.

>it didn't bomb!
Sure kid,Hasbro is rebooting the whole thing.
This is not a Bayformers case where it made money,this was a financial disaster both comercially and critically. The best is to forget about the 2017 film and hard reboot it with a new cast and accurate designs.

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I only liked the black ranger. Everyone else was a shit casting decision and I'm glad this isn't getting a direct sequel.

Power Rangers in Space!
Also when's the 24/7 Power Rangers stream happening again? Those were the funnest fucking weeks watching Power Rangers with you lads.


>It's not even the same kind of snake
>different hood shapes

will we get a Go-Buster Pink? or Green as a supplement to the Frog Megazord? Will Fourze be in this given the upgrade from the movie?

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Boomer here. Power rangers first appearing was amazing I was about 8 it was our crack cocaine.

You know,for kids!

I met the main Beast Morphers actor,he's a cool guy and nice.

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Maybe some fans will make their own. Twitch might not have to the rights to do it again. They should, though. Telling them how interested we are might work. And it would be good promotion for the new show.

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It was very very different and the hype for toys was insane. Some man punched my mom in the face because she grabbed the last megazord the Christmas when MMPR came out.

what degree of real nigga are we talking about here?

Didn't they ever teach you punctuation back in boomer school?

What other Sentai could they adapt for Power Rangers? Will Hasbro work on an original PR series? I heard they considered a cartoon.

user....let it go. It was a one and done thing. Watching it again won't capture the same magic and feelings. Learn to cherish something but to also not beat it like a dead horse chasing highs.

Who are you even talking to?

I was taught punctuation in cursive not keyboard.

yea a cartoon on equal level writing of Voltron with gay space aids everywhere. also ToQGer should get adapted

Now that hasbro owns the rights what's the chances we get mystic knights of tira nog on Blu Ray?

I doubt they'll make an original series. And any of the sentai could be adapted outside of Train Retards.

>Some man punched my mom in the face because she grabbed the last megazord the Christmas when MMPR came out.

Absolutely based! Roastie BTFO!

stop making it out to be this magical thing. The episodes are still quality entertainment. I'm not chasing anything, just bored and looking to kill a lot of time. I didn't get to watch as much of it as I liked, and not necessarily for Yea Forums or shitposting reasons. Not everyone is a turbo autist that only gets off on commenting and twitch chat.

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>no Koragg

tweet them

watch Gaogaigar

>in cursive, not keyboard.

Go to the library and take a typing class gramps

You are the one posting meme images with /ourguys/ user not me. Stop playing dumb.


Miss me with that gay shit.

I like thing, just not as much as you. You are projecting your feelings of the event onto me.

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Here's your new red ranger Yea Forums,thoughts? I think he's fine

Go away Gramps. No one can read your squiggles. I don't think I even know how to write anymore. If it isn't a touchscreen keyboard on my iPhone® 10X™ it isn't worth learning.

i am in the library

as long as he keeps politics out of this children's show

>Durr Durr I don't care about it or the twitch streams or the memes
>posts twitch memes

You fucked up by posting that picture you have no argument now.

>Inspiring Generations While Finding Solace In Life

Sounds like a dumb, egotistical cunt

I mean, I’m married. But my wife is not Kimberly-tier.


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The white yellow ranger looks so annoying like one of these cunts who over acts and over exaggerates because she didn't pay attention in acting class.

I didn't say I don't care about that. I said you care much, much more than me. I downloaded a .rar of a collection of images.

post your rangers!

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So....just like all of us? Ok

>I don't care
>saves twitch memes to post later
Next time you have this argument with someone don't lead with that picture because you blow your own argument away.



What was the Zeo metal robt king? He was very steampunk

lmao, this show is fucking dead. You need kids to buy the fucking toys if it's going to succeed. Kids don't like buying toy that look like niggers. This has literally been proven time and time again.

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Jesus Christ you're dumb. I'm not saying "I don't care". I'm saying you care much much more than I do.

I care.
You care more.


Wakanda rangers

Good,Hasbro will have to move fast and adapt the next Sentai with whole male leads. What were the ratings for the last shows?

user if I cared more I would have saved twitch meme images like you did which I didn't so sorry, the no u redit tactic doesn't work here.

>Mystic Force didn't have any white male
>it still was a success
Explain it Yea Forums

Cute girls carried it

This is the complete cast for Go Busters.

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Reminder that Zhane is BestBoy

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No niggers. Also I'm pretty sure the yellow or Green ranger were white.

Not him but you are a legit retard


Not the guy you replied to but he's right

Glad to see we are getting out first Person of Size as a Ranger.

Good cast
Is the blonde the red ranger?

Why is he pissing cubes from his elbow

I stopped watching at MegaForce, which was the most boring series I've ever watched. Samurai was ok because I liked the insecure yellow ranger
But Lost Galaxy was my favorite

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Lost Galaxy has the best them tune

What was the Samurai white man that had an asian wife and transformed into a skull monster? Forgot his name.

Decker? I think the actor actually went to prison for stabbing his roommate

That was Wild Force.

Adaptation when? Hasbro? Do it!

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I want all of the Traintards to leave. They are never bringing a show about fucking trains to the US.

Her face is caked in makeup

Both, the actor played the Red Ranger in Wild Force and then Deker in Samurai

Why did they make a vid saying their show has low ratings?

Has there ever been a black sentai character in Japanese power rangers?

yea but Turbo Extreme was a pretty good idea


Mr Brown

The asian girl in the middle literally looks like she fucks white guys

Are they going to adapt to the US that show with all the mommy tier power rangers woman?

Why is Tommy an asshole in real life?

Because he's an insecure unlikeable person. ASJ was always a nicer person and a better marital artist.

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Tommy is not an asshole IRL he is the victim of a smear campaign by an unhinged homosexual.

I've met him twice at conventions, he's a dickwad. Every other Ranger I've met has been cool.

>he's a dickwad
What does that statement even mean?

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The guy literally wants to be a power ranger, he just can't let it go. He has to appear in EVERYTHING related to the franchise and gets pissed if he can't

This is why the internet is great retards dislike something and can't even say why. Every fucking time for every topic.

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u gay?
she looks great

Bison when?

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I added the rpm rangers with the explosion and the butler that died :)


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>you will never relive the power rangers marathon on Yea Forums

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>blocks your path

Thought it was the only one who noticed this

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>Asj fanboy smear campaign
>your gay hero got blown out decades ago acting as a wannabe on set and it has bootyblasted his fans for decades

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What a little gay boy.

Which season had the best fight scenes and why was it Jungle Fury?

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That's what happens when you have an actual martial based series.

>The Yellow Ranger is only 18
>Yfw you’re older than the Power Rangers.

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But when will we get the POWERFUL RANGERS?

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Guy in ancient times equips the mask to get great power in order to save his settlement thing. Masks corrupts him and turns him into wolf bro.
Absolute power corrupts absolutely metaphor probably I dunno.

I too have a wolf fursona, though mine is not so scawy.

Go to bed ASJ

I liked that Anglo-Indian one.

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>New Hasbro show
>New movie
>New fighting game
It's a damn good time to be a PR fan.

Kat is better, and didn't cheat on Tommy with other guys.

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She's cute as long as she isn't talking.

I kinda like her accent though.

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Awful would be what really happened to the original pink ranger back in 1993.

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What weird fanfic shit is this?

Agony in Pink.

What did they mean by this?

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You will not forget this ranger power

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Stream when?

Whenever you want to bruh.

nah, I bet he's the new Bulk

You never watched PR, have you?

Power Rangers has always been filled with niggers. Is this your first show?

why did voltron and power rangers not just pull the sword out and chop them in half?