He listens to Steven Crowder and thinks there's a discord tranny conspiracy

>he listens to Steven Crowder and thinks there's a discord tranny conspiracy

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>denying there are discord trannies among us
Only a discord tranny would do this

literally who?


420 AM I RIGHT? That's the amount of people I've slept with. I'm a hedonistic whore but that's okay.

I don't listen to Steven Crowder but I'm convinced that dischord trannies raid this board on a daily basis. Fuck off, tranny.

>guy believes in magical cloud genies
>expects his opinion to be taken seriously

all me btw

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>he kills fully developed babies in the womb

Crowder is an unfunny, original retard even if I agree with many of his opinions. Mark Dice is the patrician's choice

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Mark Dice is a sociopath though

it matters more than your incel opinions

discord tranny is one of the alt right incel tactics they use to silence the old members of a board they invade. i remember the t_d invasion on pol, everyone who disagreed with them was a shareblue shill

It's a fact that uber-leftist trannies post on here. It's a fact that some of those uber-leftist trannies hang out together on a dischord server. Put 2 and 2 together. If you think uber-leftist trannies don't raid this board then you're either blind or one of them.

both are pretty cringy imo.

t. conservative

For me, it's PragerUrine

oh right you mean during the election where literally millions of dollars was poured into turning this place left wing. Probably not everyone that disagreed with them was a shill, but this place was absolutely riddled with them in the year leading up to the election.

people who think the trannies don't post here have clearly never seen how hard resetera hit Yea Forums

They're either trannies or fags that hope that fantasize about celebs raping them

Why the fuck would trannies raid a television board, this isn't /pol/ as much as you retards want it to be

You're not an oldfag just because you've been sucking dick for years.

>the invasion that contradicts my political views is a lie but the invasion that supports my political views is real!
Both of the invasions are real, you leftist faggot. /pol/ has undeniably been invaded by t_d and Yea Forums has undeniably been invaded by dischord trannies. If you accept one but not the other then you're retarded.

I find Mark Dice to pretty funny, unlike Crowder. Also his "social experiments" were actually interesting unlike Crowder's "hurr change my mind durr"

I kinda like this one guy, Walk Dont Run, or something like that. He only does like one video a week though

Because they want to impose a far left, PC narrative you literal retard.

Mark isn't cringy at all he's based

t. liberal

Mark Dice has bitch tits

>identity politics
>not economic politics

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A lot of the discord trannies are from /trash/. They reside in the Loona threads.

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No I'm pretty sure that actually does make him an old fag.


>literal kikes telling you taxation is theft
Thats a big yikes from me dawg

taxation literally is theft

Jimmy Dore needs a helicopter ride.

Based invaders
Anime loving degenerate old fags gotta go
And Yea Forums is nu-chan territory

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>Why the fuck would trannies raid a television board
Take one fucking look at tranny twitter. They're all a bunch of shut-ins who spend all of their time posting vitriol and propaganda. Yea Forums is the one social media website where you can say shit like "trannies deserve to be gassed" and don't have to worry about being banned or doxxed. Put 2 and 2 together, you idiot. Trannies want to reshape Yea Forums culture so that then all social media websites will be proudly endorsing tranny insanity. They want the internet to be one big hugbox.

Taxation is theft though and the world would be better off if we abolished most taxes and government spending and let the economy grow.

You will never be a woman

Discord trannies have been trying this for years and it's only made this place more right wing.

I tried watching one of his videos recently.
>reads through a series of his own tweets
>then looks at the camera and smiles smugly after each tweet
Absolutely disgusting.

Dude, stop crying so much. It's really pathetic.

It might technically be theft but like it or not, you'll be paying it for the rest of your life and there's literally nothing you can do about it.

>discord tranny conspiracy
I'm gonna get Timmy to look into it, find the facts.

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>caring about other people's financials

kys cuck

This man has yet to be proven wrong about anything.

Projection much?

So? This is a free board.

Shouldn't you be dilating right now? You don't want your seeping wound to heal itself!

>Yea Forums culture
rofl what culture

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No. Just saying you should stop crying because people have different opinions than you.

"The nigger ruined my life!"
>he says as his paycheck is scalped, his pension erased, the cost of living explodes
"Women ruined my life!"
>he says as his entire identity is homogenized and comodified by big business, reducing and sterilizing all human interaction into soundbytes and approved corporate media messaging and media is simultaneously saturated with sex but condemns human sexuality or personal expression and emotion
"The trannies are fucking everything up!"
>he says as his body is poisoned through addictive substances pumped into his food and fed to him by doctors who simultaneously sedate you and generate health issues that require you to feed more of your limited wealth into a system that disavows any curative measure
"There's too many brown people and women in my movies!"
>he cries out as the aesthetic and emotional impact of movies is completely erased through the consolidation and control of media through FOUR(4) companies that promote a very specific line of what is approved and good and what is bad and easily condemned

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I can feel your emotion through the internet. Nice punctuation.

You will never be a woman sweetie, no matter how much your discord "sisters" say you pass