You gotta admit, he has a point guys

You gotta admit, he has a point guys.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Blacks can't even invent the wheel, how are they supposed to go into space?


already sent the monkeys


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space is black

>Was going to make a Planet of the Apes joke
>Realize they're still on Earth and therefore not in space

in space prison probably

I'd support launching all of them into space.

Why do they have to act like children in every aspect of life? Waaaah we want what they gots!

Fuckin do it yourself then. Why do blacks want everything handed to them? Do they have no pride or respect for themselves?

In space jail of course.

>took /poltv/ 5 posts to post this

You nazis sure are slipping these days *dilates*

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Shit, I wanted to post it.

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>let me onto your spaceship, whitey or you're racist

>take away their ability to create
>wonders why they are mad

Why would they invent what has existed for thousands of years? Use your head.

>take away their ability to create

Colonialism or something. Just ignore the Asians who were colonized, but who are now excelling.

Earth is in space you dipshit

>In space, no one can hear you scream rape

what is slavery and jim crow? and systematic bias? racist

Whose taking away their ability to create? What the fuck do you even mean by that? Why can't you take personal responsibility for anything?

they are called klingons

Donald glover is 5'4. Lol

um sweetie a PoC invented peanut butter.... baka

There are tons of balck dudesin Sci-fi

They are the ones that die first

Why do black people always act like they're the only ones who ever had to endure any kind of hardship?

why are niggers so obsessed with their race? like develop some actual personality lol

If this week has taught us anything it's that they they would be the perfect people to fake a moon landing.

like real blacks they don't ever leave their little piece of shit hole

If by Person of Color you mean the Aztecs then yes!

Probably on some shitty planet with little value, building mud huts and chucking spears. They aren't valued as slaves cuz aliens got other aliens and droids to do their bidding. Minor exceptions when they are bottom of the barrel pickups.

Well, sweetie, you have to write your own story, manufacture your own camera, and hire your own actors. You aren't supposed to ride the white man's coattails for everything, you're lucky they let you do shit.

Are you... Fucking retarded? Japan, China, and Korea were never colonized to anywhere near the extent that any given African country was. Shit, *they* were the ones doing the colonizing in that part of the world for a good long time. Vietnam, now that was colonized. Wait, they're pretty shitty compared to the three I just mentioned? Weird. Probably just a coincidence.

Fucking brainlet.

Humans have no place in space operas.

>space travel
>colonies develop on other planets
>communities form
>thousand years go by
>blacks have segregated themselves and claimed their own planet(s) where only they can live
>everybody is fine with this setup
>years pass
>they are suddenly outraged that whites have their own planet where only they can live
>how dare they force us on these planets

>take away their ability to create

>REEEE us black people are just as smart as white people, we are even better!
>REEEE, white people enslaved us 200 years ago and because of that we can't do anything and are worse than white people! Whites should give us everything on a platter!

>Glover as Lando targets the nerd chic audience through idiotic Black Lives Matter marketing. Like the actor-rapper's recent (unimaginative) millennial anthem "This is America" which confuses Prince's soul-funk pizazz and racial eccentricity with dull Democratic manipulation and cynic social conformism, Solo is a film that corrupts the radical essence of its heritage. It sets both the Black and the nerd communities back 60 years, it is Obama politricks and Marvel imperialism. Jim Crow meets Flash Gordon, Disney is the new plantation and self-proclaimed nerds are happily picking up the cotton. At least the Lucas prequels had Jar-Jar Binks and flatulence gags, a bona-fide iteration of Black insouciance and freedom in a post-Eddie Murphy world. Comedic truth versus manufactured indignation. Solo epitomizes blockbuster nihilism and banality.

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but it's all black in space and they stole literally EVERYTHING from there

>Korea and China
>didn't suffer horrendously from colonization
Lol kys, my dude

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You ever heard of Hong-Kong?

>What the fuck do you even mean by that?
generations of racism saps the creativity out of you. You wouldnt get it

as a white guy, neither would I just to clarify

Every civilised society purged them early on in their history, and no majority black society has ever achieved space travel.

>where are all the black people in space
Deep Space 9.

Tell blacks to start being more inventors to solve space problems, and more of them will get there. Fuck this carrying black luggage into space bullshit.

So whites used a mind-ray that killed their ability to have abstract thought, be creative, and figure shit out?

There are fucking pre-human caveman drawings that show more abstract complex thinking than most blacks have.

No one's stopping them from trying. They just don't want to because they believe whites owe it to them to include them in everything whites do. That exhonerates them of all responsibility to be the same kind of thinkers and creators whites are, which is why BP had to be created, written, and directed by white people.

be honest
you didn't understand half of this

every majority black society has been pillaged and oppressed by whites so that is invalid.

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You don't seem to get it either man because you can't even fucking articulate it

I used to love that nigger, his first couple rap tapes- that wholesome standup.. community. Now he's just another fucking uppity groid

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BP was written and directed by black guys, you racist

umm your telling them to be inventers of things that are already invented? why, so you can complain about brothers ripping off "white inventions"?

its never enough for white people

amazing. did you go to college?

Look up at the sky, there is more black than white

>blacks are literally the only people to experience slavery

There were generations of leftshittism in the eastern Europe being force fed social justice at the muzzle of a gun and all their wealth shipped to shitholes like Russia, Ghana or Cuba, before they were raided by mudshits for centuries so hard that a muslim is a go for enemy in most of their fairy tales, and yet they are safest places to live and have rich, distinctive culture.

What now? Need to tweet to your bolshevik professor to save you?

Well, European settler colonialism (so America, Australia rather than say India where they just exploited the natives) had majority of the settlers coming from the poorest, most overcrowded areas in Europe, and being mostly low-class. This was pretty similar with Chinese immigration to USA and Japanese immigration to South America, so you can pretty much bet that space will be full of blacks, pajeets and Middle Easterners.

The Expanse is pretty spot on in that regard desu.

No KFCs in space.

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>every majority black society has been pillaged and oppressed by whites

Sounds like every black society is full of weak ass, incompetent, inferior cucks.

Going back and watching Community I don't even recognize them as the same person anymore.

Why are there no black people in the Jetsons?

eastern european countries still benefit from white privilege internationally.
>rich, distinctive culture.
African and African-American culture is plenty rich and distinctive.

hard to see in space

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I was on a recipe site looking for waffle recs and in the comments some BLM sheboon called it racist because Chicken and waffles is a black thing (no idea where the chicken came from) and whites shouldn't touch it. Surprisingly, there was only 2 self hating whites agreeing with her (spouting that insane racism = power + privilege horseshit) and a whole lot of blacks calling her a stupid salty nigga setting their own cause back by acting like a child. Gave me a glimpse of hope.

Not all Democrats are far left, just like not all Republicans are far right. Compromise is still possible, we just have to realize that being the loudest =/= being the majority.


What is dialation?

Why doesn't he write a sci-fi script? Also, didn't he just play a black guy in space? Why do blacks hate watching movies with white people in them? I've never watched thought a movie with a black lead would be better with a white one. Well, except for the Dark Tower .

>African and African-American culture is plenty rich and distinctive.
>meanwhile Black Panther is being hailed by Americans as some sort of "black people" movement despite basically being made by white people and is more or less the African equivalent of 80s/90s Asian stereotype racism

thumbnail looks a bit like 9/11
though u ought to know

yea, I even see Bruce Willis in a helicopter

you sound butthurt. you just dont like seeing black people succeed

I wish Bernie Mac was still alive. He was the best about calling out black people on their own bullshit

They’re Klingons

Sam Jackson used to. He made that video a few years back calling out blacks for blaming Everyone but themselves for their problems.

Objectively wrong considering Klingon honor culture

why do leftists love kissing nigger ass so much? you're virtue signaling in front of whom? are you doing this to feel better about yourself? you people go out of their way to prove white people are evil just to defend your pet niggers. and what you get in return? rape, murder and crime, that's how niggers pay you back. your shitty argumentation has little basis in reality. it only "works" in academic echo chambers, where self-congratulatory pricks such as yourself pat each other on the back for every regurgitated lie about the evil white people do you to your poor, oppressed niggers who surely would've developed their own civilization had the nazi colonists just left them to their own devices in Africa, the motherfucking cradle of human civilization... that sort of fucking nonsensical diarrhea of the mouth your buddies shit out of their pompous assholes into each other's mouths in a high velocity stream
fuck you

why would you even dare say that our kings words are not understandable. he speaks the truth only and demorats can't even come close to this honesty

No. I'm quite fond of silly 80s/90s stereotyping. I just think it's amazing that American black people are so obsessed with their skin color that they are essentially being racist against themselves and saying every African culture is the same thing.

Imagine if a bunch Chinese or Thai-Americans were going all bananas over The Last Samurai and saying "finally a movie for all us Asian people, this is our culture".

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It's self hate and projection mixed in with maybe a small part of good intentions

>use cloaking devices
>kill defenseless prisoners
>assassination of numerous high chancellors
Yeah naw

chinese and thai have a completely different history and experience than blacks

Black people didn't even boats lmfao.

If they won't even learn how to swim, what makes you think they'd want to go into space?

As do African-Americans and actual Africans if you hadn't noticed.

Stargate SG-1 had loads of black people in space.

In Dune, all the black people are on Arrakis.
It's also better than Star Wars in any way

this is true. there is overlap but there are difference. this is something that BP explored, masterfully so.

all racism aside, our planet would be a much nicer place if we got rid of all niggers


really makes you think

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more concerned about where the aliens are

And yet almost nobody caught up on that and went "Wakanda Forever! Us black people are all the same amirite!?"

the point of the movie is that it acknowledged that gap and attempted to bridge it. Jesus, the whole movie went over your head because you were too preoccupied with bashing it.

>eastern european countries still benefit from white privilege internationally

This sentence right here is why every leftshit needs to be hunted down. They will never stop. Everything of worth they have to destroy, defile and drag down to their own level. Ideology of a virus.

>there is overlap
There is zero overlap you westcuck white ass faggot.

Plenty of them in the Federation

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fucking millenials and/or assorted ignoramuses.... that's one of hte stupidest question i have read in a while...

>eastern european countries still benefit from white privilege internationally.
the fuck

blacks are considered an alien race in sci-fi

I tried watching Black Panther. I turned it off when they referenced the "what are those" meme.

It really didn't. If anything everything related to Africa outside of Wakanda was completely ignored and all the focus was on "African Americans and us Africans should be more friendly because we share the same skin color".

>eastern european countries still benefit from white privilege internationally

apply for a job but change your surname to Vyacheslavski and lemme know the results

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>eastern european countries still benefit from white privilege internationally.
Go and and say that to a Pole's face and see how he will react lmao

Mind of a leftshit. Do you see now how did they managed to kill so many people in the 20th century and still walk around as a true arbiters of morality?

its true. I doubt black countries have access to the same level of economic capital and opportunity that white countries do. that may explain a lot

No new things will be invented and no new masterpieces will be made as long as we sit around and concensus-build in committees what best promotes diversity, and how to make that diversity fit by taking away from those who do think and create.

Remember when computers doubled in capacity almost yearly? Remember when it was almost every day new ideas poured out and got made real? Remember when the internet was a new frontier with new ideas always being tried to see what works? Remember when we had a flood of new games instead of a trickle?

All of that shit's gone now. It's all small incremental changes driven not by advancement of tech and society, but by race-driven social consensus because the left demanded more diversity in Silicone Valley instead of forcing certain demographics to EARN it with their thinking and skill.

The future of space travel is fucked because of it.

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> I doubt black countries have access to the same level of economic capital and opportunity that white countries do.
That's because they're in fucking africa, not because they're black

white people tend to not react well to being educated on their privilege. it took some soul-searching myself to truly understand

Rich blacks have lower iq and a higher crime rate than poor whites. It’s 100% genetic and the iq created the shithole and not the other way around. Sorry to shit on your egalitarian dogma buddy.

Niggers are retarded rapemonkeys who have absolutely no place in civilized white countries

>because we share the same skin color".
no because "we share a common set of experiences due to our skin color."

I love being white
I recognize there's privilege, but it doesn't come from the institutional bogeyman leftists have crafted.
No, it comes from my genes, whites are simply inherently superior
Ironically, it took leftists to make me realize that, thanks to people like you.

Asia isn’t just the East, you forgot India and the Middle East you “liberal” waste of oxygen.

you are a joke of a “man”

they're perfectly camouflaged because space is black

Why would we ever bring the jiggaboos into space? Traveling to other planets is like the ultimate white flight.

this is how you know Danny Glover jr dont like or watch sci-fi shows.

Friendly reminder that despite the fact that this post is a rather obvious bait, there's literally millions of young white Americans who have already been indoctrinated to think this absurd drivel is true. Think about what the future will look like.

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Europe endured generations of racism, slavery, violence etc from the Muslim scum invading along the Med and up into East Europe, the Persians before them, and the Huns around the same time, but sure, you’re a liberal so I know your education is more like brainwashing and you likely have daddy issues.

>Do you see now how did they managed to kill so many people in the 20th century and still walk around as a true arbiters of morality?

That still gets me. Leftism is the most murderous political ideology ever created, yet their noses are in the air, they assault those they hate, and have nothing but arrogance for anyone not like them.

And the whole crux of it is "other people did a better job than I did at build up a nice palce to live, so I have every right to take it from them instead of knocking my shit off to build it myself!" Apply that way of thiking to 3rd-world baby-factories who openly refuse to stop breeding poverty-babies so they can have a chance to get their shit together, and the future is gonna pay for the arrogance of leftism today whether it be by economic collapse, resource depletion, or something else.

Because the future was supposed to be great.

none of that was based on race. why do you twist history to suit your narrative?

My sister is one of them, she won’t even say “nigga” when singing along to rap songs. Kind of ironic that a feminist would listen to rap in the first place right? Isn’t all they talk about how many they fuck and that they are just sex objects?


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Blacks aren't interested in stories that aren't about being black. And their hobbies are basically just listening to beats and occasionally making beats. They love beats so much they wear air pods in their nigger ears all day.

>none of that was based on race. why do you twist history to suit your narrative?

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How weak are blacks if I can literally take away their will to create?

it takes a real decent human to admit his privilege you uneducated swine. im not sure what about that is unique to being a "man" you disgusting joke of a human.


Did we watch different movies? Because the movie I watched was about the fact that a black culture had not shared a common set of experiences with the rest of "black cultures" and it took a person from the outside fundamentally challenging their views for them to start caring about it.

Kinda funny how they though the best way to fix it was to do it in America, one of the arguably most privileged places to live if you are a black person outside of Wakanda.

They are all in gay niggas from outer space.

Sure, I benefit from the law of averages. So does everyone else that lives in the United States as opposed to most other parts of the world. That doesn't mean I should handicap myself or flagellate myself in a vain attempt to appease others. Nor should I subscribe to some goofy secular version of original sin where I should feel guilt or remorse for things I didn't do or participate in. Why should I be guilty of the crimes of my forebearers or even frankly the forebearers of someone else I'm no even related to when that same standard doesn't apply to anyone else for any other reason?
You're preaching selectively-applied inherited collective responsibility in a country that values individual responsibility and individual accountability.

Should Tyrone be punished for the crimes or misdeeds of his parents or grandparents? NO OF COURSE NOT because you're not applying this logical chain in a consistent manner for everyone.

And anyone that doesn't use everything to their advantage doesn't have the will to survive or improve themselves, won't be able to do either for long.

Get fucked.

You may have missed the footage, Donald
I got you

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Name a space opera that has no black people.
>Star Trek (all iterations)
>The Expanse
>Dark Matter
>Babylon 5
>Star Wars series

All of them are teeming with what Dr Martin Luther king called "negroes". Does Dune have negroes? I haven't seen that.

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That place doesn't exist

I bet you weren't expecting to see what's in those videos. Africa much like Mexico is nowhere near as poor as it pretends to be.

Rich Africans are just like rich Mexicans: they don't take care of their own because they don't have to. They tell their poor to fuck off, go be our problem, and if anyone complains then attack them as racist because they're not gonna even try to take care of always-pregnant retards who just can't stop breeding poverty-babies long enough to get a grip on their situation.

I love everything about Armond White

Nobody tends to not react well to being educated on their privilege. Especially those that perceive themselves as having little to no privilege.

The only privilege whites have is our ancestors were selected for intelligence and planning, things that are most important in today’s society so I guess you can say we are privileged in that way. But you’re a loser leftist who thinks it’s oppression or some horse shit.

how's it feel that tyrone finna go balls deep in that ?

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why is it always apes crying about this shit. how come the tacos dont make as much of a ruckus about this """"problem""""

>Disney is the new plantation and self-proclaimed nerds are happily picking up the cotton
absolutely based

beans don't jump as much

I will never not be mad about this. George Washington Carver did not invent peanut butter, but he WAS a scientific man who discovered quite a lot of (non-culinary) uses for peanuts and sweet potatoes, as well as advanced (for the time) farming techniques. Yet that isn't interesting for the average idiot so everyone just says he invented peanut butter.

>Go and and say that to a Pole's face and see how he will react lmao

I personally want to kick his teeth in. When I was in England for work, the only people with whom I could speak normally were African blacks, a guy from Zimbabwe was a total bro in particular. All Ang*os treated me like trash or a retarded child.

Western Europeans literally treat us like niggers, not that they beat us up and for to work on plantations, I mean modern niggers, they pretend to have a normal conversation but try their hardest to belittle us and make us thank them.

I guess my priviledge is that if I lost my accent completely, I could maybe pass for a malnourished working class Western European. Even the standards of medical care and nutrition are so different that middle class Westerners immediately stand out when you see them on the street in Poland.

It's really that simple. Forced diversity is only hurting us because the special snowflakes don't have to earn anything. They're guaranteed it whether or not they bring anything to the table that'll actually help.

congratulations. you've experienced perhaps 1% of what blacks have been going through for centuries and still continue to go through


Name one sci-fi movie without a black person after 2006

Tell that to the Irish who were seen as worst than blacks, and actually given less rights than blacks in Britain in the 1700s and 1800s.

Tell that to the Poles and Roma who were seen as sub-human trash worst than some distant native wearing a lioncloth (and that's it).

>anything that disagrees with my narrative is b8
this is how racists think

>has career only because of dad's nepotism and hollywood's low-expectations racism
>bro why arent black people in space yet

nope, muh irish is a debunked meme. and irish and poles can both pass for white and therefore benefit from white privilege and supremacy. roma might be more similar to the black experience but still not as bad

This. He was an incredible chemist and scientist and this myth that he invented peanut butter(finely ground peanuts) is obnoxious.

>has career only because of dad's nepotism
which proves OP's point
>hollywood's low-expectations racism
he's objectively talented. no low expectations about it

No it’s just the way you think is so brain dead that nobody would actually believe it so I think you’re false flagging. And if you aren’t I feel so sorry for you mate.

>he's objectively talented.

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>take away their ability to create
what am i reading

Space is black enough don't you think?

Wait, I thought the left has been telling me I can't be proud of my ancestors, but you can be a bitch about yours?

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nigger cope and not believing that intelligence is 80% heritable

believing that blacks have went through more than east euros in england makes me a false flag? ok user.

>Ganja and Hess doesn't exist

>Lack of diversity in Sci fi
That's horseshit


our ancestors oppressed them for generations. their pride is rooted in making their way from that struggle that still goes on to this day. get the difference racist?

"White privelege" is nothing but the narrative the party created to justify de-whitening the west, so instead of fixing the third world we'll let the third world flood in, kick the "problematic whites" out of the way, and take over what the whites exchange for creating democrat-voting monopolies of course.

What you call privelege, I call decades of smart thinking and building. And I know that's true because what happens when non-whites flood into a nice well-developed area and become the majority? It becomes a 3rd-world violent ghetto shit hole, and all white standards fall as they get torn down to the levels of the people who just had to make the whites go away there.

That's not whites keeping them down nor denying them anything. That's them stuck in a pattern of take-and-destroy.

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So he's saying there's no blacks in space while dressed as a black dude from space?

I don't even care anymore. Racial politics are too far gone. Fuck anyone that participates.

how the hell did that take away anyone's ability to create? Do we just blame everything on slavery including being a lazy unimaginative dope?

"Get off the couch and go to work."
"I can't, uh, Jim Crow."

answering phones

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he didn't do anything other than perform the role required, which anyone can do.

>I call decades of smart thinking and building.
you mean exploiting nonwhites
>And I know that's true because what happens when non-whites flood into a nice well-developed area and become the majority? It becomes a 3rd-world violent ghetto shit hole
because of lack of access to opportunities because of whites

You are completely brainwashed jesus christ

Blacks then created blues, jazz, and ultimately rock. So they at least created something. They didn't keep that shit from stopping them from adding their own flavor to the nation.

Today "dabbing" is considered culturally relevant, and they take lots of jobs at all ends of the spectrum only to slow down any progress due to them not earning it. They just wanted it because the wthies had it, so it had to be taken from the whites.

The blacks of the 1800s and early 1900s would call them over-priveleged and lazy.


explain to me how black people are prevented from writing their own sci-fi books today or for the past decades
the answer is that you no one is holding blacks down from doing that, they're just not able to come up with good fiction stories themselves. Hell, fucking black panther was created by a jew. If you look at all these famous black authors, pretty much every single one of them got popular because he wrote a book about "muh black struggle" etc

>refuse to give PoC access to the same level of opportunity that whites enjoy
>systematically shut them out

>then wonder why their communities decline to violence
like I said before, it took a lot of soul-searching for me as a white guy to come to grips with the reality. I hope you will too

probably space prison

You literally were hired to perform as one, you fucking lunatic nigger.

You're not wrong but on the other hand you didn't have to work for shit. You just got lucky on the life lottery like most everyone who's not living in a fucking trailer park and you're complaining that someone else wishes they were as lucky as you. So it goes both ways but ultimately actions speak louder than words.

By the time Europe conquered Africa, Africa was already so far behind that they didn't have a chance

>muh irish is a debunked meme

What the fuck?

>explain to me how black people are prevented from writing their own sci-fi books today or for the past decades
most of them are too busy fighting for their lives in ghettoes created by decades of white racism

irish were not enslaved and they did not have it as bad as blacks.

Go listen to his standup special. It's all about his parents and foster kids and shit, super fucking pleasant and wholesome.

Whoever this guy claiming to be Donald is sure as fuck ain't Donald Glover.

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>where the hell are all the black people in space
They don't want to see the sights that Sam Neill wants to show them.

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>eastern european countries still benefit from white privilege internationally.
Not even western colonizer countries benefited from colonization, so I don't know what type of "white privilege" you are talking about.

Humans can be genetically categorized into five racial groups, corresponding to traditional races. Source:
Genetic analysis “supports the traditional racial groups classification.” Source:
“Human genetic variation is geographically structured” and corresponds with race. Source:
Race can be determined via genetics with certainty for >99.8% of individuals. Source:
Oral bacteria can be used to determine race. Source:
Race can be determined via brain scans. Source:
96-97% of Whites have no African ancestry. Source:
97% of Whites have no Black ancestry whatsoever. Source:
There was minimal gene flow between archaic Europeans and Asians. Source:
Common-sense racial categories have biological meaning. Source:
A substantial amount of the human genome has been subjected to natural selection since the races diverged. Source:
With 160 short gene sequences, race can be determined with 100% accuracy for Whites, Asians, and Africans. Source:
Principal continent of origin (race) can be determined with 87% accuracy even for highly mixed populations. Source:

>refuse to give PoC access to the same level of opportunity that whites enjoy
but its literally been the opposite for the past decade? white kids and even more asian kids get turned down from higher education just so black kids could get an opportunity

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“It is inaccurate to state that race is biologically meaningless.” Source:
Race is biologically real and represents “genetic clusters” of variation. Source:
“Empirical structure within human genetic variation … resembles continentally based racial classifications”. Source:
“Recent research in genetics demonstrates that certain racial, and also ethnic, categories have a biological basis in statistically discernible clusters of alleles.” Source:
“Numerous human population genetic studies have come to the identical conclusion that genetic differentiation is greatest when defined on a continental basis.” Source:
Genetic analysis of race corresponds with self-identification more than 99% of the time. Source:
Races are human subspecies. Source:
The “social constructionist account of race lacks biological reality”. Source:
Race can be determined from fingerprints. Source:
For 99.86% of individuals, genetic analysis of race matches self-identification. Source:
Predefined ethnic/racial labels are “highly informative” about genetic identity. Source:
Over 2000 genes have been subject to recent (post out-of-Africa) evolution. Source:

>Alt Hype
ahh the white supremacist guy telling us colonialism wasnt that bad
who would have thought

Every country who isn't at war momentarily has seen it's living conditions grow exponentially the last 200 years

i get you're baiting but the idea of someone actually believing this is pissing me off.

its no bait, its true.

>The Irish slaves myth concerns the use of the term Irish "slaves" as a conflation of the penal transportation and indentured servitude of Irish people during the 17th and 18th centuries. Some white nationalists, and others who want to minimize the chattel slavery experience of Africans and their descendants, have used the myth to attack contemporary African American efforts for equality and reparations.

this is you

>all these people falling for obvious bait
They're ending their posts with "racist" every single time. It can't get more obvious. You fags need to responding because they thrive on (You)'s.

I’d say 10,000 years of evolution matter more than 100 years of oppression. Why did africa never do anything even before evil whitey got there? I’m gonna have to go with the genes that were selected for over 1000s over white man bad.

>you mean exploiting nonwhites
So the invention and creation of computers, the auto industry, space travel, the internet, the modern medical industry, aircraft, and everything else that built the modern world was the result of exploiting them poor blacks?


>because of lack of access to opportunities because of whites
Because whites stopped them from having paper to create their own capeshit characters, new stories, math, art, or anything else, right?

They're educated BECAUSE of whites. They speak our language because they never learned how to write down their own. They learn our science because they couldn't come up with their own. Isaac Newton was inspired by an apple to figure out the universe while just sitting there thinking. What stops a black person from doing the same with just sitting there thinking to figure out things no one else thought of, besides coming up with dumb shit like "dabbing?"

And these people claimed to be the Egyptian kings and queens? They seem to lack the building and abstract creative skills of the ancient Egyptians.

You seem to think that knowledge cannot exist unless given to you when that's not true. Imagination and creativity are how masterpieces are created, and how real progress occurs. It's what allowed some stone age groups to flourish while others to remain stone age up into the 20th century.

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>indentured servitude isn't real slavery
Wew lad, those HRT shots are rotting your trangot mind.

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why would there be any distinct races in space? In a truly anti-racist utopian society, all races would miscegenate with each other and everyone would end-up looking like pic related. You're telling me that in the year 2525 or something people are still discriminating on a racial basis when it comes to partner selection? Doesn't sound very advanced and enlightened to me.

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>Why did africa never do anything even before evil whitey got there?
false. you guys no nothing of African history lol

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>ghettoes created by decades of white racism
so white people segregating black people caused them to become violent thugs? are black people not capable of maintaining peaceful communities by themselves with no white/asian man to contain them?
and yet again, this doesn't even prove anything. There are many black authors, just none of them is able to become successful in fantasy genre.

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This is the post that gave you away.

>They speak our language because they never learned how to write down their own
fun fact. white people never created writing on their own. at least none still in use today

Black Space Hive Mind

>Blacks can't even invent the wheel
they are good at stealing it though

>that thread where one self hating white lefty argues with everyone for hours

yeah when you deprive them of access to good schools, over-police them, lock them up and shut them out of opportunity, thats what happens

That's why we're all writing and speaking in ancient Mesopotamian sanskrit, right?

Wow, it's almost as if women are fucking useless idiots too

Do you just assume to know everyone's background?

No one deprived them of anything. And if the policing is so bad hey I dunno maybe follow the fucking law? It's as easy as existing

fun fact african languages often contain as little as 200 words without past or future tenses or any sort of nuance. They for instance don’t have any way to say “half way up the tree.” In Zulu the word for investment is literally “to bind ones feet.” They don’t even have words for simple concepts like that and you know why? It wasn’t important for surviving in the environment they evolved in. They are empirically less intelligent than any other race on earth because of where they evolved. If the whole world right now was suddenly a savanna then yeah they would be superior but guess when traits are the most important for the modern day? Intelligence and planning their weakest traits. Your critical theory ramblings by your social sciences professor are not doing anything to change reality. They are just helping you cope with the fact that humans and races are not equal.

> dindu nuffins

But they're not deprived from good school for decades anymore? Ghettos still exist of course but you make it sound like literally every single black person lives in a neighboorhood where he has to fear for his life. That's not the case
>over-police them lock them up and shut them out of opportunity

He never watched gayniggers from outer space

literally one of his worst songs and definitely his most cringy

Their pride is based on being second class for generations and never figuring out how to do better for themselves?
>our ancestors
Yeah, no.

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>yeah when you deprive them of access to good schools
2+2 = 4. Bases neutralize acids. Shit falls because of gravity. Don't need a Harvard professor to teach you that. But when you idolize drop-out rappers as well as basketball players who think it's racist they go to college before joining the NBA, you de-value the importance of education. Then afterwards when you're dumber than shit, it's all whitey's fault.

Plus you have the single-greatest wealth of knowledge at your disposal right this second with the internet. And I'll bet the only "research" you've done is to "prove" Mozart was black while you just use it to buy shit as well as troll whites. The internet is a billion times greater than even the greatest brick-and-mortal library ever could be. Use it. Stop making excuses. Educate yourself if you truely want it.

>over-police them, lock them up and shut them out of opportunity, thats what happens
That's what happens when they commit more crime than anyone else.

They were on plantations.

Next question, nigger

>our ancestors
not your ancestors. Stop larping as a white man nigger

>That one dude just going through mission plans on the left doing his job, giving 0 shits about the photo op

my ancestors fled starvation from

Black People are never gonna stop bitching. When they succeed, they will always take credit. When they fail, they will always blame others. There's no personal responsibility for anything in the black community, that's why they all abandon their kids. They are really mixed up, and they will never move on.

The fact that you had to rely on black people to espouse your views should take that glimmer of hope away

the ramblings you got that from are some bad linguistics there, and has been debunked many times.

haha got you guys. false flagging is a good way to get even better arguments against the retards that actually believe this shit. thanks incels

source: my ass

just made a post about this. They literally changed a guy from venkat kempoor to vincent kempoor in a movie you were in donald

in the books hes india, so yeah.. in the movie lets make him black with an indian last name

you dont hear me crying all the time as an indian. it actually makes sense to show us in NASA

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imagine thinking niggers are human

>seemingly half the admiralty in Trek
>Sisko Jr
>Sisko's dead wife
>Sisko's new wife
>that token black guy on ENT
>probably more niggers on Stargate spin-offs
>Dr. Franklin
Glover is a faggot and hasn't ever watched a science fiction show in his life. If anything blacks are overrepresented.

imagine actually subscribing to the cancer that is Now This

Niggers have no place in Western culture.

Imagine having this image saved on your computer

Gedaliah Braun is not a linguist and he has a political viewpoint of white nationalism. your source is a joke. im too lazy to find the archive but you can find threads on /his/ debunking his claims. you can also talk to any linguist

There's nothing wrong with exploiting inferior peoples. Especially so if it's to the benefit of ones ingroup. Niggers do this in their take and destroy routine but so haphazardly it amounts to little. Whites just so it better and it makes you feel guilty

*click click pop*

>everyone ITT: racism is over
>this thread filled with nonironic racism
really make ya think

Source of debunking?

glad you agree.

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kill lefty

I just have a question here:
How does racial equality fit in the framework of someone who believes in evolution?

Did God create all races to be equal? Or do you think that evolution occurs like in Digimon and we all became homo-sapiens at the same time and have the same stats?

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>racism is the source of everything that goes wrong in my life
take some fucking responsibility for your actions

should add that africa is fuckin huge

*blocks your path*

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BLACKS are a huge part of it thanks to Jazz, blues, and rock.

However the modern rap-culture blame-whitey-culture has no place. It's amazing how much blacks 60 - 100 years ago accomplished with a hell of a lot less than what blacks of today accomplish. It's like they've past their peak in civilization, and are all downhill now.

It doesn’t so they have to find other things to blame. You can’t accept evolution and not believe in race and genes of different races. They are mutually exclusive beliefs. This won’t stop their cognitive dissonance though. It’s all just “white peoples fault.”


top kek

>liked jar jar and fart jokes
Wow what amazing tastes

but despite being enslaved for hundreds of years and devoid of education and other privileges of society the black community was able to create and continue to contribute to most if not all of american culture?

rock and roll, blues, music, culture, fashion, vernacular, humor, relationships. unfortunately the black community cannot comprehend wealth accrual and retention of wealth for their family. let alone staying to rear a family. :o)

>you just got honked my nigga

>title / sauce of paper cut off
every time.

How do you expect us to believe blacks have had their creativity stolen when the excuse for their rampant crime, lack of accomplishment and general primate behavior is creatively explained away by that very reasoning. Blacks are extremely creative when coming up with excuses for literally everything.

>Crazy Rich Asians

what's the story behind Haiti and Liberia then

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> where are the black people in space
because they're still loitering on the street listening to gangster rap that literally keeps their feet planted on the earth?

> behind
user, africans never tried to advance in the first place, they had no need to. beyond a mud hut and foraging they didn't need any technological advancement like northern europeans did to survive.

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Haiti has been forced to pay reparations to their former colonial masters. basically paying for their own freedom that they fought for lmao. they were shut out of trade for that reason.

i know you be trolling but no nigger '''country''' has done anything like this

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The picture IS the paper, dummie. You just have to take that SNP correlated to intelligence and see how it's distributed across populations. There's no secret. Every single one of those SNPs can be googled. It's all publicly available information; which if assembled by a science with a name, would result in his firing and blacklisting from academia.

This is how race realism will become default; slowly, surely. Every single scientist that helped prove it didn't work on it intentionally. Eventually it will be so in your face and widespread it starts to become stupid to deny it.

>masterfully so

what a faggot, I bet you unironically think it should have been nominated for its Oscars

You're fucking trolling, you've gotta be, ever heard of India you absolute fucking troglodyte?


They did develop, but didn't take it as far as they should have. However the ones ont he southern half of the continent were still stone-age when whitey came along and created more development in 100 years than the blacks did in 100,000 years.

>man these fucking wh*toids ruin our people through slavery
>then they rape intelligence into us by producing mullatos
>then they FORCED our ancestors to willingly consent to travelling through space with all the provisions necessary to start a new civilization on a planet abundant in resources and a climate that is always mild and comfortable

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You are also still ignoring that no country benefited from african colonization and that no african country was actually harmed by it.

Blacks got enslaved by blacks, bought and liberated by whites; the only race that inspired to abolish slavery world wide. Black slaves during white slavery were taught to read and write at a rate higher than the average Chinese or Indian. Some poor white migrants were considered to be lower than blacks.

Modern views on history are completely retconned; whites are treated as the destroyers of the world when any non-white empire was advancing with the same intent it would have resulted in intentional enslavement and brutal norms; which is what the muslim empire did and what whites colonized africa to abolish.


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Underrated album.

Jews are the ones who came up with the lie of white privilege and they're the fucking 1 percent using Whites as a scapegoat for their own actual inherent privilege based on nepotism you dumb fuck. Unbelievable how stupid leftists are, honestly. 2 percent of the population and how many are billionaires again? Fucking idiot.

how can one man be so based? he needs to teach and mentor a school of based critique and analysis. what I wouldn't give to get hour long lectures by Armond instead of fuckheads like peterson. get him and Kondo together and we can remake a better reality I swear to god.

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racist AND antisemitic too. shame on you.

Quality post.

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is that Rick Ross in the background?

Human embodiment of the very void and nature of space. Still dabbin on these wh*toids.

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Peanut butter was already invented, Carver did like peanut butter sandwiches and popularized them. In his time peanut butter was seen as garbage you'd feed to the infirm.

back to discord you go tranny

Where the hell are all the Polish people in space?

>you can also talk to any linguist
Okay. The last one I talked to had some interesting things to say about Aboriginal languages and how none of the words allow for relative positioning. Every word they have for direction or placement is absolute. This means that they have trouble understanding Right from Left, but are fine with understanding North, South, East, and West.

There are plenty of languages that make communication outside of the framework they provide difficult or impossible. The grammar structure of Mandarin is really rigid, and few languages allow for the kinds of misdirection that the complicated grammatical structures that English can afford.

Now stop being lazy and post a source.

why doesn’t he make his own space movie he has the cash

seriously why do blacks love to complain but not do?

he has the one thing that few black people have
work ethic
Donald was never especially talented or an inherently born genius. He was is and hopefully continues to be diligent and hard working. I'm afraid that now since he has children and a family he will have to cowtow to corporate executives and pull back from his independent creative outputs.

Once he finishes whatever FX contract he's in. he should make a serious rap album with DC Pierson. Get the Derrick comedy guys together for a Netflix or HBO series pitch. Get back into comedy hard af.

Damn I miss Donald.

>Modern views on history are completely retconned
They're not at all. Westerners heavily value freedom and the ability for a people to choose their own destiny. It makes sense that taking these things away from a group would be viewed as an enormous moral negative.

this is america this is america guns in my area this is america don't catch you slippin up this is america don't catch you slippin up don't catch you slippin up this is america guns in my area this is america this is america guns in my area this is america don't catch you slippin up this is america don't catch you slippin up don't catch you slippin up this is america guns in my area this is america this is america guns in my area this is america don't catch you slippin up this is america don't catch you slippin up don't catch you slippin up this is america guns in my area this is america this is america guns in my area this is america don't catch you slippin up this is america don't catch you slippin up don't catch you slippin up this is america guns in my area this is america this is america guns in my area this is america don't catch you slippin up this is america don't catch you slippin up don't catch you slippin up this is america guns in my area this is america this is america guns in my area this is america don't catch you slippin up this is america don't catch you slippin up don't catch you slippin up this is america guns in my area this is america this is america guns in my area this is america don't catch you slippin up this is america don't catch you slippin up don't catch you slippin up this is america guns in my area this is america this is america guns in my area this is america don't catch you slippin up this is america don't catch you slippin up don't catch you slippin up this is america guns in my area this is america this is america guns in my area this is america don't catch you slippin up this is america don't catch you slippin up don't catch you slippin up this is america guns in my area this is america this is america guns in my area this is america don't catch you slippin up this is america don't catch you slippin up don't catch you slippin up this is america guns in my area this is america guns in my area this is america

>"as a white guy"

jews aren't white fucking k*ke, gtfo

Shut the fuck up zoomer


sub saharan africans never utilized the concept of the wheel

nor did they ever have a written language

nor did they invent a calendar

This is what happens when American schools only teach about slavery and the holocaust

reminder the largest scale mass lynching of any group in america was of the chinese

>trusting a negro to operate a spacecraft

Didn't the black man have thousands of years head start on a mineral and resource rich continent? You should be on Venus by now.

whites aren't even around that long and excelled. Everyone is jealous of an overachiever.

is this bait?

Whitey did it. For real though this white guilt faggot in the thread got dabbed on. Why does all evidence point to blacks being of lower intellect? You’d think there would be some conflicting studies but no it’s anecdotally and now even empirically true and they still put their head in the sand.

>doesn't know the difference between systematic and systemic

vietnam is a fucking hyper utopiancompared to africa

Whitey did it.

They did have written languages and multiple calendars. They didn't utilize the wheel much, but most transport was done by sea instead.

Sheeeeit mafucka

>letting black people in space
That's like letting smallpox and rubella and swine flu etc.
The ideal future is one where white people leave the planet, colonize space, then come back to Earth after 1000 years to find the nonwhites they left behind have either evolved or died out. Our planet is a cradle that some of us just need to leave behind, but only some of us.

you know, when you say that every white place benefits from white privilege internationally, you might as well just say white people are the best

you’re like two steps from just admitting it

Stuck on earth, why the fuck do you think the whites left

lol I read "Ares" as "Apes" and had a hearty chuckle, someone should shop that

Black people are not in space because they are inherently stupider than white people.

Irish people had the exact same thing happen to them. The term slave also is forever cemented in the Slavic people since that’s were the term comes from

I hate this nigger, not for his opinions, I just can't stand his smug fucking face

sub saharan africa you nigger

what written language did Chad have before the white man set foot on that continent?

who claimed racism was over? jews and blacks never thought it was and brought it back tenfold since Whites let their guard down

It's the future. Op set herself up for that one.

why do nogs always think whitey should just share everything with them?
sci fi was invented by white people (along with most science)

you overestimate their contributions to those genres, blues wouldn't exist without southern gospel which is a white genre, jazz wouldn't exist without essentially romani gypsies bastardizing Western classical music and on and on it goes, all black music is essentially a bastardization of White music and music has been on a steady decline toward simplicity and retardation ever since which takes us to current day: trap hip hop trash

Didn’t stop Jewish, Slavs, Irish, and Asians

Northern Euorpeans were enslaved by Romans, where is my gibs?

Jews exploitation of their retardation and selling it to the white masses is more accurate a summation

well they ARE genocidal apes, civilized peoples tend to look down on such behavior

>what written language did Chad have before the white man set foot on that continent
They probably used some form of modified Arabic script

Whites didn't even know that Africa existed for thousands of years and you still lived in mud huts when we arrived, how is that our fault?

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not so fast the devil! i bet you also think that if a black and white person were to be pulled over for speeding that they would have identical experiences with the police.

Don glover is the diversity in Sci-Fi

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It's almost like ideas spread and people innovate off of them to create something new. Every civilization and group of people does this. Why give black people shit for it?

can't shame truth faggot
the fact that you want to deflect from the actual crisis of the modern era: namely Jewish domination of formerly-White institutions leading to degradation of culture and education, defiling and postmodern deconstruction of the arts and ethnic genocide, and subsidy of the nonworking replacement groups, means you must be long in the nose yourself Chaim.

I thought he was going to apologise but then he went a completely different way and caught me off guard!

>bye have fun
>implying blacks wouldnt be begging whites to let them come along
>implying whites would fuck up their space colonies by bringing jamal

It's directly showing that whites will bring Jamal along, whether he wants to or not

I just want to remind ya'll that