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dog """people""" btfo
>catfags coping this hard
Sick 'em, Fido.
- Hewlett Packard Minecraft
> is not so much that the country is flooded directly with Jewish authors, as that Jewish publishers determine just which of our Aryan writers shall achieve print and position. Taste is insidiously molded along non-Aryan lines—so that, no matter how good the resulting body of literature may be, it is a special, rootless literature which does not represent us.
wow truly cat people are superior of course
haha imagine being so socially repugnant that you can't even get a dog to be your friend. what a fruit
The dog knows that you want him to get the stick (intelligence), the cat just doesn't understand (stupid)
cats know, they just can't be bothered
>t-they just don't care
No, they're simply dumb and can't be taught simple tasks, they're still affectionate and care about their owners.
If you had ever had a cat you would know this, whenver you get home they come over to rub themselves on you for example
dogs are even dumber you fucking faggot.
No, they're a lot smarter than cats.
I have 2 cats and 3 dogs and it's really obvious
Criminally underrated
i kek'd hard, good one
cats are only interested in your heat
a cat won't even associate a human with food
a cat doesn't have enough brain to decide if it wants to be indoors or outdoors at any given time.
Fuck cats
And of course fuck niggers
Nope. Get with the times and stop projecting and trying to see things that aren't there. You people are as insufferable as the idiots who think reptiles have complex emotions or can actually bond with their owner. Pro tip: They can't. It's not a matter of interpretation, their brains literally aren't complex enough.
you can teach cats how to fetch
Both cats and dogs are for cucks. They die in 15 years at the best. Birbs are the real redpill. Live for 80 years and bond with one person and will freak out and die if you die first and not just live with the next guy who feeds them.
Having pets at all is just cope for cucks who are afraid to have kids.
Why did I laugh at this
Anyone who has kept both as pets knows dogs are smarter than cats. All studies on the subject agree. Dogs are among the smartest non-primates on Earth. They can learn vocabularies of thousands of words and understand things like pointing at a distant object which requires an abstract level of thinking possessed by only a handful of species.
yeah no
cats act even more retarded when you throw a stick/toy
and they don't even bring it to you
>they're simply dumb and can't be taught simple tasks
now, dogs>cats
but cats can be taught things, but people make the mistake that thinking you can train a cat like you would train a dog
So the answer is that both dogs and cats are retarded, so why bother with either of them?
dogs are based if you take the time to raise them and pick a race that fits your lifestyle
Is he, dare I say, our guy?
> cats are too stupid to understand what throwing a stick means
>cats don't like you
Lovecraft was a gay jew CIA puppet