Isn't this a little autistic?
Isn't this a little autistic?
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In what way?
All those budget saving bottle episodes so they could blow their wad on this.
I would say maybe the flat windshield.
Modern cars have it slanted to look good and less autistic
>Modern cars have it slanted to look good
It's to get more miles per gallon
Also a spaceship shouldn't even need a vew deck liek that for opperations
Except it isn't flat. It's slightly slanted and even concave, while wrapping around. Seems as if you're being autistic about the design.
Newest ep is absolute kino. If they don't fuck up part 2, this'll be the best two eps of the show.
user, our TVs are already becoming curved, why wouldn't our windows become curved too?
>inb4 robo pal was actually sending back false info so his race would lose to the humans
The Orville ship looks like a toilet seat.
Was last night the first genuinely awful episode of The Orville? Even the cringe-inducing ones beforehand have had some element of corny comfy to them.
If they wanted to be autistic, they would have NO window at all.
Windows are structural weak points in space vehicles. With the technology they have, it should be literally all screens and cameras
This is assuming the window is glass or anything more fragile than the steel/superdense plastics they would use in spaceship construction.
If the window was stronger than the hull, the entire ship would be made out of it
There are curved windows, we have had them for centuries, blowing glass and giving it weird shapes is an art on itself
What if the window is literally the same strength as the hull, but transparent?
They fucked up by making it obviously a pane of glass, but I could see that being a reality.
>The humans are highly susceptible to H20 and Glucose
>Recommend attacking Earth with super soakers and sugar cookies
Windows are structural weaknesses. Why do starships use them?
you know user I think your the first person in the history of humanity and the internet to ever point that out
Fuck off Legion, you're supposed to be dead
In Space Engineers I just put blast doors over the windows for when it sees action.
I could see that happening (unless they plan on getting rid of Isaac permanently though he seems to be a popular character on the show)
What if we could just teleport?
Windowless structures affect our psychological well being. Stress increases, moral drops, suicide thoughts increases, irritability and violent behaviour comes next and all of the sudden you get a dead crew. Real life ships have windows for this reason: the gemini capsules didn't include a window until the pilots demanded they needed to see outside. Instruments are important but the overall well being of the crew takes precedent.
There's a little continuity error that bothers me, Isaac states he doesn't need eyes, the blue dots are there to appease humans but are only cosmetic and then we see the kalons with red eyes already there when they don't actually need to use them.
Maybe the humans they genocided made them with eyes?
What if I put my dick in your mouth?
They can in those modern Star Trek films but they still use ships
I think the bigger error was explaining how they needed to conquer other worlds to accommodate their exploding population. Do they fuck or something? Or did I miss something about depleted natural resources?
wtf curved glass??
Are you trying to say retarded? Are you retarded?
I miss just calling things retarded.
transparent Aluminium.
Wrong. It looks like three toilet seats.
yes please!
I guess the design of your toilet seat was inspired by the Alcubierre drive too.
>Windowless structures affect our psychological well being. Stress increases, moral drops, suicide thoughts increases, irritability and violent behaviour comes next and all of the sudden you get a dead crew.
This is why on BSG most of the colonial fleet love to drink.
They explained, without details, that they committed genocide after their creators tried to limit their evolution while themselves considered their creators as inferiors. They also stated the union will definitely try to limit them as well, just like any other biological, so there's one reason to conquer other worlds.
The other reason is they said their planet exceeded the informational capacity and their population increases exponentially. This could mean resources constraint but also a reference to the fact that all matter has mass and information, or that they simply cannot keep evolving in a planet where they already know everything there is to know, so they'll go to the next one for it, like Brainiac does or the Borg when they assimilate other cultures.
they need more energy. There is a limit of energy and resources a planet can provide.
>all of the sudden
Fuck off Seth
they have it slanted for arrow dynamics, not "looks"
I like it actually
Because they're nice. And we could be literal bullet-proof windows, the skies the limit.
Isn't asking "Isn't this a little autistic" a little autistic?