Wow it was fucking kino the whole time
Fuck you, Yea Forums
Wow it was fucking kino the whole time
Fuck you, Yea Forums
kill yourself faggot
Sneedposter who caused the death of SU threads here, although I am not a sneedposter anymore and fucking hate you faggots. Killing SU threads was one of the best things you ever did and I respect you for that
It's kino if you're a childish, 250 pound single slut who went to college for 'art' classes who also thinks blumpfft should be impeached
>Caused the death of SU threads
You sure about that? There used to be maybe one every 2 weeks but there are 3 in the catalog currently all being bumped to death by based sneedfriends.
As a SUfan, I love it
SNEED returns transvestite abomination
SNEED will always come when degenerate SU threads start popping up on Yea Forums
fuck off right back to
You can't really get any discussion anymore
Nubrony faggot
I'll let you in on a secret.
Yea Forums SU threads were never about the discussion. They were about triggering Yea Forums
Its a tried and true system that not only worked, but now sneedposters are doing our job for us.
See also:
>comparing bronies to SU trannies
even the horsefuckers are better honestly
Problem is, no one is triggered here
Its literally the only acceptable use of sneed
Do adults actually watch this horseshit?
killing comfy simpsons threads is the most sacred of the sneedposters duties
purging SU faggotry from the board is a secondary mission
It is literally done by sneed fags so they can keep posting their shit under a different banner.
Rather pathetic if you think about it.
Yeah I'm not convinced
And those are just the ones in this thread
I mean if complaining about people posting tranny cartoons on Yea Forums is the same as being triggered than sure call it what you want, doesn't make you any less of a low test faggot for enjoying this gay shit.
I'm just telling you how it is man. These threads were never actually about SU
Sneed Universe
Its pathetic though. You “trolling” here is just providing me with an excuse to abuse and insult you, and your friends, because I find it fun. My point here is this. You can shit up my board all you want, youre the one with the fucked up sad life, watching a mediocre show for children that possesses you with an autism so severe that you feel compelled to post meaningless threads elsewhere on the board knowing all the while that they are worthless and a waste of space.
Youre the digita equivalent of a retarded kid drawing a picture of his favorite fortnite character on the wall with his own shit. When I leave the board, I leave this bullshit behind. Youre the one obsessed with childrens trash, I dont imagine youre too well adjusted.
>Writing me a novel
I'm not going to read all that but the fact you decided to pull a Charles Dickens just proves that I'm right and the strategy is effective.
Based of the year
Wow it was fucking Chuck’s the whole time. Fuck you, Sneed!
Not him, but I make frequent SU threads despite never seeing the show in my life just for people like you.
Japs did it better in every way
and also use themes from Zardoz
>im a faggot who shits up the board because of my uncontrollable faggot urges
Youre proud of this?
I'm proud of the (you)s
Lol you sure you aren't mad?
>getting (you)'s is an accomplishment
>being proud that everyone thinks you are an annoying faggot
Adults watch anime so yes
Fuck off you tranny, back to
Violet's Dilate and Violate
How many episodes ran? How long did people talk about it?
That show is beyond forgettable, it could be great but it never lasted beyond a season.
Steven universe is 6 year old user
So is Big Bang Theory user
also the manga has 75 chapters so far
is this that tranny cartoon? fuck off
Haven't seen this gay show but it looks like they ripped off FLCL
Graduate third grade, watch this trash, then get back to us.
Okay, this is epic