Hi, I’m looking for a job, I’m hard working, I set high goals, my motto is if you want to win the lottery...

Hi, I’m looking for a job, I’m hard working, I set high goals, my motto is if you want to win the lottery, you have earn the money to buy a ticket. People say I’m a fast learner, I believe good things come to those who work their asses off, I know the esteem movement in education is not preparing students for the lack of job security offered to prior generations so I know people like you at top of the mountain didn’t just land there. So what do you say?, I could start tonight?.

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was he autistic

Probably not

just a psychopath

You're hired

He cute

Thank you, I will be a hard worker and I will prove my worth

Jake: yes
the character: no

ITT: everyone thinking Jake is literally them

>Implying I'm as hard working as he was

me too. Jake the Snake. literally me.

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I came here to post this youtube.com/watch?v=lDmPTBWw5Sw

I’m Lou, not jakey

I feel like grabbing you by your ears right now and screaming, "I'm not fucking interested!". Instead, I'm going to drive home and do some accounting.

Is it really as fucking amazeballs as it sounds? My mom won't let me watch Jake Gyllenhaal movies

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Unless you're an actual stringer working south Los Angeles who's able to create his own media company from scratch in his twenties and get a sexy milf gf then you're not Lou, user.

was a literal psychopath

I liked the era after this movie came out when all the dumb kids here thought his fake b-school talk sounded good and sincere and not just platitudes spouted by someone who doesn't know shit and isn't saying anything.

i'm not finished. i was being sarcastic, I really actually hated it. these fools acted foolishly and it gave me secondhand embarrassment.

fuck off retard you're not funny

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I'm not the one who made the trailer, cringelord.

I remember this. It was on r9k people talking about their profession, while 90% of the board consists of neets

he's just like me

Damn that’s fucking funny

I'm way too fucking lazy and antisocial to be him. But I want to be him.

Harry Knowles is a dumb fat faggot cuck

While the obvious explanation of the character is that he's a psychopath he's essentially the anthropomorphization of a corporation. Fixated entirely on aggrandizement, incapable of treating other humans as anything other than means to that end and totally unrestrained from any sense of empathy or ethics. The movie is meant to make you register how creepy it is for a human being to actually act the way that engenders business success.

Good post - how he relates to the intern is the best example of this

I'm sure you will. You can start in here. Now the newest Star Wars movie just came out and we also have an anime adaption opening tonight so these washrooms will be absolutely filthy for at least two weeks. I want you to clean them hourly or the filth created by movie goers will overwhelm the whole theatre. Oh, and while we tolerate single men attending super hero and sci fi movies, we do have a no singles policy in place for the rest of the theatre so if you see a single man attempting to enter a theatre not playing capeshit please inform your assistant manager Robert immediately. Any questions?

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Cleaning up is a job, not a difficult job but an unpleasant job.

I know most of Yea Forums lives in a sty of a home so it's always funny to see those same people talk shit about people in the cleaning industry.

only "people" who do it for free

I am lazy as fuck so no, his work ethic is top-notch.

I appreciate your opinion sir but I am trying to talk to my employee. Please return to your viewing of Alita.