Smoking was very prevalent and common in old movies. You can barely see that anymore in movies nowadays. How much money is the anti-smoking lobby pumping to shill the "smoking causes cancer meme" in the hollywood industry?
Smoking was very prevalent and common in old movies. You can barely see that anymore in movies nowadays...
>smoking causes cancer
>believing in propaganda
It's no opinion or "theory" at all, a simple unbeatable fact that smoking harms your health in the long run. A lot.
You literally cannot argue the opposite, the only thing you can argue is that you don't care that you are fucking your lungs up.
we're talking about cancer here. No one is denying that it fucks up your lungs.
Who gives a fuck which disease it ends up being, cancer can just be one of the results.
Is Yea Forums pro or anti vaccine?
Because it's definitely pro autism.
Modern movies are cancer anyway. Don't know why any of you still watch them
A lot, but I don't think it's paid off yet. They've been trying for years to get the MPAA to give any film with smoking an automatic 'R'.
I miss movie smoking.
Sure it causes cancer, but my god it makes everything cooler
No, user... really?
That movie was so shit. I regret watching it so much.
there was a lot of smoking in those movies because the original tobacco jew shilling was happening
essentially we are ridding ourselves of a jew and that's a good thing
Smoking is only in books now
I miss smoking. I loved being a smoker. It was alpha behavior and I still feel the lack of it's coolness these 15 years later.
This movie is a 3 laugh drag-fest.
Actually big tobacco did themselves, they protect their share by making impossible for other players to enter the market.
Black and white was very prevalent in old movies. You only see movies in color nowadays. It's almost like culture changes over time fucking weird huh? Retard.
Fucking up any part if your body repeatedly increases cancer risk. Every time your cells have to repair tissue there's a risk of something going wrong and turning into cancer. This is why prolonged acid reflux can lead to esophageal cancer. I know you're trolling, but there are people reading this thread that don't know this.
>states the reason for the demise of black and white filmography
>doesn't state the same for smoking except muh culture change
I'm not the retard here you logically inconsistent faggot
smoking is kino
Holy shit, is your argument seriously "Smoking doesn't cause cancer, it just causes equally fucked-up debilitation to the lungs"?
Your entire argument is based on arbitrary semantics. Just stop, man.
Somebody let the smoker out he'll chill.
Don't forget to shut the door behind you.
Because smoke companies paid directors to advertise in the movie. You don't seriously think directors just added shit like smoking arbitrarily to make people look cool did you? Everything is tied to advertiser's throwing money at movies to advertise products.
I'm sure that recent regulations have prevented this from being as prevalent like before
true. im doing a french new wave module at uni and every one of those bastards constantly has a cig on the go and they look so fucking cool.
Are you retarded or just braindead? Smoking literally causes a litany of different cancers.