"I fucked Chuck."

>"I fucked Chuck."


Attached: Kim-Wexler-Rhea-Seehorn.jpg (619x412, 123K)

formerly Breaking Bad

Is season 4 worth watching?

i feeded sneed

Attached: 1502935185248.jpg (1080x1600, 338K)

this is really well done

As much as the rest. Most complaints you’ll hear will be “it’s soooo slow!” and “Nothing happens at all!”, but it’s not even that much slower than Breaking Bad was. I’m gonna stick with it until the end. S4 was probably an 8/10.

>original meme

Dubs and sneed gets wordfiltered

>Off by one

fuck I came here to post that

Watch it for Kim.

Formerly sucked.

The names Saul Kimtoesucka but you can call me slipping Jimmy

Characters and writing are objectively better than Breaking Bad too.

what an ugly cunt best scene in this show is the talking toilet

trips it stays 4evar

its comfy

She has amazing feet

h-haha, no way
p-prove it

Attached: I hate to see her go but I love to watch her leave.webm (620x980, 918K)