Alita turned me into a Fucking weeabo

What even is with this movie? It has no right to be that good!
Why has it touched me so deeply?

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Other urls found in this thread:

You have a small brain and play videogames

Weebs hate it though, normalfag

because you're horny and lonely

because nostalgia, its composed like a 90's movie

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I don't play videogames though
I have a gf too

>be in theater
>"You made the biggest mistake of your life. And what's that?"
>audience eyes widen in anticipation
>"Underestimating who I am."
>audiences starts clapping and screaming with laughter while throwing their fedoras at the screen
>on the back of me I hear people singing The Game of Thrones tune with the text "men blown the fuck out"
>Salazar rolls out a rag doll esque Ruth Bader Ginsburg in front of the screen and starts dancing like PSY while chanting "UP UP UP UPVOTE REDDIT STYLE"
>meanwhile people pull out their phones and start taking pictures of RBG and posting it on reddit claiming she's still alive
>as I wanted to leave the theater I stumble on a band of 30 manchildren chanting "UPVOTE REDDIT STYLE .... UP, UP UP UPVOTE REDDIT STYLE" while dancing like PSY
>desperately trying to escape this hell hole I see alot of children crying of fear but their parents don't seem to respond
>as I take a look around the theatre trying to find an escape I come to the conclusion that the whole audience except for the children are singing and dancing "UPVOTE REDDIT STYLE"
>in a desperate attempt to survive I pick one of the pusssyhats on the ground and start chanting "times up men" to every person I come across while trying to escape
>the crowd didn't seem to notice me and as I walked out of the theater I looked back
>the children are getting crushed by the amount of people dancing and singing like PSY
>i remember the tears on their faces but all I heard while finally leaving the theater were the people screaming "upvote reddit style"
If you like this reddit flick then you're in the wrong place

imagine writing this

I don't really get what you mean but it's as good as an excuse as any other.

there are different methods to how you compose the highs and lows of the movie. It's all about contrast - the highs, like the protagonist winning, of the movie will feel higher if they're preceded by a deep low, like the protagonist losing.

there are also certain archetypes and elements that are typically used, like the clever scientist, the bold but reckless young adult, young romance, good vs evil... You're probably starting to see where I'm going with this

I guess I miss the 90s

I imagine being so out of touch with reality that it would make me extremely uncomfortable to even look out the window and the thought of going outside would make me piss my pants.

Degenerate pasta eater but I understand. Alita a cute.

of course you do, 70% of all movies weren't leftist propaganda disguised as superhero movies back then

To be fair the setting of the film is very #diverse and it has a #strongfemalecharacter

It's about a 100% sincere character who excitedly and relentlessly seeks the truth about herself and her world, gaining as much strength and confidence as she possibility can so that she protect herself and live a long and happy fulfilled life.

How many people do you know like that? How many people inspire you like that? I don't know any in my life that come close.

The only other movie that came close was BR2049, AFAIK, and that was not widely received either.

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Both films that audiences loved but didn't set the box office alight.

Why are alita parasites so new?

i used to think Yea Forums waifufags were pathetic until this movie turned me into one.

im happy with whatever precious little i can get

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Fight me

no fren, i will join you

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I liked the movie but come on...

Alita is more like a teen who suddenly realizes she's good at (and likes) smashing things. That's it. No 2deep4u character development whatsoever.

What's the background to Alita from the source material? Like was she a real person at one point before being turned into a Martian cyborg soldier?

I enjoyed her growth though. A bit corny maybe, but so sincere and endearing.

I'm sorta old, alita is a good film stop being a faggot and start shilling for alita 2

>Fight me
I refuse.

But it is worth noting that neither one had a vagina and yet were deeply loved by male characters and this seems to have gone over the heads of a lot of people.

Think about how much women make their lives revolve around their vaginas and then Joi and Alita come by and show this example of pure love and it just does not compute for them.

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I don't think it's so much weebs hate it as Yea Forums hates it because they are massive autists who can't handle having it on their board because it's live action.

Go into a thread about it on Yea Forums, they never actually criticise the movie like you see on Yea Forums it's all just reeeeing at op for daring to post about it.

They hate this so much

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Her "development" is self-discovery and typical teenage girl development. Her boy-crazy side conflicts with her bloodlust side and both get her into measures of trouble. By the end, her development isn't complete, and it's arguably not positive development, but she's changed from the naïve daddy's girl that woke up to a determined assassin.

>Rosa's wtf face with that hologram thing

Women wrongfully think mens' fantasy is all about sex. But what we actually want is a qt girl who loves us and is loyal. That's it.

Alita has all the qualities of a professional soldier in a cute, appealing package. Like St. Joan of Arc.

>Think about how much women make their lives revolve around their vaginas and then Joi and Alita come by and show this example of pure love and it just does not compute for them.
Interesting point

Does "weeb" increase in unaited states?

Except she's not a teen and she pulls the heart that makes her good at smashing things out from her chest and offers it to someone in complete sincerity.

The level of sincerity and personal bravery is really off the charts. Normies can't process that. They live insincere fearful lives.

You're not

you don't want to know

More like naiveness that come from teen love. When you're a teen you fall really hard for your crush.

The difference between sincerity and naïveté is measured by confidence, strength, and bravery. Alita is off the charts.

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Itt: scenes you'd like to see included in the sequel

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>no women would be jealous of manufactured robot bodies

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You could argue that the difference is also measured by ignorance and stupidity, which Alita had in spades when she offered her heart to an organ thief.

I can't wait for more 80s OVA kino.
They should adapt Patlabor or Bubblegum Crisis next.

Angry, bitter troll will never have a qt girl offer him her heart...

..."This movie sucks!"


Bubblegum crisis is pretty meh, but the spinoff ad police oav are kino and would make for great movies potentially.

Why would he steal it of she's offering it for free?

Sex dolls have vaginas. How do you know Alita doesn't?

Interesting you mention that, because when you give something to a thief, they're no longer a thief. He changes. It inspires him to give up that life.

You say giving something to a thief is ignorant and stupid. I say if you're sincere with yourself and strong, confident, and brave enough then it's extraordinary and inspiring.

Who is that strong? I only know of one character.

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>tfw being so insecure of his post you wrote another paid blogpost just to tell everyone how secure you felt

>Does it bother you that I'm not human?

This line implies that she does not have a body capable of pleasing him in the way a human body can.

Alita's plasma-firing metal nanobot body is made for destruction and not reproduction.

Also sex dolls literally do not have vaginas and I think you should spend an hour or two in a formal study of anatomy.

>Also sex dolls literally do not have vaginas
Wait what

Tfw now cute robot gf who would literally give you her heart

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I don't normally watch movies, can someone tell me how long it usually takes for a movie to release on bluray after showing in theaters?

>Let's look at the bright side.
>At least your tears are working.

I literally just got back and I'm glad I went so I can identify the shills that say shit like OP. The movie was mediocre best with unintentionally funny dialogue because of how dumb it was holy shit.

A few months.

>I'm glad I went

yeah but they got pussies

>>This line implies that she does not have a body capable of pleasing him in the way a human body can

I am always fascinated by the word "dude" used as a slur.

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You are a very arid guy, and I feel sorry for your life.


you wanna see shills? check out this thread it hilarious how bad they are at trying to fit in

Its made $184 million! That means its broke even and its only the start of its second weekend!

Sequel here we come :)

That's not how it works. Rule of thumb is that it cost just as much to market as to make, and the studio doesn't get all the box office either. How much they get depends on which market we're in, and how far into the release it is, and negotiations.

I think it needs at least 400 million global box office to break even, and the studio would probably like it to make even more to be a worthwhile investment. It's a labor of love for Cameron though, so he might bankroll a sequel no matter how profitable it is. It has to break even though.

True. But things would get pretty frustrating with JOI pretty quick. Alita would whip up a nanotech URM Beserker Pussy in no time. Alita, despite the freaky Disney eyes, is the better long term choice for a number of reasons.

Trolling aside I think it will break $400m. Word of mouth is good on it and this is the second weekend in the US along with the first weekend in China. Its already met its production budget.

JOI lets you fuck prostitutes.

Why are you all so obsessed with fucking box office.
I just wanted to share my enthusiasm for a flick that finally didn't felt like the usual garbage and all I get for it is being called a shill and being told that It's a financial flop.
I know nu/tv/ is just like that, but it is all so disheartening and tiresome.

>despite the freaky Disney eyes
thats a plus, you pleb

Oh I agree - I like the movie too. I'm about to go see it in 3D now after having seen it in 2D earlier this week.

But if you start making box office celebrations, and predicting a sequel, I think you shouldn't make such an easily refuted argument. Not that it matters much - and many paid journalists actually made the same type of mistake around Solo: A Star Wars Story - but making that sort of argument makes you look more like an actual shill than an exited movie-goer.

That post about breaking even wasn't mine though

Pretty sure Cameron backed off directing it so as to protect his multi-billion gross track record. He knew it was niche and a long shot to sell big. He knew that if he put his name on the director's seat audiences would expect a visual spectacle that would have run the budget up at least another $100 million which he knew he wouldn't make back. Tonally it's a teen flick, so he got Mr. Spy Kids to direct, but the story wasn't quite fun enough to adequately capture that demographic broadly.

Don't pay for sex. JOI is a digital whore with no free will. Sad.

I guess it is an uphill battle to win over the zoomer demographic now that capeshit has monopolized imagination

I think it would freak the shit out of you in person.

I liked the spectacle in the cinema. Felt I got my moneys worth. I had very low expectations going in though. Id probably see it again but wouldnt go out of my way to do it.

It is. And there is a real reluctance to tell stories with a deep sadness at their core. Gunnm is a super bleak, depressing story. Combine that with the zoomer disdain for cyberpunk (grandpa's le Matrix) and you've got a film that really should have been released around the same time as Avatar, frankly.

That feel when Japan of all countries has now become the last bastion of soul.

I prefer blues myself.

i love anime +manga

This movie was DOGSHIT

it might as well have been another hollywood capeshit

If it was "another Hollywood capeshit" you would have loved it, user.

They feel Marvel's success is their success, and that any other movie's success detracts from Marvel.

They don't care if Marvel movies are any good or not anymore- just so long as they make box office.

Since you love anime and I got banned on Yea Forums what would you recommend?
I've seen some essential cyberpunk like Akira and gits, but I'd like to watch more.

Daily reminder that if you think ill of Alita, Avatar, or any of the other works of Based Jim - you do not belong here and would be much more comfortable at Redd*t.

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I like all of Cameron stuff except Avatar. That movie really didn't do anything for me. Idk what that's all about.


Is that in the manga or something? Because the movie wasn't very cyberpunk.

>disney's avatar

Hellsing (Ultimate + Original)
Elfen lied
Ichi The Killer
Fist of the North Star movie
Ninja Scroll (movie)
Sword of the Stranger
Ghost in the Shell (did not enjoy)
Cowboy Bebop
Neon Evangelion (did not enjoy)
Grave of the fireflies
Spirited Away
Perfect Blue
Blood: The last vampire (did not enjoy)
Appleseed movie (did not enjoy)
Barefoot Gen
Demon City Shinjuku
Vampire Hunter D movie
Violence Jack
Grappler Baki (netflix version, original is too much filler and not worth watching)

Out of all of those i'd reccomend Hellsing, Elfen lied and Berserk as the best ones

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>IP owned by James Cameron

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Tfw even of the movie succeeds and gets a sequel the studio will belong to the Mouse and any follow up will be produced under his rule

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>the percentage fox owns will not be transferred to disney

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>Fist of the Northstar
absolute kino, and the only one from this list I’ve seen. Just herniated a disc in the thoracic too. Will be busy this weekend. Thanks

>a nanotech URM Beserker Pussy
>tfw Alita will never anuhilate your penis
Why live bros ?

I've actually seen a bunch of those (stand alone movies for the most part).
I guess I enjoyed hellsing, but elfen lied looks like edgy shit. Maybe I'll check out berserk.
Thanks for the input weebro.

>Pretty sure Cameron backed off directing it so as to protect his multi-billion gross track record
No, he was too busy with 4 Avatar movies and the budget upward $800 million. He is also involved in reviving Terminator and Alien. Cut the man some slack. He is old already.

IP is owned by James. Fox chipped in the money to make the 4 sequel but they only have the shares in those 4. Jim can make Avatar 6 by going to another investor.

He sat on his balls for a decade.

>Why has it touched me so deeply?
Because it looked real visually and emotionally.
Something rare in Hollywood.

wait... this is supposed to be destinova?

Armored Trooper VOTOMS

this board is full of fucking refn autists no wonder you retards like this shit

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Calling investment for Alita is hard. It's only finally got greenlited because of James Cameroon.

I don't see the connection

yes, desty nova is played by edward norton

>think it will break $400m.
Hope you're right. It's flawed but has excellence in it and I really want to see how the story plays out in the sequel. Given a $150m budget, plus another $100 for marketing, it ideally shouldn't make less than $500m in order to justify a sequel.

Because we see her naked body and it has no vagina.

It means you all have bad taste

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I was going to rebut, but those digits tell the truth

Its actually a really good movie is why. Its chock full of everything from brainless action to deep scifi themes. Its a non stop roller coaster of ups and downs from the get go.

The motor ball sequence was the hypest shit I've seen in a blockbuster since Fury Road

Speak for yourself faggot. That shit gets old

>I love anime
>recommends fucking elfen lied

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Captain marvel will destroy alita

>It's flawed but has excellence in it
the excellence is in the manga. the movie copies some elements verbatim, but diminishes others.

so(y) runners whole character development is hurr durr le misunderstanding
and hurr durr "i think you are fine without a soul"

i cant even tell which is worse at this point.

BGC would be perfect in this day and age
>female leads
>Superhero armor
>Neo Toyko setting

Can tap into the Cape audience, appeal to feminists and have a story reason for a diverse cast. Plus the original ending was rushed and shitty so if they change it no one will care

This is actually pretty funny

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Yeah I guess I didn't consider this and just went with personal taste. You make some good points.

Votoms, Patlabor, Berserk (the1997 series), Jojos Bizarre Adventure.

Your hand doesn't count as a gf.


OP here. I have amazing taste in movies. In fact I regularly post in the arthouse general threads.

she has a better body now

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The doll body was better imo.

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Plus I'm sure I do could easily install a flashlight or two in it

you mentioned upvote/psy too much, but the time's up line was good


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>skin-tight clothes
technically, she has no skin

Based anti-reddit poster

Thanks for the recommendations pals. As shit as this board can get at the very least you're friendlier than Yea Forums.

I need alita nudesss.


you know he hit the nail since she felt the need to respond to that argument specifically

She is for hugs and cuddles, not for lewds

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Im gonna put her face on a hot nude body. What porn star can i use?

>Hugo isnt a spinal cord thief


Ghost in the Shell (except for a couple episodes)
Gurren Lagann for the hypest robot show ever
Haibane Renmei
Ghost Hunt

>make awful shitpost spoonfeeding thread on Yea Forums
>go to Yea Forums and make shitpost spoonfeeding thread
commit lack of oxygen

Alita in the knewd

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>i regularly post in the arthouse general threads therefore i have amazing taste
You're so fucking dense

Oh yeah, I’m back from 3D. Full theater - not a high bar since it was running in 2D at the same time in the multiplex and that screen was about half(?) full. Also the weekend crowd was more into it than the wednesday afternoon crowd, laughing at the funny parts and sniffling a bit.

Good 3D movie, worth a second watch, maybe not a third. It could stand to be 20 minutes longer with all the plot crammed in - some of the scenes with Hugo felt deeper on the second watch because I knew more about his motivations this time around.

Breh, look at her face. CM looks like that soccer mom who bitches about "violent videogames" and drinks copious amounts of wine

What actress?

It’s ma’am to you!


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Magazone 23 would be a good fit for the current 80s nostalgia trend with the whole 20th century simulation set-up

Don't you fucking dare comparing BR2049 to this shit.

You people are so pathetic with how you let fictional women get to you like this

I swear it's the first time for me. I'm not a waifu fag (I guess I am now)

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great copypasta

You are right, why would I fight you?

its the same type of autism. fans of both do not like the source and don't care that they're poorly written. They like them for reasons unrelated to actual quality.



$200 million (gross)[5]
$170 million (net)[6]

Box office $152.6 million[6]