Google "Jesus" after watching Passion of the Christ

>google "Jesus" after watching Passion of the Christ
>mfw he actually existed

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Other urls found in this thread:

The question is not "did jesus exist?", it's "who was Jesus?"

His life was pretty well documented.

>google "holocaust" after watching schindler's list
thank god something so terrible didn't actually happen irl

Jesus wasn't one man. It was a title passed to the greatest men of every generation, like Batman.

I recently read the book of John. Good stuff

fuck off speedwatcher

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>watching jesus kino
>they show the romans as the bad guys instead of the jews
immersion ruined

Pilot did nothing wrong

*theories about his life

He did user and he died for our sins, everyday you must feel grateful even if the present looks dark and hopeless you can always remember the sacrifice he made for us, bless you.

Oh, you mean Gannicus.

What's the deal with the contacts?

But he knew he'd come back? That's kind of rigging the system a little, self-fulfilling prophet and all that.
>be innocent, peace-loving merchant jew
>this guy busts through the door and starts fucking your merchandise up while screaming some retarded shit about kingdom come or something
>report the man to the roman authorities, he gets detained, continues to act like a lunatic, ultimately sentences to be crucified
>2000 years later digital racists on anime forum brand me a villian

Based green goblin

>be innocent, peace-loving merchant jew

pick one

>google thing
>read for 5 minutes on wikipedia
>mfw think I learned anything about centuries of scholarly debate

no, because we all have everliving souls. Christ returns and is transmogrified by the experience of death, and he feared it, as we all fear it.


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top kek

There was a Jesus, he got popular, and he did get crucified.

He didn't actually do any miracles because people were really fucking retarded back then and would believe anything anybody said without evidence.

>his life was pretty well documented
>contradictory stories about his birth
>30 year time gap
>contradictory stories about his death

Jesus never existed at all.


>directed by an Italian
>based on a book by a Greek
>best Jesus movie to date
Why are Meds so based bros?

fake news man, dont fall for that shit.

Based Jesus

>google "Jesus"
>for some reason he looks white

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if he was so great, why did he die?

yeshua ha nostri

Because he was born.

Shouldn't have done business on a weekend, union laws are very strict

G-d decided it was his time

Was Jesus an incel? Was he Mary\s beta orbiter?

A futile attempt to guilt trip jews into following his version of Judaism. Shekelsus should have understood how evil his people were when they chased him out of Nazareth

Because he lived in a society

There's plenty of contemporary evidence unrelated to the Bible that he did exist.
Whether he was divine is a whole other question.

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*nods respectfully towards you*

A guy who can transmute matter, that fucker would have been recorded everywhere if he was actually real.

>sandnigs of 2 thousand years ago look like they do now
okay, this is epic




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I guess Perseus is real too.

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That's a trilby, not a fedora

>"was getting caught part of your plan? and getting tortured, and murdered, and yelling at the brinks of death that your god has forsaken you?"

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Oh yes, no other historical person has contradictory information about their life, or has the first sources about them many years after their deaths

Jesus is the most pathetic demigod in mythology, all others would make the roman boils alive before they even came close to crucifying them. How could I respect a pussy who lets literal insects harm him? Fuck Jesus.

>thinking the levant was brown prior to arab conquest
He would have been similar complexion to pic related

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I watched Doctor Who and they said Jesus was black, I trust the Doctor lol

Father, into your hands I commend my spirit
Father, into your hands
Why have you forsaken me?
In your eyes, forsaken me?
In your thoughts, forsaken me?
In your heart, forsaken me?

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>literal insects

There’s better evidence for the existence of Jesus than Alexander the Great

>his people
But Jesus is from Josephs line, modern kikes come from Judah. Jacob's chosen son and thus chosen people were sold into slavery by Judah, those same people fled Israel when it fell to the Assyrians

>middle easterns 2000 years ago looked like far-north germanic europeans
okay, this is epic

Jesus isnt even Joseph's son, and Mary is a jew making Jesus a fucking jew. Btw you fucking braindead idiot JACOB NEVER EXISTED. Those biblical stories were jewish attempts to explain how they exist genetics has proven jews completely wrong about how they came to be.

>virgin birth

Jesus Never Existed

He is simply a character that people can focus on to learn allegories about life.

*le tip

t Pharisee

The son of god

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Jesus was pretty based and redpilled.

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>da joos
>da lies
based retard


>referred to as "the chosen people"
>suffer and wait for the coming of the messiah to lead them to paradise
>messiah shows up and calls them greedy, immoral, secular, blasphemous, secular Jews
>tells them to offer up their secular lifestyle in order to be grated access to paradise
>Jews chimp out and kill him
>call him a fake, and say they're still waiting for the messiah to come
what was their fucking problem?

There was no:

All are fictional jewish mythological beings meant to push an agenda of anti goyim sentiment in tribal jewish infestations in the ancient middle east. What better way to motivate your insane semite tribe than making up bogus crap about gentiles oppressing you(Egyptians enslaved us for real goyim!). I believe Mary at least had to be real because the time period she existed in as for Jesus hmm...

Can't wait for the netflix reboot mini series where he's cast as a woman

So what do you say to all the evidence that Jesus did exist?

So do we come back as well? Is there an opt-out system at the gates?

Probably some jew rebel that had lies tied to him and was warped into a messiah by a nutjob named (((Paul))).






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Wait, so you’re saying he did exist? That he was a rebel?






A reminder that anyone can go to Heaven.

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why the fuck do lyrics have to rhyme? it's so cringey

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Heh, whatever you say, kid

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>Steven Goldstein

legitimately bizarre post

This user is also confused by "why the have to have patterned syllable count? So cringey, what the fuck is meter?"

>confused by "why the have to have
me too

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>Christian movement documented within 20-30 years of Christs death
>Oldest Christian writings were written within 20-40 years of Christs death
>Christian movement already a problem for both Jews and Romans within 20-40 years of founders death
>Jews kept documents and lineages of everyone
>Neither Jews nor Romans attempted to prove he did not exist
>Historians of both cultures documents him or allude to him

Anyone who says he didnt exist and had at least some messianic movement around him is either ignorant or in denial.

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Friendly reminder: Yea Forums is a Catholic board, always has been, always will be. God bless you.

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oddly enough jesus wasn't the only miracle prophet of his time
this other dude is said to have some similar feats to jesus, to the point some argue his story was later interpolated into jesus'

You mean the whole "created by God from clay" thing was disproven by genetics? Say it ain't so.

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tfw Jesus chased the merchants out the temple but now every church is a market

Then said historical person's life wasn't well documented, what are you even on about

> "who was Jesus?"

Yeah and the reasons they have for why it wasn’t well documented were that there is contradictory information about their life and death, and there is a thirty year gap between the events and first sources. The reason that doesn’t work as an argument is because there are tons of historical figures who nobody denies the existence of despite having the same problems, often times in worse cases.

is it okay as a christian to want to war up on catholics? their girls are pretty hot but the religion other than that is pretty trash

>google "Buddha"
>for some reason he is Asian

Trivia fact: Buddha was Indian, as in dot.

Catholicism is the only true Christianity - others are pagan nonsense.

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The contradictions imply that it was multiple eyewitnesses, and not multiple people copying some single lie. Learn how police detectives work, because you're arguing the opposite of what you want to prove.

that quarrel has been going on for a while. not really breaking new ground there

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>Oh nevermind us building these gigantic phallic vanity projects literally glazed in gold, feel free to bring more money to save your souls or something goy



how is this not idolatry?

Take your fake, coward religion elsewhere. It always has to be us Catholics to defend the world against degeneracy, while you bozo protestants sit in the background still crying over a petty quarrel centuries old. Very, very ungrateful, many such cases!

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its called architecture, protestant cuck

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>nobody denies the existence
Nobody is denying the existence of Christ (OP was baiting you)
>The question is not "did jesus exist?", it's "who was Jesus?"
And his life was not well documented. That's why that question is being asked.
What the other guy was

yeah, no.

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>What the other guy was
Ignore that, forgot to delete that

protestants were never able to replicate those levels of aesthetic

It's a testament to work ethic, tenacity, and character that can produce such great works to honor God. You protestant jokesters see it as idolatry/pride, when it in reality it's meant to inspire future generations to see what is possible
A. when we come together as one force in ideology and faith
B. when man puts God and his brothers before himself
C. when we commit to greatness to selfishly improve the world
Face it: you heathens lack discipline and commitment. Very sad.

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based and catholicpilled

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this looks rad as fuck desu. Protestants btfo everytime

What a world we live in

kek, they'll never learn lol

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are you sure you understand what idolatry is? Are you really reeeeeaaally sure? Because it has absolutely nothing to do with how large, intricate and wealthy churches can be. If you remove all statues of Mary from catholic churches then there would be no more idolatry going on there than in any protestant church.

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This is a Christian thread. All non-believers must extradite their asses back to /r9k/

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>Jesus never existed

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what an ugly church

looks like a literal termite mound

Was Jesus redpilled on the JQ?

Fucking heretics are killing this board, let me tell ya.

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This is why Protestants will be damned, they don't understand basic fucking principles of Christianity.

You should look up some of the other images of it from Spain. Some parts of it I love, some I agree with your criticism, albeit I get the aim of it.

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So is Harry Potter.

>jesus existed evidence
Lol. What a bunch of fucking retards. That's like saying a person named Alexander existed at a particular time in a particular place. No shit sherlock. Did Alexander the great exist? Absolutely. Mountains of evidence support that. Did jesus christ exist? Probably fucking not. Thousands of little religious groups with nutty as fuck leaders popped up around that time. Is there evidence of the shit about a very specific guy named jesus as laid out on the new testament? Fuck no. It's all gobbledygook. Stolen stories and tales. Fuck even the golden rule was copied from Homer's works and he probably copied it because examples of it can be found from before his work.
Jesus is a bullshit story for retarded goat fuckers. Congratulations, you are exactly as intelligent as a malnourished goat fucker from way back with no formal education.

You really don't know why large extravagant churches were built, do you?

>anyone I've met in medical school is a God-fearer, or at least agnostic
>"as intelligent as a malnourished goat fucker from way back with no formal education."
Projecting much?

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Looks Byzantine.

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He probably was, but to what extent are the tales about him accurate..?

It's not finished yet, they want to be done by 2026

>anyone I've met in medical school is a God-fearer, or at least agnostic
That's burgerland for ya

>"Medical school"
Do tell goat fucker what school would that be? I'm guessing Catholic pedophile money is involved.

>Literally the best and most difficult medical schools to gain admission to in the world
Sounds about right.

>"That's burgerland for ya"
No, it's really not. Generation x started a serous decline in religious participation and belief in the USA. At this point college age kids that identify as Christian are a rare bird.

Idolatry is using an object or sight as the source and aim of your worship. These are more showing how people can make beautiful art when they have a purpose for it in mind, such as a testament to their god. Nowadays though, things built are done through companies and budgets. Imagine trying to get some upstart artist to paint the ceiling of the biggest cathedral in 2019.

A non-ivy, private, top 25 worldwide US medical school. I'm not that stupid to post its name so I can have my IP tagged and cross-referenced against my class of ~180 (in a school of ~700), my NSA subversion coordinator.

Name it or go back to whacking off to an approved appropriate fantasy picked from the examples given to you by your youth pastor.

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>implying difficult of admission indicates anything relevant regarding personal beliefs
I'm not saying that burgers are less likely to become great M.D.s, just that religious beliefs are much more uncommon within higher education in most other developed nations

Imagine all the poor ignorant people who went hungry and without so those child fuckers could build this monument to themselves. Its sickening.

Why, because cunnies? Even francis is now cracking down on that stuff

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Spoken like a true protestant

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Everyone dislikes Francis - he is a communist imbecile is who still shielding pedophiles, and allowing degeneracy to spread throughout the world. Very embarrassing and disgraceful. We need another pic-related who is not a prostrating coward.

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cry more pleb

Shame on you, but I'll pray for your soul.

The synoptic gospels read more than anything like the rationalizations of dupes who now realize they were following a charlatan who was justly and summarily executed by the local government, exercising its law enforcement duties. Paul was a sand-dancing P. T. Barnum executing the completion of the Nazarene's grand plan: put one over on the goy of global proportions. Mark is a mess. He has no Christmas, because he was too distraught to conjure the cunning to steal it, that would come decades later with Mathew and Luke. And the ending is tacked on by some other distraught nerf-herder who was also most likely, like them all, a disgruntled Jew who did not want to create a new religion at all, but to reform Judaism. What if your Jesus was nothing more than a first-century libtard fag who, like the modern day bug-eyed collectivists, just wanted to rob from the rich to pay himself; and his circle of disciples was just an itinerant gay circle-jerk afraid of being persecuted by the Sanhedrin? And John is so stoned don't even. John wasn't even the right John. Dude is 420 blazin. And anyway Mark already gave away the game. Paul's ingenious formulation "He died for your sins so that all may have eternal life if you come through Him" isn't even non-sequitor. It's the ranting and raving of a cult leader who diddles little boys.

Imagine yourself actually living in the first century middle east. Life sucks in every way. Toil. Disease. Grinding poverty. Along comes this hippie with a story. So of course you follow him. Every day is an episode of Coast to Coast and your misery barely recedes, when BAM he's executed for vandalizing a temple. In Jerusalem. What do you tell yourself? You were a hippie-dippy follower of a compelling bullshit artist? No. You weave up all the dead fake's bullshit into a book. That you foist on the most charismatic salesman you've met since, and you're off to the races. The Catholic Church has been carrying on the tradition exactly as given ever since.

Yeah it is but luckily they probably died or fucked off.

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Says the cunt who can't provide as it happened evidence of his gods.

Not really, the 3 first Evangiles are made up from 2 sources wich are probably forever lost, and the fourth is more allegorical
Nobody really know what he did for the 30 years of his life too.

Catholics may have their architecture but protestants have Bach and Händel.
Just imagine christmas without their music.
Absolutely horrifying.

>tfw Jews are still mad today because they got utterly demolished and exposed by Jesus

There is more evidence that he DID NOT exist than there is that he did , you can also google jesus never existed , or google jesus stories stolen

10 Ways The Bible Was Influenced By Other Religions

10 Christ-like Figures Who Pre-Date Jesus

5 reasons to suspect that Jesus never existed

Did historical Jesus really exist? The evidence just doesn't add up.
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>Please hit that like button and smash the subscribe button I really appreciate it and don't forget new posts everyday. Also please donate to my patreon.

I was joking here

>Read the Bible
>"Wow what an interesting novel"
>Look it up
>The entire thing happened
>MFW Jesus comes again to judge the living and the dead

Reminder to get saved

So that he could defeat sin, rise up again, and live for all eternity

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