Dude what if we made Gollum but trash

>Dude what if we made Gollum but trash

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>when dumbshit Hermione keeps trying to free all the elves but they continually tell her to fuck off and Dobby wears like 10 hats because fuck Hemione

>what if we made a bad guy called wormtail but it has nothing to do with wormtongue
>what if he’s called the Dark Lord but he’s definitely not Sauron
>what if it’s a magical evil piece of jewelry that drives you crazy if you carry it around
>but it’s not the one ring
Bravo Rowling


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"He who must not be named" is a direct ripoff of LOTR. In Gondor, Sauron is referred to as "He who we do not name"

>Dude what if the bad guys are nazi racists who hate racemixing
>>But wouldn't mixing wizards and muggles actually destroy magical genes
>... no

Directly ripped off the books. Ron, Hermione, and Crookshanks directly ripped from Merry, Pippin, and Boggo.

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I loved those books as a kid!

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crookshanks is clearly bill the pony

>lets mix slice-of-life boarding school novels with classic fantasy
that's the whole point, brainlets
that's kinda

The house elves are genuinely made for little kids. My siblings are 8 and go crazy every time hes on screen

>Tolkien intended to create British folklore
>fags on an anime imageboard seethe because Brits use "his" ideas to build their own stories
*his in quotation marks because he was a hack fraud who stole most of it

That is prime cunt right there

It does make sense that she would draw a lot from Tolkien. Almost every fantasy writer after 1955 did and still do.

>creating something original

>hack fraud
Sure, reddit

Yeah because Tolkien invent elves and all that right

dude man i hated ron in these films
wtf was rowling thinking
he has no redeeming qualities, none

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I stopped reading the books when the 4th came out. Harry was such a petulant cunt. And I haven't read or watched anything from the franchise since. Judging from the shit I've seen on here, it looks like I made the right decision

Ron was far more sympathetic in the books and you actually got to understand his side, in the films all of that gets lost and he just comes off as a dumb little prick

>dumb little prick
and he gets hermione anyway, for no damn reason
shit pisses me off to this day

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>let's mash up two things together
Just because someone intended to shit on the floor doesn't mean it's good

>they took two things and combined them!
equally retarded, faggot. Originality and quality are not mutually inclusive

gollum was trash

I'm pretty sure both Tolkien and Rowling took that moniker directly from Lovecraft. Unoriginal hacks.

Your trash

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The cgi from the first Harry Potter movie aged like shit compared to the cgi used in LotR

Dobby had a better written, more consistent arc than muh precious cough cough idiot

Gollum is fucking kino
what don't you frickin' understand