Is it kino?
Great British Bake Off
Who’s the azn qt?
Kim Joy
quintessentially Bri'ish
Very cute
He means Ruby you tranny loving degenerate
No I meant the cute Asian, not the brown.
Its a show for normie faggots here
fucking yikes, m8
Being a normie in Britain is comfy, our people have soul
Normies have no soul.
Too bad you're being overrun by Indians and Muslims
the one on the left looks like everything has been melted in different directions
Chocolate milkies
I agree. She looks weird as hell but manages to be cute somehow anyways.
Not to be pedantic but those are caramel milkers
Spoken like a true Yank. There were only 4 non Anglos in my secondary school form of 40 people.
she’s adorable
not him but have you ever been to London or Birmingham?
Yeah, there are many immigrants there but most they came in the 60s. And Pakis and Indians can integrate, like those lads on Gogglebox. The UK doesn't have a refugee crisis and the European refugee crisis ended a while ago since ISIS died and Assad won. Seriously Yanks just love to shit on us for no good reason.
How many years ago Nigel?
I'm pretty racist but I'd stop it at once if I could get a qt like on the right
she looks Italian
Bobby Lee looks like that now?!
IE non white
Italians are the inheritors of the Roman empire you tard
Mama mia! Italians galore!
Wouldn't mind colonising them
Tour of Rome
I like how each season gets more brown. A reminder of the browning of the UK itself.
It's because the show moved to Channel 4, a station twice as cucked as the BBC
>hearts in her pupils
She loves me lads.