ITT: Annoying cunts shoehorned in to appease feminists

ITT: Annoying cunts shoehorned in to appease feminists

Attached: f42ece5b4f54c0dcc01718bdea1ec0b9.jpg (360x480, 22K)

is she a dyke?

Implied dyke

GOD I want to slide my organic semen pumping red ass throbbing penis right up her cooter if you know what I mean

>has a bf

Since when did goth hacker girls became feminists fantasy after male fantasy?

Since they turned them into Mary Sue's who emasculate all men on screen

She was fine in the first movie, and that movie wasn't pandering to feminists. Haven't seen the new one yet, how bad is it?

She embraces her girly side which is the opposite of what this thread is bitching about.

>She was fine in the first movie, and that movie wasn't pandering to feminists. Haven't seen the new one yet, how bad is it?

It's a takedown of "toxic masculinity". The whole message of the film is that boys/men are irrationally abusive to girls/women and that they need to check their privilege and get out of the way.

The metatextual element of the story is that the little sister has invaded the older brother's space and begun taking what was his; his toys (legos) and the attention/affection of his parents. This gets played out in the lego fantasy world as an invasion by Queen Whatevra, who begins kidnapping all the characters from the first movie and wants to marry Batman. All the while, she's insisting that she isn't evil and isn't the villain and even has a musical number about it. The cast don't believe her and keep fighting against her.

The twist at the end is that Queen Whatevra wasn't real, but that the older brother was being abusive to the little sister (the "toxic masculinity" angle) and trying to keep her out of his space. The brother apologizes to the sister, the characters apologize to Queen Whatevra, and the lesson is that boys and girls can live together in harmony and "share their toys" once boys put aside their chauvinistic attitudes and let girls into their spaces.

It was really on-the-nose with all this stuff, too, especially in Wildstyle's dialogue about "men steal things from women all the time" and so on. The writers this time around wanted to make sure there was no ambiguity in the message they were trying to get across, so they spell it out to the audience throughout the movie.

>It was really on-the-nose with all this stuff, too, especially in Wildstyle's dialogue about "men steal things from women all the time" and so on.
Fucking hell. Why would you do that, Hollywood?!
>No. Don't answer that.

fuck off tranny.

>Hollywood isn't trying to socially engineer your son into being a beta male, you're just paranoid!
>Anyway, be sure to take your son to this children's movie with the message that boys are fundamentally corrupt, masculinity is toxic, and the solution is for boys to give their property and places to girls without question or resistance

Ahhh, kids movies. Harmless fun!

Yikes, that sounds cringy. Thanks, I was actually thinking about seeing it this weekend.

>The twist at the end is that Queen Whatevra wasn't real*ly evil*,

Oops. Fixed.


There's also the subtext in Wildstyle's arc in the movie. You find out that she used to be a in a girly pop band (and was the singer of "Everything is Awesome") but she had to dye her hair black and become all tough to fit into the masculine boy's world she had no control over. At the end, when toxic masculinity is removed from the world after the brother and sister make up, Wildstyle is free to be girly again because there is no more toxic masculinity holding her back.

So many complex layers to this film.

The worst part is they didn't even need to gender it. The first movie was about an adult keeping his kid out. This could have just been a gender-neutral message about older siblings needing to get along with younger siblings, not about the patriarchy oppressing women .

The lego movies are all shit because they mocked bionicle in the first one. I hate them all so much. Lego should work towards retconning 2009/10 and having based Villeneuve direct a movie.

This sound ridiculously heavy-handed and terrible.

The first LEGO Movie at least had the decency to wait until the meta twist at the end to spell out the lesson to the audience.

To understand this tripfag, you had to watch a 4 hour movie where nothing happens (I liked it), as well as some weeb cartoon.

Attached: 1550552622369.jpg (480x322, 13K)

Oh yeah can't wait to take my son to see this, Captain Marvel, and Toy Story 4. He needs to learn to hate himself for having a penis sooner or later.