So I was watching TV last night

when this ad played. I really don't know who they're trying to attract here:

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Is she a hapa? Yum

>I was watching TV last night
That was your first mistake.


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What is that haircut supposed to mean? She doesn't have time for long hairs? Wouldn't it look like fucking a man if you're behind her?

she wants to speak to the manager

She wants BBC

These short haired "speak to the manager" type usually have mixed raced kids! She seems to be childless

What's the deal with hapas?

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Disgusting mutts.

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Nothing wrong with them

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They need to be bleached

That's a spic not a hapa

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>incel assblasted that these bitches rather travel alone than a seething faggot like you.
Seriously kid, no one can tell what your post is about. you're just generally angry at traveling women? grow up you immature cocksucker.

Next time they should stop blaming boomers when their student debt is unpayed and they can't afford a house or a car and their credit cards are maxed out

Name one thing wrong what this man is saying

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>going to the most degenerate place there is, to tell people you're not interested in degeneracy
the point?

hapa floozies are based

He's not wrong but a 44 yo man shouldn't be on tinder

he's not wrong but he comes across as hostile which makes him lack curb appeal

Negativity as a whole is unwelcome in a bio. It tells us that this man is bitter and unpleasant. Just swipe left on single mothers and people you don't like

sounds like a psycho to any reasonable woman. never gonna make it on tinder anyway you loser.


This. He is in the middle of his redpill rage, and joined tinder just to state: "See? See the good man I am? Well you can't have me!".
It's the same as these chicks saying "NO TRUMP SUPPORTERS!!"

based, maybe some of the foreign ones will fly to my area

But you guys literally arranged all that so you could afford to pop viagra into your 70's.

>turning down whores and cheaters
Never gonna make it

>Why do people go to places they disagree with just to sperg out

Pure mystery. If someone insults Jews or blacks or women itt, then I'll ask one of the cucks who replies about it. Maybe they can answer your question.

Why do women do this?

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>tfw women don't know shit about ron paul
feels good man

Because no one wants them

Like a neglected kid, they do dumb things to get attention.

Rejecting a group of people makes helps her believe that these people were into her in the first place.

Too redpilled for tinder