Pic related is simply a linguistic smoke and mirrors technique employed by Ricky Gervais.
You see, dog, hund, hundur, kutya etc. all refer to the same prototype real life creature. The connotations and forms of these words are simply different because of cultural differences, yet they still refer to the same thing. (Granted the mental image of the dog maybe differ. Some might think of a golden retriever, some may think of a pitbull. Both are still dogs however.)
Now simply put plenty of cultures would agree that (a) God is the "creator, the one above all, the ultimate power". Now to sit here and suggest that none of the 2700 religions Gervais is talking about here share a strikingly similar prototype idea of a "God" is intellectually dishonest.
I believe Gervais simply wishes to signal how much he enjoys being an atheist instead of a believer in a some sort of a God figure.
What are some other pieces of entertainment that disguise their lack of intellectual integrity with grandiose verbal poppycock?
"True' Atheism is an illogical position. It's fine if you say you are an Agnostic-Atheist, or an Agnostic. That makes sense. But to say that you are 100% certain that there is no God is ridiculously stupid and arrogant.
Denying the possibility of a higher truth, plane, or manner of existence is silly. It makes perfect sense to admit that you do not know if there is one, and it even makes sense to say that you don't feel like it's probable. But to say that there is certainly no God is something only a rebellious teenager would do.
Mason Cox
Only teenagers and fags still think "I don't believe in God" is an edgy statement they need to frequently share with others for attention/approval. Yeah bro, we get it, good for you, now quit bringing it up at the drop of a hat if you don't want the religionfags doing the same.
I’ve noticed over the years that atheists are genuinely bad people.
Hudson Sanders
I'm not religious, but you're a 110 IQ brainlet if you don't think it's what's holding the society together.
Xavier Scott
Not always inherently bad, but usually bitter and more than a little petty.
Kevin Reyes
I agree but what made you think starting a political/theological discussion on /tv was a good idea?
Luis Sanchez
WHAT what are you trying to say? be honest are you autistic
literally what happened >I don't believe in god >how many god are there >oh that's a lot >well christians don't believe in 99% of these gods >let's write a funny joke about it
that's all op the world isn't some giant conspiracy
Austin Thompson
ITT: seething fedorafags Good point OP. I watched a documentary with Dawkins where he spergs out on kids for believing in God, when he himself puts an awful lot of faith in the theory of evolution simply because "Dah bones look the same!!" In general you're putting faith in these creepy incels in laboratories that fudge results to prove their own concepts, and get furiously angry if you call them out. Then when they're inevitably proven wrong they pretend they were always willing to open up a dialogue, even though they mock anyone that has a slightly different take. Dawkins is also a fucking loser that calls out every religion besides Judaism, claiming they are advanced and forward thinking, when they mutilate their children's genitals to follow an ancient ritual.
Michael King
>people who don't believe in god discuss why they don't do all philosophical discussions anger you this much?
Andrew Smith
Sebastian Evans
They have no morals. They think everything is relative. They're the kinds of people who would be shunned in the olden days. God I hate them.
Ian Jenkins
Someone who believes 100% there is no god is an Gnostic-Atheist. Atheism just means a lack of belief in a god. Theism deals with what you think and gnosticism deals with what you know. I dont know anybody who would say they know there is no god
Cooper Morales
Do you not see the irony of what you just said?
Easton Moore
Why do Atheists complain about religion, yet discuss their faith so much and even form churches based on hating God?
Logan Rodriguez
No irony that I can see. You obviously misread my post.
Ryan Allen
2006-2008 Yea Forums had a fuckton of Christian LARPing and almost all of it wasn't provoked
Michael Moore
i have noticed over the years that theists are genuinely bad people. I wonder which of our viewpoints is the correct one.
Juan Rodriguez
You say they have no morals, meaning you think you get morals from your god. Then, these great morals you have teach you to hate another human being for disagreeing with you. How is that morally right?
Charles Reyes
People guided by divine morality vs people who think morality is relative and derived from apes... I wonder who is the better person.
Julian Wood
Everyone's bad people, theists just try not to be by leaning on their faith like a crutch. Some crutches help people walk.
Mason Barnes
>discuss their faith
4/10, got me to reply
Elijah Bell
>theists only do good for the promise of eternal bliss >how can atheists have moral if they don't believe in eternal damnation???? hmmmmmmmmmm, really make you think
Why do you think it is wrong to hate evil? Are you retarded?
Landon Martinez
Atheists can't even define what good is. Good people follow God's rules, just like a good student follows the teacher's rules. God knows better than we ever could and we must trust that his word is correct. That is faith.
He has revealed himself through the prophets and became man through the Messiah. Don't be so naïve. Someone who rejects God is evil.
Kayden Hall
>treating people well is Christian morality only why do christians believe that everything comes from their religion?
Jeremiah Phillips
you're falling for the same shit you don't even know what god means to different cultures that have been lost in time you just assume it means your biblical interpretation of god
Lucas Hill
>man who was invited to speak about how religion is evil kicked out because he does not like Islam
Adam Howard
There are thousands of years of philosophers trying to define what is good or moral. It is not a simple "x is good because y", there is endless debate with many different definitions, e.g. a Utilitarian or a Kantian approach may have different ways to act in a given situation
Angel Reed
Define "treating people well" and define why it is morally correct to do so.
Carter Hernandez
>people who can't comprehend how things can come to be make up a source for their unending questions >this means for sure god exist right? cause multiple people have done this right? PROOF YOU DID IT DO YOU GOT THE ATHIESHITS
Dominic Wright
Where does love come from?
Hard-mode: Can't use Rick and Morty memes as an answer.
Justin Cooper
It's all for naught. They only do it in a vain attempt to hide from God's light. God is good. It really is that simple.
Wyatt Gutierrez
>treating people well This is the simplicity of atheist moral "though". It can also be observed in forms such as >dude just don't be an asshole >it's called being a decent human being, okay? >like, just be a good person
Aaron Hill
Evil is subjective and you've been spoonfed evil being told it's good and lack the autonomy and critical thought to escape, out of fear of pain for yourself in hell.
Jaxon Harris
I am not sure, but I don't make it a habit to attribute anything I don't understand to some omnipotent entity.
Adrian Collins
I'm not talking about God's potential for existence. I'm talking about the fact that multiple religions are infact, when talking of God, talking about the same abstract concept as other religions.
>cultures that have been lost in time And you know this ancient wisdom of the Kangz .... how exactly?
Wow, it's almost like humans aren't capable of reasoning the answer out for themselves, but it is something that derives from God.
John Walker
No, fedora faggot, evil is not subjective.
Blake Cruz
Don't worry bro, it's all subjective, so it's fine.
Chase Thompson
Okay, so theoretically if a person doesnt believe in a god, then they devote their life to helping others (donating to charity, feeding homeles, etc) and never harm another person, then by your definition they cant be a good person? Therefore, your actions dont matter, just your beliefs. How does that possibly make any sense? I recommend reading some philosophy books, maybe Nichomachean Ethics, Voltaire, Plato, etc. They should show you your flaws in logic and give a different perspective
Justin Ross
>Now simply put plenty of cultures would agree that (a) God is the "creator, the one above all, the ultimate power". >Now to sit here and suggest that none of the 2700 religions Gervais is talking about here share a strikingly similar prototype idea of a "God" is intellectually dishonest. If it's the same God why do they kill each other?
Jaxson Hernandez
God is the teacher and we are the students. Even if we cannot understand WHY something is good we have faith that God is showing us what IS good through divine revelation.
Ryan Hill
>how did the universe come about? >how did human appear? >LMAO i have no idea, but why bothers trying to figure them out, just say God did it lazy assholes
Joshua King
Yes, they are not a good person because they are living in rebellion against their creator. God is more important than man.
Leo Walker
Christians, Jews and Muslims literally unironically 100% agree they all worship the exact same God and that doesn't stop them from killing each other.
And that's not to even speak of divides like Protestant/Catholic or Sunni/Shia where people in religions that are completely indistinguishable from each other to an outsider nevertheless find reason to kill each other
Jeremiah Turner
>Libertarian Yes. >Atnostic Not really. There are a lot of religious people here. I don't know if /pol/ still has religious discussion threads, but before the election r*ddit surge they had some pretty great philosophy threads about the Bible in particular, with Spaniard anons being really well thought-out posters. I'm pantheist I guess -- it makes sense that the universe is kind of a god in its own right.
Matthew Gray
>Okay, so theoretically if a person doesnt believe in a god, then they devote their life to helping others (donating to charity, feeding homeles, etc) and never harm another person, then by your definition they cant be a good person? Correct. If they don't believe in God then they have no basis to claim those are good actions. Without God they are no more morally correct than wiping your arse or driving a car.
Austin Williams
>all godcucks can do when I say I take a SHIT on their fucking retarded beliefs is seethe and pray that I go to hell >they literally can't do anything or they'd risk going to hell themselves LMAO that's funny shit
Adam Lee
how can they count the gods if they don't exist? why don't they instead point out that both christians and atheists do not believe in an infinite number of gods? fucking brainlets
Juan Sanchez
>Jews >Worshiping anything other than money
Juan Butler
>Christians, Jews and Muslims literally unironically 100% agree they all worship the exact same God No we do not. The Christian God is Jesus Christ. Muslims and Jews both deny that.
Caleb Martin
honest question here guys, are you guys actually Christians or just LARPing? I imagine 4channelers would be the opposite of what christians should be.
Justin Perry
We could have you killed so long as you were tried. Blasphemy is a crime.
Bentley Bell
Yet worship Jesus's father (who is also Jesus)
Brody Perry
You are making all these claims and have absolutely nothing backing them up. Google how to construct an argument, it's basic high school logic. Why should I accept that? Just because you say it's true?
Eli Thompson
>There are a lot of religious people here. That's a counter-culture of newfags that sprung up midway through the Obama administration. Prior to that Yea Forums was exclusively made up of unapologetic fedora tippers.
I'm not Christian. I do appreciate everything Christianity has given modern society tho.
You don't have to be Christian to be open to the possibility that God exists.
Jeremiah Barnes
I'd say it's not even "Christian," it's just "how many of you AREN'T nihilistic materialists?"
Because the underlying argument of "there is nothing special or significant in the universe, humans are simply worthless animals, life is a weird random mistake of chance and at some point your consciousness, all consciousness, and eventually all stars and galaxies themselves will blink out of existence and it will be like they might as well have never existed in the first place" is a viewpoint that might even disgust some people who regularly jerk off to anime trannies.
Xavier Gutierrez
This is Atheist morality, everyone. No wonder God is punishing us now. Because God revealed this information to his prophets.
Jayden Reyes
Not a ChristMan myself, but I could see why a good Christian would come here. >To be Christian is to make your best to be Christ-like, and making the people here better is a solid mission. >Christ said it's not what goes into the mouth that defiles the body but what comes out, and getting anons to be better thinkers and conversationalists is getting them to be Christ-like. Just off the top of my small brain when it comes to this sort of thing.
Nicholas Barnes
>Because God revealed this information to his prophets. That's what it says on some book right?
Leo Torres
So youre saying if a person doesnt believe in a god, they have no basis for morality. But, if that were true, why dont atheists go around killing people and say "I didnt know it was wrong"? It's because most people (besides sociopaths) have empathy for other humans, and when they perform an action that harms another, they feel empathetic. God plays no part in this. If you disagree, you are stating that you as a person would just be murdering and stealing if religion didnt exist, and the only thing holding you back is your god.
Joseph Parker
The God Delusion is just a book, but you still worship it.
Cameron Kelly
>he doesn’t understand the holy trinity
Jordan Hernandez
>You don't have to be Christian to be open to the possibility that God exists. And this would matter how? Literally "I'm rooting for the team that wins!" logic. Grow up, child.
>But, if that were true, why dont atheists go around killing people and say "I didnt know it was wrong"? They live in a Christian society. They have been taught Christian morality since birth. >If you disagree, you are stating that you as a person would just be murdering and stealing if religion didnt exist, and the only thing holding you back is your god. We would be just like the beasts without God. That is what the Atheists want.
Christian Perez
Idk why I thought it would be a good idea to have a discussion about religion on Yea Forums. Christ lovers just spew "god is real, im right" with no actual reasoning behind anything. How do you expect people to agree with you without constructing a rational argument? Im dumb for even opening this thread, im leaving
Oliver Kelly
So God's punishing humanity because some people don't believe in him. The ones who believe in him get punished too. Sounds like a great deal, where do I sign up?
Oliver Nguyen
>Believe in the unsubstantiated fantasies of ancient dirt-worshipers >Telling other people to grow up
Asher Powell
We will be saved, so it is alright. You will burn for eternity. Enjoy that.
Evan Parker
Heh, wanna know something about the bible that they conveniently left out? I was there when jesus was born, it was fucking cringe dude, I saw that whore Mary with that lusty look in her eyes, she fucking demanded to suck my cock while giving birth as Joseph watched, and so I did. I fucked her mouth while baby jesus was coming through her birth canal, I ejaculated right as he came out. Mary's mouth was overflowing with cum, a drop fell from her mouth and little baby jesus ended up getting CHRISTENED WITH MY CUM. Later I told Joseph I saw mary with that Pantera guy a while back and his heart sank, Mary didn't really give a fuck but joseph insisted on some immaculate conception story to save himnself from the shame of getting cucked.
Ah, so all non-christian societies have no morals. Got it. Thanks.
Cooper Powell
Has there ever been a funny Atheist?
Robert Parker
LOL. So to the subhumans who blindly follow some old piece of shit book, you are all vegans right? Don't tell me you hypocritical retards enjoy watching animals suffer just so you can get fat
Christian Robinson
Yes. Have you ever been to those places? Human sacrifices, baby killing, sodomy. They are horrible.
Levi Green
Ricky gervais
Jackson Nguyen
Are you retarded? I just told the other guy that believing in God "just because it MIGHT be true" is retarded. I want nothing to do with your invisible daddy and your child molesting priests.
Connor Parker
Humans are a social species. We literally evolved mechanisms for cooperation such as empathy, guilt, and our brains rewarding us with dopamine for helping others. You should want to do "good" and avoid "evil" naturally. I'm sorry to be the one to tell you this but if literally the only thing stopping you from being an asshole is the threat of divine retribution you are fundamentally defective as a human being and probably suffer from a severe personality disorder.
Jacob Stewart
Animal husbandry and consumption does not necessitate suffering.
Ryder Wright
Gotta love those christian morals in the bible of killing gays, murder, genocide, not wearing mixed fabrics, and bears eating children. Nice bible
Ian Thompson
It bothers me when I am having a conversation with somebody, both of us are using logic and facts, and they hit me with a fat WELL THATS MY BELIEF. Well that's fine and fucking dandy that you FEEL something. You know who else won't stop telling me about her goddamned FEELINGS? MY WIFE, yet I doubt hearing how you FEEL over objective facts is going to get me I your crotch.
That's why I hate speaking to 80% of religious folk. It boils down to feelings.
Blake Jones
I'm not an atheist I just don't buy any of your abrahamic horseshit so please excuse me while I take a big steaming shit on it all.
Honestly, I didn't read any other posts in the chain I just took a stab in the dark to try and incite an argument. Carry on.
Caleb Taylor
Matthew Bailey
You're not in a position to make that claim though. I'm sure if I told Christians God was a rapist Chad like Zeus they would say no he isn't. You can't just overgeneralize and say well he's really powerful so he's basically the same thing. This is a garbage argument, quit watching Jordan Peterson videos, that guy isn't known for his thinking.
Dylan Gutierrez
Literally pseudoscience. What is wrong with killing gays? No one cares, Fedora. Go be a gentleman elsewhere.
Thomas Foster
I’ve noticed over the years that people are genuinely bad, particularly the longer they spend and louder they are peddling and proselytizing their own creed or attacking others
Hunter Gonzalez
Damn it, ive been arguing with a troll this entire time. Theres no way a person could actually think that way, lol. You got me
Leo Reyes
Go back to programming for the dead Terry.
Jackson Sanchez
Good argument. Ever hear of pre-Christian America?
Ryder Cruz
"I know, I KNOW STEVE!!! I read the same article of that pitbull who ate a baby.. GRRR BUT MY PIBBLE IS A GOD BOY!!!!!!!!!!! SO SHUT UP."
People can have different opinions/viewpoints about somebody/thing.
>There are a lot of religious people here. No there is not. They are counterculture contrarians who don't give a shit about any religion and active break tenents of whatever they "believe" in so theu can shitpost. At best you could consider them deists, which is irreligious.
Jose Rogers
Why do Atheists get BTFO all the time now? They used to have the upper hand.
Eli Martin
>Literally pseudoscience. No. I can assure you it's all well established stuff. We can observe the same behavior in other social species that don't have religions such as other primates, elephants and canines.
Adrian Evans
Wait what? You think fucking dopamine is a psuedoscience? Explain your rationale.
Christopher Walker
FPBP More like LARPing “religious” hypocrites
Matthew Wood
>Animal husbandry and consumption does not necessitate suffering Yeah it does.
Camden Ramirez
>They used to have the upper hand. They still do. Most theists on the internet are LARPing atheists who grew out of being obnoxious about it and want to troll the ones who still are.
Oliver Wood
No. Not at all. You have never even seen an animal in person. Go back to your Atheist congregation. Yep, those apes who massacre each other and eat babies are as moral as the average Atheist.
Julian Lee
What? You sound like a retard, some qualities you predicate over a subject are necessary and can't just be ignored. To some guy maybe you'd only need the qualities of being all-powerful, all-knowing and all-good to be qualified as God. But then again all of these concepts are massively vague, is Zeus not all-good because he raped people? To the Christian maybe, maybe ancient Greek sodomites had a different point of view. Ignoring even this most essential ambiguity, a lot of shit doesn't overlap with all of the conceptions of Gods. Are you a Muslim because you believe a man was sent to reveal God's message to the people? No you're not unless you think that man was Mohammed and not Jesus or Moses or whatever.
Retarded faggot, stop over-generalizing, use your brain for once. Muslims would literally murder you for saying God was human for a few years, it's not the fucking same concept, differences matter. It's not a different view on the same thing if that thing has definite definitions which can't be changed.
Jordan Thomas
The aspect of kindness people refer to with animal husbandry and the slaughter is legit just for the mental benefit of the human that has to live with the experience. The ground doesn't differ whether an animal is ripped apart or gently killed for meat.
Leo Peterson
tell me where in the bible it says to not kill animals to eat, bible expert
>not worshipping some book is evil >raping little kids and covering it up is good though
Justin Morris
>Yep, those apes who massacre each other and eat babies are as moral as the average Atheist. There's not shortage of human beings massacring each other, many of them religious.
Why can't you just have a reasoned discussion instead of dismissing everything that is said with logical fallacies? It's almost as if, deep down, you know you won't win a legitimate debate so your next best tactic is to avoid one altogether by being petulant and reductive until people give up even trying to talk to you.
Mason Bailey
I always wonder where God is supposed to come from then.
Kevin Anderson
God is exempt from that rule, by virtue of being God. It's called special pleading and it's stupid.
Grayson Hall
Wow, I hope they finished each other off in that intellectual circle jerk.
Jayden Nguyen
Whenever something happens that we can't explain, just say the lord did it
Jace Campbell
>Reminder that there is no justifiable reason for being religious in 2019 >Every intelligent 'religious' person knows they're lying to themselves to deal better with the world's unfairness
>god is punishing us by not openly mending every ridiculous thing that humans do on a daily basis and because of that he’s evil
There is no hell but you should go there
Carter Evans
>I don't make it a habit to attribute anything I don't understand to some omnipotent entity. Maybe you should consider trying it for a change.
Jayden Scott
This. It's why they get so vitriolic and try to meme atheists into silence with fedora bullshit. Deep down they know they're clinging to fantasy and they're just mad that somebody is drawing attention to their coping mechanism.
Basically yes. If he made us then he made us ridiculous and evil, which makes him even more evil for punishing because of how he made us.
Andrew Rodriguez
False analogy. One side should make the claim pitbulls are canines and the other should make the claim dogs are felines. Anti-intellectual subhuman, you obviously have an argument there that you can relate Abrahamic conceptions of God to each other. This is obvious and given. But the multiplicity of conceptions doesn't allow this kind of over-generalization. Again, people care so much about certain traits that they aren't arbitrary opinions, they are INHERENT traits which can't be replaced without changing the concept entirely. People are also willing to call something God that is neither all-powerful, all-knowing nor all-loving. As I said, even these fundamental predicates aren't necessary conditions holistically. Low-IQ retard.
Didn't mean it like that. Fedora posters aren't intelligent. I'm talking people who keep their faith to themselves as a source of peace and don't get into arguments because they know their position doesn't hold.
David Perry
So there are these three books, and they all claim that their words are the one true words and you follow the words of any other book you will smoulder in hell forever. So how do you know which book is right?
Oh no, the fedora meme was definitely a clever psyop, user.
You've gotta remember these religious types want echo chambers on the internet where they can circle jerk together. They needed something immediately dismissive and recognizable that involved no actual argument whatsoever and they found it. You've got to give credit where credit is due, these people are smart when they are looking for ways to maintain their delusions.
Josiah Cooper
>There's not shortage of human beings massacring each other, many of them religious. There is however a shortage of ape, dog, and elephant societies putting each other on trial for massacre. You're a fucking idiot.
Luis Jackson
t. seething fedora tipper
Lincoln Butler
A human survival mechanism isn't "lying to themselves". Humans wear clothes to deal better with the world's inhospitable climate, does that make clothing dishonest?
This is why I lost all respect for atheists and ceased to be one. They claim to be logical and scientific but never apply science consistently or pursue logic to it's full conclusions.
Charles Sanders
And you are?
Cameron Barnes
If you could showcase how science and logic result in God you would become the most popular philosopher of our time.
Gavin Butler
>it makes sense that the universe is kind of a god in its own right. woah dude, never looked at it this way! fuck off
Multiple philosophers have come extremely close, but you’ve never heard of them because you don’t read or write haha
Christian Cruz
>Multiple philosophers Such as?
Kayden Myers
Sure. Polluting the world's environment and a diet of factory farmed animals is GREAT and it's what GOD wants because the world was made in MAN'S image so therefore we are doing GOD'S work.
Also SLAVERY is ok according to the bible. *Rolls eyes* Everyone is going to hate you stupid Christian assholes when the world is in shambles due to your hubris.
Camden Garcia
dude god doesn't exist lmao we just came to be out of random chance from a random explosion that just happened lmoaoao the way the solar system lines up with the cosmic microwave background is just coincidence dude we're just another shitty planet within trillions of trillions YOU'RE NOT SPECIAL YOU'RE NOT SPECIAL YOU'RE NOT SPECIAL YOU'RE NOT SPECIAL YOU'RE NOT SPECIAL
Wyatt Green
It's not complicated at all user. Which religion fits you best? Go with that one. >b-but what if it's wrong Protip: If you genuinely think the hypothetical human torture snuff cult might be the right choice you wouldn't make it anyway in the society that thinks it's the wrong choice.
Austin Carter
You need to learn what a coincidence is.
Dylan Harris
Philosophers have been trying to do that for over two thousand years and they've been massively unsuccessful. This is why modern philosophers have given up and are dealing with other issues as to prove the existence of God or justify belief in God. I don't think you understand just how difficult it is to solidify things in philosophy, much less to justify fucking God. That's would be the philosophy equivalent of dealing with Gödel's incompleteness theorem. It would usher in a new paradigm of philosophy, brainlet.
Michael Gray
The world is quickly becoming hell because of you.
>the way the solar system lines up with the cosmic microwave background
Daniel Brown
It's really fucking easy to justify God. Just accept that you're an animal like all the other animals and follow your instincts.
Joshua Ward
Well how would that work? Again, if you could do that coherently you would be a respected philosopher. This shit isn't easy, philosophers are breaking their necks trying to show how the sign "apple" designates a real object in the world.
Adam Ortiz
>replace "universe" with "God" >christfags faces when
What happens if a Christian believes that the other 2699 gods exist but they are just demons?
Ian Reed
Try and use your brain for five seconds and figure out what I actually meant by that statement user.
Dylan Moore
But most of these religions literally state that if you believe in a different one you’re going to a version of hell. The point is still perfectly valid. If I’m Christian, Allah will send me to hell. If I’m Muslim, the Christian god will send me to hell. They’re essentially the same thing, but each one states that EVERYTHING ELSE IS FALSE.
Xavier Harris
>side effects of industrialization >christianity's fault ok, kid
Aiden Cruz
This is an argument for religion. This doesn't really deal with the actual existence of a deity
Andrew Campbell
This image is bullshit since 99% of let's say christians don't define God as an abstract first mover.
Jaxon Reed
if everything needs something to come from doesn't this create a endless line? where did the first something come from?
Nolan Sanders
That doesn't even make sense to me. What's the point of being religious if you don't believe your religion is true. At that point you're just clinging to a literal falsehood for no good reason.