Dubs, let's go

Dubs, let's go

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Watch this Faggots

I mean, what is "drunk"?

I'm getting fackin dubs Ricky, you'll see

If i get dubs i'm gonna get my grade 10

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Fuck off, i got dubs to roll

big enough dubs there, Rick?



You can’t post on Yea Forums and not get doubles. Julian gets doubles all the time. Sara got doubles. Fuckin Randy and Lahey got doubles. Even my daughter gets doubles sometimes. So where the fuck are my doubles? That’s bullshit.

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Czech em

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You can't get these dubs


Why you got VHS copies of trailer park boys lying around?

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Boys I'm fuckin' worried about the new season being fully animated

>all these post with no dubs

check these boys

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Way of the road bubs

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Look here this little chamzee got some dubs.
Remember guys if you love dubs you post in threads and if you get them it means they belong to you.

If it sucks they'll probably go back to the old show