ITT: Movies with shit endings
ITT: Movies with shit endings
What didn't you like about it.
The ending was the point.
No country for old man.
Old man retires because the country is too much.
Jesus it is not hard.
blah blah mah grandpappy blah blah roll credits
What the fuck was his problem? Was he actually a metaphoric representation of death/evil, or did he just have a REALLY weird childhood?
>"Dad, I finally realized that this is a no country for old men"
I just thought that line was a little much.
He may be referring to Chigurgh getting in a car accident. I think it served a point, but it coming right at the end seemed odd.
he was a symbol of apathetic cosmic chance
It was pretty on the nose when his uncle told him just before that:
>This Country is not made for Old Men like Us.
I felt it was excessive
I don't see the point.
They should have killed him off or made him leave unscathed.
What does it add to the story to know
>maybe chigurrh died from complications of his open fracture
I just dont get the point of leaving a definitively ambiguous end for him.
Also Josh Brolin was a shithead.
He thinks of himself as the embodiment of death. Carson Wells said that he'd kill you for even inconveniencing him and in the book he thought by sheer will he could remove his handcuffs prior to the events of the first chapter. Only at the end, Chigurh sees he is as mortal and susceptible to death as any man.
Well in terms of emotional payoff a downer ending that is ambiguous will always feel "off" to people.
Chigger was comic relief. How can anybody take that retard seriously?
>”Dad, I finally realized that this galactic battle is a series of Star Wars.”
This movie is overrated and doesn't deserve any of the praise it gets
Walked out of the theater there and then
>When you can't read behaviour and are left conflicted about not seeing him kill the girl at the end.
someone who translated the original book in asia said that he is a personification of history itself.
two whole months ! imagine that haha
it's not a fucking implied death in the slightest.
It's a thing that happens to shake Chigurh's worldview. He thinks he is the big nigga and all this shit. But then he gets a bit JUSTed and he finds out that he's just as much at the mercy of fate/chaos like everyone else is. Killing him wouldn't have taught him this and having him leave unscathed would imply that he IS actually an agent of chaos and not a lunatic.